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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing

So what builds have people been using for the Demolisher here? I always tend to go for some fitness so I'm kind of juggling on what I want to do. Thinking of going 6/6/6/4/4. Really like it, just makes me wish I had more upgrades to my Grenade Capacity gear.

There are various build depending of your play style

Power Bombs (5 grenades 25% amor regen,+2 grenade regen,all secondary grenade effects, all power grenades upgrades) you rarely take action or use your gun (Use the Harrier)


Grenade Fest Scrub style (8 grenades with less power, you can use any weapons, even the heavies)


Fully support (40% more radius, 50% shields capacity, you can chose between helping biotics or Infiltrators, use pistols to faster pylons,Discharge secondary effect)


My favorite is the first but you wont be battling at all, expect to see lots of tech explosions and you are literally the backbone of your team, your worst matchup are the reapers and phantoms.

I named my Demo KAT.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
love demolishers

you can post up a pylon behind any piece of good cover and go nuts with grenades and harrier rounds all day
Currently rocking a 12 grenade capacity with my demolisher.



I just played 5 rounds of a gold match from an isometric view that prevented me from aiming anywhere but the floor and required me to move the left stick in the opposite direction that I wanted to go with respect to a constantly spinning camera (what it looks like when you're waiting to be revived, except it continues when you get up). I was playing a fury so at the very least I could throw annihilation field on and run up to enemies and use throw on the floor to blow them up but man there are so many glitches in this game.

Thank you to the 3 who kept reviving my bitch ass


The difference between my Demolisher when I went full damage and grenade capacity vs. adding the electrical & fire damage and radius is very huge IMO.

The latter works a lot better. I'm down 3 grenades, but tech bursts are huge and even though each grenade is weaker I feel it helps the team way more since I stagger a lot more enemies. I don't know if I triggered any fire explosions since they're hard to do but I'm sure I did as well. I need more Incindiary Ammo.
Krysae nerfed further? good, i hate the gun. the sound effect alone is annoying enough for me to not want to use it lol. Black Widow and Valiant all the way.

i've got some good shit from the last few PSPs: N7 Shadow, Acolyte, Piranha, Claymore IX, Reegar X (OHH YEAH), Disciple X (for my Slayer, exactly what i wanted). and i got the Pistol Cranial Trauma System up to V, giving 40% more headshot dmg :O some level 1500 player was wondering what the hell that mod was on my Carnifex, didn't even know it existed heh.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
The joke is that I haven't even seen the Krysae in ages, I never used it myself, and that was before the latest DLC with all of these power-heavy and up-close characters.

Feel bad for those that used it, because even though it could probably still be decent, after looking at that list, it'll still feel like the gun sucks now.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The joke is that I haven't even seen the Krysae in ages, I never used it myself, and that was before the latest DLC with all of these power-heavy and up-close characters.

Feel bad for those that used it, because even though it could probably still be decent, after looking at that list, it'll still feel like the gun sucks now.

I don't think it sucks. With an incendiary mod, the splash is still awesome - and you can set off tech bursts/explosions for yourself and the entire squad. That was always my biggest "this gun is OP as fuck" peeve (along with its weight). You could essentially sit back and nuke from orbit if you had one smart Engineer with you. Its definitely still overlooked as a support weapon too.
Yeah so I have been playing the Vorcha Sentinel for a while now finally one game away from level 20. Max Flamer, max bloodlust, max vorcha training, nearly maxed fitness. Using the N7 Piranha and a geth SMG so with regenerative health this thing is a beast in close combat. Suffers greatly at mid to long range combat. Might use an assault rifle but the weight would just be too much.
Yeah so I have been playing the Vorcha Sentinel for a while now finally one game away from level 20. Max Flamer, max bloodlust, max vorcha training, nearly maxed fitness. Using the N7 Piranha and a geth SMG so with regenerative health this thing is a beast in close combat. Suffers greatly at mid to long range combat. Might use an assault rifle but the weight would just be too much.
why is weight a problem with the Vorcha Sentinel? bloodlust is always on and cluster grenades are grenades. so only the flamer requires recharging which doesn't take that long, it's always recharged for me when i need it. i use a Reegar and Valiant with it and i think it's worth it to sacrifice a bit on the flamer recharge so that i have a good long distance weapon.

i start a gold round sniping, and when the enemies start closing in i switch to the Reegar. works great IMO, i don't die as much cos i don't have to always rush in.


Really Really Exciting Member!
How good is the Saber at higher ranks? Mine is still rank I and has been for a few months (*cry*), and i love how it feels like a mini-sniper rifle. Plus, dat sound effect!

But it needs a little more damage and ammo capacity to make it worth my while and i feel like i'll never get it close to even rank V... fucking ultra rares... *shake fist at RNG*


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
How good is the Saber at higher ranks? Mine is still rank I and has been for a few months (*cry*), and i love how it feels like a mini-sniper rifle. Plus, dat sound effect!

But it needs a little more damage and ammo capacity to make it worth my while and i feel like i'll never get it close to even rank V... fucking ultra rares... *shake fist at RNG*

Its actually pretty damned solid if you can headhunt well.

I saw a guy using it between his destroyer and gethfiltrator - the rate of fire bonuses make a huge difference.


How good is the Saber at higher ranks? Mine is still rank I and has been for a few months (*cry*), and i love how it feels like a mini-sniper rifle. Plus, dat sound effect!

But it needs a little more damage and ammo capacity to make it worth my while and i feel like i'll never get it close to even rank V... fucking ultra rares... *shake fist at RNG*

I finally got my Saber to rank 2 and I'm happy about that. It's just my favorite gun so I just can't switch to another gun. :( It definitely needs more damage and more upgrades could work wonders, but I've gotten so good at using it, though.


I wish the Saber had some built-in penetration. Maybe a slight damage buff.

I already love it as is though. Mine's currently at III.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I finally got my Saber to rank 2 and I'm happy about that. It's just my favorite gun so I just can't switch to another gun. :( It definitely needs more damage and more upgrades could work wonders, but I've gotten so good at using it, though.

Does the stability mod works with it since its not automatic? I tried it with the Destroyer and i like it a lot with the improved fire rate, but there's just too much recoil after each shots. If that mod does help, i guess i just found my long range weapon for the Destroyer, its way better than using a sniper rifle since i can use the gear that gives me more grenades + assault rifle damage.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I wish the Saber had some built-in penetration. Maybe a slight damage buff.

I already love it as is though. Mine's currently at III.

With that awesome sound, how does it not have built-in penetration? ugh

But yeah, stability mods do make a difference. The Barrage equipment mod is quickly become one of my favorite in the game too. Stability bonus and extra ammo? yes plz


I got my Saber to 4 yesterday, it sounds awesome but I just don't care for it much. I just want a Typhoon out of the ultra rares.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Isn't there some guy on GAF who linked his profile and had every ultra rares at X? We're all jealous of him.

And i wonder how much real money he spent for that. If its all from ingame credits... Damn.


Isn't there some guy on GAF who linked his profile and had every ultra rares at X? We're all jealous of him.

And i wonder how much real money he spent for that. If its all from ingame credits... Damn.

Yeah I think it was that Jibbo dude. The only ultra rare I used to use a lot was the Paladin, but since it rarely got upgraded I just used the Carnifex X over it...


id give anything for a scorpion or talon x
I recently tried using my formerly dominant Scorpion Gethfiltrator. He's just not as good as Piranha Infiltrator. Talon X is still money.

Played a Platinum game where I has to solo the end of waves 8, 9 and 10 -_- I couldn't finish wave 10 because 1 person hacking just doesn't have enough time with all the boss mobs around. Was going to try a full solo again, but running low on Shotgun III amps. Blew threw my remaining cash hoping to resupply. No Shotgun amps, but two Ultra-Rares.

Scorpion VII - Neat. I don't use it as much as I once did, but still. Neat.
Black Widow VIII - I hate you so much, Store.

Willing to trade: Saber X for Typhoon.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I recently tried using my formerly dominant Scorpion Gethfiltrator. He's just not as good as Piranha Infiltrator. Talon X is still money.

Played a Platinum game where I has to solo the end of waves 8, 9 and 10 -_- I couldn't finish wave 10 because 1 person hacking just doesn't have enough time with all the boss mobs around. Was going to try a full solo again, but running low on Shotgun III amps. Blew threw my remaining cash hoping to resupply. No Shotgun amps, but two Ultra-Rares.

Scorpion VII - Neat. I don't use it as much as I once did, but still. Neat.
Black Widow VIII - I hate you so much, Store.

Willing to trade: Saber X for Typhoon.

My Black Widow is topping out too. I think its either VIII or IX now... I'm hoping to max it so I won't have to see it anymore and I get something I really need like Paladin Upgrades :/


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm hoping to see someday in multiplayer balance notes : "Improved chance of getting ultra rares." :( Hearing some of you that have ultra rares at VII or IX kinda piss me off when all my ultra rares are between I and III. :mad: I suppose you have all rare gear at III/IV/V and all rare weapons and characters maxed if your ultra rares are that high?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm hoping to see someday in multiplayer balance notes : "Improved chance of getting ultra rares." :( Hearing some of you that have ultra rares at VII or IX kinda piss me off when all my ultra rares are between I and III. :mad: I suppose you have all rare gear at III/IV/V and all rare weapons and characters maxed if your ultra rares are that high?

I've maxed every uncommon and rare weapon in the game. Got every single character card and all the appearance stuff so I can't get anymore character cards. All weapon mods. All rocket launcher +1 type stuff. Only thing I'm missing is some of the uncommon perm equipment mods (like the melee bonus thing) and some of the newer rare perm equipment mods.

Most of my PSPs land me nothing but fucking ammo.

I dont know why the Indra is a super rare.

I've maxed every uncommon and rare weapon in the game. Got every single character card and all the appearance stuff so I can't get anymore character cards.

Yesterday I get 1 more infiltrator engie and 1 more Asari adept but I have that characters maxed out.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Yesterday I get 1 more infiltrator engie and 1 more Asari adept but I have that characters maxed out.
Its not supposed to work that way. Once you go through all of the appearance unlocks, you're not supposed to be getting rare character cards anymore.
I just recently got all rare weapons and characters maxed out and my highest ultra rare is at VIII (Javelin :/ ), but then I still have 4 uncommon weapons that aren't maxed out yet. You'd think after all the SPs and PSPs I've gotten I would have gotten enough uncommon things to max them out but nooo. I also have to max out a ton of uncommon/rare permanent mods and the ultralight pistol material.

Cat Party

From one of those missives from BW, it sounded like certain uncommon stuff wasn't dropping in PSP and SPs. That would probably explain why you might still have uncommons to get. I swear this is happening to me with the Vindicator and Phalanx, and some weapon mods.


Really Really Exciting Member!
From one of those missives from BW, it sounded like certain uncommon stuff wasn't dropping in PSP and SPs. That would probably explain why you might still have uncommons to get. I swear this is happening to me with the Vindicator and Phalanx, and some weapon mods.

You get like 1 or 2 uncommon in every PSP, and most of the time its a one time only consumable, so of course uncommon weapons and gear seems to take longer to unlock. My Phalanx got to VII recently and was at VI for a while. Thankfully every other uncommon weapon are maxed, other than Incisor IX, but who cares about that shitty sniper anyway.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
From one of those missives from BW, it sounded like certain uncommon stuff wasn't dropping in PSP and SPs. That would probably explain why you might still have uncommons to get. I swear this is happening to me with the Vindicator and Phalanx, and some weapon mods.

I went back to veteran packs for a while to get my Vindicator maxed. Helped a bunch because I got to restock my medi-gels and stuff too.


I need to start playing on Platinum, so close to having everything maxed out.



Operation OVERWATCH (July 27th 10AM PST – July 30th 5AM PST)

Operation OVERWATCH drops troops on Earth to tackle the most secure Reaper strongholds. Reaper anti-air defense will make for high-risk shuttle extractions.

Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty with at least one squad member using an Earth Pack character

Allied Goal: Extract 800,000 individual players on any difficulty, with each live member counting toward the goal.

Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack that includes a new Earth character.

Special Circumstance: Extraction time lengthened due to failure of Operation BROADSIDE.

Requirement: Mass Effect: Earth must be installed to earn these rewards.



New OP.
Operation OVERWATCH drops troops on Earth to tackle the most secure Reaper strongholds. Reaper anti-air defense will make for high-risk shuttle extractions.

Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty with at least one squad member using an Earth Pack character
Allied Goal: Extract 800,000 individual players on any difficulty, with each live member counting toward the goal.

Special Circumstance: Extraction time lengthened due to failure of Operation BROADSIDE.

Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack that includes a new Earth character.

Requirement: Mass Effect: Earth must be installed to earn these rewards.
That special circumstance is funny as hell.


Really Really Exciting Member!
These goals sucks, it needs more original things like back when they did "Krogan, Batarian and Vorcha only".


Canadians burned my passport
This allied goal is the equivalent of "Here is a ball, perhaps you'd like to bounce it" after the failure of the last operation.


The pièce de résistance: Bioware now has an Operation Timer on the BWS.

Operation Overwatch will begin in 47:18:50

Check the brand new countdown timer at the top of the page. smilie

This timer will countdown to when the Operation begins and will then switch over to a new timer counting down until the Operation ends. Hopefully this will prevent confusion over the start and end times.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Now I definitely won't spend a cent until that commendation package comes out, I'm still missing three characters :)

Nice since I'm already sitting on about 520,000 credits as is, and I'll definitely be doing some more Gold & Platinum matches over the weekend.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Now I definitely won't spend a cent until that commendation package comes out, I'm still missing three characters :)

Nice since I'm already sitting on about 520,000 credits as is, and I'll definitely be doing some more Gold & Platinum matches over the weekend.

There is still a risk you'll get a card for a character not maxed i'm sure.
Kind of pissed at the RNG right now. Spent some serious time playing last night (probably 6 hours worth of playing, 15 minutes platinum time each match). I bought something like 15-18 PSPs and 8 SPs (I don't know but it was ridiculously high).

I got: 2 rare gear upgrades, and a Harrier upgrade.

Pissed me off royally. Did they lower the UR drop rate? I don't even have the Typhoon yet. And it's not for lack of playing or buying packs either.

Edit: Platinum feels incredibly scripted now. Apart from the first few waves, it feels the same every time. It's not very fun, and the variety isn't there. The payout, however, is, so I keep playing it.
Edit: Platinum feels incredibly scripted now. Apart from the first few waves, it feels the same every time. It's not very fun, and the variety isn't there. The payout, however, is, so I keep playing it.

it was and It will be,I dont see any fun playing in platinum. you only play platinum for the credits
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