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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow

GAF, would this ending have sufficed for you?

After Shephard activates the Crucible controls, she sits down with Anderson in their last moments.

Anderson: "I'm proud of you, Shepard"

Cue credits.

Add a little CS of the reapers dieing from the Gears of War 3 pulse and I'd be happy with that ending.

I keep hearing about this indoctrination theory, but I can't watch any of the vids. Is there a tumbler or site that puts it all together?
GAF, would this ending have sufficed for you?

After Shephard activates the Crucible controls, she sits down with Anderson in their last moments.

Anderson: "I'm proud of you, Shepard"

Cue credits.

I wouldn't be happy, especially with little to no effect of War Assets on what happens.

It would, however, still be 10 times better.
A number of the enthusiast press aren't particularly fans of that chap.

I dont think they are defending Bioware or the ending. They are defending the scores they gave that puts food on their table. Their jobs and advertising revenue depend on companies like EA so they will defend them to the end. think of the gaming press less as journalist and more as lobbyists.


GAF, would this ending have sufficed for you?

After Shephard activates the Crucible controls, she sits down with Anderson in their last moments.

Anderson: "I'm proud of you, Shepard"

Cue credits.

It's what I asked for. Sure your choices still don't matter, but at least it feels appropriate.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
^ That would have been the perfect ending. It would leave the Crucible and Catalyst a mystery, but it would lave us with some hope. Instead we are left with a shot to the head.

Erik Kain back with another article and on "artistic integrity".

That's interesting, I guess. He doesn't really say much, but I like how he spins it as doing business at the end.

Wow, some of the threads on BSN are crazy. This was posted concerning "hints" about IT:


A later post:

This is getting to 9/11 conspiracy theory levels with the "analysis".
GAF, would this ending have sufficed for you?

After Shephard activates the Crucible controls, she sits down with Anderson in their last moments.

Anderson: "I'm proud of you, Shepard"

Cue credits.

I would have been happy if Shep didn't become a non-entity in the last 5 minutes, even if the player lost all control , who the conversion went should have been based on how you played the 3 games.
Paragon who brought the races of the galaxy to bare then Shep disagrees with Star (shouldn't have been a kid) and would put her trust in not agreeing to Stars faulty premises.
If you played evil then your Shep will try using force and Star will disintegrate her.

And if Shep lives there would have to be a post reaper gameplay (convocations only) section, letting the player experience a little of what it's like without the constant looming threat hanging over you.
All I need is a short cutscene of starchild writhing about and screaming in agony as the citadel explodes around him.

Plotholes be damned I just want to see him suffer. Oh and rename 2 of the husks before marauder shields to say casey hudson and mac walters.
I was going over video I took of the final hours of the game and I need the internet's help. Anyone know who this guy is?


Because I kinda did this.

I stopped reading when his critique of games journalism basically boiled down to "your opinions suck", and named Yahtzee as "the only consistently reasonable reviewer I can think of."

The Forbes guy wrote that? Ugh.

Yahtzee can be funny. As an actual reviewer he has nothing but cynicism going for him. He's not at all reasonable. He's petty.
I generally like Bioware's choices on characterization - with the exception of Ashley and Kai Leng.

Ashley arc doesn't make any sense to me. She questions your loyalties on Mars. Then states flat out that she's cool with you after being put in the hospital and during the Citadel coup mission she points a gun at you and almost takes Udina's - fucking Udina's, word over yours. If you romance her, it's even more dumbfounding.

Kai Leng just strikes me as Bioware thinking "Huh, no Asian dudes appear in the Mass Effect games, might as well make one a ninja."
I would just like to say that Mordin's death scene was handled fucking expertly. As my favorite character of the franchise it was heartbreaking and tonally amazing.

That is all. RIP Mordin :[


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
It would still make Michael Gamble a lying liar though (conclusive ending, no questions left, etc.).
There would have been less questions than there are now, and we would have been left to wonder about the game, instead of dwelling in the space magic.
There would have been less questions than there are now, and we would have been left to wonder about the game, instead of dwelling in the space magic.

Again, no question, it would've been 10 times better... but still not good enough.

Honestly, they had a tough job. People wanted:

- Explain why Reapers do what they do. (Some Dark Energy mumbo jumbo would have been OK.)

- Provide a level of triumph (either blow up the Reapers or salvage them them in some way but still remove the thread... show or imply what happens to the galaxy).

- Provide closure with the various characters. (Show to some extent what happens to them, and show either a dead or alive Shepard.)

They failed on every level. Just doing a cut to credits at that point would have accomplished 0.5 of those (triumph would be implied, but nothing else).


Again, no question, it would've been 10 times better... but still not good enough.

Honestly, they had a tough job. People wanted:

- Explain why Reapers do what they do. (Some Dark Energy mumbo jumbo would have been OK.)

- Provide a level of triumph (either blow up the Reapers or salvage them them in some way but still remove the thread... show or imply what happens to the galaxy).

- Provide closure with the various characters. (Show to some extent what happens to them, and show either a dead or alive Shepard.)

They failed on every level. Just doing a cut to credits at that point would have accomplished 0.5 of those (triumph would be implied, but nothing else).

Doesn't the dark energy make more sense? Why else did they build a human reaper?
Doesn't the dark energy make more sense? Why else did they build a human reaper?

Yes, like I said, that would have been OK. Honestly almost anything would work... they seemed to pick the one explanation that's really hard to swallow, the synthetics vs. organics thing.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I know that leaving the game at that particular moment wouldn't have been sufficient for a lot of people, but I would have been fine with it.

Doesn't the dark energy make more sense? Why else did they build a human reaper?
To waste money on a game, why else?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Again, no question, it would've been 10 times better... but still not good enough.

Honestly, they had a tough job. People wanted:

- Explain why Reapers do what they do. (Some Dark Energy mumbo jumbo would have been OK.)

- Provide a level of triumph (either blow up the Reapers or salvage them them in some way but still remove the thread... show or imply what happens to the galaxy).

- Provide closure with the various characters. (Show to some extent what happens to them, and show either a dead or alive Shepard.)

They failed on every level. Just doing a cut to credits at that point would have accomplished 0.5 of those (triumph would be implied, but nothing else).

I would have loved to see quick scenes(even if it last only 10 secs for each characters) like showing Tali's house on Rannoch, Garrus being a badass in Omega, Liara doing more Shadow Broker stuff, Wrex leading Tuchanka's reconstruction with Grunt in the background, Miranda having fun with her sister... stuff like that, and end it with showing Shepard's grave or something. Simple enough, and they didnt even bother.
Also I've been thinking about this a bit... there is an argument of the ending defenders that's basically, "those pussies just want a happy ending" vs "no we didn't!".

I think the distinction is that while 5% of people actually do want a happy ending, and 5% of people actually are fine with a totally nihilistic "you can't fuck with the universal cycles" ending (with everything and Shepard annihilated), the truth is the remaining people don't want either. What we want is a SUCCESSFUL ending. An ending where I overcame these incredible odds to really accomplish something in the end -- something GOOD, if I played well. That's what we want.

Instead we have an ending where what we've accomplished seems kind of bad and, worst of all, unclear (due such aspects as the crash landing and the relays being blown up).

So it's not about HAPPY (wanted) vs. SAD (got); it's more like SUCCESS (wanted) vs. FAILURE??? (got).
I would have loved to see quick scenes(even if it last only 10 secs for each characters) like showing Tali's house on Rannoch, Garrus being a badass in Omega, Liara doing more Shadow Broker stuff, Wrex leading Tuchanka's reconstruction with Grunt in the background, Miranda having fun with her sister... stuff like that, and end it with showing Shepard's grave or something. Simple enough, and they didnt even bother.


Consider the fact that Halo 3's ending, while not exactly universally praised for its ingenuity or satisfaction, was basically something like that... and caused no great controversy.
I would have loved to see quick scenes(even if it last only 10 secs for each characters) like showing Tali's house on Rannoch, Garrus being a badass in Omega, Liara doing more Shadow Broker stuff, Wrex leading Tuchanka's reconstruction with Grunt in the background, Miranda having fun with her sister... stuff like that, and end it with showing Shepard's grave or something. Simple enough, and they didnt even bother.

There could be a big statue of Shepard on the Citidel like they did for the Krogan after the Rachni War.


Really Really Exciting Member!

Consider the fact that Halo 3's ending, while not exactly universally praised for its ingenuity or satisfaction, was basically something like that... and caused no great controversy.

I mean its so simple... they dont even need to get the voice actors again, show all these extra little scenes with the current Faunts music and they already fixed one of their issue.
Now that I think about it, it's funny how back at the end of ME2 having the star shine a different color depending on if you were Paragon or Renegade was a cool thing. It was intriguing, like, "oh wow how did Shepard's actions lead to a different ominous cosmic glow, did something happen to that star?" And now in ME 3 not only is that never explained it's basically as meaningless as the different color schemes as the ME 3 ending.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Now that I think about it, it's funny how back at the end of ME2 having the star shine a different color depending on if you were Paragon or Renegade was a cool thing. It was intriguing, like, "oh wow how did Shepard's actions lead to a different ominous cosmic glow, did something happen to that star?" And now in ME 3 not only is that never explained it's basically as meaningless as the different color schemes as the ME 3 ending.

Maybe I'm not visiting the right districts of the internet, but you're literally the first person I've ever seen put more though into it beyond "it changes colour, because paragon/renegade".


I would have loved to see quick scenes(even if it last only 10 secs for each characters) like showing Tali's house on Rannoch, Garrus being a badass in Omega, Liara doing more Shadow Broker stuff, Wrex leading Tuchanka's reconstruction with Grunt in the background, Miranda having fun with her sister... stuff like that, and end it with showing Shepard's grave or something. Simple enough, and they didn't even bother.
Mass Effect is as much about Shepard as it is the characters, even more so really. So yeah, I agree that some closure scenes would have been great.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Mass Effect is as much about Shepard as it is the characters, even more so really. So yeah, I agree that some closure scenes would have been great.

I'd like it to be less about Shepard. I fucking hate Shepard. Shepard is a fucking idiot.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man

Anyone else lose a hand while choosing?
Can't say I did.

Yes, like I said, that would have been OK. Honestly almost anything would work... they seemed to pick the one explanation that's really hard to swallow, the synthetics vs. organics thing.
Indeed, it's out of the blue for most of us.

I think one of the really neat things about video games as a medium is that there can be a message in them without making a statement.

. . .

For example, in Mass Effect 3 the idea of organic life and synthetic life and whether synthetic will ever rival our intelligence and whether we should incorporate technology more and more into our bodies and things like this. You can explore those ideas and experience some of the consequences and think about what you think is right without the game having to make a statement on it. And to me that's more interesting.

- Casey Hudson on the Message of Mass Effect 3

What the hell is he saying? (whatthehellamireading.jpg)

The video from The Final Hours is strange, because he's almost talking about things explored in other games, such as DEHR, not ME.

I don't recall ever thinking about the consequences of implants, and as it's been stated in this tread that there were only a couple of references to Shep's implants in both ME2 and ME3. It was never the central focus, same with the discussion on AIs. The Geth exist, but there were never any questions about their intelligence against that of organics.
Yeah, that reminded me of DE:HR..... not Mass Effect......

But then again, the endings were pretty much ripped right out of the original Deus Ex, so I don't see why this is a surprise.


I don't recall ever thinking about the consequences of implants, and as it's been stated in this tread that there were only a couple of references to Shep's implants in both ME2 and ME3. It was never the central focus, same with the discussion on AIs. The Geth exist, but there were never any questions about their intelligence against that of organics.

There's a lot of dialogue about synthetic vs. organic intelligence, especially with EDI. The entire Reaper code bit was about synthetic intelligence and whether the Geth deserved to be independent and think on the level of organics.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
There's a lot of dialogue about synthetic vs. organic intelligence, especially with EDI. The entire Reaper code bit was about synthetic intelligence and whether the Geth deserved to be independent and think on the level of organics.

Still not the central focus. Also geth were already on the level of organics. I'm actually a little miffed they abandoned their unique hivemind sentience in 3 for boring, old individualism.
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