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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Gold Member
Well I’ve been stocking up on supplies all week.
*Lots of canned food, at least 350 cans+ (especially stuff that babies can eat like carrots and peas, I have a 6 month old)
*Lots of Ramen Noodles
*100lbs of rice
*100 Gallons of bottled water
*Lysol/Clorox wipes/GermX
*Toilet paper
*Ammo (500 rounds of 9 mil, 200 rounds of .380, 500 rounds of .22, 500 rounds of .223, 100 12ga misc)
*Baby wipes
*Pain relievers/Medical alcohol

I don’t really think the shit will hit the fan but I’m not taking that risk on my wife and child’s life. I live in rural Kentucky, so we can isolate away from people if we have to.

Am I missing anything?

That's a hell of a virus, if it is going to make the electricity go out our water stop running.
New confirmed cases today:

South Korea: 686
Italy: 566
Iran: 385
Mainland China: 202
Germany: 51

Here's the thing though - if the virus can be contained and eliminated at this early stage, we won't have to accept it as the norm. There's still possibility for that.

H1N1 like this is a flu variant. You don't cure the flu. You don't eradicate it. In fact there is growing evidence that the good old spanish flu that made 200 million perish in the early 1900's was none other than *drumroll* a strain of H1N1.
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Rodent Whores
New confirmed cases today:

South Korea: 686
Italy: 566
Iran: 385
Mainland China: 202
Germany: 51

H1N1 like this is a flu variant. You don't cure the flu. You don't eradicate it. In fact there is growing evidence that the good old spanish flu that made 200 million perish in the early 1900's was none other than *drumroll* a strain of H1N1.
I'm talking about COVID, not H1N1.
And in this response we discuss my upcoming chest infection. I feel my lungs starting to phlegm up. halp. I don't want to virus.
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i cant think of a place where more germs are shared amongst strangers

Likely more germs on your desk or door handles at work - do remember a lot of gym goers will be washing with soap after their session, thus conforming to the WHO guidelines.
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Rodent Whores
And in this response we discuss my upcoming chest infection. I feel my lungs starting to phlegm up. halp. I don't want to virus.
Cool story bro
While you speak the truth about catching it, if they only have 28 beds for the most serious of the sick I am not being hysterical at all don't be foolish do the math
The math? You mean the math that currently shows that I have a fraction of a percent chance of dying from this if I were to get infected? That the lethality numbers are probably on the high end because of China's botched handling of this in the beginning? That there is a bottleneck in testing as well as a likelihood of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic carriers which would mean that the actual ratio of deaths/infected is probably lower than what we currently think it might be?

This is what I'm actually worried about:

1. COVID19 seems to be more contagious compared to your run of the mill flu, which means a higher number of people affected overall, despite low percentage rates. (this number may also be skewed due to the initial mishandling)

2. I don't want to be an asymptomatic carrier and unknowingly infect someone more vulnerable, like a friend or family member 60+ years of age.

3. While we have a flu vaccine, we don't have a COVID19 vaccine yet. I prefer having as many avenues of protection as possible.

4. While the numbers for COVID19 paint it as on par with a severe seasonal flu, its mere existence means that I have to deal with 2 shitty virus strains floating around instead of just 1.

5. The panic that many communities are experiencing has a bad effect on the economy, which does have real consequences and impact on lives. If we hit a bad recession, more people will probably die from economic reasons, than compared to COVID19.

#5 is what is most going to affect all of us. It already is. Hardly anyone on this forum is going to get severly ill or die from the actual virus.
Cool story bro

The math? You mean the math that currently shows that I have a fraction of a percent chance of dying from this if I were to get infected? That the lethality numbers are probably on the high end because of China's botched handling of this in the beginning? That there is a bottleneck in testing as well as a likelihood of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic carriers which would mean that the actual ratio of deaths/infected is probably lower than what we currently think it might be?

This is what I'm actually worried about:

1. COVID19 seems to be more contagious compared to your run of the mill flu, which means a higher number of people affected overall, despite low percentage rates. (this number may also be skewed due to the initial mishandling)

2. I don't want to be an asymptomatic carrier and unknowingly infect someone more vulnerable, like a friend or family member 60+ years of age.

3. While we have a flu vaccine, we don't have a COVID19 vaccine yet. I prefer having as many avenues of protection as possible.

4. While the numbers for COVID19 paint it as on par with a severe seasonal flu, its mere existence means that I have to deal with 2 shitty virus strains floating around instead of just 1.

5. The panic that many communities are experiencing has a bad effect on the economy, which does have real consequences and impact on lives. If we hit a bad recession, more people will probably die from economic reasons, than compared to COVID19.

#5 is what is most going to affect all of us. It already is. Hardly anyone on this forum is going to get severly ill or die from the actual virus.

'Yada Yada I am right look at me'

No, the math that says 28 beds is not enough to take care of the most serious sick

England only has 15 available beds for adults to treat the most severe respiratory failure and will struggle to cope if there are more than 28 patients who need them if the number of coronavirus cases rises, according to the government and NHS documents.

Stop being stupid


Rodent Whores
Easy to say if you don't have family who have pre-existing medical conditions or are older, for them there is actually a not insignificant chance that it is a death sentence.
Yes, it is easy to say because the vast majority of users here are younger than 50.

My concern for older folks is separate and very much real. This also might be just a semantics argument, but wouldn't consider a 15% chance of dying a death sentence either.

for them there is actually a not insignificant chance that it is a death sentence.
These words - they don't actually mean anything. This is like saying 60% of the time, it works, everytime.

There is not an insignificant chance they will die, that's for sure. However, it's still not a death sentence.


Rodent Whores
'Yada Yada I am right look at me'

No, the math that says 28 beds is not enough to take care of the most serious sick

Does your personal math exclude the concepts of addition or multiplication? It's not like 28 beds is all you're ever gonna get. Humans are also good at making more stuff.

The government said this could be increased in an emergency.

It suggests that if no beds are available “within the designated and surge capacity” in the UK, they might have to be sourced from other countries, for example, from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

I'm pretty sure the UK government is working hard in preparation to make sure that in the event of a crisis, they have enough supply and have the capacity to ramp it up more if necessary.

Stop being stupid
I'm sorry, but stupidity is baked into the human condition.


Rodent Whores
I'll just ignore these "I'll downplay everything because I am not at risk" posts.
That's actually not the full context of my assessment. I did point out the very real risks the vulnerable among us face.

Additionally, this isn't a "got mine, fuck you" argument. It's an argument that the level of fear people are experiencing might not be proportional to the actual risk as it stands, and that an overabundance of fear also has very real negative consequences.
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I'll just ignore these "I'll downplay everything because I am not at risk" posts. I just wish I shared in your good health you guys can afford to play stupid

realism is not stupidity, the numbers are what they are

we're all waiting to see what happens next, don't pretend like you have a crystal ball

up play, down play, do whatever you want


Anyone knows why are there so many Corona deaths in Iran?
Those numbers seem so skewed compared to the rest of the world.
No idea.
I don't know a lot about Iran, but I'm guessing the medical infrastructure isn't as good as countries like Japan, Korea, US, etc.
So two possibilities I can think of.
1, there are a lot more cases than are being reported, but they simply do not have the ability to test and track everybody. Deaths on the other hand, are a lot more obvious, so they show up more.
2, people who are in serious/critical condition, are unable to get the medical care they need, because it is not available, resulting in more deaths.

Probably a combination of both.
realism is not stupidity, the numbers are what they are

we're all waiting to see what happens next, don't pretend like you have a crystal ball

up play, down play, do whatever you want

What I respect is real Science and proven facts, I don't have time to argue paper thin data points that don't work in real world / real time

I've only been posting and reacting to numbers on here and goverment messages, I am not sure where the lack of realism fits in that

I would agree we can all get carried away and run from realism. But people make themselves look stupid if they need to write a wall of text from every cheeky phrase posted in this thread. It turns out you are the one taking this shit too damn seriously.

I've been trying very hard not to post a wall of text of hyperbole so please move on if you don't like my 2 cheeky phrases and feel you need lists and charts to calm me down. Even if I was posting super worried and over the top worried, I have a reason to be, what I don't get is anyone's need to come into this topic an make light of the shit they are not even at risk for. Are you at risk? No STFU allow those with a concern to share what they need.

You mofos would make good politicians all numbers on paper with no heart for human needs.
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In a few years, we will look back at this and feel this was the biggest hysterical reaction ever.

Are you going to wear them all the time from now on?
If shit hits the fan.... Yes. Indoors and outdoors. Hopefully none above but at this rate I'm guessing it'll come to that.


What I respect as real is Science and proven facts, I don't have time to argue paper thin data points that don't work in real world / real time

I've only been posting and reacting to numbers on here and goverment messages, I am not sure where the lack of realism fits in that

I would agree we can all get carried away and run from realism. But people make themselves look stupid if they need to write a wall of text from every cheeky phrase posted in this thread. It turns out you are the one taking this shit too damn seriously.

I've been trying very hard not to post a wall of text of hyperbole so please move on if you don't like my 2 cheeky phrases and feel you need lists and charts to calm me down. Even if I was posting super worried and over the top worried, I have a reason to be, what I don't get is anyone's need to come into this topic an make light of the shit they are not even at risk for. Are you at risk? No STFU allow those with a concern to share what they need.

You mofos would make good politicians all numbers on paper with no heart for human needs.

do whatever the fuck you want, i don't give a shit

'all numbers on paper, no heart for human needs'

:messenger_horns: ✨ well aren't you special
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Rodent Whores
What I respect as real is Science and proven facts
and feel you need lists and charts
These things. I gave you these things. They are the same, these things reddragondoyousee.gif

You mofos would make good politicians all numbers on paper with no heart for human needs.
Proper risk management and cost/benefit analysis requires numbers and data to make the right logistics calls. I'm not sure if hysteria is what humans need.

But plants crave electrolytes.
I'll just ignore these "I'll downplay everything because I am not at risk" posts. I just wish I shared in your good health you guys can afford to play stupid
I don't see any downplaying here.
Like Tesseract Tesseract wrote, we just look at the charts, and by those this thing is not that much different from a typical flu.
The hysterical reaction by mass media might really endanger more people than this sickness itself does.
I don't see any downplaying here.
Like Tesseract Tesseract wrote, we just look at the charts, and by those this thing is not that much different from a typical flu.
The hysterical reaction by mass media might really endanger more people than this sickness itself does.

It is a crisis thread, like any other serious storm or hurricane OT. Nothing more nothing less we have no control over how people react outside of this thread. What we say in this thread is not going to change the media reaction to it.

A few factors about this thread.

A) Most people are not at risk at all, and should not even be concerned one bit about this

B) People who have existing health concerns that this would really suck for if they caught this

Now those two sides need to figuire if this is a politics thread where we all argue about risks or if this is just a crisis thread where we report locations and rising dangers.

Can't really say why the world is going all Ebola level nuts over this, but this is just a GAF thread it really does not matter if people go apeshit let them have a place to vent is all I've been saying since the beginning of this thread.

I love Science and Rational Thinking more than most people, my favorite podcast is Skeptic's Guide to the Universe. Still I know people need to vent talk shit and say silly shit without chart man coming in trying to take them uber seriously.

We don't have to make everything me versus you. People are dying even if you think the world is overreacting let it go.
The politics forum is a click away


Does anyone buy the China numbers? Seems so low, do they have the whole damn country on lockdown? If it is indeed true that the only way they were able to stop viral acceleration using their draconian measures, democracies have no hope in hell in containing this unless they do the same. And if China isntituted their measures and are now just lying about the infection rate, well the rest of the world will be fucked even harder. I'm not too worried about myself due to my age and health, but there's a lot of older folks that are gonna suffer a lot.


Does anyone buy the China numbers? Seems so low, do they have the whole damn country on lockdown? If it is indeed true that the only way they were able to stop viral acceleration using their draconian measures, democracies have no hope in hell in containing this unless they do the same. And if China isntituted their measures and are now just lying about the infection rate, well the rest of the world will be fucked even harder. I'm not too worried about myself due to my age and health, but there's a lot of older folks that are gonna suffer a lot.

they already suffer the flu and pneumonia and shit

Does anyone buy the China numbers? Seems so low, do they have the whole damn country on lockdown? If it is indeed true that the only way they were able to stop viral acceleration using their draconian measures, democracies have no hope in hell in containing this unless they do the same. And if China isntituted their measures and are now just lying about the infection rate, well the rest of the world will be fucked even harder. I'm not too worried about myself due to my age and health, but there's a lot of older folks that are gonna suffer a lot.

We talked about this for a while. I think China did mess with the numbers some at first but they also needed the WHO on message so I just accept what they gave us.

I don't think every country can lockdown like China without riots

And I don't think every country can build new Hospitals in 6-9 days like China.
Northern Italy could really use more beds for the sick but they can't pull off what China did.

Who owns the land? How much does it cost? None of that was an issue for China, they just moved in took the land and put a huge pre-fab hospital on it.

The reason things spiked outside of China was Diamon Princess, IRAN, South Korean Church, and ITALY
If we could take away a few mistakes made from those 4 areas we would be in a much better position to isolate this.


First case in a neighboring town to me here in Germany. Press release by the district. This will get messy.
But factoring in all the huge crowds and parties around carneval, the infection rate seems kind of low.
First case in a neighboring town to me here in Germany. Press release by the district. This will get messy.
But factoring in all the huge crowds and parties around carneval, the infection rate seems kind of low.

I would give it 2 to 3 weeks before you start seeing a spike of cases if crowds was exposed at all. By that time those folks would have travelled out of the area if they came in for an event.

Countries have been shutting down some really prime events the last few days.

Sexy, sexy virus

Nah fuck the virus, virus does not matter I want to know what the LORE behind that shit is.
I want to say those are 2 CIA agents trying to give IRAN bad press but Iran has been shocking me for the past month with some really weird actions.

If this is real Iran must have some happy women and gay men out there

dudes going to town like me on fried chicken with tabasco
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Nah fuck the virus, virus does not matter I want to know what the LORE behind that shit is.
I want to say those are 2 CIA agents trying to give IRAN bad press but Iran has been shocking me for the past month with some really weird actions.

If this is real Iran must have some happy women and gay men out there

dudes going to town like me on fried chicken with tabasco

I mean if someone is so eager to lick balls I can think of a safer alternative, provided proper hygiene
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