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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


SeaOfMadness said:
Clearly you've never played Baldur's gate? :)

This game reminds me of BG2. I thoroughly enjoyed that game and this game is about on par with it. that's saying a lot. I can't stop playing.

No, I've never played Baldur's Gate.

I've never really been big into RPGs but I enjoy a good action RPG every once in a while, especially when it gets as much hype as Mass Effect.
Bugs I have experienced:

1. When I come out of a load while exiting a building the game plays like a slideshow. I can move my characters and interact with the world but I only see still shots of what is happening every 3 seconds.

2. While boarding an elevator Shepard got stuck holding her gun out, I could move around but not fire when I exited the elevator. Had to save and load.

3. About 3 seconds into an elevator ride Wrex and Tali fell halfway through the floor then popped back up when we arrived at our destination.

4. While surveying a mineral I got stuck in the ground.

5. As mentioned previously, while trying to complete a mission, a mission critical item that had to be destroyed vanished before I could finish it off. It never came back.

6. During certain cutscenes the textures never popped in.

7. While in the equipment menu the character would pull out their pistol even though I had selected Assault Rifle.

8. Late in the game story glitch:
Right after the cutscene where the commander punches out the ambassador and you steal the Normandy, I got a communication from the ambassador telling me what a great job I was doing and he had a new mission for me. :lol

There are probably more that I am forgetting but even with these fuck-ups, it is my GOTY.
traveler said:
Really? On my first run through, I finished the game around lvl 50. I'm hoping I won't have to go through the entire game again just to get 10 levels.

I'm sorry, but going from level 1-50 is about the same as 59-60. Yup, it takes roughly the same amount XP to accomplish both. You need 862k total for level 60. Level 50 is only about 260k or so. The XP gap from 59 to 60 is about 210k.

It takes a minimum of 3 runthroughs to get to 60; 2 of which must be near complete ones (all the side quests). I did two runthroughs with about 90% and 80%, respectively, of the sidequests done, and I still ended up needing 180k for level 60, which I'm getting now in my 3rd run.


Vyse The Legend said:
I'm sorry, but going from level 1-50 is about the same as 59-60. Yup, it takes roughly the same amount XP to accomplish both. You need 862k total for level 60. Level 50 is only about 260k or so. The XP gap from 59 to 60 is about 210k.

It takes a minimum of 3 runthroughs to get to 60; 2 of which must be near complete ones (all the side quests). I did two runthroughs with about 90% and 80% of the sidequests done, and I still ended up needing 180k for level 60.

Except you get way fuckin more XP when you kill a guy at lvl 50 than you do at lvl 1.

Not that I'm arguing with you, I finished around lvl 40, and then started a new character.


yukoner said:
Except you get way fuckin more XP when you kill a guy at lvl 50 than you do at lvl 1.

Not that I'm arguing with you, I finished around lvl 40, and then started a new character.
Uh oh.. Vyse's Mass Effectitude is in contention? :O
yukoner said:
Excedpt you get way fuckin more XP when you kill a guy at lvl 50 than you do at lvl 1.

Like, 12 xp compared to 600 xp.

What? I didn't say it takes the same time to do them. I'm talking purely numbers here, and my numbers are 100% accurate. It's impossible to get to 60 in 2 runs. I ended my first run at level 50, which, as I said, is around 262k XP. Even with a 15% boost to XP, I ended up needing 180k more at the end of my 2nd run.

Edit: So, at the start of my 2nd run, I needed about 600k worth of XP to get to 60. Over the course of that run with the 15% bonus to XP, I made roughly 400k.
raYne said:
Uh oh.. Vyse's Mass Effectitude is in contention? :O


I'm talking first-hand experience here. Yukoner is grossly exaggerating the XP you get anyway. With a 15% XP bonus, you get roughly 130xp per kill of a normal soldier. It helps, but it'll still take 3 runs (ok, 2.5) to get to 60. :D


UnholySpectacle said:
6. During certain cutscenes the textures never popped in.

There are probably more that I am forgetting but even with these fuck-ups, it is my GOTY.

I am in the same boat, love the game, have played through it multiple times. That said, the texture pop is becoming more frustrating, not less. Ingame cutscenes often finish before the textures are done loading. If it weren't for all the great voicework I wouldn't even know who that grey blob was. I'd like a setting in the graphics that would tell it to not display/start any scene until the textures are completely loaded. It would increase the loadtimes, but at least it would be an option.

I've found lots of bugs. An easy one that anybody can find, just look at how they spell Citadel in each assignment title, there is a typo in one of them, Ctiadel.

..or in a new game plus give the redshirt new gear. It won't show up and if he tries to draw his weapon it will show up as him holding it sideways. They didn't do any of the animation work, never intending for you to have any new gear to give to that guy.

I've gotten stuck in geometry a number of times. Berezia stasis'd me, next thing I know I resemble something like human taffy and I've got a railing stuck through my chest. Can't move, can't shoot. Shame my two NPC companions weren't smart enough to finish that encounter without me.

I'm doing Virime and a rocket geth splashes one of my guys off the bridge. Ok, I notice he is dead, I pop unity, pop a medigel, hit the d-pad to form up... he isn't there. I spent the rest of the level without that character as he was stuck somewhere.

There have been lots of instances where I couldn't shoot for some reason. There wasn't a stasis message, I wasn't thrown to the ground, my gun wasn't overheated... I was just running around and the gun wouldn't fire.

I've found a number of quest continuity errors too.


Uncle said:
Does she have more of them? I did the one with the turian general, but I apparantely didn't get anything.

There is an order bug in this quest line.


You have to do it in this order:
consort > general > elkor > consort.

If you do it in this order:

consort > general > consort > elkor > consort.

The consort won't speak with you a second time and you do not get the trinket.

There is another order bug on Noveria.


Do not give the smuggled item to the administrator(if you're going to) before talking to the Turian in the bar. If you do you will not get to talk to the Turian or go through the quest series of breaking into his place of work, convincing him to testify, the arrest of the admin, etc.

One other quest order bit, albeit one that isn't really bugged, but is of interest for people shooting for ally achievements and thus do not want to miss any assignments, this is also on Noveria.


After making it to the research facility and talking to the guard chief DO NOT immediately turn around and use the Ion purge on the Rachni brood. If you do so you miss a lot of stuff in Noveria, like the Elkor vendor, the Asari spy encounter, and the quest to create a cure.

Additionally, if you want max exp, go in the back way and kill off all the guards right before facing the matriarch. You won't lose/gain renegade/patriarch doing this, but you will get exp, loot, and the enjoyment of grinding ECS pukes beneath your boots.


Vyse The Legend said:

I'm talking first-hand experience here. Yukoner is grossly exaggerating the XP you get anyway. With a 15% XP bonus, you get roughly 130xp per kill of a normal soldier. It helps, but it'll still take 3 runs (ok, 2.5) to get to 60. :D
Well, duh. ;)

Woo-Fu said:
I am in the same boat, love the game, have played through it multiple times. That said, the texture pop is becoming more frustrating, not less. Ingame cutscenes often finish before the textures are done loading. If it weren't for all the great voicework I wouldn't even know who that grey blob was. I'd like a setting in the graphics that would tell it to not display/start any scene until the textures are completely loaded. It would increase the loadtimes, but at least it would be an option.
That'd be more of a problem with your (and others) drive than anything else. You'd still have texture pop of course, but I've never had a scene end without all textures already loaded. In fact, in my case, they all would be complete in the middle to end of the first sentence of the scene. If not sooner.


VibratingDonkey said:
The only bug I've noticed. Oh wait, there was this one time where Kaidan got stuck crouching beneath a desk or something. So all the bugs have been positive so far.[/QUOTE]
This is the weirdest bug I've encountered: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3nmGQDd2JE[/url]


raYne said:
That'd be more of a problem with your (and others) drive than anything else. You'd still have texture pop of course, but I've never had a scene end without all textures already loaded. In fact, in my case, they all would be complete in the middle to end of the first sentence of the scene. If not sooner.

It is a console game. If I wanted to worry about individual components of my console I'd buy a PC.

In other words, the game can tell whether or not the textures are loaded so it can wait to display the scene. If for some reason the drive isn't meeting specified load requirements it can give me an error message stating the problem, which I can then use to get Microsoft to replace my faulty 360, AGAIN.


UnholySpectacle said:
Awesome, did he just die for no reason?
Yeah, he was lying there when I entered the room. Took me a while to figure out where the hell I was being shot at from.. then I found him, the invulnerable "dead" super-soldier :/


UnholySpectacle said:
Awesome, did he just die for no reason?

What it looks like to me:

The guard was stuck in the floor brush, and the collision detection decided the floor brush was blocking LoS from the player and his henchmen.

Unfortunately for the player it wasn't blocking the guard's shotgun. You can get boned in 1 hit from a shotgun at that range pretty easily.

That particular room is bad for getting mobs stuck under the floor.

One way to handle a situation like that is untargeted AoE attacks. I've had success with grenades, singularity, etc.


Been playing a bit more of this, and I'm loving it once more - I finally finished all the side-quests I had available at the time, and rather than looking for more I decided to do another story planet, which was fantastic. It's just a shame there are so few of them in the game. I've also come across a couple of more interesting worlds that aren't just very dark places with only one colour in them, which was nice.

One of them even had other life on it - does anyone know what the hell these things are?

I had a glitch when fighting
the boss that kept spawning with that huge creature/plant
, someone did the lift abiltity and she went flying to the floor above us and that was all she wrote. Red enemy dot was on the radar but couldnt do a damn thing to get past it but reload.


andrewfee said:
Been playing a bit more of this, and I'm loving it once more - I finally finished all the side-quests I had available at the time, and rather than looking for more I decided to do another story planet, which was fantastic. It's just a shame there are so few of them in the game. I've also come across a couple of more interesting worlds that aren't just very dark places with only one colour in them, which was nice.

One of them even had other life on it - does anyone know what the hell these things are?


Exarchos said:


well to be fair.. if i remember correctly it stole like 3 credits.. and I have about 5 million.. :lol

Hmm. I think it was a shifty cow that did the damned deed.
andrewfee said:
One of them even had other life on it - does anyone know what the hell these things are?


That planet was so awkward for me. Just to have such a huge space of utter nothingness and to run into these strange creatures XD. It reminded me of Rogue Squadron back in the day where you'd see these little 3d guys running about. I had a strong urge to just run them all over or maybe land on them via jump jets :).


UnholySpectacle said:
Can't remember, I always had a hard time telling where I already went on the map. Does it tell you somewhere and I just missed it.
If there was a quest associated with it, you can look in the "done" half of your journal.
Sir Fragula said:
If there was a quest associated with it, you can look in the "done" half of your journal.

There needs to be a way to know where you have been on the galaxy map. It makes you back out of the galaxy map to look at your journal. All I can remember is that planet is in one of the clusters close to the middle of the galaxy map IIRC.


UnholySpectacle said:
There needs to be a way to know where you have been on the galaxy map. It makes you back out of the galaxy map to look at your journal. All I can remember is that planet is in one of the clusters close to the middle of the galaxy map IIRC.

You're no help to me at all! Eat lead![/renegade]


KillJade said:
Is there anything really special about getting to level 60 other than saying you got to level 60?? Achievement?

Wasn't there talk about porting your character to ME 2?

Edit: checked the Achievements and you do get an achivement for reaching lvl 60.


Uncle said:
Wasn't there talk about porting your character to ME 2?

They need to be able to transport your characters physical features more importantly. I would like them to allow us to transfer our character over. All they would have to do is create a different difficulty level for a level 60 character.


Big-E said:
They need to be able to transport your characters physical features more importantly. I would like them to allow us to transfer our character over. All they would have to do is create a different difficulty level for a level 60 character.

They could do what they did with Baldur's Gate ie. all enemies are tougher etc (and for new players the ability to make a new character starting from level 50 or something).


hyp said:
is it just me, or are grenades pretty much useless? i keep forgetting i have them.

Playing the game on Veteran, as a Soldier, those grenades have been a real life saver.

The High Explosive (?) upgrade helps a lot.

Well, now that I'm high level and have Master Immunity up for 22 out of every 24 seconds of combat, the grenades aren't AS necessary, no. But it still helps.

My experience is that the AI tends to take cover at a distance rather than stupidly charge. So grenades are great at getting 'em around corners, or better, getting them to move.


JayDubya said:
Playing the game on Veteran, as a Soldier, those grenades have been a real life saver.
Yup, and if I remember correctly there's a questline for Paragons where you have to use your grenades.
Uncle said:
They could do what they did with Baldur's Gate ie. all enemies are tougher etc (and for new players the ability to make a new character starting from level 50 or something).

I was thinking about this today, they could make it like Oblivion where the enemies will level with you. Although, it would be unfair if starting characters in ME2 had to unlock all skills, while people with level 50s and 60s would have all awesome weapons and skills unlocked. Not sure how they could handle this fairly.


GreekWolf said:
Yup, and if I remember correctly there's a questline for Paragons where you have to use your grenades.

If you're speaking about
Feros and the thorian's slave colonists
I ran out of grenades and hit one of them, but the meter still showed 16.


Uncle said:
If you're speaking about
Feros and the thorian's slave colonists
I ran out of grenades and hit one of them, but the meter still showed 16.
Yeah, that was it and boy did it ever suck. I was absolutely determined to get through that section without losing one, but dumb ass Wrex kept sneaking a shot or two in whenever I was wasn't looking. It took me six or seven tries to even figure out what was going on and why my counter kept dropping no matter how careful I was. I wanted to wring his scaly neck.


UnholySpectacle said:
I was thinking about this today, they could make it like Oblivion where the enemies will level with you.

Oh dear lord no. It got so lame in Oblivion, and it severly diminished the joy of exploration and sense of danger in the game. In Oblivion it felt like you were pretty much the same level throughout the game. In the end of BG2:ToB you felt like your characters was the fucking god of awesome.


Uncle said:
Oh dear lord no. It got so lame in Oblivion, and it severly diminished the joy of exploration and sense of danger in the game. In Oblivion it felt like you were pretty much the same level throughout the game. In the end of BG2:ToB you felt like your characters was the fucking god of awesome.
Couldn't agree more. As much as I enjoyed Oblivion and consider it to be one of my favorite games of this generation, it really could have been so much more if Bethesda hadn't tinkered with the formula that made Morrowind such a masterpiece.


Just finished the game...holy shit!

I say g'damn what a rush that ending was.
I ended up letting the council die
and the ending was just great. The voice acting was nothing short of excellent. I must say, this is like Star Wars of video games. Halo is great and all, but this is a true epic science-fiction game. That battle at the end was just pure excellence.

Anyone know the name of the song during the credits?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Revengeance said:
I use grenades all the time, to the extent that I'm always running out. Upgrades make them worthwhile.

I even finished off the
with a well placed grenade. (ok, honestly it was a last ditch wild throw that happened to get lucky - my party members were dead and I was blinking red).

You think you can help me on that one? I'm stuck at the part where
Matriarch gives me all this info about Saren, then says "You should die" and goes ape shit on me. Alright, first off all, this place has the worst save points EVER. Seriously, I'm dieing all the time since enemies are all around me, with a psycho bitch in front of me. I die, then *poof* I have to watch that whole shit all over again! :mad:. Any tips on passing this part? I'm a level 17 Vanguard
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