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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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All i can say better storm the stores now than tomorrow.
I just came back from sobeys. Everyone was buying there little steaks and salads and then there is me with a cart full of rice, cans, every color and shape of lysol etc.
Yeah i got the funny looks.

I hate the funny looks

Mind yo own damn business dammit. You do you bitches


Well I’ve been stocking up on supplies all week.
*Lots of canned food, at least 350 cans+ (especially stuff that babies can eat like carrots and peas, I have a 6 month old)
*Lots of Ramen Noodles
*100lbs of rice
*100 Gallons of bottled water
*Lysol/Clorox wipes/GermX
*Toilet paper
*Ammo (500 rounds of 9 mil, 200 rounds of .380, 500 rounds of .22, 500 rounds of .223, 100 12ga misc)
*Baby wipes
*Pain relievers/Medical alcohol

I don’t really think the shit will hit the fan but I’m not taking that risk on my wife and child’s life. I live in rural Kentucky, so we can isolate away from people if we have to.

Am I missing anything?

First off, im not a prepper, but i have done some serious research in the past few months:

For bug in, that's pretty solid, and honestly, it sounds like you are more than set barring worst case scenario. I think it's unlikely we see more than supply chain disruption... and given you're already rural, you likely will have little issue compared to a city suddenly having an outbreak.

That said, since you are looking for ideas

You may want to add:

Protein bars
Dried fruit
Iodized salt
Powdered milk
Dried or canned beans
Electrolyte powder [cytomax or whatever]
Shelf stable almond milk, chicken stock, etc

Radio! [Battery or usb, see below... a crank only is a pita]
Tobacco if you smoke, but since you have a kid, quit.
Can opener

Going deeper...
Sawyer Products SP131 Squeeze Water Filtration System [this will not filter virus from water, but will let you drink dirty puddle water, etc]. Can be easily adapted to gravity system. I actually have a pack of cheap coffee filters and plastic bags next to this for that purpose. Filtering is enough to drink unless you fear water supply is contaminated, which is extremely unlikely, in which case boil too.

If you want to go overboard, get a jackery generator and solar panel. This will be enough to have electricity for low wattage stuff. [Usb lanterns, flashlights, kindle, phone, dorm fridge, usb radio, usb arc lighter, etc]. The odds of you needing this for corona approach nil, but you'll be psyched if your power ever goes out.

This is assuming bug in and not bug out.

Again, it sounds like you are already quite prepared, and in a region unlikely to be too affected to begin with. But you also have a 6 month old, so i totally understand the instinctual protective mode this shit can cause.
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Well I’ve been stocking up on supplies all week.
*Lots of canned food, at least 350 cans+ (especially stuff that babies can eat like carrots and peas, I have a 6 month old)
*Lots of Ramen Noodles
*100lbs of rice
*100 Gallons of bottled water
*Lysol/Clorox wipes/GermX
*Toilet paper
*Ammo (500 rounds of 9 mil, 200 rounds of .380, 500 rounds of .22, 500 rounds of .223, 100 12ga misc)
*Baby wipes
*Pain relievers/Medical alcohol

I don’t really think the shit will hit the fan but I’m not taking that risk on my wife and child’s life. I live in rural Kentucky, so we can isolate away from people if we have to.

Am I missing anything?

Tyvek or hazmat suit. In case you need to deal with infected.


now my state is surrounded

I am expecting Spikes up the ass in NY if they are testing.
Connecticut my state has kits but they have limited numnbers of kits so I expect a case or two soon because everyone works in NY from CT

Im in CT too (Fairfield County). Looks like we are gonna get the pincer move. I'm currently 2 years into a clinical trial for cancer (suppressed atm), and starting to get a little nervous.
Im in CT too (Fairfield County). Looks like we are gonna get the pincer move. I'm currently 2 years into a clinical trial for cancer (suppressed atm), and starting to get a little nervous.

Cancer sucks keep fighting hard!
Same Sickle Cell will not allow a good outcome for me if I catch this.


I'm glad some people are getting ready because you'll have to save me x_x

People like you are what the ammo is for.
If the shit truly hit the fan it would be the people who didn’t bother preparing who try to come take it from the rest of us.

Seriously though like I said, I’m not expecting anything crazy terrible to happen here but I am concerned about supply chain disruptions.
I have a wife, daughter, mother in law and my wife’s elderly grandparents that will all look to ME in the event that it gets really serious.
If you don’t have that kind of responsibility on your shoulders then snigger away all you want.

autoduelist autoduelist thank you! Those are excellent suggestions.


Lads, I'm in greater Philly and I usually go to the gym around 4 days a week. Pretty healthy 28 year old guy.

Should I just work out from home or just go to the gym?


Gold Member
I knew it was going to be a hot number but Gawd Damn SK

Yeah, China is clearly not in the establishments’ pocket. They have the highest concentration of anywhere in the world and they get the lightest coloration on the map with not even the entire country covered.

Meanwhile, all of Siberian through Russia and the Arctic Circle through Canada solid red.

:messenger_weary: :messenger_ok:


Commie News Network, indeed.


People like you are what the ammo is for.
If the shit truly hit the fan it would be the people who didn’t bother preparing who try to come take it from the rest of us.

Seriously though like I said, I’m not expecting anything crazy terrible to happen here but I am concerned about supply chain disruptions.
I have a wife, daughter, mother in law and my wife’s elderly grandparents that will all look to ME in the event that it gets really serious.
If you don’t have that kind of responsibility on your shoulders then snigger away all you want.

autoduelist autoduelist thank you! Those are excellent suggestions.

No problem. Be prepared. Most of this stuff is useful across many types of emergencies.
If you are dealing with elderly then the jackery generator may be even more important if they have medical device needs [check wattage tho].

Regarding the food - just put an alert on your phone for a year... if this all blows over, donate the food you won't eat to a food drive or whatever [or eat it] and buy some fresh supplies. Keep rice stored well so it doesn't get infested.

You are absolutely correct regarding the biggest threat - nothing like hunger to drive people to raiding people's houses for food.

I have a bug in and bug out area in the garage, lol. [Tent, tarps, sleeping bags, machete, blankets, atlas, etc]. Just enough to feel prepared without the misses thinking i went off the deep end. Mostly stuff i would own anyway for camping and whatnot but kept neatly stored in one place so i don't have to think about it.

Though if we ever have to bug out ill probably end up in montana or kentucky so please don't shoot first.
Been thinking about it a lot lately and I think I'll lift and do cardio at home for a bit just to be on the safe side.

this is a good choice, you might be healthy enough to ride through it with little worry if infected but you might end up passing it to someone who does not do as well fighting against the virus.


  • Global virus deaths hit 3,000 as China reports another 42
  • NY State confirms 1st case of Covid-19
  • Rhode island announces "presumptive" case; patient recently visited Italy
  • Washington State confirms 2 more cases
  • 2 new cases confirmed in California
  • Israel case total hits 10 day before vote
  • South Korea death toll hits 22
  • Germany case total doubles in 24 hours to 129
  • Mexico case total climbs to 5
  • White House to hold meeting tomorrow with 8 pharma CEOs
  • Italy reports 42% jump in cases overnight to nearly 1,700
  • France reports 30 new cases, bringing total to 130
  • Czech Republic, Dominican Republic report first cases
  • Chinese health officials report first 'double lung' transplant connected to virus case
  • Iraq, Bahrain confirm 6 new cases; Lebanon confirms 3
  • 6 being tested in NYC for coronavirus
  • South Korea confirms 18th death, officials seek murder charges for founder of church at epicenter of outbreak
  • American Physical Society cancels major scientific conference
  • Juventus quarantines U23 squad
  • Iran death toll hits 54 as Trump offers aid
  • Thailand, Australia report first deaths
  • Spain case count hits 73; France hits 100
  • Independent scientist says it could have been spreading in WA for six weeks, with hundreds infected
  • Italian cases number more than 1,100; South Korea reports more than 3,700
  • Italian death toll hits 29
  • Luxembourg reports first cases, says it's linked to Italy
  • UK cases rise to 35 as 12 new cases confirmed; 2 cases infected inside UK
  • UK health secretary says China-style lockdowns "an option"


This is a given from my little bit of research.

We are looking back in time of the spread for a number of reason.

It infects a lot of people and it has a long incubation. Symptoms don't show up until 3 weeks later. It has been spreading silently.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Oops. They are closing down my workplace (huge campus with ~3000 people) as one of the employees was diagnosed with Coronavirus. I’m in The Netherlands. :messenger_hushed:
Here in the States I'm less scared about the virus itself but then I am on how it's impacting the economy.

Really worried with hearing all these canceled events, business and organizational shut downs and so on.
Here in the States I'm less scared about the virus itself but then I am on how it's impacting the economy.

Really worried with hearing all these canceled events, business and organizational shut downs and so on.

The world economy is what will be the most damaging about all of this. Olympics not happening would be crushing for me I enjoy them.
h1n1 never went away, it simply melted into the seasonal flu cycle and we now accept it as the norm. Same deal with this. We will become best buds with the corona virus.


ya this is inevitable, read that 80% of cases are mild and seems to have low fatality rate even if you're of below average health. still better to practice safe hygiene and avoid being exposed to it but i'm beginning to think Trump may actually be right about this.



If you're in you 30s and healthy without diabetes, chronic heart or lung diseases, the chance for dying is probably ~0,01%.
People read something about a 2-3% death rate and panic without even trying to understand the statistics.

Of course this means all the more that people with serious pre-existing conditions should really take great care of themselves.
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The ones where they welded people into their apartment buildings?
being quarntined in my house with my supplies, internet, computer games, nice back garden, wife and cat for a month while the infection is slowed and treatments improved sounds ideal to me. I would still get paid and have plenty of food and meds stored and I wouldn't have to be in my germ infested shared office but I seriously doubt it will happen.


Anyone knows why are there so many Corona deaths in Iran?
Those numbers seem so skewed compared to the rest of the world.

I wish there was an explanation.

Cause it's either there are way more cases than what's being reported (for the 1-2% death rate to be applicable).

Or they have a more aggressive mutated strain of the virus.
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