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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Joe T.

Cuomo had his press conference today and it was bizarre. By his own admission 3/4th of new cases are generated in households and social gathering. He literally said that since everything else is closed people are gathering in houses more. Compared to households, only about 1.5% of new cases are from restaurants. Yet his new move is to shut down indoor dining in NYC next week.

can anyone tell me how this makes sense if you’re driving people from 1.5% to 75%? How is this following data or science? Meanwhile probably 80% of restaurants are going to close permanently as a result of this decision since it’s too cold and nobody is eating outside anymore.

so little of this has made any logical sense and now 9 months on they continue to act in bizarre and idiotic ways.

Everyone is playing this stupid game with restaurants and there isn't any solid data to support it which should make everyone stop and think about what's really driving these decisions. Provinces of Ontario and Alberta revealed 0.8 and 0.2% of cases came from them.

The Quebec government have failed terribly at explaining their reasoning, were asked for evidence to support restaurant/bar closures months ago and have yet to provide any of it. When pressed the deputy premier let slip weeks ago that they already made all the info they had public, which is to say they had none. In a hearing with members of opposition parties this week they admitted it was a government decision not based on public health advice, cancelled Christmas gatherings included.

Gotta have your head buried in the sand not to see that something is very wrong here.


Looks like its your Genes. Next time don't buy Levi's ok.

And a nice little gem

A class of anti-inflammatory drugs already used for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis targets this biological mechanism, including a drug called Baricitinib.

“It makes it a very plausible candidate for a new treatment,” Prof Baillie said. “But of course, we need to do large-scale clinical trials in order to find out if that's true or not.”

Wonder what other drugs that treat RA are out there.



First tweet is pretty simple, hospitals are full of covid victims, so the rest that needed help died .. this was always the problem.

The hospitals were never at any point overloaded past the brink where if you showed up to a hospital with a gun shot wound you would not be able to receive care and bleed out. So what you suspect does not make sense. What makes sense are suicides, overdoses, stress related heart attacks, you name it. All a symptom of the lockdowns.

Joe T.


That Ktla article gives me an opportunity to hammer on an important point that the masses ignore and the true believers downplay: the news media hides valuable context from the public, in this case testing numbers aren't mentioned once and they're key to the story.

I saw another local source, Mercury News, ask what was wrong with California because their cases were spiking (so much for the "public safety" measures) and they at least brought up the testing spike (though they were quick to shift the blame elsewhere):

Case numbers don’t tell the whole story, though.

More people in California are getting tested for the virus than ever before. Over the past week, California has tested an average of nearly 250,000 people per day, a 25% increase from the previous week.

“Testing capacity has gone through the roof,” said Dr. George Rutherford, an infectious diseases expert at UC San Francisco.


There was what I thought was a laughable contradiction in that Mercury story I just couldn't pass up highlighting:

Colder weather also pushed more people indoors, where the virus spreads much more easily.
Rutherford echoed Reingold in his on-the-ground observations about pandemic fatigue: In recent weeks, more people have been crowding city sidewalks and enjoying al fresco meals.

If those prove to be vectors of transmission, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new stay-at-home order, which forces restaurants to close their patios in affected regions, could make an impact.



Count of Concision
With obesity emerging as one of the main risk factors for contracting a worse case of the virus, is there any literature which explains precisely why that is? Like, I get that obesity is correlated with a host of other negative consequences like risk of cardiovascular events, general inflammatory syndrome etc. But has anyone figured out which of these effects (if any) COVID is "latching on to" to express itself more lethally in obese people? Or is it just a confluence of all these factors since an obese person is already "compromised" in so many ways? I also wonder if fat cells/stores/fat metabolism itself plays any role in how the virus acts within the body.


It is though. The vast majority of people in this country have little to fear. Most of us are being asked to sacrifice to help others stay safe. And there is value in that. I’m not against the idea outright. But the media has decided the best way to get people to go along with things is essentially to obfuscate the risks this poses to healthy people under 50 in order to scare the shit out of as many people as possible.

You can argue about whether that strategy is appropriate or not, but I don’t think you can argue that it isn’t happening.
Well, the media is doing a shit job at building fear then, as Americans "fear" the virus so little that they can't help themselves catching the virus and dying in the hundrerds of thousands.

So tell me, is the media building fear, or merely trying to get the fact into stupid people's head that this virus is a serious threat to society? Because it is!
Well, the media is doing a shit job at building fear then, as Americans "fear" the virus so little that they can't help themselves catching the virus and dying in the hundrerds of thousands.

So tell me, is the media building fear, or merely trying to get the fact into stupid people's head that this virus is a serious threat to society? Because it is!
It is a lie that compliance is not a thing in the US. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone but a child without a mask in a public building, unless they were actively eating.

Blaming it on "stupid people" not following the rules is propaganda to get sheep like you to believe that the rules work to begin with, which has no evidence.
Well, the media is doing a shit job at building fear then, as Americans "fear" the virus so little that they can't help themselves catching the virus and dying in the hundrerds of thousands.

So tell me, is the media building fear, or merely trying to get the fact into stupid people's head that this virus is a serious threat to society? Because it is!
The media doing a shit job? You don’t say?

Of course the point you are trying to make assumes that the measures we are being asked to take are actually effective, doesn’t it?
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My wife is a nurse at one of the bigger hospitals in the state and is eligible to get the vaccine. She has done some research on the testing of the vaccine, the vaccine itself and has decided she is going to voluntarily get it. The hospital is not mandating the vaccine for employees either, at least in her unit.

Her and I are not aligned at all on COVID. What I mean by that is while she agrees with some of my opinions (masks are useless, we've done more damage through the cure than COVID itself), she thinks that the lockdowns worked and that because we are dealing with a novel virus emergency powers are appropriate. She thinks everyone should wear a mask even though the science is questionable because if it saves even one person it is worth it. But she also has spent zero time reading about the shit that fucks like Cuomo and Newsom are doing. She also thinks our governor is a moron.

Either way, I bring it up to say it will be interesting to see first hand how the vaccine works. I expect her to be fine. But I personally have concerns about the vaccine. I am by no means an anti-vaxxer, but have no desire to be first in line for this one.

Regarding emergency powers....I completely agree they need to be rescinded. I've been saying more months that states need to put more checks and balances on emergency powers. Our governor extended his state of emergency "indefinitely" back in August. That should be illegal. I'd like to see state legislatures put some measures in place that say after 60 days a governor cannot sign an order declaring a state of emergency without legislative approval.

Our state legislature is also trying to impeach our governor (it will probably fail), but they are also working on two bills - one that basically says you can't force people to quarantine without proof they have the illness you're imposing the quarantine for. And another that says the state can't shut down businesses as long as they follow safety protocol. It's nice to see some action being taken.


With obesity emerging as one of the main risk factors for contracting a worse case of the virus, is there any literature which explains precisely why that is? Like, I get that obesity is correlated with a host of other negative consequences like risk of cardiovascular events, general inflammatory syndrome etc. But has anyone figured out which of these effects (if any) COVID is "latching on to" to express itself more lethally in obese people? Or is it just a confluence of all these factors since an obese person is already "compromised" in so many ways? I also wonder if fat cells/stores/fat metabolism itself plays any role in how the virus acts within the body.

I don't think it's been identified specifically yet, but here's my regular dude theory:

1. Obesity is (partially) caused by eating foods that promote fat storage. Those foods also promote inflammation in the body.
2. Inflammation leads to compromised blood vessels.
3. C19 is a blood vessel infection.


Well, the media is doing a shit job at building fear then, as Americans "fear" the virus so little that they can't help themselves catching the virus and dying in the hundrerds of thousands.

So tell me, is the media building fear, or merely trying to get the fact into stupid people's head that this virus is a serious threat to society? Because it is!
Is it? According to the CDC, nearly 95% of all deaths related to the WuFlu are people over the age of 55.


Everyone is playing this stupid game with restaurants and there isn't any solid data to support it which should make everyone stop and think about what's really driving these decisions. Provinces of Ontario and Alberta revealed 0.8 and 0.2% of cases came from them.

The Quebec government have failed terribly at explaining their reasoning, were asked for evidence to support restaurant/bar closures months ago and have yet to provide any of it. When pressed the deputy premier let slip weeks ago that they already made all the info they had public, which is to say they had none. In a hearing with members of opposition parties this week they admitted it was a government decision not based on public health advice, cancelled Christmas gatherings included.

Gotta have your head buried in the sand not to see that something is very wrong here.

I think they want people sitting at home alone as much as possible. Either consuming media or just becoming more and more depressed. Because when you think about it, a huge chunk of America only "goes out" socially to restaurants and bars. So with those closed, people just stay home all the time. Or if they go out it's for non-social reasons like grocery stores, doctors' offices, pharmacies, etc.

Remember, the ideal citizen for the Brave New World is a depressed, unhealthy, medicated single person who lives in a tiny apartment/pod with multiple subscription services, zero real-world skills (i.e., completely dependent on others to survive), and gets all of their entertainment/information/social interaction via screens.
My wife is a nurse at one of the bigger hospitals in the state and is eligible to get the vaccine. She has done some research on the testing of the vaccine, the vaccine itself and has decided she is going to voluntarily get it. The hospital is not mandating the vaccine for employees either, at least in her unit.

Her and I are not aligned at all on COVID. What I mean by that is while she agrees with some of my opinions (masks are useless, we've done more damage through the cure than COVID itself), she thinks that the lockdowns worked and that because we are dealing with a novel virus emergency powers are appropriate. She thinks everyone should wear a mask even though the science is questionable because if it saves even one person it is worth it. But she also has spent zero time reading about the shit that fucks like Cuomo and Newsom are doing. She also thinks our governor is a moron.

Either way, I bring it up to say it will be interesting to see first hand how the vaccine works. I expect her to be fine. But I personally have concerns about the vaccine. I am by no means an anti-vaxxer, but have no desire to be first in line for this one.

Regarding emergency powers....I completely agree they need to be rescinded. I've been saying more months that states need to put more checks and balances on emergency powers. Our governor extended his state of emergency "indefinitely" back in August. That should be illegal. I'd like to see state legislatures put some measures in place that say after 60 days a governor cannot sign an order declaring a state of emergency without legislative approval.

Our state legislature is also trying to impeach our governor (it will probably fail), but they are also working on two bills - one that basically says you can't force people to quarantine without proof they have the illness you're imposing the quarantine for. And another that says the state can't shut down businesses as long as they follow safety protocol. It's nice to see some action being taken.
i think your wife may leave you


Gold Member
I think they want people sitting at home alone as much as possible. Either consuming media or just becoming more and more depressed. Because when you think about it, a huge chunk of America only "goes out" socially to restaurants and bars. So with those closed, people just stay home all the time. Or if they go out it's for non-social reasons like grocery stores, doctors' offices, pharmacies, etc.

Remember, the ideal citizen for the Brave New World is a depressed, unhealthy, medicated single person who lives in a tiny apartment/pod with multiple subscription services, zero real-world skills (i.e., completely dependent on others to survive), and gets all of their entertainment/information/social interaction via screens.
Well I know I’m on my way to that


Unconfirmed Member
Found out my friend who is my younger daughters godfather tested positive for Covid. He said he feels fine with cold like symptoms. He's one of the senior guards at a small max security prison here. He said seventy inmates and a number of guards had also tested positive. One guard and friend of his was hospitalized and died from Covid respiratory problems.


The hospitals were never at any point overloaded past the brink where if you showed up to a hospital with a gun shot wound you would not be able to receive care and bleed out. So what you suspect does not make sense. What makes sense are suicides, overdoses, stress related heart attacks, you name it. All a symptom of the lockdowns.
For conspiracy theorists this would make sense yes ...

Joe T.

For conspiracy theorists this would make sense yes ...

Those who throw around the conspiracy theorist label so flippantly in an attempt to dismiss others merely wind up exposing themselves as cowards incapable of defending their position. The shots you're firing are hitting all your fellow lemmings.

To continue with the great pandemic deception here is Macron telling his country that they're among the best in Europe at controlling the virus because they all did their part:

...while omitting the inconvenient fact that case numbers shared a remarkable resemblance with testing numbers (resized):



But keep believing those honest politicians telling you it was the mask mandates, social distancing and lock downs that did it.



New treatment for critically ill patients, seems to work really well, and opens up some ICU spots. Patient is put in abarometric chamber, given pure oxygen at pressure of 14m under water. 1 hour treatment, with a pause after 30 since there are other dangers with breathing pure oxygen, it clears up the inflammation really quickly apparently.

Kinda interesting, article in swedish, it been tested at Karolinska in Stockholm.

New treatment for critically ill patients, seems to work really well, and opens up some ICU spots. Patient is put in abarometric chamber, given pure oxygen at pressure of 14m under water. 1 hour treatment, with a pause after 30 since there are other dangers with breathing pure oxygen, it clears up the inflammation really quickly apparently.

Kinda interesting, article in swedish, it been tested at Karolinska in Stockholm.

Barometric chambers are wonderful but very hard to come by. Most hospitals, at least in the US, do not have one.


Gold Member
The data on the vaccine so far is very good, and better than I thought. My issue with it is simple, the virus just isn't a big deal for me, and I am wary of what we don't know. Even if what we know so far is good, we don't know much. I still think the very old and very fat should take it immediately, and this should start showing up in the hospitalization and death numbers immediately (and when I say "death numbers", I don't mean the bogus inflated numbers we have today, I mean people actually dying OF COVID). if every fat and old got vaccinated we should see those numbers at functionally zero which means it doesn't matter if everyone else gets the vaccine.
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It is a lie that compliance is not a thing in the US. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone but a child without a mask in a public building, unless they were actively eating.

Blaming it on "stupid people" not following the rules is propaganda to get sheep like you to believe that the rules work to begin with, which has no evidence.

People need to stop saying US, say your state or area at least.

People aren’t wearing masks in my area of Florida. I know as I’ve been going out whether it’s stores, bars, restaurants, beach, etc. Masks are not a thing here.

only places I’ve seen it enforced are govt buildings and small businesses(and hardly any of them are requiring it.


Neighbours from Hell
Hasn't been the best week for people I know regarding COVID. Someone I know lost their dad last week to COVID and a friend of mine who I haven't spoken to in a while I talked to today and they told me they got it months ago and they deal with crippling headaches ever since they got it that haven't gone away or gotten any better and their energy is just gone.

I really do worry about the long-term effects of this virus and what it is actually damaging in bodies of people who even had mild symptoms.

I'm hoping this vaccine does well, because I'm tired of all the damage this is causing.
Hasn't been the best week for people I know regarding COVID. Someone I know lost their dad last week to COVID and a friend of mine who I haven't spoken to in a while I talked to today and they told me they got it months ago and they deal with crippling headaches ever since they got it that haven't gone away or gotten any better and their energy is just gone.

I really do worry about the long-term effects of this virus and what it is actually damaging in bodies of people who even had mild symptoms.

I'm hoping this vaccine does well, because I'm tired of all the damage this is causing.
Me too friend. Me too. If you could have a magic wand and tell me it will just be like getting sick for a few days I'd be a little less cautious with it. But these long term things scare the shit out of me. Like you I know many people still dealing with it long after they've "recovered". I don't wanna take that chance.
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Neighbours from Hell
Me too friend. Me too. If you could have a magic wand and tell me it will just be like getting sick for a few days I'd be a little less cautious with it. But these long term things scare the shit out of me. Like you I know many people still dealing with it long after they've "recovered". I don't wanna take that chance.
If I'm cleared by my doctors for the vaccine I'm gonna take it. I know it isn't 100% risk free, but I'd rather take that risk than COVID.
Bingo. You're scared shitless. That's the beauty of 24/7 propaganda based on staged videos and bogus testing.
Actually if you had read our post we both know multiple people personally with that stuff happening who we were referring to. I don't think me or him mentioned "staged videos" or "bogus testing".
If I'm cleared by my doctors for the vaccine I'm gonna take it. I know it isn't 100% risk free, but I'd rather take that risk than COVID.
Man I'm taking that shit the second its open for us in that march-may range. Why do you have to get cleared though if you don't mind me asking?
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Joe T.

Actually if you had read our post we both know multiple people personally with that stuff happening who we were referring to. I don't think me or him mentioned "staged videos" or "bogus testing".

You did, the cases you and he brought up were all based on those tests.

People die all the time of all sorts of causes. Sometimes that scares you - a car accident, cancer, the flu, etc - and that's only human. Except you're supposed to shake off that fear and learn to get back to living. Most people are having trouble moving past that and the daily propaganda plays a primary role in that.


Neo Member
I wonder if those field hospitals are really planned to be used for something else and having the army "deliver the vaccine" around the country is a sneaky way of positioning the military everywhere.


Germany is going full lock down , the Netherlands is next ...

People are not following the simple rules .

like I said months ago: have fun with the lock downs , winter is coming 🤡
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