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Mass Effect: Andromeda |OT| Ryders on the Storm


No way you missed it maybe my impressions are misleading on it.

Vetras loyalty mission and mining asteroid. Low gravity, can't get out of the nomad, only 3 locations.

Yep, I thought you found something... new. I guessed you meant that spoilered place, but had to make sure :b

Didn't it have... 5 locations?


Chili Con Carnage!
I was wondering in the build up why all the reviewers who hated the game have spent so long playing but I actually totally get it now, MEA is like a bad friend, it keeps giving you opportunities to trust it and then it completely fails to deliver...there are so many moments of 'oh that sounds like it might be really interesting' and every single time it ends with 'what? was that it?'

The most dramatic moments in the game happen with zero input from you and then you spend your time trying to make something as dramatic happen again. There's no pay off, no reward, no ramifications but a constant promise of something really big just around the corner...I'm finding it a very odd low level of infuriating where without knowing it I'm ending every session of single player in a really bad mood.


Describing every Mass Effect game on Insanity ever, tbh. Around level 30 or so game becomes a lot more bearable on Insanity as you start to really stack up those passive boosts.

Bearable how, damage output wise? Because that's my only real gripe, I can survive fine most of the time. Ironically I get the worst fps drops indoors, I don't think the engine is really suited for it (lighting indoors is pretty poor too). Fwiw I played all Mass Effect games on Insanity but they didn't feel this spongy. Maybe because I played those with a mouse and was able to rack up headshots.


I was wondering in the build up why all the reviewers who hated the game have spent so long playing but I actually totally get it now, MEA is like a bad friend, it keeps giving you opportunities to trust it and then it completely fails to deliver...there are so many moments of 'oh that sounds like it might be really interesting' and every single time it ends with 'what? was that it?'

The most dramatic moments in the game happen with zero input from you and then you spend your time trying to make something as dramatic happen again. There's no pay off, no reward, no ramifications but a constant promise of something really big just around the corner...I'm finding it a very odd low level of infuriating where without knowing it I'm ending every session of single player in a really bad mood.

That was my feelings up to the point where I snapped. Made it to the top of some Angaran "elders" building thing and the dialogue, and starting with this souls and re-incarnation bs, well, just like a bad friend, I thought it was time to finally let go.


Yep, I thought you found something... new. I guessed you meant that spoilered place, but had to make sure :b

Didn't it have... 5 locations?
Yeah you are right about the location numbers there but it just seemed similar to Luna where you would goto each location to do something and could tackle them in almost any order.


Bearable how, damage output wise? Because that's my only real gripe, I can survive fine most of the time. Ironically I get the worst fps drops indoors, I don't think the engine is really suited for it (lighting indoors is pretty poor too). Fwiw I played all Mass Effect games on Insanity but they didn't feel this spongy. Maybe because I played those with a mouse and was able to rack up headshots.

I played game through on Insanity as Infiltrator, using Black Widow. Mobs like Chosen died to 2 hits and mobs with shields to 3-4 hits. Early on it was pure pain for me too as shields took forever to take down, but I was able to get damage up through stacking skill development and passives from tech tree and others.

Don't spread your points around too much early on, don't buy into this "Swap your profiles and builds for maximum combat effectiveness!" bollocks game tries to shovel. Look what trees (Combat, Bio, Tech) Engineer needs in order to gain profile ranks and invest only in those until Engineer is max rank, which is 6.


Weird, for some reason I can't send out strike teams on missions anymore, every time I try the game disconnects me from the service, phone app also craps out I do that, doesn't matter what team or mission, anybody had similar problem?


That was my feelings up to the point where I snapped. Made it to the top of some Angaran "elders" building thing and the dialogue, and starting with this souls and re-incarnation bs, well, just like a bad friend, I thought it was time to finally let go.

My cousins is the same way. He did the first Eos outpost but hated these sidequests just 95% fetch/scan between loading transitions, and then we tried to play MP yesterday. Did not find any other players, and so with 2 it just wasn't fun. I am trying to get him to keep the game but I think he is done with it. And this was someone who loved ME as much as me, played the hell out of the first 3.

The worst feeling is that this all feels like a missed opportunity. To get another solid Mass Effect experience may take years, if ever.


I should have waited, but went ahead an got it. Not quite done with Horizon, but I'll probably start it up at least. It can't be any worse then Dragon Age II?
Whoops yeah I missed that last part of his post. I assume it's a bug too, hope so at least. As of now I specced Nova to Seismic Nova so that it primes instead and then I charge people after that.

I respeced completely based around charge and annihilation too which sucks. It might not be bugged it could just be a balance thing. Imagine if every charge was a biotic combo? OP as fuck.


That was my feelings up to the point where I snapped. Made it to the top of some Angaran "elders" building thing and the dialogue, and starting with this souls and re-incarnation bs, well, just like a bad friend, I thought it was time to finally let go.

Yeah because how alien culture and alien race works is pure bullshit and nothing interesting, am I right? What did you hope from that meeting?


Having a hard time justifying taking the Deep Exploration armor off due to that XP increase.

But I like to play fashionista with my games and am growing tired of it. Looks good though, kind of like something Issac might wear in the Dead Space universe.

ME armor has always looked cool to me.
Only about 18 hours in on Havarl trying to descoruge the planet and I'm very much enjoying the game still, a few gripes here or there especially with the side quest but the Angara, their culture and their war with the Kett is really drawing me in.

But holy shit at that framerate, cannot keep up with my biotic charges. Also does Track ever go down? Krogran just smashes his way through everything


Drack is definitely at the top of my list. I was never a huge Wrex fan, and Grunt was nothing to me. I assumed Drack would be the same old Korgan, but I ended up really loving him.

Liam and Cora were the worst for me. Liam has the worst line delivery, and like Cora, is very one note. They remind me of the person who goes to India for a month, and then never stops talking about it. "Back in HUSTL, we just kept moving from crisis to crisis..." "I used to be an asari huntress guys.... GUYS!"

I liked Cora mostly because she was the first female human character in awhile that felt a little more grounded despite being super human. There's a clear line of development for her and her story is mostly her experiencing and growing from a situation rather than a crazy scenario. She also makes some great comments on missions when paired with any of the other characters.

Liam, on the other hand, has no real direction and seems like he's mostly played for laughs rather than anything serious. All of his dialogue just feels strange as a result because it's everywhere and feels like he's rambling.


Only about 18 hours in on Havarl trying to descoruge the planet and I'm very much enjoying the game still, a few gripes here or there especially with the side quest but the Angara, their culture and their war with the Kett is really drawing me in.

But holy shit at that framerate, cannot keep up with my biotic charges. Also does Track ever go down? Krogran just smashes his way through everything

Spec him for survival and regens, he will never ever go down :D

If he does then he just gets back up after few seconds by himself.


The lack of DF analysis, or any real performance articles makes me wonder if they are going to release a performance patch very rapidly.?
I liked Cora mostly because she was the first female human character in awhile that felt a little more grounded despite being super human. There's a clear line of development for her and her story is mostly her experiencing and growing from a situation rather than a crazy scenario. She also makes some great comments on missions when paired with any of the other characters.

Yeah, I liked Cora a lot for that reason - her desire to find a place/role where she belongs/fits in ties in well with the overall arc/aim of the story and it's something most people can relate to, I think. I also think people are missing the point in calling her an asari weeabo-type or whatever - it's not really meant to be a "good" thing so much as it represents her struggling with losing the pathfinder role and basically reverting back to the role where she came closest to finding that place she belongs, to the point of letting it blind her to things (her loyalty mission is a nice conclusion to that). It's akin to a young adult having rose-tinted glasses when looking back on college or something (only more justified, I think, since being in an Asari commando unit as a human would be a big deal/major experience and very out of the ordinary).

Liam, on the other hand, has no real direction and seems like he's mostly played for laughs rather than anything serious. All of his dialogue just feels strange as a result because it's everywhere and feels like he's rambling.

Yeah...I agree here too. I don't really get Liam since his characterization is kind of all over the place, what with the random outbursts and hyperactivity/over-the-top-ness. The humor with him mostly didn't work, either, but that might just be me. He's a nice enough guy, I guess, but kind of a mess.


So picked up the game this weekend (from GM for $44.) and so far I like what I'm playing. Granted still in the beginning. Game looks nice, shooting seems good, seems like a decent enough challenge on hardcore. Might drop back to normal though but not sure.

The character creator is horrible. There is no defending it when so many other games that have them have more options. The biggest offender here though isn't that the options are limited to be honest but that the character models themselves are largely ugly. The female faces fare much better but the males are ugh. I remember this being an issue to a degree in Dragon Age Inquisition as well too so it's not like Andromeda should be the only thing hit. This has been an issue for a while. Tried my best to make a black man but didn't go as well as I wanted. I can deal but if they introduce a way of changing how we look later then I'll jump at it. From some angles he's fine. Others not so much.

In fact my concern that this would be space Inquisition was right. It does feel a lot like it right down or up to the giant ass rift looking thing in the sky in the prologue mission. It event makes a similar sound to the giant rift in DQ:I.

That said I think some of the dialogue issues, at least as far as this opening areas are concerned, were blown up to be a bigger issue then they really are. Characters are far to chatty but that's the negative I have at the moment. It reminds me of a Marvel movie at times and it's one of the things I dislike about those films but just deal with. The guy shooting the dead alien out of anger that was talked about before took place and I didn't have an issue with it. It's a trope that I've seen in other pieces of media before and it played out just how I expected it would and it has been before. Why some locked their sights on that I don't know. It's not original true but it felt acceptable given the situation.

On my system the runs pretty well at medium settings but at 1080p. I'm curious to see if it goes off a cliff once I hit the first world. I remember reading that's where performance drops for people even if the opening area runs well. I also haven't encountered any bugs yet in the opening areas of the game. Save for the prompt to talk to someone not appearing and for that I just had to back up a little and re-approach but that's happen in a lot of games so I didn't even think twice about that. It also only happen once. So I'm curious if I'll be hit with those soon.

I'm likely going to be taking this slow and see how this is patched. Zelda still has my gaming time locked up but I wanted to get ME:A while it was lower in price before it went back up. That might make me a bit more forgiving too in the end. I also think EA/Bioware is going to fix any issues the game has or at least most of them and if all else fails I can fall back on the multiplayer since that doesn't seem to have any big issues.


Yeah because how alien culture and alien race works is pure bullshit and nothing interesting, am I right? What did you hope from that meeting?

Space faring alien culture which apparently values scientific persuits to a large extent, that also believes in reincarnation? That's pretty dumb. Especially when the game at least appeared to subscribe to the notion.

"Some dude you don't care about died a long time ago, and some other dude you don't care about, we believe, has his re-incarnated soul and might therefore know about this past life".

Where's my: "The fuck are you on?" Answer option? Or atleast an aside to your collegues about how you'll humor him for now, and hopfully this will somehow lead us into what we actually need.

You know, instead of having my galaxy traversing, scientist (ignoring that she apparently has trouble pronouncing simple scientific names that a 6th grader would have no issue with) Ryder be all like: "Oh yeah, past lifes, totally, I'm sure his soul still posses the knowledge of blah blah blah".


Anyway, that was a minor thing, a sI mentioned, it was just one the few little things I saw at the top and on my way there that was just too much for me to bother anymore.


Don't spread your points around too much early on, don't buy into this "Swap your profiles and builds for maximum combat effectiveness!" bollocks game tries to shovel. Look what trees (Combat, Bio, Tech) Engineer needs in order to gain profile ranks and invest only in those until Engineer is max rank, which is 6.

Great advice. I am Level 40 and I just started putting points into a 4th active ability. Charge, Annihilation, Nova, and now I also have Turbocharge for boss characters.

Otherwise I've been building 100% around 3 abilities with most of my points into very useful passives. The fact that passives from all trees are active at all times makes them hugely valuable. All biotic passives. The weapon passives in Combat, plus Combat Fitness. And next I may go into Tech to grab Team Support.


So picked up the game this weekend (from GM for $44.) and so far I like what I'm playing. Granted still in the beginning. Game looks nice, shooting seems good, seems like a decent enough challenge on hardcore. Might drop back to normal though but not sure.

Stick with hardcore, as you level up it becomes a nice challenge. It can be a bit rough early, but stick with it.

I feel like I've won the lottery on bugs, I haven't gotten any of the super goofy shit my friends have (or that I've seen people post here). Worst I get is the loading screen sometimes just hangs and I have to restart the game. Had an instance where Ryder's legs suddenly became completely straight and she was walking on her tiptoes, but that's the only weird animation thing to happen. Around 80 hours total played between PC and PS4 now.


Space faring alien culture that believes in reincarnation? That's pretty dumb. Especially when the game at least appeared to subscribe to the notion.

Anyway, that was a minor thing, a sI mentioned, it was just one the few little things I saw at the top and on my way there that was just too much for me to bother anymore.

But Angara do reincarnate at some level? Or did you just Alt + F4 without actually doing the quest to the end? Why it's dump that race that is able to reincarnate and believes in it also has been able to advance scientifically?

I take it you aren't big on religions in general? Not looking to get into debate or discussion about religions, just vibe I'm getting from your reaction to this aspect of Angara.


I played game through on Insanity as Infiltrator, using Black Widow. Mobs like Chosen died to 2 hits and mobs with shields to 3-4 hits. Early on it was pure pain for me too as shields took forever to take down, but I was able to get damage up through stacking skill development and passives from tech tree and others.

Don't spread your points around too much early on, don't buy into this "Swap your profiles and builds for maximum combat effectiveness!" bollocks game tries to shovel. Look what trees (Combat, Bio, Tech) Engineer needs in order to gain profile ranks and invest only in those until Engineer is max rank, which is 6.

Headshots? If so, you don't find it a little extreme that a regular mook takes two headshots from the strongest dmg per bullet weapon in the game?

As for the rest of your advice - it's what I've been doing, the game's not exactly rocket science :^). I'm a little tempted to try out the sentinel though, I wonder how good that tech armor is.


my cake, fuck off
Maybe it's because I lowered my expectations after hearing all the hate, but I'm really enjoying this game. I hope it does well enough for a sequel.


But Angara do reincarnate at some level? Or did you just Alt + F4 without actually doing the quest to the end? Why it's dump that race that is able to reincarnate and believes in it also has been able to advance scientifically?

I take it you aren't big on religions in general? Not looking to get into debate or discussion about religions, just vibe I'm getting from your reaction to this aspect of Angara.

You don't want to start a debate but you are anyway.

It's not necessarily whether they do or not. I quit pretty soon after that to troll youtubes for any hope of this mess getting better, of which I found none.

It's my Ryder's completely out of character (for the umpteeth time in the 16 or so hours I've played) response to this.

I mean, how would you react?

"Oh you want to know about ancient Rome, well, put that book down my friend! Let's ask my uncle Bob, he's the reincarnation of Caius Julius Caesar. He will know!

???? <--- Is what I would expect from you. Not: "Sure, that sounds sane and normal!"

I hope they go into how they actually do this. Not tha tI care at this point.


Headshots? If so, you don't find it a little extreme that a regular mook takes two headshots from the strongest dmg per bullet weapon in the game?

As for the rest of your advice - it's what I've been doing, the game's not exactly rocket science :^). I'm a little tempted to try out the sentinel though, I wonder how good that tech armor is.

It's kinda funny that Chosen takes 2 headshots from Mark 7 BW, yes :D

Bolded part, didn't mean to offend or come across like intent was to insult your smarts. Just been watching CohhCarnage play MEA on Insanity and he is big on whole "Swap profiles" thing, it has made game harder for him than it needs to be. So my intention was more... general advice.





You don't want to start a debate but you are anyway.

It's not necessarily whether they do or not. I quit pretty soon after that to troll youtubes for any hope of this mess getting better, of which I found none.

It's my Ryder's completely out of character (for the umpteeth time in the 16 or so hours I've played) response to this.

I mean, how would you react?

"Oh you want to know about ancient Rome, well, put that book down my friend! Let's ask my uncle Bob, he's the reincarnation of Caius Julius Caesar. He will know!

???? <--- Is what I would expect from you. Not: "Sure, that sounds sane and normal!"

I hope they go into how they actually do this. Not tha tI care at this point.

? Ryder mocks the reincarnation notion at every opportunity from what I remember

but yes, it is explained


Space faring alien culture which apparently values scientific persuits to a large extent, that also believes in reincarnation? That's pretty dumb. Especially when the game at least appeared to subscribe to the notion.

Whats dumb about it? This game's writing isn't a home run by any means but that quest shows you that happening. Its no less silly then a 1000+ year old alien having anything at all in common with any of the other races.

I just assumed that since their race is based on bio-electrical stuff that what they consider as reincarnation is some sort of biological function where they have knowledge passed down between generations. It seems like they have to physically touch remains or an object touched by an ancestor to access those memories.


It's kinda funny that Chosen takes 2 headshots from Mark 7 BW, yes :D

Bolded part, didn't mean to offend or come across like intent was to insult your smarts. Just been watching CohhCarnage play MEA on Insanity and he is big on whole "Swap profiles" thing, it has made game harder for him than it needs to be. So my intention was more... general advice.

No sweat lol, someone actually found it useful. To be honest I do see the merit in profiles but you need a lot of points to make it viable. I think if passives where shared across trees and you could spec individual abilities according to each profile (ie, faster cloak for Sentinel and Gun Damage out of Cloak for Infiltrator) the system would see more use.
Lol, what? PC gaming is larger than any console. Stop. It was also the platform EA was consistently showing the game in, leading up to release.

The game is just super incosistent in terms of graphics and art direction.

This is exactly what I meant by Gaf exaggerating. There's just no way that PC sales of Mass Effect will be anywhere close to console sales.

I'm not even talking about EA access numbers which I expect to be significantly higher on Xbox


Really Really Exciting Member!
She asks about it. I dont think she mocks it. Well not before i quit at least.

You know, in a world where Asaris can literally look into your mind and share stuff that way(like Shepard and Liara did in ME1), or even make babies without sex by some mumbo jumbo space magic with other species, I don't see how accepting that reincarnation exist with some alien race from another galaxy is so out of the ordinary in the Mass Effect universe. But what do I know.
If we could go one page without stupid meme pictures and hate rants that would be super.

There are 100 threads right now to go into how you hate the game. Can I get one where I can just discuss it and aspects of it without overwhelming negativity?
You know, in a world where Asaris can literally look into your mind and share stuff that way(like Shepard and Liara did in ME1), or even make babies without sex by some mumbo jumbo space magic with other species, I don't see how accepting that reincarnation exist with some alien race from another galaxy is so out of the ordinary in the Mass Effect universe. But what do I know.

hell, in a world where a 'translator' can not only translate but also actually make the speaker's lips move in co-ordination with the translation, nothing is off the table! :) ...

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
This is exactly what I meant by Gaf exaggerating. There's just no way that PC sales of Mass Effect will be anywhere close to console sales.

I'm not even talking about EA access numbers which I expect to be significantly higher on Xbox

You're both right.

PC is a larger platform in terms of user base worldwide.

However, console type games like Mass Effect aren't as big their as a lot of that PC base is playing MOBAs, RTS games and other PC exclusives. EA, Ubi and MS games suffer as well as so many don't want to use those store fronts and only use Steam, GOG etc.

Van Bur3n

Came across this male Turian model with a female Turian voice whose head doesn't even have textures. And it's a quest giver. Come on, this is just fucking embarrassing at this point.

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