Alpha Centauri
I knew it was coming... yet it didn't lessen the sadness. The ME trilogy were some of my favorite games this past decade.
You can play all 3 on PC and Xbox One.
I mean, does everything need to be open world now?
Crazy-ass new stuff did not test well with EA's idiot focus groups.
So from what I'm reading...
This would be like if Sony decided to give the Uncharted franchise to Sony London Studio -- creators of The Getaway and SingStar.
I'm kidding, well, not really.
Here's my list of pre-ordered games:
Rock Band 3 - out way too early
Street Fighter V - same
Mass Effect: Andromeda - same
Persona 5 - OH NO
From the devs mouths it's not even an open world game. I mean I cannot take my ship and seamlessly go from Habitat 7, to the Nexus to Eos right?
The zones to explore might be larger than DA : I but I see no difference in the system at large.
I mean, I guess that's ok.
Weren't you very positive of what you saw of the game a few months back?
No way in hell that this is anything but a crushing disappointment for Bioware.
From three 90+ rated games to a 75 game....
I know Bioware's writing has gotten worse but who would have guessed that Horizon would have better writing then this lol. Honestly the sci-fi stuff in Horizon reminded me of mass effect (minus aliens)
You want the next one to be even buggier than this one?
No way in hell that this is anything but a crushing disappointment for Bioware.
From three 90+ rated games to a 75 game....
No way in hell that this is anything but a crushing disappointment for Bioware.
From three 90+ rated games to a 75 game....
Seems like they released a prototypeI saw a prototype almost two years ago that was super promising.
It had something really cool in there that unfortunately has not made it into the final game :/
'Bring back exploration'
'More rpg focus'
'The MAKO is back'
One of the big consistent critics of this game in the interviews is that it's full of busy work - vast amounts of things to do, but backed up by poor writing and characterization.
The highest reviewed game in the series is the one which stripped out *all* the busy work and so called 'RPG mechanics' to focus purely on character writing and well crafted combat encounters. Where every single mission was unique, with a plot and detail that made it interesting, and a unique aspect. Even killing mercs in a swamp had a graphic effect and mechanic that didn't occur anywhere else in the game.
There's always been a vocal crowd of people who preferred ME1 to the others, and miss the 'exploration' that offered. Bioware ride to give us exploration in this game, and so far it doesn't seem to have worked that well as a complete package.
77 on XB1! (
Less reviews than PS4.
It could get worse, I don't see Jim Sterling's review yet for one. Even on PS4 there is only 28 reviews so far.
77 on XB1! (
Less reviews than PS4.
It could get worse, I don't see Jim Sterling's review yet for one. Even on PS4 there is only 28 reviews so far. If it could hit 74 reviews like ME1/ME3 above, who knows where it will be sitting. It could go higher to be fair, but some of the smaller review sites are more savage than the bigger ones.
Guerilla poached some of the writers from Obsidian who worked on Fallout New Vegas. If you were paying attention, the good writing wasn't that surprising.
Persona 5 is already finished and reviewed well in Japan.
If there were any issues the game has, it won't be anything other than localization issue.
There's different kinds of open world. It's not seamless like GTA, Skyrim, and Horizon. But as I recall games like DA Inquisition and The Witcher 3 are also considered as one.
BioWare insists they've learned a lot from Dragon Age: Inquisition's mistakes, especially when it comes to vast open areas that have the size of an ocean, but the depth of a puddle. Now the devs affirm that Mass Effect: Andromeda isn't really an open-world sandbox game--but it will retain the series' distinct feel.
"I definitely wouldn't call Andromeda an open-world game,"
BioWare's Mike Gamble told OXM in a recent interview.
"We like to use the term 'exploration-based game'. You still have the concept of tight story deliverance and all the great things you come to expect with Mass Effect. The layer on top of that is a layer of exploration. Sometimes that happens in open spaces, but not always. You can cruise around some of these planets in the Nomad, but it's not the traditional sandbox-type game."
I saw a prototype almost two years ago that was super promising.
It had something really cool in there that unfortunately has not made it into the final game :/
But but but early impressions have been positive!!!!
Reviews seem coming out slowly. Some AAA games received 100+ reviews so it's still a long way to go.
Maybe it's because it's a pretty long game. Any info on game's length?
It will be higher than Zelda and people will lose their shit.
YesAre those all his children?
Wow, ~59 core developers isn't really much for high-product value AAA development, especially not for large open world games.
Was expecting at least 100.
kind of torn on this one... played ME1 and loved it. never got around to playing the rest for whatever reason so i don't think i'd be as critical over its shortcomings, and i'm in the mood for a 'big' rpg
if i need something to play this weekend i'll pick it up i guess.
Wow, ~59 core developers isn't really much for high-product value AAA development, especially not for large open world games.
Was expecting at least 100.
I wonder if we'll see a trilogy remaster if the game doesn't sell well
Seems like they released a prototype
Just get the pc version.
Here's my list of pre-ordered games:
Rock Band 3 - out way too early
Street Fighter V - same
Mass Effect: Andromeda - same
Persona 5 - OH NO
I don't think you have to worry about P5. lol