Anyone know if the online pass included in my 360 version is useable for the PS3 and vice-versa?
highly doubt that.
Anyone know if the online pass included in my 360 version is useable for the PS3 and vice-versa?
You know, seeing Shepard turn into a space god and fighting each Reaper hand-to-hand would've been incredible.
You liked the ending. That's cool. I'll be interested to see if you still feel that way after you've let it soak (and have read the spoiler thread) in.
Actually, that's pretty funny.So you were kinda close in a way.You do know that in the Control ending, Shepard becomes a reaper himself, right?
Well I didn't hate it enough to flip out about it like so many others did...
I can't believe I just did thatTuchanka spoilers
Also, does anybody know how far I am into the game? I'm like 13 hours playtime now/
I'm wanting to say it doesn't, because I always turned it off for playing ME1, and I don't remember messing with it on 2 or 3.Slightly off-topic, but I was listening to some ME1 music recently when I was reminded of the film grain effect the first ME has on by default. I'm nowhere near my Xbox at the moment, so can't check, but does 2 or 3 give you the option of a grain filter?
wait...so I couldn't recruitAshely? I was playing renegade and I didn't want to choose the paragon option...Is there another chance to get her or am I SOL?
Is this at the beginning of the game or did youIf the later then you're fucked. If not, that characterpull the Renegade trigger on her bitchy ass during the Citadel incident?.will come around later and beg to join you (providing that you didn't shoot her earlier
I sadly agree.The more I think about this game the more sad I become. It's not about the ending but about the overall package - very formulaic game design with some cool combat moments, the lack of exploration sidequests, very lazy writing in some parts (even by standards of the series), non-necessary weapon customization. I mean this game has a lot of turret sections. Fucking turret sections.
I'm sad about the ruined potential. And I still want to replay it one more time at least.
I hope this industry will fucking crash and devs will return to making games, not movies. And will learn to budget properly.
Huh. I'm playing insanity as Vanguard and biotic charge + nova is like god mode.I've also played as a vanguard through the first 2 games with no issues. ME3 however is a turd when playing as a vanguard. Half the time my biotic charge doesn't work which in turn keeps nova from working at all.
I still think the game was fanatastic even with some of the things it wasn't as good in, I don't hope the industry crashes because there is still tons of great games released, I also don't think a crash would do any good to anything and I am sorry but it's really just boggles my mind for someone to actually mean that it would.I'm sad about the ruined potential. And I still want to replay it one more time at least.
I hope this industry will fucking crash and devs will return to making games, not movies. And will learn to budget properly.
I still think the game was fanatastic even with some of the things it wasn't as good in, I don't hope the industry crashes because there is still tons of great games released, I also don't think a crash would do any good to anything and I am sorry but it's really just boggles my mind for someone to actually mean that it would.
Nope, I agree with you. I guess it does depend on the ending you take (I took the same as you). I mean, the ending is definitely flawed, but I thought the buildup was interesting and in the end I was quite okay with it. It could've been a lot better of course, but it gave the closure I wanted in terms of the story (though not really the characters). Although my expectations were really low because of all the outcry as well.And after seeing the ending, was that REALLY worth all of the nerd-raging, pitchforking cries for a new ending?
Eh, I thought that was pretty good about it. Dickish options like they do in other games is always completely at odds with the story, breaking all immersion. Here they both make sense given how you roleplay.There really need to be more dialog options. The renegade options don't even seem that dickish, just kind of measured and sensible.
Yeah I agree, although I thought the turret sections were an okay change of pace, I was more annoyed with the 'survive the horde' sections where you had to wait x minutes for a pickup/backup. That's just lazy. Overall ME2 had more interesting gameplay imo.very formulaic game design. I mean this game has a lot of turret sections. Fucking turret sections.
Yeah I agree, although I thought the turret sections were an okay change of pace, I was more annoyed with the 'survive the horde' sections where you had to wait x minutes for a pickup/backup. That's just lazy. Overall ME2 had more interesting gameplay imo.
There really need to be more dialog options. The renegade options don't even seem that dickish, just kind of measured and sensible.
I just hit the citadel after the Mars detour. So far the only thing I can comment on is biotic cooldown being incredibly short and it feels amazing. I hardly even bother to use my guns. I played my main dude as a Vanguard from the start and switched over, this feels like madness. Liara doesn't have anything to make her standout other than stasis which I assume is going to become useless later on once dudes start getting armoured up. Might have to reconsider running my ME1 squad which included her and Garrus.
Hardcore I think is the sweet spot between challenging but fun. Insanity is difficult, but a straight-up borefest IMO.Time to subscribe to this thread.
So... finished my playthrough of ME2 on the PS3 (which is the 5th time I played the game, 4 on PC and recently ME2 on the PS3), basically replicating and continuing what did on the PC version.
Switched difficulty to hardcore mode, damn. They're really resilient. Enemies got so much health and the damage the guns do against them are pathetic.
So I'm about to go to Tuchanka. How far am I in the game? I want to space it out as much as possible so that (hopefully) I get to the end when they release the DLC.
lol renegade doesnt necessarily mean being a dick (though it has in ME). However, dont worry. Renegade in 3 is far more horrible than renegade in 1 or 2.
“We are pleased to join the galaxy in the fight against the Reapers, as well as Cerberus and geth forces,” explained Squad Commander Shar’lak Gurek, spokesman for the insular, xenophobic race that had been preparing for war with the Alliance before falling to Reaper forces. “And to better serve in that fight, we wish to clarify that applying medigel will absolutely help us regain consciousness when we are lying bleeding on the ground.”
“Many of our new allies in this great struggle seem to think that batarians view warnings about incoming banshees as an insult — nothing could be further from the truth, and it would be great if people could let us know when one of those was standing right behind us. There’s also a rumor that our kinetic barriers are thermally charged, and thus we actually benefit from being hit by a geth pyro’s flamethrower. We’re honestly not sure where that one came from.”
"Definitely, though, provided I’ve got enough medigel, and that the mission won’t be compromised by me trying to give first aid during a firefight, I’ll be sure to use that medigel on our new friends from Khar’shan. Just as soon as I’m done helping any injured salarians, turians, drell, asari, krogan, quarians, or geth.”
Lol @ the new ANN Update:
Quick thoughts:
I thought I would hate this game but I'm having a ton of fun. I find it to be aesthetically extremely pleasing and the art direction is the best in the trilogy. Definitely has lots of throwback to ME1 more than ME2 in that regard. Music is incredible, combat is very fast and fluid compared to ME2, endless running is a huge plus.
I dunno, you guys. Lots of bitching in here for what is a pretty solid game. Don't even care about the ending as I already had it spoiled, and I've already accepted that ME games are equal parts great sci-fi and awful Bioware writing. The game is just a lot of fun. 4/5.
Yeah, exploration was lacking, but I don't recall ME1 having much deeper level design. ME3 felt about on par with ME2 in that regard.
ME1 actually had to moving to different locations. There is nothing like Noveria or Virmire in terms of level progression or variety in 3.
About 33 percent.
You're better off playing it once a month if you're going to go that slow.
Edit:I'm not saying the game is short, it's not, but people experienced with the series can navigate it pretty quickly. Listening to dialogue is a good deal of it.
My first playthrough had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, but by the time I got to the end and looked back at everything it just dawned on me that it's a fundamentally flawed game. I think Bioware constricted themselves by making the ME series trilogy, they tried to cram SO much important story stuff into ME3 and it buckled under the pressure, resulting in the lack of exploration and rushed ending.
There were some genuinely great moments along the way though.
I feel the same way. New game plus makes these flaws painfully apparent.My first playthrough had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, but by the time I got to the end and looked back at everything it just dawned on me that it's a fundamentally flawed game. I think Bioware constricted themselves by making the ME series trilogy, they tried to cram SO much important story stuff into ME3 and it buckled under the pressure, resulting in the lack of exploration and rushed ending.
There were some genuinely great moments along the way though.
It's unfortunate that my gameplay feedback will only have 1 play through of SP and far too many hours of MP, not the kind of message I want to send to EA!
Why does it take a mathematical formula to keep your team alive in mass effect 2?
I just beat it last night and half my team died. Garrus, that doctor, and thane. Is it worth playing the last mission over to save everyone? Does my actions carry over to ME3?
Does it carry over to ME3? If not i see no point in doing it again.
Does it carry over to ME3? If not i see no point in doing it again.
Why does it take a mathematical formula to keep your team alive in mass effect 2?
I just beat it last night and half my team died. Garrus, that doctor, and thane. Is it worth playing the last mission over to save everyone? Does my actions carry over to ME3?
Garrus is a squadmate and if he's not alive you don't have a replacement. The number of squadmates in the game is substantially less than ME2, so I'd recommend keeping him alive at the very least. If by "the doctor" you mean Mordin, I liked his part in ME3 though I've heard the character that replaces him is pretty well written.Does it carry over to ME3? If not i see no point in doing it again.
I was talking about Dr. Karin Chakwas. I didn't send someone to walk her back to the ship.
I guess i'll do it over again. I saved right before going into the relay. But according to that link i posted, some of my team is going to die anyway as i did a couple missions before.