The Disciple's a great gun. Finally made me replace my Katana.
Plot-wise, this game punches ME2 to the ground and pisses on it.
Awesome. I'm sold then.
Javelin or GFTO imo. Infiltrator is hax. I'm steamrolling it on Insanity.
I'm 10 hours in, I keep reading that I should stop playing right before the ending.
Is that wise?
I'm 10 hours in, I keep reading that I should stop playing right before the ending.
Is that wise?
idk, having finished the game and watched From Ashes stuff online...I thought it was kind of badly written and irrelevant. The idea behind it is obviously 'big' but I feel like the universe makes more sense if you don't have it. The entire notion that the Reaperscan just 'miss' people who are trying to survive is pretty silly. I know they sort of had it in the first game but it failed, as it should. How much less threatening is it if you can just 'lol stasis' away from them.
Yea i'm gonna play on insanity and vanguard looks promising. I love the "high risk high reward" type of play so it should fit me. I started with an Engineer but it was such a major let down right from the start.
No worse than being able to 'lol flee' from them while scanning planets. Look how all powerful they are supposed to be, yet you can just run from them straight out of a star system and they can't follow you?
Anyway, I don't know if the DLC is quality or not, but that is irrelevant. The fact that he is a Prothean is relevant from a lore perspective, and that is why he should have without question been a part of the game. But I am not going to keep on beating that drum. I was just pleased to see at least one mainstream review outlet call it for what it is.
Is there a known issue with the armour customization screen? Takes forever to load up the different armour or casual wear.
Is there a known issue with the armour customization screen? Takes forever to load up the different armour or casual wear.
I'm worried.
I just got told some shit about how I may need to play multiplayer to get the perfect ending (which I god dam deserve). If I have a 100% green bar, will this give me the perfect ending?
I don't want to read through this thread because people are still spoiling the game! A simple yes or no answer would be great.
Just because it is something doesn't mean it's some hugely relevant thing to the game. It's tacked on, period. It's no more relevant than Zaeed or Kasumi were. Yeah, Prothean is a nice buzzword, but that's basically what they rely on to sell it. They could put Jesus in a DLC and it doesn't mean it would be important, just that they want you to think it is. You can read all about the 'lore' implications of the character online, and the rest of it is just fluff. So basically, it's a DLC codex entry for most people. Hardly a big deal. It deserves bad reviews because it's bad, it deserves bad press because it's day one money grab type shit, but it is HARDLY important to the game, don't mistake those things.
idk, having finished the game and watched From Ashes stuff online...I thought it was kind of badly written and irrelevant. The idea behind it is obviously 'big' but I feel like the universe makes more sense if you don't have it. The entire notion that the Reaperscan just 'miss' people who are trying to survive is pretty silly. I know they sort of had it in the first game but it failed, as it should. How much less threatening is it if you can just 'lol stasis' away from them.
Wow, on Tuchankathe sequence with Mordin curing the genophage was awesome. Then to top it off...DAT ME1 MUSIC PLAYING WHILE CURE IS SPREADING. *sniff* Nostalgic
Oh man. How much of the MP do I need to play?
No worse than being able to 'lol flee' from them while scanning planets. Look how all powerful they are supposed to be, yet you can just run from them straight out of a star system and they can't follow you?
Sorry I have no idea there since I didn't bother playing it. Someone said if you complete a level on easy you get 4% on your readiness (the parts that are always stuck at 50% on your war asset screen) but I don't know what that translates to in terms of adding to your EMS.
You jump to FTL when you leave a system. There are only sub lightspeed sensors in the universe.
Convenient, but explains it, lol.
more like get the fuck off my game and go back metal gear solid you waste of space
everyones got biotics, lasers, tech jedi heres a space ninja with a butter knife, i mean who comes up with this shit
Why can't my PS3 load the entire Normandy so I don't have to suffer 10 second load times? It makes navigating and talking to my crew such a tedious affair.
Why can't my PS3 load the entire Normandy so I don't have to suffer 10 second load times? It makes navigating and talking to my crew such a tedious affair.
So, Thessia.
Damn, you must spend a lot of time taking screenshots if you are that early into the game =P
So, did I just miss several side-missions?
(8 hours in spoilers)
I got to the point where Wrex and the Turian each offered me a side mission; Wrex's was to check for Krogan scouters in Rachni areas. The Turian's was to rescue a secret Turian team on Tuchanka. I also had an outstanding N7 mission on Tuchanka. I decided to do the Rachni side-mission first... and then when I finish up, Mordin busts in and says "Yo we got da cure time to go to Tuchanka"... so I now have 3 open side-missions on Tuchanka... Will the Priority mission override the other two and burn me when I go to Tuchanka?
I hope I don't need to load a previous save and do things in another order. I think my last save is beforeThe Negotiations start.
Nope. You can do all of them.
The load times for the PC version are sOooOo fast, I love it. Even the biggest areas load in 2-3 seconds, I've counted, just 2-3 seconds. The PC version in general is awesome. The thread that calls it a "broke ass console port" is just BS. Aside from the lack of controller support (I'm actually loving kb/m which was totally unexpected) and the FOV (a problem in so many games so singling out ME3 and burying it isn't fair), there is nothing broke-ass about it. Great version of the game.
Knowing that the ending is shit is really holding me back on enjoying the game.
What a shame.
It's Dennis. He won't actually play the game, he'll just take screenshots.
There's an english voices free DLC available.Bought the 360 CE on amazon FR, super stoked about it. I start up the game. Menus and subtitles are in english, perfect. Voice over is in french.
God fucking dammit. So angry at myself for not making sure the game had both languages before orderingI hate DVDs so much right now. I bought another copy on amazon UK, but this means I'll have to wait another week to play it. The french CE DLC better be compatible with a UK copy.
Knowing that the ending is shit is really holding me back on enjoying the game.
What a shame.