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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


Geth Spitfire V was the lone UR drop this morning.

Trying to spam Recruit Packs with leftover credits every chance I get now in order to max out my rank I-II consumables. I'm curious as to what kind of drops I'll start getting from the more expensive Packs once that's done.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Geth Spitfire V was the lone UR drop this morning.

Trying to spam Recruit Packs with leftover credits every chance I get now in order to max out my rank I-II consumables. I'm curious as to what kind of drops I'll start getting from the more expensive Packs once that's done.

Recruit Packs do not give rank II consumables. Only Veteran and Jumbo(?) do.
Lol @ the Lv1. He's adorable. :p

Could've been his first game, before he knew the difference between Bronze, Silver, Gold etc? As far as I remember the game never actually guides you towards the suitable matches.

If I hadn't read up a bit on the MP, I may well have gone straight into Gold as well :p

Anyone want a few games on PS3 now? Add me :)


Geth Spitfire V was the lone UR drop this morning.

Trying to spam Recruit Packs with leftover credits every chance I get now in order to max out my rank I-II consumables. I'm curious as to what kind of drops I'll start getting from the more expensive Packs once that's done.

Not sure if that'll make a difference in the higher tiered packs. I think those consumables will still show up in the packs, even though you have 255, unlike rockets/medi-gels/thermal clip packs/survival ops.


Not sure if that'll make a difference in the higher tiered packs. I think those consumables will still show up in the packs, even though you have 255, unlike rockets/medi-gels/thermal clip packs/survival ops.

I hate this game. :(

* Sai goes to play a round of Glacier/Platinum.
Could've been his first game, before he knew the difference between Bronze, Silver, Gold etc? As far as I remember the game never actually guides you towards the suitable matches.

If I hadn't read up a bit on the MP, I may well have gone straight into Gold as well :p

Anyone want a few games on PS3 now? Add me :)
his character was level 1. his n7 ranking wasn't. he was just shit. I would have solod the damn game if I didnt get the hack objective by myself in the middle of the london map. it was brutal. 2 atlases and 5 phantoms by myself with zero cover.
Geth Spitfire V was the lone UR drop this morning.

Trying to spam Recruit Packs with leftover credits every chance I get now in order to max out my rank I-II consumables. I'm curious as to what kind of drops I'll start getting from the more expensive Packs once that's done.
I havent gotten a UR drop in 2 weeks.not ONE. no matter what I buy.
Think I'll stick to Bronze for now :(

Why do good players play Bronze?

are you having a bad experience with players on bronze?

Could be a few things:
- just promoted, getting a low level character to something higher before moving on to silver+
- is playing with friends who prefer bronze (I play with my wife, she'll do silver but prefers bronze)
- person is feeling tired/drained after a long day and just wants to unwind
- just got a new character or weapon, wants to test them out
- is comfortable on bronze. I'm this from Silver to Gold actually, I'm sure I'd be fine on Gold if I equipped my best but I'm just so comfy on Silver
are you having a bad experience with players on bronze?

Could be a few things:
- just promoted, getting a low level character to something higher before moving on to silver+
- is playing with friends who prefer bronze (I play with my wife, she'll do silver but prefers bronze)
- person is feeling tired/drained after a long day and just wants to unwind
- just got a new character or weapon, wants to test them out
- is comfortable on bronze. I'm this from Silver to Gold actually, I'm sure I'd be fine on Gold if I equipped my best but I'm just so comfy on Silver

They're not ruining the experience or anything, and I know you still get a lot of points for assists, but its a little annoying when you're about to win a good one-on-one and someone comes in with some ridiculously powerful tech and blows everything to smithereens :p


Really Really Exciting Member!
are you having a bad experience with players on bronze?

Could be a few things:
- just promoted, getting a low level character to something higher before moving on to silver+
- is playing with friends who prefer bronze (I play with my wife, she'll do silver but prefers bronze)
- person is feeling tired/drained after a long day and just wants to unwind
- just got a new character or weapon, wants to test them out
- is comfortable on bronze. I'm this from Silver to Gold actually, I'm sure I'd be fine on Gold if I equipped my best but I'm just so comfy on Silver

-Need to do some 200 waves/10 extractions challenges as fast as possible.
-Need to do some 200 waves/10 extractions challenges as fast as possible.

yup, that's a good one too. I have a feeling you might be all too familiar with that, lol

They're not ruining the experience or anything, and I know you still get a lot of points for assists, but its a little annoying when you're about to win a good one-on-one and someone comes in with some ridiculously powerful tech and blows everything to smithereens :p

Any chance they're Vanguards? Vanguards looooooooooove to steal kills with biotic charge
Shame you can't mix and match armour pieces.

Quite liking the Human Adept, nice balance of powers. Miss using the Biotic Charge though :(

Called him Scarab for his shiny blue-green armour :p

Is it the character name or the PSN ID that appears above players' heads?


Really Really Exciting Member!
yup, that's a good one too. I have a feeling you might be all too familiar with that, lol

You bet I am when I have every Mastery Challenges asking for waves and extractions completed! All that's left is 20-30 Gold waves on 4-5 specific maps and I will have all 25 of them for the Best of the Best banner!

Is it that much faster than doing those on Silver? Plus you can get a bit more credits.

Bronze is ridiculously easy and fast compared to Silver, so yeah. And if you have a lot (or every, like me) gold items unlocked with mostly URs left, a little less credits isn't gonna hurt too much.
oooh. 3 x Gold extractions with 3 VERY Good teams. Topped the boards with 1 x Geth Engineer, 1 x Geth Soldier, 1 x AIU.

the reward? 2 x arsenal packs which gave me a Saber V and Harrier VII!

Probably the two best back to back packs ive ever bought.


Bronze is ridiculously easy and fast compared to Silver, so yeah. And if you have a lot (or every, like me) gold items unlocked with mostly URs left, a little less credits isn't gonna hurt too much.

Hmm, the only parts of my Manifest I haven't maxed out are the uncommon gear and two UR character cards...

And I've come to two realizations:
#1 I can hit two birds with one stone by playing Bronze (or maybe Silver if I want the extra credits). Use characters for the 200 wave challenges, use the credits I get to buy recruit packs for the character XP cards, and promote classes that reach L20. Any thoughts on this, Bisnic?
#2 Won't be buying XBL Gold after mine expires so that means no more ME3 MP when that time comes :(
Is there a way to abuse the 1 month free subs for Silver members?
I really fucking wished I got ME3 on PC.

Wish I can play some matches with you, Phat Michael, but I doubt it would be enjoyable because of lag (I live in NYC).


Really Really Exciting Member!
Hmm, the only parts of my Manifest I haven't maxed out are the uncommon gear and two UR character cards...

And I've come to two realizations:
#1 I can hit two birds with one stone by playing Bronze (or maybe Silver if I want the extra credits). Use characters for the 200 wave challenges, use the credits I get to buy recruit packs for the character XP cards, and promote classes that reach L20. Any thoughts on this, Bisnic?
#2 Won't be buying XBL Gold after mine expires so that means no more ME3 MP when that time comes :(
Is there a way to abuse the 1 month free subs for Silver members?
I really fucking wished I got ME3 on PC.

Wish I can play some matches with you, Phat Michael, but I doubt it would be enjoyable because of lag (I live in NYC).

That's pretty much what I did for those last annoying challenges, do Bronze for 200 waves, buy recruit packs for making 60 promotions a little less painful, do Gold once im 16-20 for the 100 gold waves on specific maps. I did like 3-4 challenges at the same time lol.

Sucks for you about XBL expiring. Poor Xbox players, having to pay to play ME3 MP, when PS3 and PC players get to do it for free.


Now my turn.
2 Things.

1 The next XBOX has tweaked achievements.
With the next Xbox, developers and publishers will be able to add more achievements to a game after launch, without the need to add DLC. This is designed specifically to allow developers to tweak player behavior, perhaps urging players to check out specific areas of a game or get past a difficult spot. Next-gen achievements can also be tied to broader events, like a weekend challenge or a communal goal, like contributing a set number of kills to the bigger goal of 10,000 kills over one weekend.

2 I have an embarrassing confession.
I don't actually have a max manifest :( Could have sworn my Eagle had hit X, but it was only at IX. I played a round of U/U/Platinum with a Hurricane GI. Bought 3 Reserve Packs with all the credits I had sitting around doing nothing. Eagle X.
Maxxed Manifest! :D

Whoa! Congratulations! Just curious, you bought Reserve packs (which is characters) when you were shooting for a weapon? Why not arsenal? Or maybe that's what you meant?
According to the most thorough gathering of numbers I had ever seen (and consistent with my own observations): Reserve Packs have a very slight edge for dropping URs.
2 I have an embarrassing confession.
I don't actually have a max manifest :( Could have sworn my Eagle had hit X, but it was only at IX. I played a round of U/U/Platinum with a Hurricane GI. Bought 3 Reserve Packs with all the credits I had sitting around doing nothing. Eagle X.
Maxxed Manifest! :D
Whoa! Congratulations! Just curious, you bought Reserve packs (which is characters) when you were shooting for a weapon? Why not arsenal? Or maybe that's what you meant?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Whoa! Congratulations! Just curious, you bought Reserve packs (which is characters) when you were shooting for a weapon? Why not arsenal? Or maybe that's what you meant?

Once you have unlocked every characters, Reserve packs can also give weapons, gears, mods and URs. And some people speculate that you have more chances with URs with Reserve packs rather than Arsenal or Premium packs for some reason. I almost feel like its the truth considering i got like three of four URs with only a few (less than 10) Reserve packs in the past week.
Hmm, the only parts of my Manifest I haven't maxed out are the uncommon gear and two UR character cards...

And I've come to two realizations:
#1 I can hit two birds with one stone by playing Bronze (or maybe Silver if I want the extra credits). Use characters for the 200 wave challenges, use the credits I get to buy recruit packs for the character XP cards, and promote classes that reach L20. Any thoughts on this, Bisnic?
#2 Won't be buying XBL Gold after mine expires so that means no more ME3 MP when that time comes :(
Is there a way to abuse the 1 month free subs for Silver members?
I really fucking wished I got ME3 on PC.

Wish I can play some matches with you, Phat Michael, but I doubt it would be enjoyable because of lag (I live in NYC).
it should be ok. I live in middle east but I play with americans all the time and its fine. you can just host if you like.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Well, i'm finally done with Challenges. About time!


Saint Titanfall
I also seem to be more often getting a glitch where I can only move, can't run attack or do anything. just comes in randomly and last for 10 to 20 seconds. It's so annoying.
first go with the turian marksman. so much fun. harrier vii, barrage upgrade, extended clip, Incindiary rounds iv. man this is so much fun. atlas is pretty much 1.5 clips and its gone.

skipped proxy mine as you cant use it and marksman efficiently. concussive shot is great for setting off fire explosions.


first go with the turian marksman. so much fun. harrier vii, barrage upgrade, extended clip, Incindiary rounds iv. man this is so much fun. atlas is pretty much 1.5 clips and its gone.

skipped proxy mine as you cant use it and marksman efficiently. concussive shot is great for setting off fire explosions.

That sounds good :) I was thinking of revisiting the Turian Soldier using a build similar to Principate's description. Also saw a video of a TS using the BPP, armored bosses dropped so fast.

I sent a FR to Phat Michael and accepted Sai's FR. Need to level up my classes before playing with you guys in a few weeks lol.

And congrats Bisnic! :D
Can anyone give me a quick rundown of how to combine tech/biotic powers to get the best use from them?

Currently I'm just using Singularity to drain shields/suspend enemies, Warp to do damae and Shockwave to push/stagger enemies, and I know there's more to it than that


Saint Titanfall
Can anyone give me a quick rundown of how to combine tech/biotic powers to get the best use from them?

Currently I'm just using Singularity to drain shields/suspend enemies, Warp to do damae and Shockwave to push/stagger enemies, and I know there's more to it than that

This page gives a decent enough overview of source and detonator powers, while going on the abilities your interest in themselves you'll gives you a deeper understanding.



Can anyone give me a quick rundown of how to combine tech/biotic powers to get the best use from them?

Currently I'm just using Singularity to drain shields/suspend enemies, Warp to do damae and Shockwave to push/stagger enemies, and I know there's more to it than that

If you are talking about tech and biotic combos, there's this list from BSN. But if you're asking how to use them effectively, it's a harder question to answer. Singularity is a great power to set up BE, so toss one in a crowd and use shockwave to detonate (multiple) BEs. Warp is a good debuffer against armored enemies to do more damage and to detonate BEs for when shockwave won't reach them.


Cheers guys. Do different people need to use the source/detonator? Tried a few Singularity+Warp/Shockwaves and nothing happened

Nope, you can do all the priming and detonating yourself if the character has powers to do that. If you're using the Human Adept, try this build. Keep in mind the enemies have to be within the Singularity's radius to stay primed (which is why you take radius) so you can use Warp/Shockwave to detonate; there's also no visual feedback (for shielded/armored enemies, at least I don't think so.
Been a while since I played a character with Singularity
) when they're primed so you need to play and get used to the AOE. You can use Warp+Shockwave for BEs too. FYI, I think Shockwave is a tricky biotic power to detonate with if you aren't close enough and if enemies move fast.

Edit: I took a peak at your Manifest and you got, imo, one of the best guns: M-37 Falcon (stagger city). What you can do is [shoot -> prime enemy -> shoot -> detonate] or [prime -> shoot -> detonate] depending on your situation. Pace the shots with the Falcon, it's not meant to deal damage, it's meant to stagger enemies so you get more consistent BEs. Here's a video of xCal demonstrating how he used to play Gold with the Human Sentinel.

This is probably one of the longest responses I ever wrote on GAF :lol
Nope, you can do all the priming and detonating yourself if the character has powers to do that. If you're using the Human Adept, try this build. Keep in mind the enemies have to be within the Singularity's radius to stay primed (which is why you take radius) so you can use Warp/Shockwave to detonate; there's also no visual feedback (for shielded/armored enemies, at least I don't think so.
Been a while since I played a character with Singularity
) when they're primed so you need to play and get used to the AOE. You can use Warp+Shockwave for BEs too. FYI, I think Shockwave is a tricky biotic power to detonate with if you aren't close enough and if enemies move fast.

Edit: I took a peak at your Manifest and you got, imo, one of the best guns: M-37 Falcon (stagger city). What you can do is [shoot -> prime enemy -> shoot -> detonate] or [prime -> shoot -> detonate] depending on your situation. Pace the shots with the Falcon, it's not meant to deal damage, it's meant to stagger enemies so you get more consistent BEs. Here's a video of xCal demonstrating how he used to play Gold with the Human Sentinel.

This is probably one of the longest responses I ever wrote on GAF :lol

Ha, I was about to make a post complaining about the Falcon :D

Far too impatient to use a weapon for the purpose of staggering :p

Is it under Assault Rifles instead of Shotguns for balance purposes?

Does the difficulty get balanced depending how many teammates you have?

Had my first game that was ruined by people using equipment and powers beyond what is needed for Bronze earlier. It did teach me that I've gotta get an Anti-Synthetic Rifle though :D

Unless you filter your games by enemy type, how are you supposed to set up properly? ie, if I had the Anti-Synthetic Rifle equipped, would I not be screwed if the enemy was anything but Geth?


Ha, I was about to make a post complaining about the Falcon :D

Far too impatient to use a weapon for the purpose of staggering :p

Is it under Assault Rifles instead of Shotguns for balance purposes?

Does the difficulty get balanced depending how many teammates you have?

Had my first game that was ruined by people using equipment and powers beyond what is needed for Bronze earlier. It did teach me that I've gotta get an Anti-Synthetic Rifle though :D

Unless you filter your games by enemy type, how are you supposed to set up properly? ie, if I had the Anti-Synthetic Rifle equipped, would I not be screwed if the enemy was anything but Geth?

- I don't know, they just decided the Falcon is an AR instead of anything else? It's technically a grenade launcher and it's appropriately categorized if you think about it.
- Difficulty is not scaled, it's the same no matter how many people are in the match.
- I guess you prepare by knowing the weapon you are using (and possibly going to need) and the class. For example if you are playing a Human Sentinel, it would be wise to bring a secondary weapon with armor-piercing mod, just in case, to deal with guardians (an enemy the Falcon will have a hard time dealing with them). On the other hand, the Human Adept doesn't need to bring one because it can throw a Singularity behind (?) the guardian and leave him floating in air.
And I don't think you would be screwed with the Anti-Synthetic Rifle, I used it against the Reapers without a problem lol.
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