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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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llien llien If you're intrested Dr. John Campbell has done a video on this subject

Starts @ 15:10

So days later even BBC has discovered that NHS figures cited by "Dr. John Campbell" are wildly off, and there were actually 7 deaths, not one, in UK.

As if that "European conspiracy" to make AZ look bad, was rather "UK conspiracy" to suppress the real stats.
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Got the second dose shivers from
pfizer and just can’t fall asleep. Sucks.
Dunno, if it helps, but US friend of mine got Moderna jabs, which are upfront two times the volume and seems to be 10 times nastier than BioNTech-Pfizer. So you were lucky not to get Moderna.


Total deaths by year:

Norway (https://www.ssb.no/en/statbank/table/12983/tableViewLayout1/)
2015 – 40,738
2016 – 40,662 (-0%)
2017 – 40,781 (+0%)
2018 – 40,848 (+0%)
2019 – 40,609 (-1%)
2020 – 40,575 (-0%))

Sweden (https://www.scb.se/link/0fec627c501e476aacf7ae328c7a4a8b.aspx)
2015 – 90,907
2016 – 90,982 (+0%)
2017 – 91,972 (+1%)
2018 – 92,185 (+0%)
2019 – 88,766 (-4%)
2020 – 98,124 (+11%)

Italy (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-dead-idUSKBN2AX1VJ)
2015 -- 647,571
2016 -- 615,261 (-5%)
2017 -- 649,061 (+5%)
2018 -- 633,133 (-2%)
2019 -- 634,417 (+0%)
2020 -- 746,146 (+18%)

USA (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2778234)
2015 -- 2,712,630
2016 -- 2,744,248 (+1%)
2017 -- 2,813,503 (+3%)
2018 -- 2,839,205 (+1%)
2019 -- 2,854,838 (+1%)
2020 -- 3,358,814 (+18%)


So days later even BBC has discovered that NHS figures cited by "Dr. John Campbell" are wildly off, and there were actually 7 deaths, not one, in UK.

As if that "European conspiracy" to make AZ look bad, was rather "UK conspiracy" to suppress the real stats.

Who is talking about conspiracies here?
Dunno, if it helps, but US friend of mine got Moderna jabs, which are upfront two times the volume and seems to be 10 times nastier than BioNTech-Pfizer. So you were lucky not to get Moderna.
I guess so. I was trying to solve MC Escher paintings in my head last night to distract myself from the chills and body pain.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Alright, I have some protip, who has Covid, that shit sucks ton of energy from you. So my recommendation, since you probably cannot eat, buy yourself a Soda, Smoothie and drink it slowly, not only you get energy, but it also lowers your fever. DON'T try to lower fever externally (like a shower), you will shake violently and you are going to be lucky if you catch your breath. Keep yourself in warm.

I was seriously laying in bed, thinking for 3 hours, how am I going to even sit, it's crazy how weak it makes you.


I don't know what Merkel's "lockdown" even means.

Anyway, locking down for more than a year, then going all bananas when, despite Astrazenicka stinky fuckups, herd immunity due to vaccination is several months away, does not make much sense.



Who is talking about conspiracies here?
Half of the tweets shared by Mr Jezbollah Jezbollah implied EU is making shit up about AZ causing deaths among young women.
And suddenly 1 death in UK turns into 7.
So who was lying all along?


Added Germany and England + Wales

Total deaths by year:

Norway (https://www.ssb.no/en/statbank/table/12983/tableViewLayout1/)
2015 – 40,738
2016 – 40,662 (-0%)
2017 – 40,781 (+0%)
2018 – 40,848 (+0%)
2019 – 40,609 (-1%)
2020 – 40,575 (-0%))

Sweden (https://www.scb.se/link/0fec627c501e476aacf7ae328c7a4a8b.aspx)
2015 – 90,907
2016 – 90,982 (+0%)
2017 – 91,972 (+1%)
2018 – 92,185 (+0%)
2019 – 88,766 (-4%)
2020 – 98,124 (+11%)

Italy (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-dead-idUSKBN2AX1VJ)
2015 -- 647,571
2016 -- 615,261 (-5%)
2017 -- 649,061 (+5%)
2018 -- 633,133 (-2%)
2019 -- 634,417 (+0%)
2020 -- 746,146 (+18%)

USA (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2778234)
2015 -- 2,712,630
2016 -- 2,744,248 (+1%)
2017 -- 2,813,503 (+3%)
2018 -- 2,839,205 (+1%)
2019 -- 2,854,838 (+1%)
2020 -- 3,358,814 (+18%)

2015 – 925,200
2016 – 910,899 (-2%)
2017 – 932,263 (+2%)
2018 – 954,874 (+2%)
2019 – 939,520 (-2%)
2020 – 985,535 (+5%)

England + Wales (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopula...guresondeathsregisteredbyareaofusualresidence)
2015 – 528,507
2016 – 523,857 (-1%)
2017 – 532,130 (+2%)
2018 – 540,265 (+2%)
2019 – 529,553 (-2%)
2020 – 607,169 (+15%)

Kev Kev

i got the rona :messenger_weary:

but since im not 100 years old or a big fat piece of shit, it wasnt bad at all. fever and dizziness for a couple days, then a headache, and that was it. the worst of it was over in a few days. felt like a mild, mild flu. just a little tired now.

funny thing is i made it this whole time without getting sick, and 5 days before the vaccine was made available to all adults in florida, i catch it. lol, oh well, still gonna get the vaccine, jsut gonna wait for the lines to die down a bit.


You guys planning on catching up on us mighty Huns soon, or you're good QQing in the corner about AstraZeneca and the non-existant Moderna vaccines?

Asking because I would like to travel in the summer but if you guys will still be playing the lockdown game months from now, I might just stay home.


Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

Covid: Brazil has more than 4,000 deaths in 24 hours for first time​


"Brazil has recorded more than 4,000 Covid-related deaths in 24 hours for the first time, as a more contagious variant fuels a surge in cases.
Hospitals are overcrowded, with people dying as they wait for treatment in some cities, and the health system is on the brink of collapse in many areas.
The country's total death toll is now almost 337,000, second only to the US.
But President Jair Bolsonaro continues to oppose any lockdown measures to curb the outbreak.
He argues that the damage to the economy would be worse than the effects of the virus itself, and has tried to reverse some of the restrictions imposed by local authorities in the courts.

Speaking to supporters outside the presidential residence on Tuesday, he criticised quarantine measures and suggested without evidence that they were linked to obesity and depression. He did not comment on the 4,195 deaths recorded in the previous 24 hours.

To date, Brazil has recorded more than 13 million cases of coronavirus, according to the health ministry. Some 66,570 people died with Covid-19 in March, more than double the previous monthly record.
"Brazil now... is a threat to the entire effort of the international community to control the pandemic," Dr Miguel Nicolelis, who has been closely tracking cases in the country, told the BBC.
"If Brazil is not under control, then the planet is not going to be safe, because we are brewing new variants every week... and they are going to cross borders," he said."

People should be putting pressure on all vaccine makers to suspend their patent protections and allow other countries to manufacture their vaccines. The more countries we have that are not vaccinated at high numbers, the more we are going to get a unique and deadly variant from immunocompromised people in each hotspot - that then spreads all over the world.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I just want appall to people who are lenient with protection stuff on their faces, etc. This CCP virus sucks major ass, you are fine, you kind of want to eat right. Well you go to prepare some sandwich and Covid goes like "I don't think so" and you start to feel major weakness in legs and well I fell on my face. This shit is not normal.

My father is better, but today I am really struggling. And to think that I am vaccinated and got some anti-covid juice and still shit like this happens. It's truly terrible with it's randomness.

Covid: Brazil has more than 4,000 deaths in 24 hours for first time​


People should be putting pressure on all vaccine makers to suspend their patent protections and allow other countries to manufacture their vaccines. The more countries we have that are not vaccinated at high numbers, the more we are going to get a unique and deadly variant from immunocompromised people in each hotspot - that then spreads all over the world.
Eh. I keep hearing this but it took a whole calendar year to get one that reduced vaccines by like 20% or something like that. We're aways off from complete 0%. I think the variant stress is overplayed.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Eh. I keep hearing this but it took a whole calendar year to get one that reduced vaccines by like 20% or something like that. We're aways off from complete 0%. I think the variant stress is overplayed.
We have a chance to limit the variants early, unlike the flu which has so many now that vaccines are around 40% effective and have to change every year.

If we actually limited the amount of hotspots early, then the amount of variants will also be limited early while vaccine efficacy is still in the 90% effective range.
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We have a chance to limit the variants early, unlike the flu which has so many now that vaccines are around 40% effective and have to change every year.

If we actually limited the amount of hotspots early, then the amount of variants will also be limited early while vaccine efficacy is still in the 90% effective range.


I just want appall to people who are lenient with protection stuff on their faces, etc. This CCP virus sucks major ass, you are fine, you kind of want to eat right. Well you go to prepare some sandwich and Covid goes like "I don't think so" and you start to feel major weakness in legs and well I fell on my face. This shit is not normal.

My father is better, but today I am really struggling. And to think that I am vaccinated and got some anti-covid juice and still shit like this happens. It's truly terrible with it's randomness.
Posts like these make me wonder how effective the vaccine truly is...

I mean, the vaccine has been made for last year's Covid. Any variant, it's not likely going to protect you... Which is exactly why the vaccine is ultimately at best as effective as the regular flu (influenza) vaccine, which is about 40% effective. And even then, influenza has been around for ages, and we've had some years were it turned out to be about 10% effective... They've been trying to produce a universal influenza vaccine for ages, and it never worked.

There is no reason to believe it will work for Covid either.

We have a chance to limit the variants early, unlike the flu which has so many now that vaccines are around 40% effective and have to change every year.

If we actually limited the amount of hotspots early, then the amount of variants will also be limited early while vaccine efficacy is still in the 90% effective range.
Honestly, I think we're already late for that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
i got the rona :messenger_weary:

but since im not 100 years old or a big fat piece of shit, it wasnt bad at all. fever and dizziness for a couple days, then a headache, and that was it. the worst of it was over in a few days. felt like a mild, mild flu. just a little tired now.

funny thing is i made it this whole time without getting sick, and 5 days before the vaccine was made available to all adults in florida, i catch it. lol, oh well, still gonna get the vaccine, jsut gonna wait for the lines to die down a bit.

What's the logic behind wanting to get the vaccine after having already had and recovered from COVID?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
it is possible to get reinfected and the vaccine is free

It seems very strange to me that anyone would expect a vaccine to be better at building immunity than the body's natural response to an actual infection, since the whole point of vaccines are to induce that natural immunity without the illness, but I'll leave it at that.


Posts like these make me wonder how effective the vaccine truly is...

I mean, the vaccine has been made for last year's Covid. Any variant, it's not likely going to protect you... Which is exactly why the vaccine is ultimately at best as effective as the regular flu (influenza) vaccine, which is about 40% effective. And even then, influenza has been around for ages, and we've had some years were it turned out to be about 10% effective... They've been trying to produce a universal influenza vaccine for ages, and it never worked.

There is no reason to believe it will work for Covid either.
The Pfizer vaccine is 91% effective against the South African variant, in the latest trials.

There is an early lab study that also suggests it will provide protection against the Brazilian variant:

The key thing is whether the vaccines are able to protect against hospitalisation and death. As I understand it, even if the vaccine generated antibodies are not effective against the virus, if they trigger a strong T cell response, it can still stop the virus from doing major damage.

It seems very strange to me that anyone would expect a vaccine to be better at building immunity than the body's natural response to an actual infection, since the whole point of vaccines are to induce that natural immunity without the illness, but I'll leave it at that.
There is an explanation here:

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Asking because I would like to travel in the summer
Germany has a solid jabs plan, AZ is playing just a minor role in it (so does Moderna).

We have a chance to limit the variants early, unlike the flu which has so many now that vaccines are around 40% effective and have to change every year.
I think there is inherent "variability" to it, certain things mutate easily, some do not.
It might be my wishful thinking though.


There we go, the special German-Putin relationships:

The astounding part of this whole "Sputnik" shit is that Russia's vaccination figures are quite far from stellar.

(due to blood clots in adults news)
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Germany has a solid jabs plan, AZ is playing just a minor role in it (so does Moderna).

I think there is inherent "variability" to it, certain things mutate easily, some do not.
It might be my wishful thinking though.
It is inherent in all life forms. There is a chance of mutation. But there are lots of articles out suggesting that variants are much more likely to emerge quickly in immunocompromised patients. Also, even in the 10% or so that are not protected from a 90%+ effective vaccine - the vaccines are supposedly 100% effective in preventing serious infection. It sounds like it may severely limit mutation, but not completely eliminate it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
There is an explanation here:

I'll read it in full later, but I got stuck on this sentence early in the article:

"COVID–19 vaccines offer safer and more reliable immunity than natural infection."

There is absolutely no way the author can state that unequivocally at this stage in the game. Making such an unprovable statement has me already questioning her motives, but I'll give it a read regardless.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'll read it in full later, but I got stuck on this sentence early in the article:

"COVID–19 vaccines offer safer and more reliable immunity than natural infection."

There is absolutely no way the author can state that unequivocally at this stage in the game. Making such an unprovable statement has me already questioning her motives, but I'll give it a read regardless.
That's the whole point of the article really. It basically just says that it's a bit more unpredictable how the body reacts, and that not all immune responses are equal. That's not that hard to believe really. In some cases, the immune response is probably equal but in other cases its not.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That's the whole point of the article really. It basically just says that it's a bit more unpredictable how the body reacts, and that not all immune responses are equal. That's not that hard to believe really. In some cases, the immune response is probably equal but in other cases its not.

As a generality that certainly makes sense and I think many can agree that it's generally preferable to get immunity via vaccine than by actually experiencing the disease associated with an infection.

With that said, we are still very much in early days in regards to COVID-19 specifically. Lasting immunity has so far been found after recovering from COVID-19. We also have very little data on people who have recovered from COVID-19 *and* gotten a vaccine.

Just seems like blanket recommendations to vaccinate people who already recovered are somewhat irresponsible. While not at all the same thing, you probably wouldn't recommend that someone get both the Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines just to be extra safe.


Added Germany and England + Wales

Total deaths by year:

Norway (https://www.ssb.no/en/statbank/table/12983/tableViewLayout1/)
2015 – 40,738
2016 – 40,662 (-0%)
2017 – 40,781 (+0%)
2018 – 40,848 (+0%)
2019 – 40,609 (-1%)
2020 – 40,575 (-0%))

Sweden (https://www.scb.se/link/0fec627c501e476aacf7ae328c7a4a8b.aspx)
2015 – 90,907
2016 – 90,982 (+0%)
2017 – 91,972 (+1%)
2018 – 92,185 (+0%)
2019 – 88,766 (-4%)
2020 – 98,124 (+11%)

Italy (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-dead-idUSKBN2AX1VJ)
2015 -- 647,571
2016 -- 615,261 (-5%)
2017 -- 649,061 (+5%)
2018 -- 633,133 (-2%)
2019 -- 634,417 (+0%)
2020 -- 746,146 (+18%)

USA (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2778234)
2015 -- 2,712,630
2016 -- 2,744,248 (+1%)
2017 -- 2,813,503 (+3%)
2018 -- 2,839,205 (+1%)
2019 -- 2,854,838 (+1%)
2020 -- 3,358,814 (+18%)

2015 – 925,200
2016 – 910,899 (-2%)
2017 – 932,263 (+2%)
2018 – 954,874 (+2%)
2019 – 939,520 (-2%)
2020 – 985,535 (+5%)

England + Wales (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopula...guresondeathsregisteredbyareaofusualresidence)
2015 – 528,507
2016 – 523,857 (-1%)
2017 – 532,130 (+2%)
2018 – 540,265 (+2%)
2019 – 529,553 (-2%)
2020 – 607,169 (+15%)

I'm curious to see what happens to these numbers after the pandemic is over. Obviously they will subside, but I'm wondering if C19 just helped folks pass early that were truly already in rough shape. My current guess is that the numbers dip far below the average for a couple of years. We'll have to wait and see for that though...


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Posts like these make me wonder how effective the vaccine truly is...

I mean, the vaccine has been made for last year's Covid. Any variant, it's not likely going to protect you... Which is exactly why the vaccine is ultimately at best as effective as the regular flu (influenza) vaccine, which is about 40% effective. And even then, influenza has been around for ages, and we've had some years were it turned out to be about 10% effective... They've been trying to produce a universal influenza vaccine for ages, and it never worked.

There is no reason to believe it will work for Covid either.

Honestly, I think we're already late for that.
With me, I've been told, that sadly my immunity, due to liver transplant is so low that vaccine has 60% chance of protect me and sadly, it failed. Trust me, I am really disappointed in that as well...

Gotta say, shit ain't fun : (
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In a study looking at the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, antibody levels were also much higher in vaccinated people than in those who had recovered from infection.

So, perhaps, "vaccine gives a better protection" statements are not as baseless.

I mean, the vaccine has been made for last year's Covid. Any variant, it's not likely going to protect you... Which is exactly why the vaccine is ultimately at best as effective as the regular flu (influenza) vaccine, which is about 40% effective.

Mm, I think that's not how it works.
The thing with Influenza is that it mutates a lot.
So when you get a vaccine it's aimed against a handful of the strains that someone predicts to be the most common types.

COVID 19 so far has shown to be much less "mutatey".

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
In a study looking at the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, antibody levels were also much higher in vaccinated people than in those who had recovered from infection.

So, perhaps, "vaccine gives a better protection" statements are not as baseless.

I am pretty sure that the currently free-flowing antibody levels in the blood do not necessarily indicate immunity much less the degree of said immunity.
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I fucking wrestled all day with taking a pain reliever just in case there’s any truth to them dampening the immune response but I succumbed to my symptoms. The pain was too much.
Dunno, if it helps, but US friend of mine got Moderna jabs, which are upfront two times the volume and seems to be 10 times nastier than BioNTech-Pfizer. So you were lucky not to get Moderna.

I got my first dose of Moderna a couple of days ago and after 24 hours I felt awful (chills, aches, fatigue). But after a good night's sleep I feel a lot better now.



There is no EU export ban.
Good to hear, however, that a country that consumed 37 million jabs is kind enough to "export" 700k. So generous it puts EU, that exports as much as it consumes should be ashamed.

On top of it, new German production facility in Marburg is going to roll 250 million jabs a quarter. (BioNTech-Pfizer)
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I am pretty sure that the currently free-flowing antibody levels in the blood do not necessarily indicate immunity much less the degree of said immunity.
What other indicators of someone having immunity do we have? Nothing, but actually seeing people get or not get ill?
Okay, so after day two of this bullshit (second shot symptoms) I’m starting to re-think the wisdom of the second shot if the first one provides up to 80% efficacy. They could have the entire country vaccinated already, and then let people opt in for the second shot for the extra 10-15% protection, which is unlikely necessary if herd immunity was reached.
Okay, so after day two of this bullshit (second shot symptoms) I’m starting to re-think the wisdom of the second shot if the first one provides up to 80% efficacy. They could have the entire country vaccinated already, and then let people opt in for the second shot for the extra 10-15% protection, which is unlikely necessary if herd immunity was reached.
The UK is like "great idea mate!;)"


The second shot though is more to ensure the long term memory t-cell propagation. Long term effects for the first shot are not strong. The second enables it.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Hmm today is the day, I am not sure if I am going to survive that. I have good saturation, but I feel like I cannot freely breathe and it's stressing me out, also I am weak as fuck, I had to plan my moves to toilet, shower and it's ridiculous.
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