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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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UK confirms new variant spreads more quickly
new coronavirus variant which surfaced in the country could spread faster

Just in time before everyone's COVID Christmas!

How convenient!

DAT timing!

Haha they really think everyone will believe whatever shit they say don't they?

Fear Porn doesn't work on everybody. Some people are immune to bullshit.
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Excellent news.

Probable two million doses administered a week providing a decent level of immunity, with a follow up three months later for full coverage. Could see lifting of many restrictions in U.K by end of February, and the whole thing over by summer.
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Where does the idea that the "Full Wuhan" approach is the way to go come from?

It seems entirely dependent on believing the data coming out of China.

Yet, there is plenty of footage from China during their "lockdown" to suggest that people were still going out and about to supermarkets and the like.

We should all just do what China did!
So lets all start under reporting cases and deaths?
Then go back to normal and sweep the truth under the carpet?

Surely there has to at least be some questioning of whether or not the data from China is even accurate?

Wasn't this also an issue at the beginning where countries like Germany and Japan were boasting very low numbers but also were not recording deaths in the same way as other nations?

How do mild or asymptomatic cases factor into all this?
Assuming people with no symptoms are probably not even being tested how could we even begin to know how many of these there are?



Excellent news.

Probable two million doses administered a week providing a decent level of immunity, with a follow up three months later for full coverage. Could see lifting of many restrictions in U.K by end of February, and the whole thing over by summer.


What's the differences between the various vaccines available?

Are some better than others? Are some safer than others?
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What's the differences between the various vaccines available?

Are some better than others? Are some safer than others?

There are some differences yes. Astra Zeneca is a traditional inoculation, whereas as Pfizer is a newer mrna based vaccine. Astra Zeneca far cheaper to make and easier to store and transport. Speeds everything up. Both vaccines have undergone extensive, mass trials to make sure they are safe, with approvals from the MHRA. Astra Zeneca effectiveness is potentially a bit lower at 70% efficiency, but rises to 90% after second dose. Pfizer 95% efficacy. Both of these are very high. Both are broad spectrum vaccines which should handle all variants of the virus.


My MiL just went behind my back and got my annual poker game cancelled because of Covid concern. She nagged the wives of some of the players to the point where they dropped out. I set up ventilation, masks, hand-sani pumps. Complete ass move. She’s out shopping all over town, having random neighbors stop by her house (and invited in), and even allowed her grandchild to come to Chrismtas despite having a fever 24 hours prior. The kid sneezed all over the cakes and she laughed it off. In 25 years, we’ve never cancelled a game.

Yeah, my wife's family have been a bit like this but in the opposite way.
For months they have been really, really, overbearing and lecturing her non-stop about continuing to go to work.
To they point where they were almost saying if she keeps going to work she wont be able to see them.

Right up until last week when I guess the reality of not having the whole family together for Christmas started to hit home.
Then it was "oh it'll be fine, just come and visit".
We ended up doing the rounds on the 24th, 25th and 26th visiting a number of her family members.
26th we had a big gathering of about 12 of us and we stayed the night. No distancing. Hugs. Etc etc.

Some of these are the same people lecturing her non-stop since March about continuing to work, getting flights pretty regularly and dealing with the public.
Suddenly it's all forgotten and we had basically our regular Christmas gatherings.

Now we are getting to almost a week since the events and no sign of symptoms etc so it's all good.

The question is though how would I even know I've got it if there is a possibility I could be asymptomatic?


The question is though how would I even know I've got it if there is a possibility I could be asymptomatic?

Yep. You could have the virus and not notice it at all. Unfortunately, you could give it to another person, and they could have a serious dose of it. It’s a bastard of a virus in that way. Steer clear of any elderly or vulnerable people for a few more days.
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There are some differences yes. Astra Zeneca is a traditional inoculation, whereas as Pfizer is a newer mrna based vaccine. Astra Zeneca far cheaper to make and easier to store and transport. Speeds everything up. Both vaccines have undergone extensive, mass trials to make sure they are safe, with approvals from the MHRA. Astra Zeneca effectiveness is potentially a bit lower at 70% efficiency, but rises to 90% after second dose. Pfizer 95% efficacy. Both of these are very high. Both are broad spectrum vaccines which should handle all variants of the virus.


From a personal point of view I would want the "good one".
Well, I'd definitely want to be taking the better one for sure!

I really just hope we are not setting up for a massive scandal down the line.
You can easily see this idea forming that certain people were given the safer and better Vaccine X and us plebs were injected with Vaccine Y.



From a personal point of view I would want the "good one".
Well, I'd definitely want to be taking the better one for sure!

I really just hope we are not setting up for a massive scandal down the line.
You can easily see this idea forming that certain people were given the safer and better Vaccine X and us plebs were injected with Vaccine Y.

They’re both ‘good’ but one has a higher efficacy. Both are equally safe.

Remember that the flu vaccine is only ever about 60% effective. These are waaaay higher than that.

Both vaccines will kill off Covid in a matter of months to an effective level of reducing it back to levels similar to other seasonal disease.


They’re both ‘good’ but one has a higher efficacy. Both are equally safe.

Remember that the flu vaccine is only ever about 60% effective. These are waaaay higher than that.

Both vaccines will kill off Covid in a matter of months to an effective level of reducing it back to levels similar to other seasonal disease.

Pretty sure I am well down the list of priorities when it comes to vaccinations anyway but when the time comes I reckon I'll do my research and see if there's a way to request the specific one I want.

Still, a working vaccine can only be good news.

(Though, I wouldn't really blame people for being suspicious and extremely cautious here.)


Pretty sure I am well down the list of priorities when it comes to vaccinations anyway but when the time comes I reckon I'll do my research and see if there's a way to request the specific one I want.

Still, a working vaccine can only be good news.

(Though, I wouldn't really blame people for being suspicious and extremely cautious here.)

If you’re young and healthy it’ll be months before they get round to you, so no worries on that front.

I understand that taking a vaccine that has been created this fast is something that some could be worried about, but they have been extensively trialled, and approved by official bodies, and any very small risks of taking one are far outweighed by the risks of having Covid.

I’d certainly say that nobody should get their information about vaccines from forums like this. They’re poison for rational decision making.

Personally, I’m well travelled, so have had many different vaccines and protective drugs shoved in my body over the years, along with taking various strong medicines and times for illness, so I’ll happily take the vaccine as soon as I am able. I base my decisions on official sources, not randoms on Twitter or on GAF.


Bloody hell, one dose provides 70% immunity three weeks after injection!

That means a broad, fast approach can easily be taken, with second dose able to be administered three months later. That’s HUGE.

Millions in UK could be vaccinated against serious illness within a few weeks, allowing an end to lockdown faster. UK could be the first country to open up again. Huge economic upswing if so.
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i see the dunning kruger effect is real

cant believe so many of you seem to believe its a hoax/fake news/whatever. good that you do critical thinking, but please dont say that i (along with million more health care workers) am apart of some gigantic conspiracy (to do what exactly: keep you inside? make sure that you stop having contact with your loved ones ?!?).
yes, these are trying times and no no one is perfect (least of all the politicians and officials) but do believe that most people are trying to do their best.

yes, the flu kills a lot of people as well each year, but that is in a situation/community without a lockdown. in spite of all the regulations, thousands are still dying.

yes, we need to have a good hard look on what we consider "ethical healthcare" (ie do we treat the 65 year old with covid or the 45 year old with breast cancer, because thats where we are headed at the moment), but dont you dare pin this on health care workers that bust their ass off every day while you stupid fucks play armchair-surgeon-general and think those heroes are a part of some fucking conspiracy

i understand that a lot of you are skeptical, but be so in a fucking respectful way. do your due diligence but dont think that some stupid fuck on twitter knows more about epidemics because of a fucking statistical course he took one year in college. science is fucking difficult, so you will better start accepting the fact that opinions on the best course of action will change. thats the way it fucking works

goodbye and i hope you guys take a long hard look at yourself and reevaluate the consequences of what youre saying


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
science is fucking difficult, so you will better start accepting the fact that opinions on the best course of action will change. thats the way it fucking works
Granted, we all need to vent occasionally, but this kind of hectoring is why confidence in the public health bureaucracy has cratered.

Science being difficult is why some humility is needed. Instead we had Pelosi et. al. telling people in late Feb. that only racists would suspend air travel or be cautious about attending Chinese New Year parades and then a few weeks later sentencing small business owners to forced insolvency.


i see the dunning kruger effect is real

cant believe so many of you seem to believe its a hoax/fake news/whatever. good that you do critical thinking, but please dont say that i (along with million more health care workers) am apart of some gigantic conspiracy (to do what exactly: keep you inside? make sure that you stop having contact with your loved ones ?!?).
yes, these are trying times and no no one is perfect (least of all the politicians and officials) but do believe that most people are trying to do their best.

yes, the flu kills a lot of people as well each year, but that is in a situation/community without a lockdown. in spite of all the regulations, thousands are still dying.

yes, we need to have a good hard look on what we consider "ethical healthcare" (ie do we treat the 65 year old with covid or the 45 year old with breast cancer, because thats where we are headed at the moment), but dont you dare pin this on health care workers that bust their ass off every day while you stupid fucks play armchair-surgeon-general and think those heroes are a part of some fucking conspiracy

i understand that a lot of you are skeptical, but be so in a fucking respectful way. do your due diligence but dont think that some stupid fuck on twitter knows more about epidemics because of a fucking statistical course he took one year in college. science is fucking difficult, so you will better start accepting the fact that opinions on the best course of action will change. thats the way it fucking works

goodbye and i hope you guys take a long hard look at yourself and reevaluate the consequences of what youre saying
"science is fucking difficult"


Oh shit, we've got a Scienceman over here.

Look, you outright admit yourself that opinions on the best course of action will change.

So what's the harm in allowing people to talk about the situation? I'm able to come to my own conclusions, thanks very much, and don't need you to protect me from daft theories or whatever.

So you're a healthcare worker. Good for you. I am glad we have people like you who choose that career path and do your jobs to the best of your ability.

It doesn't give you the right to lecture others on what they can or cannot think or say. Or to come at people with a very aggressive an sweary style while also demanding that they be respectful. Kindly fuck off with that shite.

It's smarmy arrogant twats like yourself, who think they know better than anyone else and think they can dictate the attitudes, thoughts and behaviours of others that leave people feeling like there are other agendas here.

Then when people won't do what you want them to do or say what you want them to say, the screeching begins.

Most people aren't trying to do their best. Most are in it for themselves or at least looking to avoid taking responsibility.

Then there are those who just get off on feeling like they are always right or always superior.

You name drop Dunning-Kruger very confidently but I wonder how highly you rate your own level of self-awareness?

I don't know shit about viruses or vaccines. I do know my history though. You'd be surprised what "experts" are able to achieve when a population is totally obedient and permissive. Maybe you wouldn't be surprised, I dunno.

Just calm down and bit and let folk vent and question the narrative. It's fine.

"Maybe if we try berating them, while giving off a self important smug sense of superiority, they'll have more faith in us and will trust what we say."

Lets see how that works out.
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"science is fucking difficult"


Oh shit, we've got a Scienceman over here.

Look, you outright admit yourself that opinions on the best course of action will change.

So what's the harm in allowing people to talk about the situation? I'm able to come to my own conclusions, thanks very much, and don't need you to protect me from daft theories or whatever.

So you're a healthcare worker. Good for you. I am glad we have people like you who choose that career path and do your jobs to the best of your ability.

It doesn't give you the right to lecture others on what they can or cannot think or say. Or to come at people with a very aggressive an sweary style while also demanding that they be respectful. Kindly fuck off with that shite.

It's smarmy arrogant twats like yourself, who think they know better than anyone else and think they can dictate the attitudes, thoughts and behaviours of others that leave people feeling like there are other agendas here.

Then when people won't do what you want them to do or say what you want them to say, the screeching begins.

Most people aren't trying to do their best. Most are in it for themselves or at least looking to avoid taking responsibility.

Then there are those who just get off on feeling like they are always right or always superior.

You name drop Dunning-Kruger very confidently but I wonder how highly you rate your own level of self-awareness?

I don't know shit about viruses or vaccines. I do know my history though. You'd be surprised what "experts" are able to achieve when a population is totally obedient and permissive. Maybe you wouldn't be surprised, I dunno.

Just calm down and bit and let folk vent and question the narrative. It's fine.

"Maybe if we try berating them, while giving off a self important smug sense of superiority, they'll have more faith in us and will trust what we say."

Lets see how that works out.
Thanks. I agree 100%.
i see the dunning kruger effect is real

cant believe so many of you seem to believe its a hoax/fake news/whatever. good that you do critical thinking, but please dont say that i (along with million more health care workers) am apart of some gigantic conspiracy (to do what exactly: keep you inside? make sure that you stop having contact with your loved ones ?!?).
yes, these are trying times and no no one is perfect (least of all the politicians and officials) but do believe that most people are trying to do their best.

yes, the flu kills a lot of people as well each year, but that is in a situation/community without a lockdown. in spite of all the regulations, thousands are still dying.

yes, we need to have a good hard look on what we consider "ethical healthcare" (ie do we treat the 65 year old with covid or the 45 year old with breast cancer, because thats where we are headed at the moment), but dont you dare pin this on health care workers that bust their ass off every day while you stupid fucks play armchair-surgeon-general and think those heroes are a part of some fucking conspiracy

i understand that a lot of you are skeptical, but be so in a fucking respectful way. do your due diligence but dont think that some stupid fuck on twitter knows more about epidemics because of a fucking statistical course he took one year in college. science is fucking difficult, so you will better start accepting the fact that opinions on the best course of action will change. thats the way it fucking works

goodbye and i hope you guys take a long hard look at yourself and reevaluate the consequences of what youre saying

I know it’s not a vast conspiracy. I really don’t think anyone thinks covid doesn’t exist. We just disagree about the threat it poses to the vast, vast majority of people and the best way to mitigate that threat without hurting too many other people.

There are people who believe people are using covid as a pretense to make moves to advance political agendas. I don’t think that’s a conspiracy theory at all so much as it’s an acknowledgment of human nature. Obviously there are going to be people who see this as an opportunity.

I think the idea we need to accept what they experts say, even when they’ve been shown repeatedly to get way out in front of their skis is bullshit. I’m not sure if you’re a Fauci guy, although it sounds like it, but that guy is a douche. His latest nonsense about herd immunity thresholds moving based on public opinion confirms everything I’ve thought about him for months. The guy is a self important asshole who loves how he’s been elevated. He thinks he is so important that he needs to base what he says on what he thinks the public can handle. As though his proclamations carry so much weight that he needs to temper what he says until we, Johnny US citizen Public, is ready to handle the truth. It’s no wonder people don’t trust a guy like that.
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Unconfirmed Member
AZ/O vaccine is a gamechanger. Very cheap, easier to store, has been in production since September.

Only logistics and manpower get in the way for mass rollout.

Happy New Year.

I’d be reasonably comfortable taking that one. The more experimental ones, not touching with a 20 foot pole.


Matt Hancock annoucement going on now.

7 out of 10 Pfizer vaccines administered has gone to those in the general populace over the age of 80, with the rest going to carehome patients, staff and NHS staff.

Also, commitment to deliver first Oxford Vaccine dose to all over 65s by the third week of February, depending on supply (this would be 90% of those impacted).

HappeningBunker2021 is officially open for business.
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Abortion legalization "party" in Argentina. A country with more deaths per capita than Brazil, Mexico etc. and testing way less than any other country in the region

Not a single line on CNN (or any other news media) about social distancing....
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I’d be reasonably comfortable taking that one. The more experimental ones, not touching with a 20 foot pole.

Astrazeneca was always going to be more important than Pfizer: easy to produce, easy to store, easy to transport, bog standard spike protein innoculation... excellent for the UK that’s it’s coming from us. Will be the predominant vaccine as we go forward, especially for third world. UK could now be the first country to achieve mass innoculation and open up again. Possibly by April/ may.
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Gold Member
Matt Hancock annoucement going on now.

7 out of 10 Pfizer vaccines administered has gone to those in the general populace over the age of 80, with the rest going to carehome patients, staff and NHS staff.

Also, commitment to deliver first Oxford Vaccine dose to all over 65s by the third week of February, depending on supply (this would be 90% of those impacted).

HappeningBunker2021 is officially open for business.

that is seriously great news. Hancock redemption arch starting?


Where does the idea that the "Full Wuhan" approach is the way to go come from?

It seems entirely dependent on believing the data coming out of China.

Yet, there is plenty of footage from China during their "lockdown" to suggest that people were still going out and about to supermarkets and the like.

We should all just do what China did!
So lets all start under reporting cases and deaths?
Then go back to normal and sweep the truth under the carpet?

Surely there has to at least be some questioning of whether or not the data from China is even accurate?

Wasn't this also an issue at the beginning where countries like Germany and Japan were boasting very low numbers but also were not recording deaths in the same way as other nations?

How do mild or asymptomatic cases factor into all this?
Assuming people with no symptoms are probably not even being tested how could we even begin to know how many of these there are?

The myth of the Wuhan lockdown. People still believe this welding into homes BS.

Wuhan lockdown was the same as everywhere else. It was shocking back then because we never imagined a government could tell 11 million people everything they could do. Now its just a Tuesday for us.


Reminder, CDC Covid 19 Survival Rates :

Age 0-19 — 99.997%
Age 20-49 — 99.98%
Age 50-69 — 99.5%
Age 70+ — 94.6%

Imagine telling people in the past that we would shutdown the world over these numbers

Those figures amount to millions dead across the world. Pretty sure most people from the past would completely understand, especially as they endured so much more inconvenience to save less people.
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Hopefully. Almost 1000 registered deaths today. Sad news.

Things are looking up. Another good sign is that Dr John is giddy.

Looks like that high death figure includes the delayed Christmas period, so not as bad as it seems, hopefully. Not looking like the exponential increase in cases is being paralleled by the same exponential increase in deaths. Probably due to dexamethasone, a better understanding of the virus, and even the first round of vaccinations.
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Sorry don't buy it, enjoy perpetual fear

What don’t you buy? The figures you just quoted would mean tens of millions dead across the world if the virus was left unchecked. People from the past had to go into far worse ‘lockdowns’ than any of us have, due to warfare and disease. I’m not afraid at all. I’m young, fit and relatively healthy. Not everyone is though. I‘m happy to put up with a few inconveniences to keep the death toll down - the death toll that you yourself brought up. As would any of these people from the past you mentioned, because that’s what they did.
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Unconfirmed Member
Matt Hancock annoucement going on now.

7 out of 10 Pfizer vaccines administered has gone to those in the general populace over the age of 80, with the rest going to carehome patients, staff and NHS staff.

Also, commitment to deliver first Oxford Vaccine dose to all over 65s by the third week of February, depending on supply (this would be 90% of those impacted).

HappeningBunker2021 is officially open for business.

Nice. Looks like we're heading in the right direction then. Fingers crossed.
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