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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Shit‘s gonna trump WWII soon at killing Americans.

Shit‘s gonna trump WWII soon at killing Americans.
You understand there are multiple reason why that not a good comparison, right? I can think of two really obvious ones.

1. The US population in 1940 was 132 million people. It is 330 million today. Adjusted for population, WWII would've killed about 727,500 people in 2020.

2. WWII killed almost exclusively young, healthy, active men. COVID kills mostly people over 60, often over 70, often with chronic conditions. There is a difference, on a societal scale, between a war that kills a % of your young men and a disease killing a % of your older, sicker population. Before anyone accuses me of not caring, obviously when someone you love dies, its a tragedy. But in terms of the broader population, we should be able to acknowledge the obvious difference.
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Neighbours from Hell
Apparently Sweden has reversed course and is starting some lockdown procedures after in the first wave earlier this year hoping herd immunity would be the solution.

Joe T.

Apparently Sweden has reversed course and is starting some lockdown procedures after in the first wave earlier this year hoping herd immunity would be the solution.

Sounds to me like someone may have finally convinced the politicians in Sweden to get with the globalist program. Shaming the young and making them feel guilty for the deaths of the old was part of the leaked German panic paper (link to the .pdf).

Called that one weeks ago, something was up when their tests per day took a drastic spike upwards. They surpassed almost all other countries in testing per 1,000 people and that upward trend shows no signs of slowing down.

They had the right approach, their deaths have been trending down again since Nov 24th and are outperforming us here in Quebec despite us having much stricter measures since March. The propagandists will do what they always do and try to convince people it's the new measures that are driving those numbers down.


Neighbours from Hell
Called that one weeks ago, something was up when their tests per day took a drastic spike upwards. They surpassed almost all other countries in testing per 1,000 people and that upward trend shows no signs of slowing down.

They had the right approach, their deaths have been trending down again since Nov 24th and are outperforming us here in Quebec despite us having much stricter measures since March. The propagandists will do what they always do and try to convince people it's the new measures that are driving those numbers down.
Saw this recently.




Exactly what I'm talking about. Fucktards like these are the biggest COVID warriors. Pussies like this exist.

I don't understand how people can see through the SJW Woke Agenda out there, while at the same time unable to see the bullshit behind the COVID narrative.

It's all the same shit.
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Joe T.

Saw this recently.

That's playing with stats to obtain a desired outcome, in this case, misleading people into thinking Sweden is failing with that graph conveniently cut off right where the deaths peaked and started trending down. That's one of the reasons this pandemic is still alive. Pull up hospitalizations or deaths year over year and compare this year to previous years then ask yourself if the measures make any sense.


I like to compare Sweden with Quebec because they're fairly close in pop size and had very different approaches. You can look at Belarus for another country that didn't impose extreme measures and were better for it (political mess aside), barring the mask mandate in Minsk last month.

We are overreacting, that is the simple truth. Most people won't accept it because it means we made drastic changes to our way of life over what can be viewed as a bad flu. The fear, hysteria and grandiosity of the story has most people firmly in its grip. The propaganda and panic-driven response did more harm than the virus itself.

Another reminder of why we've been led astray:

People are not interested in science if they're marching to the mainstream media's drum, or the government's, and ignoring/dismissing all the experts condemning the actions we've taken.
That's playing with stats to obtain a desired outcome, in this case, misleading people into thinking Sweden is failing with that graph conveniently cut off right where the deaths peaked and started trending down. That's one of the reasons this pandemic is still alive. Pull up hospitalizations or deaths year over year and compare this year to previous years then ask yourself if the measures make any sense.


Comparing partial data to full date of previous years is playing with stats as well.

Here is a daily excel sheet with the numbers as of that day. Today's overview is current up to around November 27th where the number of known deaths is less then half average due to lag in reporting. Or a miracle.
Looking at deaths up to November 27th there were 77.732 deaths in 2019.

2015 to 2020, counting up to November 27th.

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Comparing partial data to full date of previous years is playing with stats as well.

Here is a daily excel sheet with the numbers as of that day. Today's overview is current up to around November 27th where the number of known deaths is less then half average due to lag in reporting. Or a miracle.
Looking at deaths up to November 27th there were 77.732 deaths in 2019.

2015 to 2020, counting up to November 27th.

That y-axis would get an F for misleading in my classroom :)

Also try checking a longer period like the last 20 years.


Why not 200 years ? Deaths in the mid-1800's were sure far higher if you want a graph to minimize the problem.
Sure, more data is always better, as long as it is presented well so the reader can digest it.

As I pointed out your y-axis needs to start at 0 for the years to be easily compared.


Gold Member
Find out if your local hospitals are overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients:

Anything above 20% represents "extreme stress" for the hospital, according to a framework developed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.

Amazing how these lying dishonest scumbags that have been disastrously wrong every step of the way keep getting treated like some sort of definitive source.


former Navy SEAL
Here's a fun article from the EIC of Kaiser Health News:

I think she's a bit late as the media's already beat her to the let's-scare-the-bejeezus-out-of-everyone punch by about 9 months.

Here's a reasoned response from, er, Reason:
I'd add that this call for blatant fear-mongering is yet another bit of tinder for the fire of skepticism, which is a point that really can't be made often enough because so many people are lazy thinkers who accept almost anything from anyone "official" just to save themselves a bit of effort.
I legit lose respect for my friends who post stupid memes like this.

The dumbest one I've seen was "Economies can bounce back, lost lives can't" or "Stay home save lives"

I once replied with "You know what else saves lives? People making a living"

What I find stupid about it is saying "last thursday". Well...last Thursday like the Thursday that just passed? What if it it posted two weeks from now? I get the point of the graphic, it's meant to put into perspective the amount of people dying every single day from it, and to try and spur people on to be more vigilant to reduce the spread. When you compare to American tragedies in the past it puts it into a more relatable light. Just wish there were actual days involved.


Gold Member
What I find stupid about it is saying "last thursday". Well...last Thursday like the Thursday that just passed? What if it it posted two weeks from now? I get the point of the graphic, it's meant to put into perspective the amount of people dying every single day from it, and to try and spur people on to be more vigilant to reduce the spread. When you compare to American tragedies in the past it puts it into a more relatable light. Just wish there were actual days involved.

It's the day that Microsoft bought Sega.


Gold Member
Here's a fun article from the EIC of Kaiser Health News:

I think she's a bit late as the media's already beat her to the let's-scare-the-bejeezus-out-of-everyone punch by about 9 months.

Here's a reasoned response from, er, Reason:
I'd add that this call for blatant fear-mongering is yet another bit of tinder for the fire of skepticism, which is a point that really can't be made often enough because so many people are lazy thinkers who accept almost anything from anyone "official" just to save themselves a bit of effort.

I'm in my 30s. I am in the middle of the healthy BMI spectrum. I have no pre-existing conditions, and I exercise regularly, although less than I did because the government has outlawed it

There is literally nothing the government can say that would scare me about COVID. There are so many more behaviors that are more likely to cause me serious harm or death and I'm not scared of any of them, so why this?

What they need to do is stop acting like our mommies. I already have a mommy and unlike them she didn't spend all her time trying to convince me that yes, there is in fact a monster under the bed waiting for me.


You’re the one who wants endless lockdowns and masks, mandatory vax is next on the list, roll up your sleeve.
Not endless , one of 8 -12 weeks is enough to almost eradicate it .. but it's to late now, should have happened months ago. Now it is circulating to. much, to stop it.

Would also have saved the economy.. rebounce is faster

I won't take this shit , not needed if others (beta test) take it and we reach 60 - 70% immunity. I won't put genetic modified and fast tested shit into my body. Not mandatory here in the fee west, The Netherlands !
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Joe T.


  • "We're following the science" was a lie.
  • Positive PCR test results all reported as infectious cases was a lie.
  • Asymptomatic spread is driving this pandemic was a lie.
  • Two weeks to flatten the curve was a lie.
  • The virus is just as harmful to children and healthy young adults was a lie.
  • "It's just a mask"/masks slow the spread was a lie.
  • Social distancing slows the spread was a lie.
  • Lock downs including business and school closures slow the spread was a lie.
  • Vaccines were not rushed was a lie.

Those and more were beat over our heads daily for 9+ months. How many lies does it take to break your trust in a system?

Joe T.


Sweden, once the country for anti covidders to look at .. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And to stay on the theme of lies:


You hold what I find to be an interesting point of view, Sin, because you broke from the global agenda and now appear to push the Chinese Communist Party agenda. Both parties want the US and other western countries to remain locked down as long as possible for their own personal interests, but the globalist elites are 100% behind the vaccines whereas the CCP continues to make this a divisive political issue because widespread acceptance of those vaccines means a speedier economic recovery. The CCP wants to spring ahead of the US ASAP.

Logic dictates I share your view of vaccines, replacing animals with humans in a "testing" phase that seeks to include billions of people could potentially become one of the stupidest decisions the human race has ever supported, one which may not fully come into view until 5-10 years from now, ironic because that's considered a regular time frame for testing the safety of a vaccine before public rollout.



We all know the year has a been a roller coaster, but that really looks like a roller coaster. As before, the most recent week's number is left off due to volatility (and the 11/28 number is a bit suspicious too).

Data from CDC



  • "We're following the science" was a lie.
  • Positive PCR test results all reported as infectious cases was a lie.
  • Asymptomatic spread is driving this pandemic was a lie.
  • Two weeks to flatten the curve was a lie.
  • The virus is just as harmful to children and healthy young adults was a lie.
  • "It's just a mask"/masks slow the spread was a lie.
  • Social distancing slows the spread was a lie.
  • Lock downs including business and school closures slow the spread was a lie.
  • Vaccines were not rushed was a lie.

Those and more were beat over our heads daily for 9+ months. How many lies does it take to break your trust in a system?

The “””experts””” giving cover for the blm rioting was the “tell” that this whole thing was just a power grab.

Now it’s just about watching the stragglers figure it out, or forever tarnish their name and standing.


Anyone know why the Ching Chongs aren't in the vaccine race?

I remember reading a while ago from one of our 50 centers that China was testing their vaxxs on their soldiers.

I am a bit surprised China didn't steal......er create their own vaccine that they are rushing to market to be the first. That is something China would do for the prestige and to save face and get good PR.

Every other country is ramping up and about to jab people in the next few weeks but China so far is pretty silent or at least the reporting is.

I would have expected that they would be blasting a vaccine that their scientist discovered proving once again they are superior to us puny westerners.


The are gearing up for large scale rollout, both domestically and across the "developing" world:



The are gearing up for large scale rollout, both domestically and across the "developing" world:



So vaccines are going around now?

Apparently we're gonna get some over here in a few days?

Does that mean all the retarded restrictions and mask bullshit will fuck off? (Haha, yeah right!)


The are gearing up for large scale rollout, both domestically and across the "developing" world:

Ha, millions of "trial doses" for the third world. I see CCP is moving in on Bill Gates' territory. Poisoning third world countries with vaccine experiments is HIS game.


So vaccines are going around now?

Apparently we're gonna get some over here in a few days?

Does that mean all the retarded restrictions and mask bullshit will fuck off? (Haha, yeah right!)

Hahah nope. Gonna get worse.

If you dont have a vaxx you wont be able to go anywhere. And if you are vaxxed mask and lockdown still for you.

Ontario health minister just said if your not vaxxed you cant go anywhere and if you are you still need masks and social distancing.

Its never over.


Lil’ Gobbie
Hahah nope. Gonna get worse.

If you dont have a vaxx you wont be able to go anywhere. And if you are vaxxed mask and lockdown still for you.

Ontario health minister just said if your not vaxxed you cant go anywhere and if you are you still need masks and social distancing.

Its never over.

What is the intention? The election is over. New world order nonsense?
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