Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Would be difficult since Obsidian made that.
Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
That wouldn't be possible since Bioware didn't make KOTOR2 and since KOTOR2 is one of the greatest RPGs of all time.Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Kotor 2 wasn't bioware.Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Kotor2 wasnt made by bioware. And worst and kotor 2 shouldnt be in the same sentence.Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
I said 83, but I guess I was being generous. Bargain bin it is.
Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Fascinating how divisive this is, by definition. Beyond the scores, the actual substance in these reviews is so widely varied in preference. We have reviews praising the combat and moment-to-moment game design, lamenting the loss of an interesting plot and cast. And then we have similarly scored reviews praising the narrative, premise, and developing cast, while critiquing the game design and play. There's no consensus on whether this feels totally faithful to the franchise namesake, a spin-off, or a vast detraction from familiarity.
This is the most interesting take away for me. It's not just middling scores, of which I don't particularly care about. It's the absence of any consensus towards so many of the components that make up Andromeda as the next Mass Effect game. No matter how you feel about the trial, or the pre-release media and previews, or hype and excitement, or worries and fears; these reviews swing so far in so many directions that I feel fan reception will be equally inconsistent.
And honestly, that kinda makes me even more interested.
Or Nioh, NieR and soon Persona. Generally I would gamble on this because I loved the original trilogy, but nostalgia can only take me so far when there are so many better competing products on the market right now.
Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Quoting myself:
Anybody here think that the string of amazing triple A games released this year made it harder for Mass Effect and its flaws, like a standard was raised in the last few weeks?
It reads like its a good game, but doesn't reach the standards of previous games which I feel is the reason the 70's range is disappointing.
From the IGN review.
After the trial, that just about sums things up for me.
After all this time, all that distance, leaving our old friends (and foes) behind, there is little new to see (in terms of races).
Damn Bioware/EA. Damn.
1. Many would say Kotor2 is better than KOTORCan it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Oh man 😧it's yellow now
You're a reviewer, right? What do you think?
Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
One member of your crew, a scientist, reveals to you that she believes in God. Now, this is old territory for Mass Effect, where in the first game you had a right-wing Christian on your crew, and it was handled especially well. Not so this time! This is genuinely the conversation:
Just all of it. So alien. A constant reminder of the divine intelligence behind all creation.
Divine intelligence? A god?
Yes, I believe in a higher power. I know its a little odd. But Im a scientist because science brings me closer to something greater than myself.
To this you are given two possible responses. Beyond all credibility, they are:
I feel the same way.
Theres no higher power.
What the hell? Youre given the choice of either emphatically agreeing that you too believe in God, or you rudely tell a woman you barely know that her faith is bullshit. Honestly, I was tempted just to walk away from the game than be forced into picking one of those two answers. But I went for the former, since at least it wasnt rude, and I was trying to flirt with her anyway. She expresses her pleasure that someone else agrees that its possible to believe in science and God at the same time, and then in what must be one of the worst lines of dialogue in gaming history, your characters option of a flirting reply is:
You definitely have an interesting perspective on the interplay between faith and science.
This isnt how people speak.
Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
The codex review is going to be brutal...
Really didn't expect it to be this rough. What the hell happened with this game?
Hopefully no one buys it so I can rake up my rankings on multiplayer and when everyone comes back, I'll whoop their asses with my maxed manifest.
On the bright side, if anyone out there has been thinking "Golly, I sure would love to make a sweeping sci fi epic focused on player decisions that impact the story," here's your opening.
Seriously. There ain't enough of these things.
I never expected Guerrilla Games to outdo Bioware with their first RPG game.
1. Many would say Kotor2 is better than KOTOR
2. KOTOR was not really a Bioware
3. DA2 is the worst Bioware game
Yeah. I'm still surprised that Bioware would hand over their most critically acclaimed/commercially successful series to a somewhat fledgling studio.
Hoping that Bioware Montreal can learn from this and go on to create a more polished sequel.