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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Alright so i'm in the ME2 editor program and I found the values where it shows if Wrex died in ME1...but at the bottom it says that the changes wont take effect unless I start a new game.


Any other way I can bring Wrex back from the dead?
Well, if you import that save into ME3 . . . won't it import as a new game? :p

Though I guess it would take you a while to figure out if Wrex is in there or not.


That damned dog is fucking useless. WTF? It better "bite" something or do something fucking amazing at the end of the game. Right now I swear I want to blow it out the airlock.

Game actually ends with Shepard bringing along robo-dog who stares at Harbinger with devastating puppy dog eyes and forces him to re-evaluate his own existence and purpose - a level of introspection he unwittingly transfers to every Reaper mind - and causing them to leave the galaxy with drooped tentacles in shame at what they've wrought. Back in dark space they begin to plan once again - to harvest a planet of canines and build a dog-reaper to pway with dawwwww


So I've got a bug I guess.

I rebought the game on PC due to some problems with my PS3. When I could find model ships scattered throughout on PS3; I can not on PC. I've looked in all the places, and they're just not there. Note: I imported my save on PC, but not on PS3

I could pick them up, but the model was invisible.


Game actually ends with Shepard bringing along robo-dog who stares at Harbinger with devastating puppy dog eyes and forces him to re-evaluate his own existence and purpose - a level of introspection he unwittingly transfers to every Reaper mind - and causing them to leave the galaxy with drooped tentacles in shame at what they've wrought. Back in dark space they begin to plan once again - to harvest a planet of canines and build a dog-reaper to pway with dawwwww

I also stopped wearing the hoodie, because I didn't want to look like I was trying to get my band off the ground at the same time I was saving the galaxy. I think the first time I spoke to the council... in my hoodie... well... I put that thing back in the closet!

I would totally buy that hoodie IRL.

Edit: http://biowarestore.com/mass-effect/mass-effect-hoodies/black-n7-elite-armour-stripe-hoody

Oh dayum!


uh oh, i guess i'm one of the unlucky ones to get the bug in the dlc. it crashes after a certain "event" has played. it seems it only hits pc players and bioware is looking into it. oh well, ill just do the dlc later i guess.

edit: it seems that pressing esc a bunch of times during the transition from the event to gameplay bypasses the bug. just tried it and it worked.




Is there a list of fuel depot locations for ME3?

Also, what are the artifacts you find on planets even for? I get what upgrades and credits are for (obviously), but I haven't really got a handle on what to do with these artifacts, where to apply them or sell them, etc.


Man, everything on Tuchanka was just completely awesome...the more I play this game the more I fall in love with it.

Tuchanka Spoiler:


Anybody just love Huerta hospital? The most peaceful place in the game easily, the atmosphere and the ambient music at the back contributes to that.


Four hours in, loving it so far. Can't wait to get off work.

One gripe though (mild Liara romance spoiler):
When I got to the Normandy and talked to Liara in her cabin for the first time, she mentioned that her and Shepard haven't been together for years, even though I definitely completed Shadow Broker and romanced her at the end of it.

Anyone else notice this?


Four hours in, loving it so far. Can't wait to get off work.

One gripe though (mild Liara romance spoiler):
When I got to the Normandy and talked to Liara in her cabin for the first time, she mentioned that her and Shepard haven't been together for years, even though I definitely completed Shadow Broker and romanced her at the end of it.

Anyone else notice this?

I did Shadow Broker and
she definitely acknowledged it.
Four hours in, loving it so far. Can't wait to get off work.

One gripe though (mild Liara romance spoiler):
When I got to the Normandy and talked to Liara in her cabin for the first time, she mentioned that her and Shepard haven't been together for years, even though I definitely completed Shadow Broker and romanced her at the end of it.

Anyone else notice this?

Nope, Liara was still down to clown with me.

If she doesn't accept you right away, you can romance her again. Talk to her on the Citadel and after missions.


Alright so i'm in the ME2 editor program and I found the values where it shows if Wrex died in ME1...but at the bottom it says that the changes wont take effect unless I start a new game.


Any other way I can bring Wrex back from the dead?

There's a newer, slightly unofficial (improvements not by gibbed but I believe he helped with access to the program's code or something) version by Pordis Shepard that will do what you're looking to do.

Just had Liara talk to (mid game citadel spoiler)
her dad
. Some of these conversations are hilarious, and running away then coming back opens a new dialogue between them.
There's a newer, slightly unofficial (improvements not by gibbed but I believe he helped with access to the program's code or something) version by Pordis Shepard that will do what you're looking to do.

Just had Liara talk to (mid game citadel spoiler)
her dad
. Some of these conversations are hilarious, and running away then coming back opens a new dialogue between them.

You can either do that, or search for the value for 'completed game' or something to that effect. Set that to 'yes' along with all your other ME1 values, and you can import that directly into ME3.... or you can import it as a second play through in ME2, and all the changes will be there from the start.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Four hours in, loving it so far. Can't wait to get off work.

One gripe though (mild Liara romance spoiler):
When I got to the Normandy and talked to Liara in her cabin for the first time, she mentioned that her and Shepard haven't been together for years, even though I definitely completed Shadow Broker and romanced her at the end of it.

Anyone else notice this?

I had this too. The DLC has been acknowledged and the relationship well and truly established, but a couple of lines there made it seem like I hadn't re-done the deed in ME2.
Any other vanguards here? How do you handle those damn turrets? Haven't found a good strategy to handle them well. Pretty much all the deaths I've had so far are due to them =/

Also it's a damn shame that the day 1 dlc wasn't included in the main game.
A lot of interesting tidbits you can learn ("Flies") from Armadillo head. I like to have him on missions because he does tend to have 'commentary' about stuff... a bit odd that this front line military guy seems to know some stuff, but apparently not others. Well their people do seem to share info through dling them from chips like in the Matrix.

btw: is it wise to just save up credits early on to get those specter class weapons? Are there any better weapons in the game?
I really loved this game for the most part except for three things:

Disc swapping. They divided the missions so weirdly in the first part of the game made it annoying at first.

The swarms of dudes you fight. I'm fine with increased difficulty given you can really spam the shit out of your powers, but they went a little overboard with how many enemies you have to deal with---it's way more annoying than hard. I turned down to easy just so some of the combat missions didn't feel as much like a chore.

The ending. I'm sure many things will be said on that but how on earth they thought it was the right way to end the trilogy I just don't know.


This is such a downer. I want my damn model ships back! They're my only real trophy!
They're all over Normandy 2. Someone prob packed them and moved them around while the ship was being renovated. I must say Normandy's remodel looks bad. Cables all over the place, messy dock, etc. Cerberus has better taste/interior designer than Alliance confirmed.


Okay, I have not touched this game yet despite having it unlocked for two days now. This weekend is ME3 time. Gonna have to stock food and water as I am not leaving my house for 2 days, hah (maybe).
Any other vanguards here? How do you handle those damn turrets? Haven't found a good strategy to handle them well. Pretty much all the deaths I've had so far are due to them =/

Usually have a squadmate handy who has a power that helps with them. Overload works wonders of course, but a lot of other powers work well in tandem when you're ramming your vanguard into it with charge.

And I'm probably not quite as aggressive as some vanguards. Helps to look and see who is around before charging at people.


Usually have a squadmate handy who has a power that helps with them. Overload works wonders of course, but a lot of other powers work well in tandem when you're ramming your vanguard into it with charge.

And I'm probably not quite as aggressive as some vanguards. Helps to look and see who is around before charging at people.

Turrets don't kill you because you're charging, they own you on Insanity in 2 seconds if you so much as peek your head out.

Best way is to have a squad member handy to Sabotage those fuckers.


Been playing since 9:30. Holy shit, time flew by.

Kind of sucks losing my ME2 save, since it now seems awkward for Shepard not to have done anything with the Shadow Broker, and it seems like it doesn't include anything about doing any of the Loyalty missions.

Had a chat with Miranda, and Shepard asked about Oriana. Miranda just said something along the lines of getting help.


Subete no aware
Just had Liara talk to (mid game citadel spoiler)
her dad
. Some of these conversations are hilarious, and running away then coming back opens a new dialogue between them.
How do you trigger this conversation in the first place? I never got to see it especially since Liara
moves off to the store area
later on. :(


How do you trigger this conversation in the first place? I never got to see it especially since Liara
moves off to the store area
later on. :(

You go up to the store counter in the vicinity of Liara's original spot on the Citadel and there's a trigger there. It comes up after you do a few missions. I think I triggered it after Sur'Kesh.


How do you trigger this conversation in the first place? I never got to see it especially since Liara
moves off to the store area
later on. :(

Pre-Cerberus attack, go to the bar area, speak to the bartender, then Liara afterwards. Convince/force her to speak with her dad.
I can't even remember who I got killed in ME 1 and ME 2 aside from Wrex and Kaidan, oops

Hope I don't miss out on too much

Do they just sub in generic characters?


Subete no aware
You go up to the store counter in the vicinity of Liara's original spot on the Citadel and there's a trigger there. It comes up after you do a few missions. I think I triggered it after Sur'Kesh.
Pre-Cerberus attack, go to the bar area, speak to the bartender, then Liara afterwards. Convince/force her to speak with her dad.
Hrm, I may go and check that out. If I'm
right at the end of the game pre-Cerberus attack
- would that be too late?


The level design is still linear, no doubt about it but it feels a lot better than ME 2 and for the most part, much more open.


I've been hearing that the level design is rocks and hallways all the way down.

Probably by some bitter internet dweller who still has his nostalgia glasses on from ME1.

For the record, in the game, Mars and Palaven's moon are instantly distinguishable. Mars is red and very much open and Palaven's moon has arguably the best skybox in the entire Mass Effect series. The image in question (B) is intentionally looking away from said skybox.

Besides. When you boil everything down, most of the Mass Effect series is rocks and hallways.


Probably by some bitter internet dweller who still has his nostalgia glasses on from ME1.

For the record, in the game, Mars and Palaven's moon are instantly distinguishable. Mars is red and very much open and Palaven's moon has arguably the best skybox in the entire Mass Effect series. The image in question (B) is intentionally looking away from said skybox.

Besides. When you boil everything down, most of the Mass Effect series is rocks and hallways.

The level design is better, still incredibly linear, but better than the previous games.

Two things that take away from that design tho, the shitty cd-rom era compressed videos (so so bad, takes away from any epicness the videos might have) and the poor textures all around (if you just look at stuff, it be all muddy)
So, I downloaded from ashes, but the email to go to Eden prime still isn't there. I am past the point where I meet wrex in the story. Does it unlock later or am I glitched out of it?


Well this is a fun game so far. Finished the priority mission on
, and I'm happy with the outcome, even if it meant
Mordin had to die.
I'm taking my sweet time with this game, though.

Also, when was I supposed to have gotten my first SMG? I've been using the N7 one until I finally found the Locust. Good old Locust, lightweight material and a scope add on and my Infiltrator has his sidearm of choice. But if I didn't have the N7 pack, I'd been SMG-less fo the first 10-15 hours of the game. That doesn't seem right. Can you buy an SMG somewhere that I missed or what? Or did I miss one just lying out in the open?

I have a spoilerish question, too. How do I identify the point of no return in this game, said in the least spoiler-ish way? In ME2 all you had to say was "IFF", so what's the least about of info you can give to point out where to save before going into the endgame? I'm far away from it, I'd think, though. Next up looks like
Udina is either IN trouble or IS the trouble on the Citadel.


Subete no aware
I have a spoilerish question, too. How do I identify the point of no return in this game, said in the least spoiler-ish way? In ME2 all you had to say was "IFF", so what's the least about of info you can give to point out where to save before going into the endgame? I'm far away from it, I'd think, though. Next up looks like
Udina is either IN trouble or IS the trouble on the Citadel.
The game warns you, like with ME2.
These schematic quests I find on the Citadel. Are they schematics on the Citadel or do I have to find them in the Galaxy? I'm talking about the ones who are labelled as Citadel quests.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So I hear that (returning character spoiler)
Balak, from Bring Down The Sky
can be found in the game. Apparently he is in the
Citadel holding area
, but I haven't encountered him. I hope my game isn't bugged, as I'd like to see him again.


Nope, Liara was still down to clown with me.

If she doesn't accept you right away, you can romance her again. Talk to her on the Citadel and after missions.

I had this too. The DLC has been acknowledged and the relationship well and truly established, but a couple of lines there made it seem like I hadn't re-done the deed in ME2.
She did outright ask me if I wanted to pursue a relationship again, but like EatChildren said, one line in particular made it sound like the romance didn't continue in ME2. Oh well.

Also, when was I supposed to have gotten my first SMG? I've been using the N7 one until I finally found the Locust. Good old Locust, lightweight material and a scope add on and my Infiltrator has his sidearm of choice. But if I didn't have the N7 pack, I'd been SMG-less fo the first 10-15 hours of the game. That doesn't seem right. Can you buy an SMG somewhere that I missed or what? Or did I miss one just lying out in the open?
I'm pretty sure I picked up the M-4 Shuriken on
. Can't remember where exactly though.
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