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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


BrokenSymmetry said:
Yes, it can. For me, in a story-driven game, "depth" is for a big part determined by how much a game is able to convey the emotions of the characters. Facial animation is a very big part of that. Especially in an RPG where you have to feel that the decisions you make in the game are actually important to the other characters in the game.
I imagine the problem is that they had a finite amount of funds to make the game, and "stunning, life-life facial animations" makes a better bullet point on the the back of the box than anything that has to do with writing. I'm not surprised that they'd focus their efforts on what sells, i.e. graphics.
mcgarrett said:
I imagine the problem is that they had a finite amount of funds to make the game, and "stunning, life-life facial animations" makes a better bullet point on the the back of the box than anything that has to do with writing. I'm not surprised that they'd focus their efforts on what sells, i.e. graphics.

Oh yes. They built their game around what bullet points they wanted to put on the back of their box.


JayDubya said:
Alrighty. Found out more info on classes, abilities, and the other point of interest I was asking about. Spoilered for those that insist.

Thanks for this info, it helps a lot. I now have a clear idea of what path I want to take with my different characters.


VoloVersio said:
Oh yes. They built their game around what bullet points they wanted to put on the back of their box.
You know very well what I meant. If the game had better writing but didn't look as nice, it wouldn't be nearly as hyped as it is now. Writing isn't sexy.


JayDubya said:
Alrighty. Found out more info on classes, abilities, and the other point of interest I was asking about. Spoilered for those that insist.

Specialized Classes

You put ranks in these specialized class talents to get passive improvements in specific areas. Shock trooper is ideal for me.

Shock Trooper (Soldier, Vanguard) - Shock troopers are highly trained killing machines; they excel in all combat situations.

Increase health
Increase damage protection
Improve Immunity (Fitness) *
Improve Barrier *
Improve Adrenaline burst (Assault Training) *

* If applicable. Soldiers don't get Barrier, and Vanguards don't get Fitness*

Commando (Soldier, Infiltrator) - Commandos rely on lethal efficiency and precision strikes rather then brute force to eliminate their opponents.

Increase weapon damage
Improve Immunity (Fitness)
Improve Marksman (Pistol)
Improve Assassination (Sniper Rifle)

Operative (Engineer, Infilitrator) Operatives are masters at manipulating their environment to maximum advantages.

Reduce recharge time for Tech abilities
Improve Overload
Improve Sabotage

Medic (Engineer, Sentinel) Medics combine tech and healing abilities to boost the efficiency of the entire squad.

*These details are sketchy*
Reduce recharge time for healing talents
Improve First Aid
Improve Neural Shock

Nemesis (Adept, Vanguard) The Nemesis is a biotic specialist who uses mass effect fields to inflict heavy damage against opponents.

Increase duration and damage for all biotic abilities
Improve Warp
Improve Lift

Bastion (Adept, Sentinel) Bastions use Biotics for defense or for opponent immobilization.

Reduce recharge time for biotic abilities
Improve Barrier
Improve Stasis (allows you to attack foes in stasis fields!)

Other fun facts, shamelessly stolen from Brimmstone's post on Gamespot's forums.

Paragon / Renegade Mechanical Affects


Earthbound - Grants a Renegade point bonus
Spacer - Grants Paragon point bonus
Colonist - Grants part Paragon and part Renegade point bonus

Psychological Profile

Ruthless - Grants a Renegade point bonus
War Hero - Grants Paragon point bonus
Sole Survivor - Grants part Paragon and part Renegade point bonus

Paragon Level bonuses
5% - Opens 2 charm ranks, gives 1 free charm point
25% - Opens 2 charm ranks, gives 1 charm point, 10% first aid cooldown
50% - 10% Bonus health
75% - Achievement, opens 2 charm ranks, gives 1 free charm point and 5% reduction in cooldown on all powers.

Renegade Level Bonuses
5% - Opens 2 intimidate ranks, gives 1 intimidate point
25% - Opens 2 intimidate ranks, gives 1 intimidate point, 10% reduction in weapon powers cooldown
50% - 1 health regeneration per second
75% - Achievement, opens 2 intimidate ranks, gives 1 intimidate point, 5% increase in damage/duration on all weapons and powers

Class Talent Tree Info

Soldier Talents:

Soldier, Pistol (4 points to unlock Shotgun), Assault Rifle (7 points to unlock Sniper Rifle), Combat Armor (6 points to unlock First Aid), Assault Training (6 points to unlock Fitness)

Engineer Talents:

Engineer, Pistol (6 points to unlock Basic Armor), Decryption (7 points to unlock Hacking), Electronics (4 points to unlock Damping), First Aid (5 points to unlock Medicine)

Adept Talents:

Adept, Basic Armor (5 points to unlock Pistol), Throw (6 points to unlock Lift), Warp (7 points to unlock Singularity), Barrier (4 points to unlock Stasis)

Infiltrator Talents:

Infiltrator, Pistols (5 points to unlock Sniper Rifle), Tactical Armor (6 points to unlock Fitness), Electronics (4 points to unlock Damping), Decryption (7 points to unlock First Aid)

Vanguard Talents:

Vanguard, Pistol (6 points to unlock Shotgun), Assault Training (x points to unlock Tactical Armor), Throw (7 points to unlock Lift), Warp (4 points to unlock Barrier)

Sentinel Talents:

Sentinel, Throw (7 points to unlock Lift), Barrier (6 points to unlock Stasis), Decryption (4 points to unlock Electronics), First Aid (5 points to unlock Medicine)

* * *

Interestingly, this does NOT match up with the Galactic Codex Entry for Fields of Discipline.

So, what's different?

* Soldier had Fitness as a starter and Assault Training as an unlockable - that flip-flopped.

* Engineer has been changed a bit, perhaps just the names - instead of "Shielding and Reverse Engineering," they get "Damping and Hacking" as unlockable talents. Infiltrator also gets Damping instead of Shielding, now.

* Vanguard no longer gets Fitness. Instead, they get Assault Training.

* Sentinel used to have Electronics as a prereq for Decryption. Now, it's the other way around.
thanks for the info. makes it easier for me to pick which class to start with


mcgarrett said:
You know very well what I meant. If the game had better writing but didn't look as nice, it wouldn't be nearly as hyped as it is now. Writing isn't sexy.

And Mass Effect of course proves that excellent graphics and excellent writing are completely mutually exclusive.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Nab said:
I'm probably late but...

Mako combat: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/28042.html

Gametrailers also has the Sci vs Fi trailer up, where they talk to some of the devs and voice actors about how cool Mass Effect is.

I've always loved the design of the Mako, and it really looks fun to use, especially since it looks like you can drive and aim in separate directions just like the Scorpion Tank in Halo - brilliant!

And the Sci vs. Fi clips were nice - the cutscenes look to be pretty intense as expected...


The next bit of data I really want to compile, since you can't find this shit online, >_< is what every Talent does, including class Talents, and what their sub abilities do.

I think the Vanguard class talent adds more shotgun damage with each rank in it, so forth and so on.

Weapons are obvious, but their subabilities aren't really. I'm assuming each one (Carnage, Overkill, whatever) is only usable with that weapon type, but beyond that?

All abilities seem to be things you can access via the radial menu, basically, special commands that all operate on cooldowns. The Adrenaline ability from Assault Training resets all cooldowns.

It does seem you'll get a few bonus points for charm and intimidate through the course of play, and maybe you'll get bonus points elsewhere, but to max out all 12 talent trees with 12 points each, you'd need 144 points, and you only get 100 @ L60, plus any bonuses you might gain. Also, you don't get to reassign points upon new game +, so what you choose is what you get.

Now, this next one is undeniably a spoiler, even if it's mostly mechanics, since it involves some basic quest details. It should explain something confusing from earlier where I asked a question regarding whether or not Prestige Classes are in the game, since Bioware announced that there were 12 classes, but only unveiled 6. Well, I got two different answers, one affirmative, one negative. The solution to that contradiction is as follows. ;)

Apparently to get your Specialization Class, there is a quest, and it involves going to Luna, a.k.a. our moon. In order to get this quest and unlock your specialization class, you have to be at least L20, and you have to have 6 ranks in your class talent. You can't get more than 6 ranks in your base class talent because the last 6 ranks in that talent tree represent the specialization class.

If you never spend the ranks in your class talent, you won't get the quest in the first place. So personally, since I like the Shock Trooper concept, I'll happily get 6 ranks in soldier by L20 and avoid just maxing out one tree at a time.

This may or may not mean that like, Ashley and Kaiden et. al only have a maximum of 6 ranks in their class talents of Soldier / Sentinel / whatever, for those of you trying to feverishly preplan.

Personally, I'm having a rough time deciding what to do with Ashley since I will also be a Soldier and want having her in addition to Shepard to be viable and worthwhile.

Apparently a lot of people are having success with using Ashley as a sniper, but I worry that's a waste of her heavy armor.

Anyhoo, your second class definitively does not overwrite your second one, it just provides you with the option to spend 6 more character points on a talent specifically for the advanced class in addition to the 6 points you already spent on your base class in order to get there.

So it does make a difference if you have 6 ranks of Soldier or 6 ranks of Vanguard before you take Shock Trooper. IIRC, Soldier gives you more health and some health regen / Vanguard increases Shotgun damage. But that's an interesting trade-off, because Soldier also gets Shotgun sooner and can wear heavy armor. Of course, you have to give up the whole "Force powers" thing, as well, but I'm having a hard enough time assigning points as it is.
Awesome work JadyDubya. Of course i am avoiding reading it, but i would love to take a look at it after playing through ME, ever consider putting in one place?


If I choose Shock Trooper, do I gain the ability to use assault rifles? If I go and do that assault rifle achievement trick, does my existing Vanguard learn to use it?

Also, is there any easier way to map magical skillz to my controller than just the r-bumper?


Odrion said:
If I choose Shock Trooper, do I gain the ability to use assault rifles? If I go and do that assault rifle achievement trick, does my existing Vanguard learn to use it?

Nope, nor would you gain Combat Armor instead of Tactical Armor. Your other talents remain the same. And the achievement trick only grants new characters access to one achievement related talent.

So you could theoretically make a Vanguard with Assault Rifle if you wanted to. You'd just have to get fairly far in the game with a Soldier first. I'm not sure if you have to beat the game, but based on what I'm reading on other forums, I don't think so.

In theory, one could pick one of the usable weapons or powers they wanted to swap over, play as the appropriate thing for however long it took, then make a new character with that ability as well.

As mentioned before, you don't get a whole hell of lot of talent points, so gaining an additional thing to sink points into is a mixed blessing.

So you could make a hybrid class (Infiltrator, Vanguard, or Sentinel) with some advanced weaponry or biotic or tech talents from the main classes (Soldier, Engineer, Adept). Like a Vanguard with Singularity. Or an Infiltrator with Hacking. Or you could give a Sentinel an actual weapon skill so they might hit something once in a blue moon.







Len Dontree

Animator. Respect knuckles.
Damn, Beerbelly, those are awesome shots. It looks like my copy was shipped today from Lion Games so I should be traipsing through the galaxy early next week. Huzzah!


The Inside Track
Damn, after playing a few more hours I can really say that this game looks really great. And what's even more surprising coming from Bioware is the fact that the animation are mostly excellent too. That's a huge step up compared to the horrible stuff they did in the animation department previously (imho).
I've disabled the motion blur, but the filter is still on. I really like the effect. There are slowdowns, as expected, but it didn't affect the gameplay except during one fight so far.
I'm still not a fan of the fighting system (not a fan of shooters, especially tactical shooter, in general) and would love to have some way to have everything done automatically or even just skip it so I could concentrate on the excellent story and exploration. Ha well, it's not a point & click adventure game, but I almost wish it was. I guess the fighting system is very good in its own right of course, but it's just not for me.
I doubt I'll ever finish the game because of this, and also because I'm just totally lost with the incredible number of level up points and upgrade/modss available.


Now that I've finally had an opportunity to see this puppy running with my own two eyes on an ISF calibrated plasma screen, I can honestly say, without a doubt, that this is graphically the most impressive console game I've ever seen. The section I saw demoed was flat-out jaw-dropping. I did notice some chugging during the combat sequence, but nothing that I would consider overly distracting.

Can't wait to get my grubby little hands on this masterpiece :D


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Man, those shots look exactly like the PR shots, which means that it'll most likely look like that for me too... and to think that people hated on the those shots and called them fake...


This is one of the best looking and best presented games I've ever seen or played. It's a horrible cliche and I know others have said it but for the first time I feel like I'm playing a movie. It's brilliant. The first time you step down on a planet and pan around is breathtaking.


BrokenSymmetry said:
Yes, it can. For me, in a story-driven game, "depth" is for a big part determined by how much a game is able to convey the emotions of the characters. Facial animation is a very big part of that. Especially in an RPG where you have to feel that the decisions you make in the game are actually important to the other characters in the game.

I Agree


Well I've beaten it (the main quest anyway). Took me about 16 hours, and I did not get the
complete majority of the game
achievement. The story is really good, which is why I rushed through it without doing a lot of the side quests. But that's what New Game+ is for. :D

Haven't played much of SMG yet, but this is my GOTY at this point. Yes, it's better than Portal.


BrokenSymmetry said:
Yes, it can. For me, in a story-driven game, "depth" is for a big part determined by how much a game is able to convey the emotions of the characters. Facial animation is a very big part of that. Especially in an RPG where you have to feel that the decisions you make in the game are actually important to the other characters in the game.

I disagree. But i am just a bitter gamer from the yester year, yearning for old school depth as in what you can do withing the world they have given. Highest point of pc RPG's is that you can have a dramatic impact in how your comrades behave in and outside of combat. Bioware while hey have canged now, used to be one of those devs that catered to the likes of me.
mcgarrett said:
You know very well what I meant. If the game had better writing but didn't look as nice, it wouldn't be nearly as hyped as it is now. Writing isn't sexy.

What makes you think the writing isn't great?



He's saying that writing is harder to sell to Mr. Joe Gamer than pretty graphics.

Edit: Awesome shots. What is your TV set up like?
Want to mention, I watched that stream this morning...and boy was that great...the game has a nice story

But once I saw that they were going on missions, with the Normandy, I turned it off

Kinda wack to see that dude, shooting at people for no reason though


Snaku said:
Well I've beaten it (the main quest anyway). Took me about 16 hours, and I did not get the
complete majority of the game
achievement. The story is really good, which is why I rushed through it without doing a lot of the side quests. But that's what New Game+ is for. :D

Haven't played much of SMG yet, but this is my GOTY at this point. Yes, it's better than Portal.
How does new game + work? Are the enemies harder?
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