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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
neojubei said:
Excuse me? I am buying the game. yea i like the PS3 cases better. Your hate isn't going to stop me from buying this game. I think I'll trade in AC for this.

Nah, there's no hate here - nothing but love for Mass Effect right here!

I just found your usual shtick extra funny today... especially the PS3 case bit... :)


Will drop pants for Sony.
Skilotonn said:
Nah, there's no hate here - nothing but love for Mass Effect right here!

I just found your usual shtick extra funny today... especially the PS3 case bit... :)

Well I like the PS3 cases and I want to have my games in that type of case. If I have to put a 360 game in it, so be it, long as I am happy with it. I just cannot find any empty cases. I've been all over ebay. You know of any places?

I think both Uncharted and Mass Effect will satisfy the Harrison Ford fan-boy in me. I've got my star wars side satisfied and my Indian Jones side satisfied as well.
Its such a shame there is so much framerate slippage/ hitches, and texture pop in. Im kinda confused while the later previews all said it was looking good because this is the kind of stuff that gets pointed out big time in previews. patch please!

And in brians review of the game for EGM he says they took out the ability to cut off other people in conversations but its in the instruction book and you can do it.

But yeah the game is awesome ive played for about 2 and a half hours so far, the combat is more fun than I thought it would be. I use the "turn base style" for every battle, it really seems like thats what your supposed to do. In the battle in the medical room early on, I had my krogan teamate (I forgot his name) shoot the cabinent a thug was hiding behind on him :lol Its silly little things like that I take much please from.
Maaaaaaan, after the first few missions I was still a sceptic(never liked Kotor that much) but decided to spend a couple of hours in a row with Mass Effect and now I'm sold.

Had to force myself to turn it off cause I got work tomorrow but god damn it's good. Fighting is kind of crap, graphics are sluggish and has tearing/slowdown but it all just comes together beutifully. Story/music/atmosphere is amazing.

I'm even addicted to just visiting random planets and driving around finding stuff :lol

And the writing is the best i've seen in a long time. All the dialogues rock and it feels like what you've done in the game shapes what people say, can't really comment on that before a second playthrough though(could be more shallow then it seems). The alien bounty hunter has the best comment ever, just randomly says crazy shit and I've laughed lots of times just due to some random comment, should be worth playing everything again just with diffrent sidekicks to see how they react.

If it keeps up this for 20+ hours(with sidequests) it could be my goty.


Caspel said:
There's the codex which has a voice-actor reading aloud everything along with the text. The codex has over 60-70 entries to read probably (just a rough estimation). I loved the codex and it fills in the history of all the races, wars, technology, race, fighting tactics, planets and everything you can imagine. I loved it.

Tank you very much


Curious if anyone knows if the Mass Effect OST is being distributed digitally at all. I can't seem to find it on Itunes and Amazon is sold out.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone know if the US version is region free or not yet?

Please post if you do!
Damn this game rocks. I've put in 2 hours so far, and I didn't even realize it. I love the dialogue system it's the first RPG where I try to talk to everyone. I was worried about the so called "technical issues" people talked about, but they aren't bad at all.
17 hours in, I'm pretty far in, but I feel like I'm going faster than I should.
Best sci fi RPG I've played, loads and loads of stuff, everything shines.
I have real problem with slowdowns and tearing though, it's quite a bit distracting and takes out lots of enjoyment from my playtime.
I'll buy it again when it comes out on PC, so worth it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
VALIS said:
Doctor Chakwas is a MILF.
her name makes me think of throwing up though. i don't know what it is about it. but
the way she talks about servicing military men
just gets me all hot and bothered


Anyone know why I come across chests that have an encryption level higher than I can unlock and am told I cannot open, yet one of my party is a tech head who should be able to do it with ease ?


ALeperMessiah said:
When and how do you get Liara in your party?
She's the dauther of the Asari scientist-woman-thing that aligned with Saren. You'll get information on where you might find her pretty early in the game.
Liara is freaking awesome , not only because she is cute, but she is mighty fine with biotics, I always bring her along.

I actually hate the game for making all of the characters so cool and forcing you to only chose two for your missions. The big krogan monster kicks ass, Ashley is one helluva soldier. The only one that I don't particularly like is the synthetic T'what's-her-name who's obsessed with her "pilgrimage". Meh.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Great game so far, love the music and the face animation is amazing. Got a question for those father in the game.
Ok for those of you that chose to help that one planet (starts with an F can't remember) i am at the part when i have to go attack the gef base that is in the geon factory. i get to drive the vehicle how do i take out the larger four legged Gef. for some reason i keep getting destroyed.


Who are your favourite party members? I always go for Ashley and Liara - they're two hot females and they both want Shepard. One is a hard hitter and the other is a thrower. Good setup for combat.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
mxz said:
She's the dauther of the Asari scientist-woman-thing that aligned with Saren. You'll get information on where you might find her pretty early in the game.
Liara is freaking awesome , not only because she is cute, but she is mighty fine with biotics, I always bring her along.

I actually hate the game for making all of the characters so cool and forcing you to only chose two for your missions. The big krogan monster kicks ass, Ashley is one helluva soldier. The only one that I don't particularly like is the synthetic T'what's-her-name who's obsessed with her "pilgrimage". Meh.

the krogan is awesome. man he is a bad influence. he is making me a renegade. haha.


After about 10 minutes I turned off the film grain and motion blur and I much prefer it this way. I couldnt get into that much film grain, if it were a slider where you could adjust it that would have been cool, a little goes a long ways in this situation. Fun game so far, its slowly but surely pulling me in.
Wow is all I can say. I've been waiting for this game to come out since it was announced. Went and gladly spent my $60 this morning for it and came home and spent about 3 hours with it. After those three hours I turned off my Xbox and was speechless....

I want to know how Bioware thought this game was ready to be released. I feel like I just paid $60 bucks for a crappy beta. The frame-rate is so bad I can barely concentrate on what I'm doing. I'm all for good graphics Bioware, but when you make the game skip around like this, it just sucks me right out of the experience. Almost every movement I made resulted in a choppy few seconds and made me sigh. When I read reviews I read that the frame-rate would dip at times during battles, not little stutters and drops as I'm jogging along. Bad frame-rate can instantly ruin a game for me sadly. I can play a game with terrible graphics as long as it runs smoothly. Hell, I still play Counter-Strike on occasion.

My next big problem was with the AI. I understand that this is an RPG and I shouldn't expect the greatest combat and enemies in a video game, but I would like enemies that did fight back. I had three Krogans charge me earlier and took down my two teammates within two seconds, I ran back took cover and just kinda waited for death to come, hoping my shotgun would prevail. Luckily for Sheperd, the Krogans just decided to stand over the bodies of my fallen comrades and stand there as I pumped round after round into them while the third one ran back to his initial spot. This happened more than once, and not just with the Krogans. I had a few Geth do this kind of stuff as well. Oh and my teammates made me feel like I was slaying Locust with my man Dom all over again.

Finally, the guy who played Sheperd. Every time he said something that was suppose to be serious, I just kinda laughed. It's like Bioware watched a bunch of corny movies and decided that's what kind of writing they should use for the protagonist. This isn't a big deal, just something I felt like mentioning really.

Now don't get me wrong, Bioware did a lot of great things with this game. The setting is amazing, the story was really intriguing, the combat system felt like it was going to be fun, the inventory system looked like it was going to be fun to collect armor and weapons, but they just failed to deliver it to me. The horrible FPS and terrible AI/buggy AI just sucks me right out of the game, and aren't RPG's all about immersion?

In my opinion it just needed more time for development in order to smooth out the wrinkles and make all those top notch ingredients come together in a smooth fashion. I don't know who to really blame for this, Microsoft or Bioware, but for me this is the most disappointing game of the year for the Xbox 360.

P.S. I was never excited about Assassin's Creed, so don't throw that at me. ;p



ghostmind said:
Amazon still hasn't shipped my order yet - the bastards...

I bought mine at Costco today. Checked my order status and it still said Shipping November 26. Fuck you, Amazon, cancelled my order, left them a message of complaint.

Now I'm going to enjoy myself.


Subconscious Brolonging
The graphical problems I've seen aren't any worse than Gears of War. I have no idea why people are wigging out.


Picked it up this afternoon.

Oh sweet merciful tanj, this is a wonderful feeling. See, I played Traveller (it used pens and paper...that kind of game) back in the day, and reading through the history of humanity in this reminds me of those days, and of Niven's "known space" books. It feels like actual science-fiction, not war movies with Aliens swapped for Nazis.

Sure there's tearing and texture pop-in and a chugging frame rate. Do not care. So do not care. I barely started and I'm pounding Geth with my upgraded shotgun, firing radioactive shot. Can I get a woot, brother?

And my main character looks a little like the mom on Girlmore Girls, which is a damn sight nicer than the troll-ugly-boy-women of Oblivion.

I eagerly await the rest of the adventure. So far the dialogue, though dancing around cheesy, is still better than most modern RPGs.
Just wanted to pop in and let you all know how proud I am that review discusison has stayed primarily in the ME review thread. On that note, the OP's reviews are just going to look like this, thanks to GarthVaderUK's great consolidation of them.
GarthVaderUK said:

Now go play it!
Just stopped playing (have to write a lab report) after about 3 hours and I have just left the Citadel to go to my first planet (Feros, I believe). This game is amazingly bad-ass, and this is from someone who rarely plays RPGs.

Are there technical issues? Yes, and a lot of them. Texture pop-in is rampant, tearing happens anytime you move the camera too fast and the frame-rate is all over the place. However, these things haven't bothered me one bit. This game surely could have used some more development time, but I'm glad they got it out. For me, these issues aren't a huge deal and haven't affected me during gameplay, but I can see how others would be bothered.

I really love the conversation system that was been implemented in this game, I find talking to other characters is actually fun. Very surprising for me. I'm not as crazy about the combat, but am starting to get a hang of it and it is quite good for an RPG.

Such a bad-ass game. Gotta go finish my report real quick so I can get back to playing.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Haha, After about 15 minutes passed my 360 FINALLY started to act up. It froze three times and even gave me the 3ROD for the first time(and a couple times after that too).

Pretty much thought it was dead but then it started working normally and i played for about an hour and a half more.

Thinking of going out to buy an Elite...

Really loving the game so far though even though I havent really gone to far in.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
The Launch Trailer (which is the same trailer that went up about a week ago on Yahoo I think?) is now up on the US Marketplace as well in glorious HD- for us unfortunate people still waiting on the game... :(

And thanks for the little impressions here guys!

neojubei said:
Well I like the PS3 cases and I want to have my games in that type of case. If I have to put a 360 game in it, so be it, long as I am happy with it. I just cannot find any empty cases. I've been all over ebay. You know of any places?

Sorry man, I wouldn't know where to get those cases, as the only places I've seen them clear are PS3 games - guess you could try Googling empty clear Blu-Ray cases...
I can't stop playing, Mass Effect is fanfuckingtastic. I just became
a specter
and I'm giddy as hell. I can't stress enough how great the storyline is, it sucks you in from the beginning. I love all the little back-stories, I'm already weary of some of the people on my side.


I have been avoiding the review thread because this is one game where reviews don't matter to me, but....

PC World, 60%??

Someone should be shot for that.

Wow this game looks fucking PHENOMENAL. Holy shit, THANK you Mass Effect for giving me the first twenty minutes where I haven't thought about Rock Band in WEEKS.

This game, just, WOW.


Heh, obviously many of my XBL friends are playing Mass Effect right now, but one is playing "Mass Effect LCE" and it said he was "Bowsing" some part of the bonus disc. :lol


Zefah said:
Does anyone know if the US version is region free or not yet?

Please post if you do!

Play-Asia is saying that the US NTSC version is compatible with PAL systems but compatibility w/ Asian systems is unknown.

They are also saying that the Asian NTSC version is region locked.
motivational speech you can give when you first take control of the Normandy
is pretty moving, the music the camera angles, very cinematic. I love this shit.


Not a Jellyfish said:
Great game so far, love the music and the face animation is amazing. Got a question for those father in the game.
Ok for those of you that chose to help that one planet (starts with an F can't remember) i am at the part when i have to go attack the gef base that is in the geon factory. i get to drive the vehicle how do i take out the larger four legged Gef. for some reason i keep getting destroyed.
You can zoom in with the right stick (R3?) and shoot missiles with LB

/edit: about music.
the last song is so amazing, i really wish I could get an LE edition (its literally imposible for me) to get that bonus cd but at least i got the book for 15 bucks and im all smiles right now


nastynate409 said:
Wow is all I can say. I've been waiting for this game to come out since it was announced. Went and gladly spent my $60 this morning for it and came home and spent about 3 hours with it. After those three hours I turned off my Xbox and was speechless....

I want to know how Bioware thought this game was ready to be released. I feel like I just paid $60 bucks for a crappy beta. The frame-rate is so bad I can barely concentrate on what I'm doing. I'm all for good graphics Bioware, but when you make the game skip around like this, it just sucks me right out of the experience. Almost every movement I made resulted in a choppy few seconds and made me sigh. When I read reviews I read that the frame-rate would dip at times during battles, not little stutters and drops as I'm jogging along. Bad frame-rate can instantly ruin a game for me sadly. I can play a game with terrible graphics as long as it runs smoothly. Hell, I still play Counter-Strike on occasion.

My next big problem was with the AI. I understand that this is an RPG and I shouldn't expect the greatest combat and enemies in a video game, but I would like enemies that did fight back. I had three Krogans charge me earlier and took down my two teammates within two seconds, I ran back took cover and just kinda waited for death to come, hoping my shotgun would prevail. Luckily for Sheperd, the Krogans just decided to stand over the bodies of my fallen comrades and stand there as I pumped round after round into them while the third one ran back to his initial spot. This happened more than once, and not just with the Krogans. I had a few Geth do this kind of stuff as well. Oh and my teammates made me feel like I was slaying Locust with my man Dom all over again.

Finally, the guy who played Sheperd. Every time he said something that was suppose to be serious, I just kinda laughed. It's like Bioware watched a bunch of corny movies and decided that's what kind of writing they should use for the protagonist. This isn't a big deal, just something I felt like mentioning really.

Now don't get me wrong, Bioware did a lot of great things with this game. The setting is amazing, the story was really intriguing, the combat system felt like it was going to be fun, the inventory system looked like it was going to be fun to collect armor and weapons, but they just failed to deliver it to me. The horrible FPS and terrible AI/buggy AI just sucks me right out of the game, and aren't RPG's all about immersion?

In my opinion it just needed more time for development in order to smooth out the wrinkles and make all those top notch ingredients come together in a smooth fashion. I don't know who to really blame for this, Microsoft or Bioware, but for me this is the most disappointing game of the year for the Xbox 360.

P.S. I was never excited about Assassin's Creed, so don't throw that at me. ;p

Thank you for making me feel like I'm not crazy on how bad the framerate is. like I said earlier I dont know how JB & DARKx can play this game and complain about CoD4 and AC on the ps3.


Synless said:
Thank you for making me feel like I'm not crazy on how bad the framerate is. like I said earlier I dont know how JB & DARKx can play this game and complain about CoD4 and AC on the ps3.

The occasional frame rate stutter is annoying, but far from a game breaker.

If this was a proper FPS, then yes. We have a problem. But it's a RPG, and it's fantastic.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Mass Effect GET!

I can confirm that the game is region free, or at least it works on my Japanese 360.

The intro rocks and the graphics are awesome. I can't wait to play more.


widgetraf said:
Are you guys doing the side quests as they appear or just skipping them?

I did all the ones I found in the Citadel before getting out the first time. The first time I saved on a planet I had 3 hours of playtime. :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How do you use first aid? I don't see it in the wheel and that's why I have Kaidan following me around.


jet1911 said:
I did all the ones I found in the Citadel before getting out the first time. The first time I saved on a planet I had 3 hours of playtime. :lol

Exactly! I spent like 3 hours as well, about 45 mins spent on searching the damn keepers. Im exploring the galaxy now, and I'm doing all the sidequests I have before getting back to the main story. Should take about 2 hours or so. :D

Game is GOTY material, but after 5 hours into the game I can still say I enjoyed Bioshock, Halo and Mario Galaxy with the same time spent.
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