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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


I opened a couple spectre packs. Man they are fucking hit or miss. I keep getting +100k xp char cards that I already have which is useless to me. I think I'm going to switch back to veteran packs to unlock more characters.

I switched from SMG to sniper on my quarian infiltrator and it made geth/gold matches a ton easier. Feels good man. Even though I speced it out wrong I still do a ton of damage with my shit sniper (seriously why can't I get any sniper cards!?). I actually did the use a power while cloaked instead of 40% dmg w/ snipers but it worked out because I can cloak, zoom in, then sabotage and fire at the same time then get cover and wait for cloak to regen. Pretty awesome.

Added a random person today too that plays really well. We got through two golds before he had to go. Dude has 4 med kit slots ;_; I still haven't gotten any of those from spectre. I feel so ripped off.

With the Quarian Infiltrator, I think firing a power while cloaked is really useful thanks to sabotage.


I'm sorry GAF i bought spectre gear with real money. It gave me the black widow though, holy shit is that thing awesome.


Anybody looking to play on Silver/Gold on 360 and actually work together? The randoms I keep getting out with grouped with are absolute garbage when it comes to sticking together. GT: PetriesLastWord

I'm sorry GAF i bought spectre gear with real money. It gave me the black widow though, holy shit is that thing awesome.

Whatever, they made a solid, engaging product and for a few bucks you got to increase your enjoyment of said product. Seems like a win/win to me.


With the Quarian Infiltrator, I think firing a power while cloaked is really useful thanks to sabotage.

Yeah I'm liking it a lot. Cloak->Sabo->Snipe and wait to repeat is really safe/powerful. I kind of wish I got some of the other sniper perks along the way though.. I basically picked melee for some of the choices D:

Oh well. I can always promote to my SP and relevel

I need to unlock a damn widow/black widow though :(


Why do I keep getting shotguns when I buy stuff from the store? I'm an engineer. Do I have to select Soldier in order to get ARs? :s If that's the case, then well shit, that's 145K down the drain. :/


Been booted mid match around wave 5 three times in a row.

No credits, fuck this if the connection isn't stable don't connect us or give me some of the credits at least. Always connection to host/EA not XBL


Not sure if this is good or not but I couldn't resist getting another spectre pack since I had 80k from a completed gold.

Got my sniper rifle barrel 2 now. Should help out a bit. Still want a sniper rifle though :/


Or just get a respec token out of a pack!

Hah. I can't even get a regular widow sniper out of a pack D:

opened a veteran pack


aww yee poor man's widow lol
I guess so.

I do not have an Origin-Account, but here is the users Forum-Profile:

Someone can check if at least the post is legit or not.

Still a total dick-move, if its true.

(And i still dont think the guy is at fault. He maybe joined some server where the host used some modified files. After that he got a lot of points and spend them.
In my opinion it is not the guys fault, but Biowares fault, that such things can even happen....)
so i'm just loading up my game today on ps3 and i go to redeem my online code and i put in the code, it goes to the psn store screen to download the DLC stuff and i click to download but i gives an error.

then i try clicking a few more times, keeps giving the error, so i back out, try to put in the code again, and i get an error (it's not allowing me to enter the psn store screen at this point). then i back out again because that isn't working and it says error right away then i can't even access the area to redeem my code.

now every time i press triangle at the initial screen to redeem my code it says error and i can't redeem it.

just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem? because i'm kinda pissed.


Whatever, they made a solid, engaging product and for a few bucks you got to increase your enjoyment of said product. Seems like a win/win to me.
If you get hit by the bug where you lose all your unlocks, your money will not be refunded though :(


Out of curiosity, would anyone bring a soldier on gold challenges?

They seem to have so little utility compared to other classes, and their survivability is kind of terrible compared to Vanguards with their biotic charge into a full shield charge. It seems like the soldier's focus on buffing shields is useless when shields are ripped apart so quickly in MP. I assume their damage is no where close to an Infiltrator or a other class too, even with Adrenaline Rush on. The 50% weapon damage boost seems paltry next to the Infiltrator's damage and damage bonus boosts. Spamming concussive shot is nifty I guess, but doesn't seem as useful as stasis or Cryo blast since it doesn't confer a damage buff or armor debuff.


Out of curiosity, would anyone bring a soldier on gold challenges?

They seem to have so little utility compared to other classes, and their survivability is kind of terrible compared to Vanguards with their biotic charge into a full shield charge. It seems like the soldier's focus on buffing shields is useless when shields are ripped apart so quickly in MP. I assume their damage is no where close to an Infiltrator or a other class too, even with Adrenaline Rush on. The 50% weapon damage boost seems paltry next to the Infiltrator's damage and damage bonus boosts. Spamming concussive shot is nifty I guess, but doesn't seem as useful as stasis or Cryo blast since it doesn't confer a damage buff or armor debuff.

Concussive shot and proximity mines are cool. Frags are pretty powerful too but on gold you only reequip 1 every minute or whatever from those boxes so they aren't that useful outside of the beginning. Soldier in general seem like the worst class by far. They need a serious buff to make them even compete with the others. I've been playing around a bit and it's fun to spam proximity mines/concussive shot on silver and bronze but in gold the moore specialized classes seem more viable for sure.

I did get a M-37 Falcon and it is heavy as shit but I could see how it or another AR could do a ton of damage with adrenaline rush. I was spamming the grenades so fast. I wish respec cards were easier to obtain :/

This is pretty neat:
If the current weapon has spent any part of their clip, upon activating Adrenaline Rush, provided the soldier has the spare ammunition, is refilled to max. If used right, double a soldiers ammunition output before they need to reload.

One thing about AR vs the cloak bonuses is Infiltrators can get something like 90-150% bonuses for a sniper headshot but it's only one shot. With AR you get 50% bonus the entire time. With the right weapon it could do a lot of damage.
I think for soldier it comes down to needing level 10 weapons and big powerful ones, grenades on gold are not going to do much damage but are still handy for crowds.

I have fallen in love with the quarian engineer, using a rifle with scope and recoil mods, full ice and fire tech and full turret tech, great support character who can hold her own weight in a fight too.


Turian Soldier with full marksman can do some good damage. Only class I've managed to get good use from a Revenant. :)


I had an amazing match yesterday on the map with the satellite dishes. It was just three of us, playing on gold against the geth (one engineer, and two soldiers) and things went downhill fast. I was a solider using the Window to try and pick off as many geth as possible because my rifle is too underpowered to do any real damage on gold and by the second round, the three of us were getting swarmed. There was no place to run, hunters and pyros were rushing us and rocket troopers had us covered. Eventually, my two teammates went down with the majority of enemies left over and I just started to book it across the map. I would get to a quieter place, pop up a few shots and then sprint again. This started in the second round and for sound insane reason, continued until we beat the mission. It took about an hour, but it was so intense, satisfying, and just plain fun, that the time flew by. Amazing gameplay without a doubt.


Why do I keep getting shotguns when I buy stuff from the store? I'm an engineer. Do I have to select Soldier in order to get ARs? :s If that's the case, then well shit, that's 145K down the drain. :/


Here is a rarity breakdown. I've been getting a lot of shotguns too which is disappointing. At least I finally got a decent handgun with low weight (phalanx). Still waiting on a good sniper rifle though :/


I keep buying Veteran and Spectre packs and keep getting mediocre stuff. It's making it harder for me to keep playing when I don't get rewarded.

I saw a Krogan Soldier with the Falcon AR (which is a beast) and a Graal Spike Thrower. He killed everything and everyone.

My only rare unlock is the Arc Pistol which is not anything special unless I am missing some qualities about it ..
Is Vanguard a shitty class for this, or am I missing something? Charge, get murdered, revive. If you are lucky you get a few charges in before the get murdered part.


Is Vanguard a shitty class for this, or am I missing something? Charge, get murdered, revive. If you are lucky you get a few charges in before the get murdered part.

Vanguard is great. Just need to know when it's safe to charge and shoot vs charging and Nova right after.


Is Vanguard a shitty class for this, or am I missing something? Charge, get murdered, revive. If you are lucky you get a few charges in before the get murdered part.

What makes the class more risky is that enemies don't all populate the map at once during a wave. Sometimes you could be very cautious and take out an enemy group only to have an Engineer with a turret magically show up behind you and you are 8 miles from your teammates.
Nova is the melee? That is pretty cool.

Maybe I'm just used to the limited exposure of an infiltrator sniper, and this is the opposite. I do fine on bronze, but death will come much more quickly on silver, even with being leveled up.
Here's the strategy, I'm sure most of you are already doing this. As long as you've got an Engineer or two, set the enemy to Geth. Honestly. If you're rolling four Engineers, its murder on the Geth; Reapers and Cerb are tougher to take on. And I roll with randoms, before I ready up I just check what guns they've got and equipment.

And the N-7 weapons are a little underwhelming, so far I've got the Talon pistol and the M-11 wraith shotgun.

Pretty much this. With a group of guys yesterday, I'm using energy drain like crazy, and two other guys are using sabataj (as william shatner says it) But in regards to cerberus, I think we have 3 infiltrators using incinerate, cryo, and turrets/drone for distraction with overload you're set. So, a team of 2 infiltrators and 2 adepts would probably reck havok on them.

I guess ultimately the success for gold comes down to extremely specialized teams that just abuse enemy weaknesses. And if everyone is rolling 3 or more missles you have a tank of 12 one hit kill opps, making those sticky situations a lot easier.

Honestly, gold isn't tough. It's not so much skill as it is just using the proper kind of gimmicks.


Does everyone save for Spectre Packs?

I really want a really good weapon. Like the Black Widow or a Javelin, Falcon, Saber.


You know how you get exp bonuses for choosing random location+enemy? Does that mean you get credit bonuses too? Or are the credits awarded the same amount as if you chose specific enemies?
ugh this game, I join a silver match with 3 other people, select some ammo to use, game starts then instantly as we begin the host quits, wastes my ammo bonus :/

Some of this stuff is just amateur.


Play with one, and they have their friends. You got your friend. Personally add them to your friend list, you're golden for the MP duration of this game. The online experience for me as been great because I've been associating with GAF and only GAF.


First 2 Veteran packs and I get an asari vanguard and drell adept along with some assault rifle mods. Thanks based goddess

I fucking love Drell Adept. Got it to 20 yesterday.. pretty much my first character. I've moved onto Quarian Infiltrator but I really want a Turian Soldier.
Does everyone save for Spectre Packs?

I really want a really good weapon. Like the Black Widow or a Javelin, Falcon, Saber.

A lot of people have been saying stick with Veteran, but I've been getting some boss ass weapons from Spectre. One run on gold will usually give me about 80,000 credits.


I'm sorry GAF i bought spectre gear with real money. It gave me the black widow though, holy shit is that thing awesome.
I was tempted to buy a spectre pack with real money. Then I got a spectre pack with Geth Plamsa Shotgun II and Disciple II.

No thank you.

The last pub group I played with really tore through Silver with ease.
Right, so the only class I have played as has been 'Soldier'. Haven't touched the other classes because I'm not quite sure how good the biotic powers are. Any recommendations? Ideally, I'd like a class better than what I have now, where my main power really is 'Carnage'. Adrenaline Rush seems pretty useless.

Also, if you get the same weapon in a pack, does the weapon upgrade? I sometimes see 'weapon upgrade +1' and the iteration of the weapon I already had goes up one. Does this increase the statistics (damage etc)?
Right, so the only class I have played as has been 'Soldier'. Haven't touched the other classes because I'm not quite sure how good the biotic powers are. Any recommendations? Ideally, I'd like a class better than what I have now, where my main power really is 'Carnage'. Adrenaline Rush seems pretty useless.

Also, if you get the same weapon in a pack, does the weapon upgrade? I sometimes see 'weapon upgrade +1' and the iteration of the weapon I already had goes up one. Does this increase the statistics (damage etc)?

To answer your second question, yes! More damage, and more ammo capacity (slightly). Experiment around with the classes! I have trouble playing sentinels often.


Currenty online playing with randoms. If anyone wants to play, send me an invite. I'm on the XBL gaf tag: CAPCPOM.


so i'm just loading up my game today on ps3 and i go to redeem my online code and i put in the code, it goes to the psn store screen to download the DLC stuff and i click to download but i gives an error.

then i try clicking a few more times, keeps giving the error, so i back out, try to put in the code again, and i get an error (it's not allowing me to enter the psn store screen at this point). then i back out again because that isn't working and it says error right away then i can't even access the area to redeem my code.

now every time i press triangle at the initial screen to redeem my code it says error and i can't redeem it.

just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem? because i'm kinda pissed.

I had a similar issue as well.

Check the error code that the PS3 spits out. I got the error code of 80710102 which turns out is a DNS error which was fixed by using or/and as the DNS address.

Play with one, and they have their friends. You got your friend. Personally add them to your friend list, you're golden for the MP duration of this game. The online experience for me as been great because I've been associating with GAF and only GAF.

added but waiting for confirm.

im streaming on twitch atm if anyone wants to play, diablohead uk on xbl
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