So glad I canceled my CDKeys preorder now. I just don't want to reward EA for this. They didn't care about this franchise or its fans. They gave it to the b-team who had only ever made multiplayer content and one mediocre DLC, and it showed. They signed their name to a mediocre product and devalued the brand, because they just don't give enough of a damn to insist on quality. So congratulations EA. You put the real development team on a totally untested new IP and casually tossed away Bioware's most valuable franchise with a shrug. I don't know if the market will reward you for it. I hope they don't.
If we're living in the world where a 3/5 (60%) is considered a bad game, than yeah, that review totally reads like a 4/5. He says he had problems with the game but never truly felt bored and the core gameplay was still fun.
Just an observation after reading years of supposed critics and reviewers.
Kinda knew they had it in for mass effect and they pile in for clicks, yet some games get a pass.
I always wondered if they all meet in some private lobby and agree their crap lol.
Anyway, I trust DF as they give numbers to performance issues and dont spout rubbish.
If Framerate holds 30 on pro I will buy, if it dips below 25 for anytime then I am out - cant play that in 2017
Its hard to watch people post rationalizations on why they want this game despite the scorching reviews.
EA should not have forced it out then. They said they would delay if need be and they clearly lied about that.
Glad I cancelled my pre-order a few days ago. I'm not giving money over to Bioware/EA for a mess of a product. I'm sure the game has it's good parts, which the reviews allude to, but sadly the lack of polish for a game that has been in development for 5 years is inexcusable in my opinion. I will wait and see what happens with patches but, for now, this game is reserved for when it's reduced in price a lot or on sale.
Now to try and figure out what I'm gonna play...Horizon?!
And I enjoyed Dragon Age 2 before realizing it was the most hated scum of the earth when I checked the internet
DA:I did well critically so that could see a sequel?
Am I the only one who actually liked Dragon Age 2? Seriously?
Just an observation after reading years of supposed critics and reviewers.
Kinda knew they had it in for mass effect and they pile in for clicks, yet some games get a pass.
Guess I'll have to eat crow on this. Even if there are a host of highly positive reviews, I don't think they'll be enough to pull it into the 80s
Anyway, this is all really sad because supposedly Bioware's new IP is a multiplayer-centered experience so this might be the last gasp of big single player RPGs from them.
I doubt it man..for performance problems like that its very hard to patch (Look at Dishonored 2 and FF15).
The animations will never be fixed because its like part of the infrastructure of their animation engine, they'd have to redo mocap; not worth the money investment.
Story and dialogue won't change either unless they get people to come back to studio and revise and rerecord new lines.
In a post Witcher III, Horizon and Breath of the Wild world, maybe subpar RPG experiences are no longer tolerated?
DA:I also reviewed significantly better, if that means anything. And if this has mediocre sales and EA decides to make a sequel prepare for more disappointment. Part of the reason ME 1-3 was so great was the continuity of great characters and their story development. No one in Andromeda seems as likeable to me.
He said that he had issues with basically every part of the game but still had fun. That's not a 4/5 in any stretch of the words. 4/5 is basically a "this game is near perfect in some areas but not quite so in other areas but still a good game". The review reads like it was a "meh, forgettable in every area but the gameplay is pretty fun" game. Or 3/5 at most.
You telling me this game actually is motion-captured?
Who the fuck walks like that?
EA should not have forced it out then. They said they would delay if need be and they clearly lied about that.
You telling me this game actually is motion-captured?
Who the fuck walks like that?
Pretty pathetic performance for a five year development cycle.
The Dragon Age team managed an 89 Metacritic and 134 Game of the Year awards (101 critic, 33 reader) with a 3.5 year development cycle, cross-gen limitations, and having to build out all the RPG functionality for the engine. They even spent a non-trivial amount of their cycle on a canceled Dragon Age 2 expansion pack, and had a much worse base to work from.
Mass Effect: Andromeda on the other hand follows up three 90+ games with what will be in the bottom 25-30% of $60 games by Metacritic score this year, and assuredly getting zero (or at least very close to zero) Game of the Year awards, despite having 1.5 more years for development and all the groundwork the Dragon Age and original Mass Effect teams laid for them.
You can add Nier to that as well, a reviewer even mentioned it lol
I think it just goes to show how Mass Effect has become something different for practically everyone.Fascinating how divisive this is, by definition. Beyond the scores, the actual substance in these reviews is so widely varied in preference. We have reviews praising the combat and moment-to-moment game design, lamenting the loss of an interesting plot and cast. And then we have similarly scored reviews praising the narrative, premise, and developing cast, while critiquing the game design and play. There's no consensus on whether this feels totally faithful to the franchise namesake, a spin-off, or a vast detraction from familiarity.
This is the most interesting take away for me. It's not just middling scores, of which I don't particularly care about. It's the absence of any consensus towards so many of the components that make up Andromeda as the next Mass Effect game. No matter how you feel about the trial, or the pre-release media and previews, or hype and excitement, or worries and fears; these reviews swing so far in so many directions that I feel fan reception will be equally inconsistent.
And honestly, that kinda makes me even more interested.
I seem to recall hearing something to the effect of Dragon Age Inquisition was "by far" their most-successful launch ever. DA4's probably pretty safe. But there's like three teams, so presumably their new multiplayer-focused IP AND DA4 are in some level of production (pre-pro or not) at the same time.
Pretty pathetic performance for a five year development cycle.
The Dragon Age team managed an 89 Metacritic and 134 Game of the Year awards (101 critic, 33 reader) with a 3.5 year development cycle, cross-gen limitations, and having to build out all the RPG functionality for the engine. They even spent a non-trivial amount of their cycle on a canceled Dragon Age 2 expansion pack, and had a much worse base to work from.
Mass Effect: Andromeda on the other hand follows up three 90+ games with what will be in the bottom 25-30% of $60 games by Metacritic score this year, and assuredly getting zero (or at least very close to zero) Game of the Year awards, despite having 1.5 more years for development and all the groundwork the Dragon Age and original Mass Effect teams laid for them.
I sincerely hope not. We don't have any other Space/Sci-fi RPG's at the least on the PS4.
wildlands reviewed fairly similar and sold well didnt it?..wonder if EA's marketing can stop this being a financial disaster?
I played it after DAO though....Here's the thing, that game on it's own is an okay game. If you played after DAO, then it was underwhelming and disappointing. I played before DAO and thought it was good, after playing DAO I noticed why people didn't really liked the game much.
You telling me this game actually is motion-captured?
Who the fuck walks like that?
This halo reach of mass effect. But do think this last game of franchise??
I sincerely hope not. We don't have any other Space/Sci-fi RPG's at the least on the PS4.
It's a shame really as they are so good at with the third person shooter elements. You'd think EA would make the original team lend them a hand with the RPG elements, not a total hand-off.
Wait, THIS game was made over 5 years?
no freakin way
I sincerely hope not. We don't have any other Space/Sci-fi RPG's at the least on the PS4.
Damn straight. One of the greatest RPGs ever made.
I sincerely hope not. We don't have any other Space/Sci-fi RPG's at the least on the PS4.
You telling me this game actually is motion-captured?
Who the fuck walks like that?
What the hell is up with the way she is walking?
Reminds me of the how the aliens walked in the movie The Arrival.
Very mediocre scores so far on average. Still want to play it though, but may wait a bit for a price drop.
wildlands reviewed fairly similar and sold well didnt it?..wonder if EA's marketing can stop this being a financial disaster?
This halo reach of mass effect. But do think this last game of franchise??
Indeed. By AAA RPG standards and the history of the franchise it's a pretty colossal failure. There's no real way to spin it other wise.
We will see how sales go. It will probably launch well enough but it might have some pretty poor legs