Depends. Can you wait a few months for the Extended Cut to release?
You can only experience something the first time once, and honestly, if I could, Id have waited.
I'd wait and I liked the ending. You only gain by waiting because they won't make it worse (I hope).
I just finished. It was cool to bring alongthe Asari homeworldin the temple. I justJaviklanded a tracker on Kai Leng, and have found Cerberus' hiding spot.
Thanks guys, I'll wait... even though I don't want to necessarily haha.
I just finished. It was cool to bring alongthe Asari homeworldin the temple. I justJaviklanded a tracker on Kai Leng, and have found Cerberus' hiding spot.
Yeah, that did bug me on ME2 but it wasn't such a big deal.Definitely a valid complaint, and as a console guy, I miss the holstering. Moreso than that, I don't like how they zoomed the camera in so much on Shepard.
But playing through ME2 again, I notice that Shepard is the only one who can holster their weapon on missions. Squadmates keep them drawn at all times.
Clint Mansell's track is the main theme, right? Piano-Inception Reaper Horn-Piano thing? 'Cause that's pretty good.on a bright note I have to say that the track by Clint Mansell is very good and I can't get it out of my head all day. I wish he had done more tracks but I enjoy other tracks too.
and fuck yeah for lossless soundtrack
wait. It's the point of no return and there is plenty of the game left.
Yeah, that did bug me on ME2 but it wasn't such a big deal.
Clint Mansell's track is the main theme, right? Piano-Inception Reaper Horn-Piano thing? 'Cause that's pretty good.
I originally thought that "I Was Lost Without You" was another CM contribution, because it reminded me a lot about The Fountain, specially 1:45 in.
Clint Mansell's track is the main theme, right? Piano-Inception Reaper Horn-Piano thing? 'Cause that's pretty good.
Yes, it's him. And I Was Lost Without You is my favourite track. It says it's written by Sam Hulick though.
Wish hulick did more. Everything he contributed was fantastic. Mars is still my favorite song in the game.Hulick also co-wrote "An End, Once and For All".
Yes, it's him. And I Was Lost Without You is my favourite track. It says it's written by Sam Hulick though.
Can someone please help me with this decision in Mass Effect 3? It is related to the (late game planet)so don't highlight if youre not there yet.Quarian home world
I'm at the end of the Priority Rannoch mission and I have a major decision to make but I don't understand the scenario. I think I skipped a line of dialogue. Anyhow, Legion is uploading reaper code that will make each individual geth an intelligent AI. The choices are:
Rally the fleet
Warn the fleet
Allow the upload
Stop legion
And I don't know what to pick because I don't understand why allowing the upload puts the Quarian people in danger! Tali is pleading with me to not sacrifice her people and to disallow the upload. I'm thinking the upload will simply make the geth a formidable ally.
What do I pick if I want to give each geth sentience but I don't want any quarians to die?
You need to hit the light blue paragon option to warn the fleet for a peaceful outcome on both sides
They're afraid once the geth become more intelligent and powerful, they won't have a change to fight back
what rozay said
I edited my post to explain why the choices are there, felt it was more important to post the answer firstThanks to both of you.
Yeah I can see why the Quarians would be wary of giving the geth that much freedom and power, but Tali made it seem like there was an immediate threat that would at that very moment instantly sacrifice Quarian lives. Oh well.
Thanks to both of you.
Yeah I can see why the Quarians would be wary of giving the geth that much freedom and power, but Tali made it seem like there was an immediate threat that would at that very moment instantly sacrifice Quarian lives. Oh well.
You need to hit the light blue paragon option to warn the fleet for a peaceful outcome on both sides
The quarians are being fucking assholes and want to wipe out the geth every chance they get. If you stop the upload the geth are wiped out, if you allow the upload they become too powerful for the quarians to beat but they continue trying to attack and they get wiped out instead, and if you warn the fleet you can talk the admiral who wants to fight down so neither side attacks each other. Don't know what rallying them does, I'm going to assume it wipes the geth out.
tl;dr quarians are aggressive idiots and the geth are skilled in self defense after enlightenment
Yeah, I'd say the soundtrack is probably the best thing about the game. Solving the Genophage is N°2Honestly, that theme built half the game + emotional moments. I swear to God, the ending "looks" (sounds) good just thanks to that theme when first experienced.
Actually, that's the one with reaper horns.
This one's "An End, Once and For All", from the ending, without reaper horns. Amazing.
Honestly, that theme built half the game + emotional moments. I swear to God, the ending "looks" (sounds) good just thanks to that theme when first experienced.
Actually, that's the one with reaper horns.
This one's "An End, Once and For All", from the ending, without reaper horns. Amazing.
ok, so the trilogy is finished.
Will you buy Mass Effect games after that? I won't.
the single player is like 2/10 for me now, almost impossible to enjoy :/ i can't believe people think this game is streamlined and dumbed down, because i can't for the life of me figure anything outeven Dark Souls seems is less cryptic to me.
i try to do sidequests but it wont let me. on the galaxy map the reapers always chase me out of star systems when i try to scan stuff, and when i come back they're always still there and give me a game over. it's infuriating. what am i doing wrong?
and then there's a bunch of quests i got on the Citadel and i don't know what the hell i'm supposed to do, i spent HOURS figuring out where to go and what to do (and the Citadel aint THAT big) and it's just like there's nothing to do. WTF Bioware?
A good 95% of the Citidel quests involve scanning a planet for something and then taking it back to whoever you overheard the quest from.
Took me a while to get it down, but I've cracked this particular problem.
When you enter a system you will always be facing the same direction as when you entered and appear from the opposite side. So if when you entered the system you was facing right, you'd appear on the left still facing right. You can exit a system, and just turn without moving and when you re-enter you'd be re-oriented. Handy if there's a Mass Relay on the far right but you're on the far left with Reapers on your arse, you can just nip out the nearest side, turn the normandy to be facing right and re-enter. You'd appear next to the Mass Relay and (if you angled yourself right) you'd be facing it too.
I usually just scan around even when the Reapers show up. They aren't as maneuverable as the Normandy and have a slower acceleration, but a higher top speed, so you can evade them for a bit (all the time still scanning). If they look like they could catch you just nip out of the side of the system and then re-orient yourself and re-enter. Lead them on a merry chase, still scanning, and then evade again. Once you discover something it stays highlighted, even if you leave the system, so you can just go back later if necessary.
There's red triangular indicators around the outside of the system showing where the Reapers will come from. These show up as soon as the Reapers are alerted to your scanning shenanigans, so as long as you remember those, you can easily evade them and work out the best direction to be facing to appear away from them, or next to a planet to scan.
The Reapers only reset after you've completed a major mission (i.e. anything that involves you taking a squad with you). Once complete, all Reapers in the galaxy map are reset, so it's good to get in the habit of scouring the entire galaxy map and doing as much scanning as possible before doing a mission. That way you can get loads done followed by every Reaper in the Galaxy forgetting all about you.
A good 95% of the Citidel quests involve scanning a planet for something and then taking it back to whoever you overheard the quest from.
hmm ok, thanks. it just seems like such a hassle, not fun or exciting to me. the galaxy map exploration should be a relaxing experience IMO. i can't understand this type of game design at all, adding annoying enemies that chase you on a map... but then again every Mass Effect game seems to have totally bizarre design choices heh.
yeah i know, but i'm absolutely sure there were some that should be completed just on the Citadel. but i've looked under every nook and cranny and it's just dead ends everywhere. for example some Hanar-related sidequest, that a salarian gave to me.. it seemed interesting but i have NO idea what to do.
I can't believe I just did thatTuchanka spoilers
Also, does anybody know how far I am into the game? I'm like 13 hours playtime now/
I can't believe I just did thatTuchanka spoilers
Also, does anybody know how far I am into the game? I'm like 13 hours playtime now/
(Tuchanka spoilers)
Damn I don't remember choosing a renegade option and Mordin still died for me. He died heading up the shroud tower to fix the sabotaged equipment at the top and disperse the cure for the genophage.
Whoever goes up that tower is going to die because it's going to explode and collapse regardless. So how can it end any other way? Who else can you send other than Mordin?
They lower their weapons when enemies are not in the area, don't they?
Tuchanka SpoilersYou can only send Mordin. But if you sabotaged the genophage, he finds out. A renegade interrupt appears; if you trigger it Shepard will shoot Mordin.
I'm still researching what happened with the ending and just found out that Karpyshin wasn't working on ME3 at all. I can argue that the dude isn't a good writer but all games he had worked on I fell compelled to complete just to see the end so this might be something.
also I found out that there was another endingDamn, this would be an ultimate troll.which led to the indoctrination but they dropped it because they had no time.
Oh shit... shit. Yeah I'd feel down if I was Noriega too. :lol
(He hadn't been watching when I talked to Sovereign on Virmire, obviously)
Yeah butTuchanka Spoilers:
It is possible to save Mordin. Wreav needs to be the clan leader and you needed to destory Maelon's data in ME2. If you did that you can convinced Mordin that it isn't worth going up there and he won't die.
Noob Question here but what song is playing at the intro to game. Where it says Press Start.
Your help will make you awesome.
So finally, after taking my sweet time and finishing every single mission 100% and keeping my Galactic Readiness at 100%, I beat Mass Effect 3 and ended the trilogy.
I made it an 8-hour marathon because I was simply tired of avoiding the internet like the plague, and seeing thread titles and articles all over the web about this so-called terrible ending.
And after seeing the ending, was that REALLY worth all of the nerd-raging, pitchforking cries for a new ending? What the hell, man? I mean, it wasa bit out there, I will definitely agree on that, but it gave closure, and ended with the whole foundation of what Mass Effect was built on - choice.
The impressions I got were like the ending(s) would something like the whole trilogy was a dream, or that Shepard would turn into some giant space being and started destroying the Reapers in hand-to-hand combat or something
Talk about over-reactions - GAF is one thing, but so many other sources? Jeez.
Anyways, I'm just glad that I don't have to skip around avoiding Mass Effect 3 stuff, including Youtube, which I kinda got spoiled by, but in the end it didn't turn out to be like that, but it pissed me off either way since I thought I ruined the trilogy that I was following since day one.
Way too tired to mention the goods and the bads right now, cause I really need to hit the sack right now. Gonna check out the spoiler thread before I do though.
Actually, that's pretty funny.The impressions I got were like the ending(s) would something like the whole trilogy was a dream, or that Shepard would turn into some giant space being and started destroying the Reapers in hand-to-hand combat or something