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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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«Frightened about Coronavirus?

This report comes from Eileen Kurlander

Someone posted this....

"CORONAVIRUS is not a new virus. It has been around for at least two decades and is transmitted from animals to humans and then from humans to humans. It is said to have originated from eating cats, bats, and camels (depending on the strain). 2019-nCoV is a supposedly new strain of the coronavirus that surfaced in mid-December 2019 from a seafood market in China.

Now follow with me:

• In 2004,the CDC filed a patent on a newly isolated coronavirus known as SARS.It expired on January 24, 2020
-- pure coincidence given the timing of this media outbreak I'm sure.

In 2015, the Pirbright Institute filed a patent for a live attenuated coronavirus to be used in the production of vaccines. The Pirbright Institute is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and recently received $5.5 million dollars to do what they do. They were "coincidentally chosen" to create the vaccine behind this current outbreak.

• They will be partnering with Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) to create said vaccine. This company brought you the zikaquackxine in a record-breaking 7 months (run ... just ... run).

Inovio Pharmaceuticals will be partnering with Wistar (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates), GeneOne(funded by Bill and Melinda Gates and sponsored by the US FDA) and Twist Biosciences (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). If the Wistar Institute sounds familiar, it should. This is the company that produced the WI-38 cell line derived from the "too many to count" aborted fetuses in the vaccines injected into your children.

In October of 2019, the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health (Center for Health Security) held "Event 201," which simulated an outbreak of a theoretical coronavirus that ironically, looks exactly like what's playing out right now.It ultimately becomes a childhood disease for which we need to vaccinate against.Guess who it was funded by?The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Gates are Eugenicists.

You really can't make this stuff up».

This is missing that one time I played Plague Inc. on my phone in 2017 and named the virus after my girlfriend's mum
Not everyone can read chinese but the umbella logo is uncandy lol



Lil’ Gobbie
Honestly the fact that there have only been 82 deaths tells me that this must be a little bitch virus

because on paper, it's terrifying. It's like influenza on steroids. Incubation of up to 14 days where you are contagious without symptoms? We should all be dead.
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Honestly the fact that there have only been 82 deaths tells me that this must be a little bitch virus

because on paper, it's terrifying. It's like influenza on steroids. Incubation of up to 14 days where you are contagious without symptoms? We should all be dead.

That was yesterday.
106 dead as of today, don’t expect it to slow down anytime soon.
4,592 confirmed cases and 106 confirmed Deaths



4,592 confirmed cases and 106 confirmed Deaths

Resident evil is real y’all


Considering the reaction of China to this virus I have a sneaking suspicion that the numbers have been heavily skewed. I wouldn't be surprised if there were hundreds of thousands of infected already with thousands of dead. Has there ever been such a massive panic to a viral/bacterial outbreak before? I don't recall being it THIS bad with any of the previous ones like Mad Cow, Swine Flu, Bird Flu or Ebola outbreaks.


Considering the reaction of China to this virus I have a sneaking suspicion that the numbers have been heavily skewed. I wouldn't be surprised if there were hundreds of thousands of infected already with thousands of dead. Has there ever been such a massive panic to a viral/bacterial outbreak before? I don't recall being it THIS bad with any of the previous ones like Mad Cow, Swine Flu, Bird Flu or Ebola outbreaks.

Maybe, but here's an unpopular opinion: China's the perfect country to deal with it. They don't have things like 'human rights" slowing them down. They'll do whatever it takes to contain and kill this thing. And if the situation get super worse, they won't hesitate to get as drastic as it takes.
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First case confirmed in Germany, the coronavirus patient didn't travel to china.

"Health authorities say the man who contracted the virus is from the state of Bavaria. It is the first known instance outside of China of the disease transmitting between unrelated persons"

"According to SPIEGEL information, the infected person is an employee of a convertible roof manufacturer from Stockdorf in Bavaria, which has several large branches in China and a large plant in the Wuhan region. According to initial investigations by the authorities, the employee was infected by a Chinese colleague who had spent a few days in Stockdorf from China on January 19. It is now necessary to check whether other colleagues have also been infected."

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Maybe, but here's an unpopular opinion: China's the perfect country to deal with it. They don't have thing like 'human rights" slowing them down. They'll do whatever it takes to contain and kill this thing. And if things get super worse, they won't hesitate to get as drastic as it takes.
I don't think other countries would deal with this in a considerably different matter. Unless we are talking about executing infected people or carpet bombing cities.


I don't think other countries would deal with this in a considerably different matter. Unless we are talking about executing infected people or carpet bombing cities.

That's kind of what I'm saying. They'll get as drastic as it takes to beat this thing, without a lot of the reservations Western countries would have.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Considering the reaction of China to this virus I have a sneaking suspicion that the numbers have been heavily skewed. I wouldn't be surprised if there were hundreds of thousands of infected already with thousands of dead. Has there ever been such a massive panic to a viral/bacterial outbreak before? I don't recall being it THIS bad with any of the previous ones like Mad Cow, Swine Flu, Bird Flu or Ebola outbreaks.
It's called the recency effect.


For starters, quarantining a whole 10million people region would never be done in other countries.
Doing nothing for 1 month before ... didn’t help ... it’s good that they now take action but the virus has already spread in that month over the globe ...

And if the world didn’t know a flu that someone had in any country could already be the new virus ... as people don’t get hospitalized or checked if you have the flu ...

Also our hygiene is other standard so people can react differently on this virus ...

Could very well sizzle out ... but also the opposite can happen... viruses are smart and can adjust..
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For starters, quarantining a whole 10million people region would never be done in other countries.
NYC as a whole would never be quarantined.

They demolished roads, this would never happen. In the US Maybe checkpoints would be installed, but a lockdown is not permissable.


Shit, I'm supposed to go to Rome next week, but with this virus going on I don't know, specially since Rome is one of the European cities that had direct flights from Wuhan.

It's already in Paris and Germany. Damn.


NYC as a whole would never be quarantined.

They demolished roads, this would never happen. In the US Maybe checkpoints would be installed, but a lockdown is not permissable.
Well they would obviously not demolish roads (maybe?) but there would be checkpoints on all roads, all traffic in and out of the city would be restricted heavily. Schools would be closed as well as all theaters and shopping centers. It would effectively be a quarantine. FEMA would have a field day regardless.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
Doing nothing for 1 month before ... didn’t help ... it’s good that they now take action but the virus has already spread in that month over the globe ...

And if the world didn’t know a flu that someone had in any country could already be the new virus ... as people don’t get hospitalized or checked if you have the flu ...

Also our hygiene is other standard so people can react differently on this virus ...

Could very well sizzle out ... but also the opposite can happen... viruses are smart and can adjust..
I know you are being factious but viruses aren't smart and don't adjust. They randomly mutate. Sometimes they mutate to become worse, sometimes they mutate and fizzle out.
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Believe what you believe but I know enough about chinese culture to tell that empty streets is not normal in the new year...

Oh, you're an expert, corovirus just shot itself In the foot? I lived in China for 15 years, obviously I "don't know enough about Chinese culture" even though I've done the full cycle of the 12 animal years and respective CNY. Maybe I'll dig through the BBC News website where they quoted me back in 2009 saying it's amazing how the cities become ghostowns during CNY?

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Jesus christ, it's a goddamn half-pipe.

Put Tony Hawk on the case, he will smash any half-pipe double quick!

Bird flu was all over the media in a "They gon get yo ass! Birds gonna fly to yo house!" kind of way.

And I knew it was all bull because nobody really did anything. A couple of farms got exterminated but it was all business as usual.
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Oh, you're an expert, corovirus just shot itself In the foot? I lived in China for 15 years, obviously I "don't know enough about Chinese culture" even though I've done the full cycle of the 12 animal years and respective CNY. Maybe I'll dig through the BBC News website where they quoted me back in 2009 saying it's amazing how the cities become ghostowns during CNY?

Same here, more than a full animal cycle in Guangzhou.
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