That is a vicious lie!
I recently completed MW3 and I intend to complete ME3 as well.
But what about The Witcher 2?!
That is a vicious lie!
I recently completed MW3 and I intend to complete ME3 as well.
Or you could just make your own decision whether or not you like the ending. People have different tastes man. I've actually seen people in this thread who said they hated ME2 and it's ending, but I personally think ME2 is one of the top 10 greatest games of all time, and really enjoyed the ending. Hivemindedness(new word) is a terrible state of being.Knowing that the ending is shit is really holding me back on enjoying the game.
What a shame.
But what about The Witcher 2?!
Right.You can add a little bit to the "best" ending if you get 4000 or more EMS though. Like someone said though it looks like you'll have to play multiplayer to get it that high. I did everything I could find and only had about 3500 EMS with about 7000 total strength.
Unless they add DLC that gives you another 1000 points or I fucked up my playthrough badly, you can't get the "best" ending despite what BioWare says. You can't even get the "Master and Commander" achievement.
I dunno, someone let me know if you can get 8000 points in the single player. I did almost everything and only ended up with 7006.
Blasto 6 is seriously the hardest I have ever laughed at a video game in my life.
Just beat the game and loved it. Except for the ending.
Ending Spoiler:The choices were interesting in theory. But given the story they had developed, they were very pedestrian and felt non-specific to the story of Shepard. I hated all three of them. Plus the whole thing with the Normandy at the end is head-scratching.
Its a damn shame, because up until they very end, the game is one of Bioware's best, at least with story, world, and character.
EDIT: Also Dennis, wait until the last quarter of the game. Screenshots there make the first 3/4s look primitive.
Especially Thessia.
Note: That's not much of a spoiler, but I spoilered it anyways.
Umm. I'll just say you should check the spoiler thread if you've finished the game.There is no extra ending to reach 8000. The ending you got is the best ending.
Agreed. The game blew away my expectations with the exception of the ending, which somehow managed to be far worse than anything I could have possibly imagined.
I'm actually really liking Mass Effect Infiltrator for those who care. The game is pretty fast-paced and it an arcadey take on the combat, awarding more points for using different combos and stringing together kills with certain weapons. You can upload intel to boost your battle readiness in ME3.
If you're looking to scratch that Mass Effect itch on the go, it's not bad by any means.
I really like how Garrus and Liara progressed throughout the 3 games.
Waiting for version 2.0
End of Rannoch spoiler (paragon)
I hate the ending, but the ride is really worth it, especially if you also played ME1 and 2. Bioware did so much right in this game that im still flabbergasted by how they fumbled at the end.Knowing that the ending is shit is really holding me back on enjoying the game.
What a shame.
Can someone post a list of all the characters that can join your squad? I've looked everywhere and can't find one.
For those of you who romanced Tali, is this true?
Is that really her face in the portrait?
Because if so, it's revoltinglyhot and now I may romance her in my next playthrough.
Yes, this is her human model. (spoilers)
wait, she'sPretty much a human? lol BioWare, lol
Not bad, but why didn't they just show it in 2?Apparently if you GIS her face Bioware did do some slight Photoshop to the picture I posted above. So (for the last time: this is another spoiler if you don't want to know what Tali's face looks like) this is basically what her face looks like without lens flare .
I wonder how many people see the face and go "I DID THAT?!".
I see no problem withthough it is a little bit of a cop-out.a space elf, why does every race in the galaxy have to be 100% different?
I really bums me out that the soundtrack is .wav and does not have any metadata with it. Just song title and thats it. Lazy as shit.
I see no problem withthough it is a little bit of a cop-out.a space elf, why does every race in the galaxy have to be 100% different?
I think its just pure laziness. They've had 3 games and countless of artists at their disposal for over 5 years, and the best they can do for Tali is search online, find a random stock image and photoshop it slightly? COME ON!
Mine had metadata.
If you guys havent given the multiplayer a shot, do it.
Its surprisingly fun and it has a neat collection aspect when it comes to equipment and upgrades.
At 28 hours I'm sure you missed a ton of dialog among other things. I'm at 24+ hours with about 2 hours of idle time, and I'm only on the first quarian/geth missions. That's the beauty of this game, you can pretty much play it how you want, there is no wrong way to play it.
Nope, I double checked, and I only missed maybe 20 minutes of dialogue of various little snippets and did every single quest.
Also after the quarian/geth missions the game is basically over, just so you know.