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Mass Effect: Andromeda |OT| Ryders on the Storm


After doing the Reyes Vidal "romance" as a male Ryder it's become painfully obvious this was a romance designed as f/m but shoehorned in as bi. Some of the animations Ryder does are clearly meant to be played out on a female body. Vidal grabs Ryder by the hand and he flutters along with his arm raised like a delicate princess, it's ridiculous. It gets more disappointing the more I experience of the gay romances. :/


After doing the Reyes Vidal "romance" as a male Ryder it's become painfully obvious this was a romance designed as f/m but shoehorned in as bi. Some of the animations Ryder does are clearly meant to be played out on a female body. Vidal grabs Ryder by the hand and he flutters along with his arm raised like a delicate princess, it's ridiculous. It gets more disappointing the more I experience of the gay romances. :/

Men can be delicate princesses too, you know?
I guarantee there's a sequel. If THAT is a mess and bombs, then the franchise is probably due a long nap.

But there's 100% no doubt no ifs or buts gonna be a sequel out in a couple years.


Came across this male Turian model with a female Turian voice whose head doesn't even have textures. And it's a quest giver. Come on, this is just fucking embarrassing at this point.


For me he was textured. I would remember model like that.


Men can be delicate princesses too, you know?

Male Ryder literally never animates like this except for two instances during the Vidal romance. This isn't male Ryder being a bit flamboyant, it's Bioware using the animation they created for Sara and going "fuck it, it's just the gay romance". At best it's lazy, at worst it's offensive.


This game feels like a cable tv series adaptation or PG-13 summer movie bootleg idea of Mass Effect rather than a spiritual successor to Mass Effect 1. In enjoying it, but it feels more superficial and the dialogue feels more stilted and childish.

The villain is pretty overdesigned too with that cape and that halo bone head skull

And indeed I never noticed bugs or bad animation much in ME, but I've gotten stuck in positions and places several times and had to reload and as that animator explained on twitter, the base algorithms are an apparent issue with why the character dialogue animations feel floaty and janky


I hope Mass Effect never dies. Easily the best SciFi IP and that used to be Halo for me but Mass Effect is so colorful and amazing.


Male Ryder literally never animates like this except for two instances during the Vidal romance. This isn't male Ryder being a bit flamboyant, it's Bioware using the animation they created for Sara and going "fuck it, it's just the gay romance". At best it's lazy, at worst it's offensive.

It's lazy. I had Peebee riding Saras crotch up and down. Or maybe not lazy, but certainly cutting corners on animation like most of the game.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Space faring alien culture which apparently values scientific persuits to a large extent, that also believes in reincarnation? That's pretty dumb. Especially when the game at least appeared to subscribe to the notion.

"Some dude you don't care about died a long time ago, and some other dude you don't care about, we believe, has his re-incarnated soul and might therefore know about this past life".

Where's my: "The fuck are you on?" Answer option? Or atleast an aside to your collegues about how you'll humor him for now, and hopfully this will somehow lead us into what we actually need.

You know, instead of having my galaxy traversing, scientist (ignoring that she apparently has trouble pronouncing simple scientific names that a 6th grader would have no issue with) Ryder be all like: "Oh yeah, past lifes, totally, I'm sure his soul still posses the knowledge of blah blah blah".


Anyway, that was a minor thing, a sI mentioned, it was just one the few little things I saw at the top and on my way there that was just too much for me to bother anymore.

You don't want to start a debate but you are anyway.

It's not necessarily whether they do or not. I quit pretty soon after that to troll youtubes for any hope of this mess getting better, of which I found none.

It's my Ryder's completely out of character (for the umpteeth time in the 16 or so hours I've played) response to this.

I mean, how would you react?

"Oh you want to know about ancient Rome, well, put that book down my friend! Let's ask my uncle Bob, he's the reincarnation of Caius Julius Caesar. He will know!

???? <--- Is what I would expect from you. Not: "Sure, that sounds sane and normal!"

I hope they go into how they actually do this. Not tha tI care at this point.

If my uncle bob could pick up a Roman relic and have historically accurate memories implanted in him that he had no other way of knowing and that being a more or less common documented occurrence in my species in a fictional universe where gene transfer, in-vivo instant complete genetic remodeling, FTL travel and more are possible, sure. Reincarnation, to an extent, IS real for the Angara. Which you'd know if you actually played the game and read/watched what was going on.

And yet that's the gripe you pick?


You know, in a world where Asaris can literally look into your mind and share stuff that way(like Shepard and Liara did in ME1), or even make babies without sex by some mumbo jumbo space magic with other species, I don't see how accepting that reincarnation exist with some alien race from another galaxy is so out of the ordinary in the Mass Effect universe. But what do I know.

This was just an offhand comment about the final stuff i experienced before quitting. Not necessarily a great an example of bad writing, although i think it was a minor example.

People are fixating because they need dismiss all my other points and dismissing one off hand example allows them to do so.

But ill break it down more for you.

I arrived at this angaran retreat in the sky and was met with shock that i overcame the remnant below. My charaters answer?

"like its hard?". Inly thing missing was an animation of my Ryder playing with her bubble gum. After completely taking for granted that these people reincarnate and therfore have knowledge of past events, even though they sure spend a lot of time trying to recover missing history, I walk around the area to see one npc in a t pose, and another looping through a weird animation where hes standing on his toes and messing with a large stone jar looking thing endlessly.

This was on top of everything else.


If my uncle bob could pick up a Roman relic and have historically accurate memories implanted in him that he had no other way of knowing and that being a more or less common documented occurrence in my species in a fictional universe where gene transfer, in-vivo instant complete genetic remodeling, FTL travel and more are possible, sure. Reincarnation, to an extent, IS real for the Angara. Which you'd know if you actually played the game and read/watched what was going on.

And yet that's the gripe you pick?

See my answef above, also this is not what the angara describes at all wheb you meet him.
Your reasons to quit are more than valid. I get it, I've been able to look the other way and have not experienced nearly as many bugs as some but that doesn't discredit those opinions.
That Kadara planet seems like is really lacking polish...

Enemys are in the air, animals stuck in the ground, broken mission markers, very long loading times in the city, constant stutter while driving around.

Man it gets more rough the more i progress.


This was just an offhand comment about the final stuff i experienced before quitting. Not necessarily a great an example of bad writing, although i think it was a minor example.

People are fixating because they need dismiss all my other points and dismissing one off hand example allows them to do so.

But ill break it down more for you.

I arrived at this angaran retreat in the sky and was met with shock that i overcame the remnant below. My charaters answer?

"like its hard?". Inly thing missing was an animation of my Ryder playing with her bubble gum. After completely taking for granted that these people reincarnate and therfore have knowledge of past events, even though they sure spend a lot of time trying to recover missing history, I walk around the area to see one npc in a t pose, and another looping through a weird animation where hes standing on his toes and messing with a large stone jar looking thing endlessly.

This was on top of everything else.

My Ryder told them about AI that helps her to interface with Remnant technology sooo... it was your choice to be snarky juvenile about it and you didn't like outcome of being snarky juvenile about it?

For me there was no T pose bugs, but you aren't first mention to them so they happen at random apparently. Also some NPC fiddling something 24/7 in game like this? No way! No game ever has done it, but always just deep immersive life cycles. Oh... wait...

People are paying attention to this gripe because, like you say, it's very offhand and gives impression you didn't even finish the quest and get all lore and info out of it. What other points you have made about game? Care to rewrite or some post links to throw? Curious to read up.

Your reasons to quit are more than valid. I get it, I've been able to look the other way and have not experienced nearly as many bugs as some but that doesn't discredit those opinions.

He pointed out one bug (T pose NPC) and then talked extensively about how picking juvenile response results in juvenile response and how bullshit reincarnation is in ME universe.
As rough as this game is in many respects, it does still have strong moments.

I'm clearing this kett base on Eos. It's a huge open area, outdoors with a nice skybox that feels like being in space. The enemies rush me, the synths kick in, and for a moment it feels like I'm playing some version of ME1 with really good combat.


He pointed out one bug (T pose NPC) and then talked extensively about how picking juvenile response results in juvenile response and how bullshit reincarnation is in ME universe.

Different people have different reasons for not liking something. This game has a lot of issues and you can't begrudge someone for deciding that finally enough is enough.


Your reasons to quit are more than valid. I get it, I've been able to look the other way and have not experienced nearly as many bugs as some but that doesn't discredit those opinions.

Thanks. I don't hold it against anyone that is sticking with the game, though my original rant might have seemed that way.

The plain truth si that I'm upset. I wanted this game to be somehtign really, amazing, something relaly special, and it's not. At least not to me.

And that pisses me off, especially since there's stuff to like in here.


Unconfirmed Member
Almost 20 hours in now, I think the game definitely gets better as you progress.

I'm on Havarl (it's gorgeous), Sara's in her flash new fully-augmented Heleus armour (it's so damn cool), we're getting on with helping the Angaran. The combat is so slick that I'm going out of my way just looking for fights.

There's a few glitches here and there. The faces remain tired.


He pointed out one bug (T pose NPC) and then talked extensively about how picking juvenile response results in juvenile response and how bullshit reincarnation is in ME universe.

Yeah, that was the summation of the seevrla paragraphs I wrote above... common now.

And "It was easy" as a dialogue choice in no way denotes stupidly childish response, maybe snarky ;p Basically I expected somehting laong the lines of: "I'm able to access and use Remnant Tech, so it was easier to get through". Not have my Ryder turn into valley girl.


Neo Member
This was the most anticipated game release of this generation for me, pretty underwhelmed.

The first mission doesn't leave you invested in the narrative, it doesn't grab you like the intro's to the other ME's did. It took hours of playing this game to even encounter something I liked and considered a hallmark of the series.

Pretty bummed.


Thanks. I don't hold it against anyone that is sticking with the game, though my original rant might have seemed that way.

The plain truth si that I'm upset. I wanted this game to be somehtign really, amazing, something relaly special, and it's not. At least not to me.

And that pisses me off, especially since there's stuff to like in here.

Yeah, that was the summation of the seevrla paragraphs I wrote above... common now.

And "It was easy" as a dialogue choice in no way denotes stupidly childish response, maybe snarky ;p Basically I expected somehting laong the lines of: "I'm able to access and use Remnant Tech, so it was easier to get through". Not have my Ryder turn into valley girl.

I read your original post. Would love to read another one like that after you are cooled off from this experience with game and could analyze more your likes and dislikes with game.

Writing in MEA is different from OGT when it comes to characters. In OGT you usually knew excatly what character is like after few minutes of dialogue and they didn't really develop at all over run of the game. In MEA characters start as more blank sheets that don't have flavor or that much characteristics, but at the end they have changed quite a bit and opened up. Even Ryder is somewhat shaped by your dialogue and action choices and it shows at the end as you reflect on what (s)he was like at beginning.

BW has never been good at agency tho.


The first mission doesn't leave you invested in the narrative, it doesn't grab you like the intro's to the other ME's did. It took hours of playing this game to even encounter something I liked and considered a hallmark of the series.

Pretty bummed.

It does feel like a generic knockoff of the original ME's starter mission.

It gets better at least
This was the most anticipated game release of this generation for me, pretty underwhelmed.

The first mission doesn't leave you invested in the narrative, it doesn't grab you like the intro's to the other ME's did. It took hours of playing this game to even encounter something I liked and considered a hallmark of the series.

Pretty bummed.

I didn't feel the hook until Havarl.


Kett Base on Insanity coupled with this weak save system really is just poor design. 2 hours and I can't get past the last wave.
Well I already maxed out the turret with its cryo beam which is awesome, but now I've just unlocked
Peebee's Remnant VI which is even better. It's like having four squadmates all of a sudden


Finally starting to get into this game. Just established the first settlement and it's a fun feeling. I'm definitely buying Into the idea of a pathfinder and enjoying the payoffs so far. Also liking EOS so far as well.


This game is giving me some KotoR vibes and I can't put my finger on what it is exactly...

Male Ryder literally never animates like this except for two instances during the Vidal romance. This isn't male Ryder being a bit flamboyant, it's Bioware using the animation they created for Sara and going "fuck it, it's just the gay romance". At best it's lazy, at worst it's offensive.

I was just pointing out how your phrasing was a problem is all, nothing wrong with a guy moving like a delicate princess.

However, if it is completely out of character the like this then yeh it's almost certainly a lazy reuse of animations/assets.
Inability to save during priority missions really sucks (I'm doing the Eos one). I'm playing on insanity and probably lost 20 minutes of progress. The quicksave thing doesn't work/I'm doing it wrong on PS4. Wish they would've had more frequent checkpoints.


This game isn't moody or electric enough to feel like Mass Effect. It feels so much thinner on atmosphere. There's something so weak with the dialogue, like it's so exposition and lore pushing without actually pushing for intense scenarios or emotional highs that the originals had. And the Ryder's seem so basic and cliche.

Really hope they go the DAI route and make the next entry standalone and darker. And polish the tech ffs.


not me
I'm about 40 hours in now and enjoying it. Wrapping up Kadara soon.

Personally I would have just made the angara plotline a one planet thing and found other unique stories to tell elsewhere. I dont yet feel they are interesting enough to carry the game, so to speak. Seems like loyalty missions are about to get going in earnest so I'm excited.


I'm guessing since we cant have a thread on it, we have to talk in the main OT about Dunkey's new video concerning mass effect? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDjci1ODoBs if its not allowed i'll take this post and edit it to nothing.

Why do we HAVE to talk about it? What else is to be said about the shit writing and awkward animations that the multiple separate threads haven't touched on? Like someone mentioned earlier can we please have at least one thread for those actually playing the game to discuss it without being bombarded with memes and videos dog piling on the latest hate train?


This game isn't moody or electric enough to feel like Mass Effect. It feels so much thinner on atmosphere. There's something so weak with the dialogue, like it's so exposition and lore pushing without actually pushing for intense scenarios or emotional highs that the originals had. And the Ryder's seem so basic and cliche.

Really hope they go the DAI route and make the next entry standalone and darker. And polish the tech ffs.

Lighter and more colorful tone and atmosphere is intentional. One of things devs have been very open for quite some time. It has those darker and heavier moments, but far and between while not going into pits of darkness where OGT aimed at few times. In a lot of ways MEA is establishing lore and base for future like ME1 did.

What BW written protagonist isn't walking cliche?


This game isn't moody or electric enough to feel like Mass Effect. It feels so much thinner on atmosphere. There's something so weak with the dialogue, like it's so exposition and lore pushing without actually pushing for intense scenarios or emotional highs that the originals had. And the Ryder's seem so basic and cliche.

Welcome to writing in a BioWare RPG. This game's dialogue is no different from the stuff in the previous games. Actually, in some spots, Andromeda is more organic. Either people's expectations of writing in video games have risen in the past few years or the game's myriad technical problems and general lack of polish have made its problems that much more obvious.
Lately I feel like I don't value what the rest of the world does in video games. Played about 2 and a half hours of this game and it left a very good first impression.

I love Mass Effect 1 and I think Mass Effect 2 and 3 are overrated. The main reason is that I feel there is a huge beautiful expansive universe but I am funneled down hallways in 2 and 3 (more 2 than 3). So far on the first main planet in Andromeda the freedom is a breath of fresh air. I feel again like this game will actually let you live and explore this huge universe.

Yes, lip syncing and animations have some funny moments so far, but dialogue has been on par and the story set up has me intrigued. Combat I'm not sure about yet but overall I'm pretty pumped and I heard the part I played was atrocious... So a couple of questions

1. Am I missing a lot of game breaking bugs so far that makes the opening awful?

2. Can you switch between guns without going to the wheel?

3. How do I know it's saving? I don't like the checkpoint thing.

4. is the "open world" of this game like this first planet where it's more open linear approach. Because I love it.


I'm actually really disappointed with this - Driving around was fun at first on EOS, but having landed on the second planet (ice?) I'm already bored senseless with it & have no real desire to do the same thing I just did again :|


Is it ever explained why they aren't communicating with other Arks and the Milky Way? Since Mass Effect provided us with the deus ex machina called "Quantum Entanglement" which supposedly has infinite range and no lag then I don't understand why they aren't in touch with one another constantly. I know they are expensive and aren't very feasible for squad communication but not having 4 across the Arks and another set of 4 to communicate with the Milky Way, or at least one on the Nexus, seems bizarre.


Lately I feel like I don't value what the rest of the world does in video games. Played about 2 and a half hours of this game and it left a very good first impression.

I love Mass Effect 1 and I think Mass Effect 2 and 3 are overrated. The main reason is that I feel there is a huge beautiful expansive universe but I am funneled down hallways in 2 and 3 (more 2 than 3). So far on the first main planet in Andromeda the freedom is a breath of fresh air. I feel again like this game will actually let you live and explore this huge universe.

Yes, lip syncing and animations have some funny moments so far, but dialogue has been on par and the story set up has me intrigued. Combat I'm not sure about yet but overall I'm pretty pumped and I heard the part I played was atrocious... So a couple of questions

1. Am I missing a lot of game breaking bugs so far that makes the opening awful?

2. Can you switch between guns without going to the wheel?

3. How do I know it's saving? I don't like the checkpoint thing.

4. is the "open world" of this game like this first planet where it's more open linear approach. Because I love it.

2. hold reload to switch between current gun and last gun used.
3. the download arrow button in the right corner
4. pretty much every planet is like the first planet in terms of open worldness
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