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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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So the supermarket with 100s of people is safe but dinner with 6 family members is unsafe. Got it.

It was a peaceful protest though. Not a dinner. So it's all good.
No one is this obtuse dude. Go get a test and try to live like a pandemic is going on.

Joe T.

Do you think the virus is defeated by silverware? That it doesn’t live on food?


C'mon, man!



C'mon, man!
Ah nice, listening to government advice. What do they say about celebrating thanksgiving? https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/holidays/thanksgiving.html

If you choose to attend a gathering, make your celebration safer. In addition to following the steps that everyone can take to make Thanksgiving safer, take these additional steps if attending a Thanksgiving gathering:

  • Bring your own food, drinks, plates, cups, and utensils.
  • Wear a mask and safely store your mask while eating and drinking.
  • Avoid going in and out of the areas where food is being prepared or handled, such as in the kitchen.
  • Use single-use options, like salad dressing and condiment packets, and disposable items like food containers, plates, and utensils.

Wonder why that is? Or are they just trying to control your life again for arbitrary reasons? 😂

Joe T.

Wonder why that is? Or are they just trying to control your life again for arbitrary reasons? 😂

Address the 30+ cycle PCR tests and I'll address your wonderment over government guideline inconsistencies. Deal? Good faith and all that.


Address the 30+ cycle PCR tests and I'll address your wonderment over government guideline inconsistencies. Deal? Good faith and all that.
I tend to avoid technical discussions on things I’m not technically knowledgeable in. Are you?
No one is this obtuse dude. Go get a test and try to live like a pandemic is going on.
How bout no? Yeah. No. What are you going to do about it? Nothing right? So no. I went to the gym today, like I do 4 days a week. My oldest goes to school 5 days a week. I had Thanksgiving with people from about 5 different households. Better watch out. I’m a dangerous guy.

Joe T.

I tend to avoid technical discussions on things I’m not technically knowledgeable in. Are you?

I've spent a good amount of time digging into the technical details and then comparing the daily testing data to the "case" reporting. We've had some hearty discussions about those tests here on this board, but we're mostly strangers hiding our personal information - no "skin in the game," so to speak. Enter the experts who are attaching their names/careers to their statements. When we don't have the knowledge necessary to make the proper decisions then we tend to rely on those more knowledgeable than us to supply us with information/advice we need.

Most of the world believes those experts are making the best possible decisions for us. They're wrong.

Fauci is one of those experts the public has relied on and he's one of many on record against using PCR tests at 35 cycles or higher. Except just as you tried to do here to Surahashi with the whole food/virus spreading matter, Fauci's been misleading people by pushing everyone to get tested and then misrepresenting those positive test results as infectious cases. Those case numbers get reported without proper context, all expected to isolate/quarantine, fear spreads because everyone's under the impression this is a very scary virus (thanks to nonstop propaganda) and government comes in with unprecedented measures to bring those numbers down pretending it's working.

Most of those case numbers are not infectious at all. Most of those rising hospitalizations and deaths are normal in fall/winter every single year, this year they're simply sold to you as covid. They'll start coming down in Jan/Feb as they do every year and they'll be flatlined by summer (northern hemisphere), our piss poor excuse for news outlets will claim that's because of the vaccine rollout and most will believe it.

It's not a virus that fucked up our world, it's our response to that perceived threat that did it. We've undergone a massive disruption to regular life by way of extreme measures (masks, distancing, business closures) and 24/7 fear being pumped into everyone's mind, of course that was going to going to cause problems. I'm extremely disappointed there are still so many people caught up in this exaggeration, but I'm also surprised we handled it as well as we did.

This is lying with statistics, depriving the world of the full picture and then spinning that half-truth to tell a very different story.

Turn the curiosity up a notch and go independently digging for information on those tests. A brief primer:

This fear campaign driving this pandemic falls apart when you understand it's all predicated on a lie, the tests are the domino that brings everything down.


I've spent a good amount of time digging into the technical details and then comparing the daily testing data to the "case" reporting.
You could have summed this entire post up by saying no, you don't have technical knowledge. It's okay to admit when you don't know something.

Better watch out. I’m a dangerous guy.
Dangerously stupid yeah, best of luck to you bro living on the edge.
You could have summed this entire post up by saying no, you don't have technical knowledge. It's okay to admit when you don't know something.

Dangerously stupid yeah, best of luck to you bro living on the edge.
Oh don’t worry about me. I am actually more concerned about you. I’m sure it’s been tough spending the last eight months only eating with the people you live with, homeschooling any children you might have, and not getting any exercise. But I’m sure your self righteousness will sustain you.


Gold Member

As L.A. Covid-19 hospitalizations hit an all time high and ICU beds were projected to run out in the coming weeks Garcetti said plainly, “It’s time to cancel everything.”

Garcetti admonished L.A. residents saying, “Don’t meet up with others outside your household. Don’t host gatherings. Don’t go to gatherings. Just stay home.”



Oh dear. You saw that Facebook post, didn’t you?

Here‘s the truth from the Full Fact website:


“The government consultation document also states that the law “does not provide complete immunity from civil liability.”

If the product is not found to meet safety standards or is defective, then there is a liability.”
Are you seriously trying to give evidence from a site called full facts...i wonder who puts the financies up for such a site to exist. A group of random truth arbitrators who sit above all including governments, fact checking for the good of humanity? or a site funded by groups with certain interests to protect, who may want certain information that challenges there narrative gaslight by saying it's been fact checked by THE fact checkers...who fact checks the fact checkers?

Meanwhile in the real world.



Are you seriously trying to give evidence from a site called full facts...i wonder who puts the financies up for such a site to exist. A group of random truth arbitrators who sit above all including governments, fact checking for the good of humanity? or a site funded by groups with certain interests to protect, who may want certain information that challenges there narrative gaslight by saying it's been fact checked by THE fact checkers...who fact checks the fact checkers?

Meanwhile in the real world.

Provide documented and verified evidence that Full Fact is anything other than the independent fact checking site, set up by people on the right of politics to counter false information, and granted charitable status... or shut the actual fuck up, and wallow in your conspiracy theory bullshit on your own time.

...and the fucking irony of people like you quoting the mainstream media as gospel when it suits you, surely can’t be lost on anyone.
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Provide documented and verified evidence that Full Fact is anything other than the independent fact checking site, set up by people on the right of politics to counter false information, and granted charitable status... or shut the actual fuck up, and wallow in your conspiracy theory bullshit on your own time.

...and the fucking irony of people like you quoting the mainstream media as gospel when it suits you, surely can’t be lost on anyone.
Lol triggered much?. I posed the question who funds a site like this?...if they are independent as you state who provides the ongoing costs of maintaining and paying the fact checkers, site and server costs...these things don't come cheap but in your world it seems entirely possible that a group of independent people would group together to fund and maintain such a thing for the greater good of the public.

As for the mainstream reporting that the vaccine companies will indeed be exempt from liability...well i guess that's them telling you that it's actually a thing and fullfacts.org telling you something different won't change that.

The covid vaccine has been lumped in with all the other vaccines in the uk in that should any complications arise then the government will offer a one off payment of £120000...and that's not a guaranteed payout either.

Have a good day
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The covid vaccine has been lumped in with all the other vaccines in the uk in that should any complications arise then the government will offer a one off payment of £120000

Have a good day


What get's me is they'll come out and say this and then will also get snarky with the "anti-vax" comments when people say "I'm not taking the vaccine".

Why the hell would they put this out there?

Imagine you are about to go on a flight and you've got a bit of anxiety.
Maybe it's your first time flying.
Maybe it's a brand new type of plane.
Your fear might be irrational but either way it's there so whatever.

Just as you show the person at the gate your boarding pass she says "just letting you know that if we crash your family will get a one off payment of 500k".

Why the FUCK would you do that?

"Everyone get vaccinated! Don't be afraid! It's all going to be fine. Oh, but if you get severely disabled we'll give you 120k."

Eh, so there's a chance of being severely disabled? How much of a chance? What are my odds with the virus again?


Lol triggered much?. I posed the question who funds a site like this?...if they are independent as you state who provides the ongoing costs of maintaining and paying the fact checkers, site and server costs...these things don't come cheap but in your world it seems entirely possible that a group of independent people would group together to fund and maintain such a thing for the greater good of the public.

As for the mainstream reporting that the vaccine companies will indeed be exempt from liability...well i guess that's them telling you that it's actually a thing and fullfacts.org telling you something different won't change that.

The covid vaccine has been lumped in with all the other vaccines in the uk in that should any complications arise then the government will offer a one off payment of £120000...and that's not a guaranteed payout either.

Have a good day

So, absolutely no evidence of anything you’re claiming then? What a huge surprise.
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Haven't been up to date on this thread but you guys see the thing about how the Red Cross has blood samples from over a year ago that have COVID antibodies?

I've been seeing a lot of stuff that pushes the idea that Covid didn't come from China, was around long before we heard about it. Etc etc.

I don't know how to feel about that. I don't know how anyone can really trust it.

The narrative is definitely being rewritten. The question is whether it is being rewritten with facts from trustworthy sources or if there is a bit of corruption going on and we're going to be fed some more lies. How could we even know?


I never see anti-narrative comments in my local paper's letters to the editor section. Everyone is all in and these letters are mostly virtue signalling. Like today there's a comment from a guy saying he has an idea for a sign non-mask wearers can wear that says "I don't wish to be a hypocrite so I'd like to waive any medical aid that might be given to me because I don't want to be a hypocrite."

Another woman writes in to ask "If they can kick you out for no shoes or no shirt, why can't' they refuse service for not wearing a mask?" I mean, as far as I can tell, they can. I've seen people turned away from the grocery stores for not having one, yeah you can claim medical reasons but no one wants the fight.

Anyway, my local paper is just worse and worse it's mostly reprints from the top liars with minimal local coverage.
So, absolutely no evidence of anything you’re saying then? What a huge surprise.
Lol...listen man..it's makes no difference to me whether you want to stick your head in the sand to the reality that this whole 'pandemic' has a different agenda other than eradicating viruses and saving lives. We are over 10 months in and many intelligent, articulate, well researched people with careers and lives on the line including doctors, scientists, professors have stepped up and presented information that either challenges or is in complete contradiction to the official narrative being presented to the public by governments and there media outlets.

In the interests of balance in a 'democracy' are these people...(many remember with the same credentials as the scientists towing the offical narrative)being heard on the same platforms?..No they are being ostracized, labeled crazy or having there careers and incomes threatend for not going along with the party line.

You enjoy your brainwashing man....to anyone with a hint of common sense, rationale and crictical thinking left in them...that know one simple truth...people tell lies....and people in power or with leverage definitely tell lies to maintain or expand there power or leverage....should know by now that this whole situation reeks of corruption and is being used to control people not a virus.


Gold Member
I never see anti-narrative comments in my local paper's letters to the editor section. Everyone is all in and these letters are mostly virtue signalling. Like today there's a comment from a guy saying he has an idea for a sign non-mask wearers can wear that says "I don't wish to be a hypocrite so I'd like to waive any medical aid that might be given to me because I don't want to be a hypocrite."

This line of thinking is a true road to tyranny, as it implies that anyone who doesn't comply with government order can be refused the use of services they pay into and support. I pay into the medical system, with my taxes and my offensively high health insurance premiums, I have as much a right to use the medical system no matter what behavior I engage in, same as anyone else. I mean, nobody says that obese people shouldn't be allowed to get medical care because getting covid while fat leads to more complications/hospitalizations (this is an objective fact, unlike mask usage) - so it's all political.
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Gold Member

Bill Clinton and George W Bush are both 74 years old - they should take the vaccine if they feel comfortable with it. They're in the age cohort where it is unironically dangerous, even if they're in relatively good health.

Obama is only 59, but he's a globalist shill so it makes sense for him to push it.
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Lol...listen man..it's makes no difference to me whether you want to stick your head in the sand to the reality that this whole 'pandemic' has a different agenda other than eradicating viruses and saving lives. We are over 10 months in and many intelligent, articulate, well researched people with careers and lives on the line including doctors, scientists, professors have stepped up and presented information that either challenges or is in complete contradiction to the official narrative being presented to the public by governments and there media outlets.

In the interests of balance in a 'democracy' are these people...(many remember with the same credentials as the scientists towing the offical narrative)being heard on the same platforms?..No they are being ostracized, labeled crazy or having there careers and incomes threatend for not going along with the party line.

You enjoy your brainwashing man....to anyone with a hint of common sense, rationale and crictical thinking left in them...that know one simple truth...people tell lies....and people in power or with leverage definitely tell lies to maintain or expand there power or leverage....should know by now that this whole situation reeks of corruption and is being used to control people not a virus.

Nice tin foil hat you’ve got there, champ. Do you keep it on when you and rest of the brain trust get together to discuss how flat you think the earth is? 😂

Love how you try to back up a point by posting an article from a media outlet... and then complain about media outlets being all part of the conspiracy!

And as for critical thinking and common sense. Both dictate that you must make an effort to interrogate an issue properly, rather than just looking on your favourite social media feeds, and slapping about in whatever alt-reality echo chambers you like to frequent.

If you did that, you’ll actually find proper evidence to back up your claims, rather than being made to look like a clown when someone asks you to give evidence of your accusations... and all you can do is go on an Alex Jones inspired rant about how the ‘man’ is out to control you.... like you matter to ‘him’ at all 😂
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Considering that governments have barely done anything to enforce mask mandates or stay at home orders, I highly doubt that "show your vaccine card" mandates are going to be a thing. At least in the US, I don't really know how things have gone in other countries.


Coronavirus: UK got vaccine first because it's 'a better country', says Gavin Williamson
The UK is getting a coronavirus vaccine first because it is a "much better country" than France, Belgium and the US, says the education secretary.

Some UK ministers claim Brexit speeded the process up - but Gavin Williamson said it was down to having superior medical experts.

On Wednesday the UK's medical regulator was the first to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for use.
The EU said it was "definitely not in the game of comparing regulators".

A source close to Mr Williamson said that his intention had been to "praise the scientific brilliance of the regulator, but he is known to be enthusiastically patriotic and that enthusiasm clearly shone through in what was a broadly light-hearted conversation with the studio host".

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