Extra Sauce
Can someone tell me what is the point of having multiple biotic attacks considering there is only one cooldown for all powers?
Mordin is the only one that gets a significant replacement, relatively speaking. With another salarian scientist who believes in god.
Ifis dead I'm assumingWrex----replaces him, or is that not the case?Wreav
first meeting - normandy docks
Second meeting - spectre office
third meeting - presidium commons apartments
Just got this in the mail:
Just got this in the mail:
Can someone tell me what is the point of having multiple biotic attacks considering there is only one cooldown for all powers?
Yup, but he doesn't do much from what I remember. Just a few lines here and there.
Can someone tell me what is the point of having multiple biotic attacks considering there is only one cooldown for all powers?
Different situations require a different power.
But you're doing it wrong if you're not spamming Charge as a Vanguard.
Got it too but it auto applies the 10 dollar credit when you select a game, anyway past this?
I chose the Adept class, and basically I use a power then play the game as a shooter for 10 seconds waiting for the next power use, rinse and repeat. I don't feel like an "adept" of biotics anymore than in previous games, when I played a Vanguard. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Can someone tell me what is the point of having multiple biotic attacks considering there is only one cooldown for all powers?
I chose the Adept class, and basically I use a power then play the game as a shooter for 10 seconds waiting for the next power use, rinse and repeat. I don't feel like an "adept" of biotics anymore than in previous games, when I played a Vanguard. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
If you're playing an Adept and it takes 10 seconds for your powers to recharge, you are doing something wrong. Get that weight down.![]()
I get the different situations thing, but I maxed out both Throw and Shockwave and they feel completely redundant. Guess I need to respec.
I chose the Adept class, and basically I use a power then play the game as a shooter for 10 seconds waiting for the next power use, rinse and repeat. I don't feel like an "adept" of biotics anymore than in previous games, when I played a Vanguard. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
You're carrying too much weapons. With a Cool Down bonus of 150% or higher, your Biotic cool downs are like 1 second long. Warp and Shockwave will have the longest cool down (3 seconds).
Is there any downside to going over the weight limit as a Soldier who seldom uses powers outside of ammo ones? One of the menu prompts said something about making sure I didn't overload by teammates either but there's no indicator for their loadout screens? Do I share a bar with them or something?
What do you mean by this? I don't like using powers if you just mean "powers are a good way of killing people"You kill faster with powers.
Maybe it's just me...I'm still early, but I feel like there are fewer dialog choices. The game feels more like it has cutscenes with decisions instead of conversations. Just me?
Maybe it's just me...I'm still early, but I feel like there are fewer dialog choices. The game feels more like it has cutscenes with decisions instead of conversations. Just me?
Yeah, I feel like I'm missing out significant stuff by having chosen ash to be my waifu. Like BW certainly didn't intend for that to be the case.
What do you mean by this? I don't like using powers if you just mean "powers are a good way of killing people"
Maybe it's just me...I'm still early, but I feel like there are fewer dialog choices. The game feels more like it has cutscenes with decisions instead of conversations. Just me?
I wonder if Bioware will even make RPGs in 5 years.
I'm noticing that as well. It's weird because the flow of the dialogue still seems built around the obvious 'make a comment here at set intervals', but it's like they just said fuck it and didn't bother to record/write/program in the options.
I think they did it to help certain conversations flow better, and it works to an extent, but I agree that sometimes Shep says certain things in a tone that are probably not what the player would have chosen.
He seems to lean Renegade with his default responses a lot. I imported a super-Renegade Shep so I dunno if that has something to do with it, or maybe I've just associated the voice with Renegade responses![]()
I wonder if Bioware will even make RPGs in 5 years.
Haha, drinking 3 drinks in Purgatory is pretty hilarious.
I think they did it to help certain conversations flow better, and it works to an extent, but I agree that sometimes Shep says certain things in a tone that are probably not what the player would have chosen.
He seems to lean Renegade with his default responses a lot. I imported a super-Renegade Shep so I dunno if that has something to do with it, or maybe I've just associated the voice with Renegade responses![]()
Stuff like this makes me really question what an RPG really means to people relative to myself.
While the dialogue is generally more forced down a set path, the actual point where you make a choice and interact with characters is at its best in ME3. Poignant choices where there are divergent possibilities and consequences, which can range from subtle to egregious, are handled much more fluidly in this installment.
They'll probably be fully on into third person shooters by that point, with all pretenses of "role playing" being dropped.
The autodialogue is colored by your alignment. For example, early in the game whenthe Illusive Man talks to Shepard on Mars, a Paragon Shepard will respond to his "don't get in my way" with a sarcastic "duly noted", while a Renegade will tell him "go to hell!"
Also, I finished the sidequest withand chose toGruntNot sure how I felt aboutsave the Rachni Queen again.Grunt surviving in the end; it would have been a good death for him.
I did the same and I totally agree. Would have been a perfect way to end it.
Considering ME3 has more RPG stuff than ME2, its funny seeing comments about future Bioware games being simple shooters, simply because there isnt as many dialogue choices.
Dialogue options = choice, which is the most fundamental aspect of an RPG.
Sorry, I asked this on the last page but I'm really wondering: what's the general consensus on these N7 missions? I did one and I did not enjoy it at all. Can I skip them and still get my galactic readiness bar filled easily enough?
I think they did it to help certain conversations flow better, and it works to an extent, but I agree that sometimes Shep says certain things in a tone that are probably not what the player would have chosen.
He seems to lean Renegade with his default responses a lot. I imported a super-Renegade Shep so I dunno if that has something to do with it, or maybe I've just associated the voice with Renegade responses![]()