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Mass Effect: Andromeda |OT| Ryders on the Storm


My Ryder just told someone that he uses humour/levity to handle the incredible pressure that's been placed upon him, which aligns with the convo responses I've been selecting. I wonder if that changes if you select from of the stern/straight-faced ones?

Dragon Age 2 did similar things with the dialog choices, so it seems likely.


My Sara looks the same and I'm pleasantly surprised how the voice actor works really well with this version of Sara.

I can't even see default Sara as Sara Ryder anymore. I just don't see that face and voice meeting anymore. I guess it just means I really nailed that custom and identified to it well enough.

Edit: I tweaked that custom some, like e.g. changed shape of cheek structure.


G***n S**n*bi
Alright, I've concluded that Engineer profile with both tech constructs maxed is Easy Mode

I stay behind cover and use blind fire 95% of my fights. 80% of the time I won't even take shield damage- I just let the girls do the talking for me.

I've been playing for 48+ hours, majority with Rem VI, and I can count on one hand how many times she's actually fallen in battle.

The amount of tech combos I get now with Squadmates who can detonate is really good. Turret sets everything up with chill shots, 2 squadmates and Rem VI clean up with detonaters. I barely have to do shit anymore... I actually created a biotic build recently because I got bored.
I definitely handled that situation with a lot more nuance than that. Maybe you're Ryder is just that type of person? Never had that problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

a bit difficult to handle such a situation with nuance when you are only presented with two dialogue choices for such a complex question


Alright, I've concluded that Engineer profile with both tech constructs maxed is Easy Mode

I stay behind cover and use blind fire 95% of my fights. 80% of the time I won't even take shield damage- I just let the girls do the talking for me.

I've been playing for 48+ hours, majority with Rem VI, and I can count on one hand how many times she's actually fallen in battle.

The amount of tech combos I get now with Squadmates who can detonate is really good. Turret sets everything up with chill shots, 2 squadmates and Rem VI clean up with detonaters. I barely have to do shit anymore... I actually created a biotic build recently because I got bored.

This is basically true with a number of loadouts. For example, Vanguard Profile + Annihilation + Charge + Nova is crazy OP, even on the harder difficulties.


Mass Effect 1:


Mass Effect Andromeda:


(I know the above conversation evolves further, just thought that the lack of nuance is telling)


G***n S**n*bi
This is basically true with a number of loadouts. For example, Vanguard Profile + Annihilation + Charge + Nova is crazy OP, even on the harder difficulties.
See, the thing is though, because I use pure tech I unlock Team Support/auxiliary which turns my whole squad (constructs too) into tanks. With my pure biotic build I always had a member or two day on me from time to time. Engineer with those team passives though? Shiiiiit my squad laughed at death. All FIVE of us.


Mass Effect 1:


Mass Effect Andromeda:


(I know the above conversation evolves further, just thought that the lack of nuance is telling)

All ME1 answers different enough and leads to different paths to justify that many picks or is it FO4 illusion? I haven't touched ME1 since its release so I don't even remember that discussion.


Mass Effect 1:


Mass Effect Andromeda:


(I know the above conversation evolves further, just thought that the lack of nuance is telling)
I think you are simplifying things by just looking at the number of options presented instead of looking at how the actual conversation plays out.
That conversation lasts a longer than in did in ME1. In ME:A you get two options at the start which then lead to further options and so on, it's a nested conversation which can branch out vs all options laid out at the start.

I mean even in that picture you posted the option "Keep it to yourself" and "It's not my place to judge" are pretty much the same shit and "Are you a fanatic" is not something you'd ask straight away when someone says I believe in God, you do that after they have expressed their opinion on religion which she never did.


@replies: "I know the above conversation evolves further, just thought that the lack of nuance is telling"
Yea but that's not how you presented it though. Anyhow it's all options laid out at start vs branching into it.

Really when someone says they believe in God there are only two things you can say "I do too" or "I don't" anything else is just a variation, any additions you want to make i.e. "I believe/don't believe in God BUT something something...." only comes after the initiation, it's not the right place to ask if they are a fanatic simply because they said they believe in God.

If you are purely talking about options then there are plenty of conversations in the game where you have lots of options, and they do differ in tone enough compared to what you see in previous games. For instance casual Ryder is actually casual and it shows up later on in conversations if you've been picking casual responses (similar to DA2)

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
In regard to criticism of writing and animation, I've found it to be wildly inconsistent. You can go long stretches where everything's fine, and then a really bad line, or animation, or line reading comes along.

The only thing that's consistently bad in terms of animation is my default Scott Ryder's eyes. They are incredibly weird and creepy. Human eyes just don't look like that. Also his arms and hands and the way they move are pretty terrible too.

As for the writing, this game obviously had quite a few writers, and some are ok/good and some are awful. That line about 'his heart broke just before it exploded' has to be one of the worst I've ever heard. It's spectacularly bad. Worse than 'my face is tired'.

But I played a lot over the weekend and I barely noticed anything really egregious. I've most been pretty lucky with bugs and glitches too. I think I've only had one animation glitch so far in 20 hours on PC. The bug/glitch videos definitely don't create an accurate portrayal of the game. People obviously go out of their way to break the game and when they do they milk it for all it's worth.

Same. Only "major" graphical glitches I've had were double Jaal in one dialogue scene and Ryder having an empty hand/invisible glass when drinking at a bar one time. Frame rate is bad at times on PS4 Pro though, Habitat 7 was the worst, but still drops a lot elsewhere.

Writing, as you note is a bit up and down. Terrible in places, good in others, serviceable most of the time.

I'm 23ish hours in and taking my time. Still on Voeld (my 2nd planet after EOS) as I've been doing a lot of sidequest there and on the Nexus. I'm having a good time with the game. On the one hand, I'm a tad disappointed it's not nearly as good as ME1-3 for me. On the other, it still scratches that character and dialogue driven space opera itch and adds in more planet exploration than the prior games which I like. I haven't touched the MP yet either. I'd probably give it an 8/10 so far.


So the conversation options eventually align more with your previous choices? That's cool, if not immediately obvious.


Good on Bioware for allowing my character to be a theist (just like in the original trilogy). I wish there were more games that allowed that or fully embrace it and during character creation you could pick your religion giving your character the option to visit a church, for example, and participate in the Holy Communion. That would be amazing. Are there even games like that? I never came across one.


This is the way to go if you want the most OP loadout in the game. Once you have everything (Charge, Annihilation, & Barrier) maxed out, the only thing that will stop you are enemies with instakill melee attacks.

Yeah I do feel a bit OP sometimes. I am going to stay away from Biotics in NG+ and maybe focus on the Tech gonna try out Engineer or Infiltrator.
Good on Bioware for allowing my character to be a theist (just like in the original trilogy). I wish there were more games that allowed that or fully embrace it and during character creation you could pick your religion giving your character the option to visit a church, for example, and participate in the Holy Communion. That would be amazing. Are there even games like that? I never came across one.

Crusader Kings 2?
This is the way to go if you want the most OP loadout in the game. Once you have everything (Charge, Annihilation, & Barrier) maxed out, the only thing that will stop you are enemies with instakill melee attacks.

Pretty sure anything past lvl 30 is going to be OP. Haven't really dabbled in combat much so maybe not that.
I think EA made a huge mistake by showing that shitty Xbone version before people got a chance to play this on PS4. My impressions of this game went from "this is a shitty Mass Effect game" to "this is one of the best Mass Effect games". In a game where immersion is so important having Xbone presentation kind of ruined the game for me. It barely looked better than Mass Effect 2 and it seemed to run worse than that game... And although PS4 pro version doesn't run amazingly well, it looks gorgeous on 4k screen with HDR enabled.

I think the new characters are way better than the new characters in Mass Effect 3. Side Quests are not great, but still way better than what we had in ME1 and ME3. And the gameplay is by far the best.

The major issue with this game is of course animations. They just looked unfinished... My guess is that they ran out of time and just set them to alpha version or something...
Only glitch I have had so far is the scanner refusing to load. Required a save/reload but nothing major.

Enjoying it so far. For the radiation on Eos dissipating do i just have to wait? Next main mission is 2nd planet.


Only glitch I have had so far is the scanner refusing to load. Required a save/reload but nothing major.

I had one where i moved my ryder up to a very tiny box and she tried to take cover behind it.

The box was so small she just bent down like she was picking it up

Once she was stuck there she couldn't move. It was pretty funny to see her trapped there.

She could vault over it though, so no big deal.
I think EA made a huge mistake by showing that shitty Xbone version before people got a chance to play this on PS4. My impressions of this game went from "this is a shitty Mass Effect game" to "this is one of the best Mass Effect games". In a game where immersion is so important having Xbone presentation kind of ruined the game for me. It barely looked better than Mass Effect 2 and it seemed to run worse than that game... And although PS4 pro version doesn't run amazingly well, it looks gorgeous on 4k screen with HDR enabled.

I think the new characters are way better than the new characters in Mass Effect 3. Side Quests are not great, but still way better than what we had in ME1 and ME3. And the gameplay is by far the best.

The major issue with this game is of course animations. They just looked unfinished... My guess is that they ran out of time and just set them to alpha version or something...

It released on PC at the same time and that looks better than the XB1 version. The main criticisms aren't about resolution. Also what's the difference in XB1 presentation besides resolution anyway?


I really liked the Kallo & Gil storyline and I think Gil is a great addition to the team. So if he was a last Minute thing it doesn't bother me that much.
On the one hand, I'm a tad disappointed it's not nearly as good as ME1-3 for me. On the other, it still scratches that character and dialogue driven space opera itch and adds in more planet exploration than the prior games which I like.

Yeah, I can identify 10-15 areas where the game could be better, but at the end of the day it does scratch a very specific and unique itch and as a fan of this kind of game and the genre I still find it worth playing.
It released on PC at the same time and that looks better than the XB1 version. The main criticisms aren't about resolution. Also what's the difference in XB1 presentation besides resolution anyway?

Even a lot of game journalists played that Xbox version first. PC is not as popular as Gaf makes it out to be and it sounds like you need a pretty powerful PC to run this well. The resolution difference alone is HUGE! I'm not kidding when I say that it looked about the same as Mass Effect 2, but ran worse. I recently played it on backwards compatibility.

HDR helps too. So it should be better on Xbox one S (which I don't have).
Even a lot of game journalists played that Xbox version first. PC is not as popular as Gaf makes it out to be and it sounds like you need a pretty powerful PC to run this well. The resolution difference alone is HUGE! I'm not kidding when I say that it looked about the same as Mass Effect 2, but ran worse. I recently played it on backwards compatibility.

HDR helps too. So it should be better on Xbox one S (which I don't have).

It helps a ton. I think the game looks pretty good in HDR on XB1 S.


Yeah, I can identify 10-15 areas where the game could be better, but at the end of the day it does scratch a very specific and unique itch and as a fan of this kind of game and the genre I still find it worth playing.

Yeah, I mean, it's this or basically nothing. No choice here, but it's alright


I really liked the Kallo & Gil storyline and I think Gil is a great addition to the team. So if he was a last Minute thing it doesn't bother me that much.

Nothing about Gil says "last minute addition", or then whole crew of Tempest (Gil, Kallo, Lexi & Suvi) were added at last minute.

Cider X

I completed Cora's loyalty mission which means
Finding the Asari ark.
Decided to go to my journal and
Look For the Turian ark
. Set the waypoint, started running towards it on the Nexus. Game locked up and froze. When restarting the game it either locks up or hard crashes to dashboard when resuming game. This is on Xbox One. Very dissapointed in this.
So far my biggest gripes are about the environments:

Of the hub planets, two biomes are very similar desert biomes with nitrogen atmospheres (blue skies). Yet I scan all these planets with volcanoes and storms. Where is the diversity?

Where is a day/night cycle for these planets? In past games, this was at least explained at each planet. But with limited planets some should have unique attractions. A cycle every 20 minutes would be interesting.

And so far (about 70%), I've only encountered one planet with different gravity and you only experience that through the Nomad only. It's a blast! But I've also got a jetpack on my back. So I'm pretty sure I don't need "gravity boots". This seems to be a game designer issue, as I believe Bioware Montreal has great engineers, based on the quality of ME3 multiplayer and how quickly they added new mechanics with each character. The nomad obviously can be tweaked to gravity.

There's just too much familiarity with these new environments.
I can't even see default Sara as Sara Ryder anymore. I just don't see that face and voice meeting anymore. I guess it just means I really nailed that custom and identified to it well enough.

Edit: I tweaked that custom some, like e.g. changed shape of cheek structure.
Looks real similar to mine. I just changed the hair and some of her facial structure.


Looks real similar to mine. I just changed the hair and some of her facial structure.

Browse that ME Archive in general. True attack of clones. All customs look so... samey.

So far my biggest gripes are about the environments:

Of the hub planets, two biomes are very similar desert biomes with nitrogen atmospheres (blue skies). Yet I scan all these planets with volcanoes and storms. Where is the diversity?

Where is a day/night cycle for these planets? In past games, this was at least explained at each planet. But with limited planets some should have unique attractions. A cycle every 20 minutes would be interesting.

I wonder why we don't go out of our way to land planets that are basically molten lava... Diversity is issue as we get 2 deserts, 1 ice cube, 1 forest and 1... something, but not as bad as it could have been.

Cycle every 20 minutes would interesting first 40 minutes and then get annoyingly fast. On at least one planet it's explained why it's always day.


Enemy health values on Insanity are absurd. My fire tech combo (full engi) at lvl 18 does about half of a regular kett's enemy health. 4-5 Falcon shots to the face before they fold.

Add the stupid cover system and performance issues on top and it's a recipe for ragequit.

edit: and the fucking evade mechanic that these enemies have is really fucking fun when your abilities have a 10s cooldown and they just casually sidestep it 30% of the time.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm only at Havald/Voeld part of the game, but is there nothing but big planets to explore in this game? No spaceships or smaller "corridor-like" planets? I kinda like those abandoned or mercenary spaceships from ME1/2. Or is that reserved to loyalty missions, which i barely touched so far?

If there is something I'm really disappointed in this game, it's the small amount of landable environments. Why can't I go to a system with no main missions, scan some abandoned ship or some random planet and be surprised by it containing an explorable zone/building? I liked that about ME1/2. Here, it's just XP or resources, it's boring.


Enemy health values on Insanity are absurd. My fire tech combo (full engi) at lvl 18 does about half of a regular kett's enemy health. 4-5 Falcon shots to the face before they fold.

Add the stupid cover system and performance issues on top and it's a recipe for ragequit.

edit: and the fucking evade mechanic that these enemies have is really fucking fun when your abilities have a 10s cooldown and they just casually sidestep it 30% of the time.

Describing every Mass Effect game on Insanity ever, tbh. Around level 30 or so game becomes a lot more bearable on Insanity as you start to really stack up those passive boosts.

I'm only at Havald/Voeld part of the game, but is there nothing but big planets to explore in this game? No spaceships or smaller "corridor-like" planets? I kinda like those abandoned or mercenary spaceships from ME1/2. Or is that reserved to loyalty missions, which i barely touched so far?

If there is something I'm really disappointed in this game, it's the small amount of landable environments. Why can't I go to a system with no main missions, scan some abandoned ship or some random planet and be surprised by it containing an explorable zone/building? I liked that about ME1/2. Here, it's just XP or resources, it's boring.

Spaceship and narrow planet stuff is pretty much all in loyalty stuff.

No random planets with random locations tho, which is disappointing.
I'm only at Havald/Voeld part of the game, but is there nothing but big planets to explore in this game? No spaceships or smaller "corridor-like" planets? I kinda like those abandoned or mercenary spaceships from ME1/2. Or is that reserved to loyalty missions, which i barely touched so far?

If there is something I'm really disappointed in this game, it's the small amount of landable environments. Why can't I go to a system with no main missions, scan some abandoned ship or some random planet and be surprised by it containing an explorable zone/building? I liked that about ME1/2. Here, it's just XP or resources, it's boring.
There's smaller zones as well.


I'm only at Havald/Voeld part of the game, but is there nothing but big planets to explore in this game? No spaceships or smaller "corridor-like" planets? I kinda like those abandoned or mercenary spaceships from ME1/2. Or is that reserved to loyalty missions, which i barely touched so far?

If there is something I'm really disappointed in this game, it's the small amount of landable environments. Why can't I go to a system with no main missions, scan some abandoned ship or some random planet and be surprised by it containing an explorable zone/building? I liked that about ME1/2. Here, it's just XP or resources, it's boring.

I've encountered one smallish land area similar to Luna from ME1.


Even a lot of game journalists played that Xbox version first. PC is not as popular as Gaf makes it out to be and it sounds like you need a pretty powerful PC to run this well. The resolution difference alone is HUGE! I'm not kidding when I say that it looked about the same as Mass Effect 2, but ran worse. I recently played it on backwards compatibility.

HDR helps too. So it should be better on Xbox one S (which I don't have).

Lol, what? PC gaming is larger than any console. Stop. It was also the platform EA was consistently showing the game in, leading up to release.

The game is just super incosistent in terms of graphics and art direction.


Most of the bugs I ran into were of the invisible textures and my god the loadout screen would spaz and just have flashing lights everywhere.

That said I'm on PC.
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