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Massive DS Launch Contest

Normally I would hope someone else would pick up on this and let all of GAF know, but we are on a very short timeframe and this has somewhat narrow eligibility requirements, so I'm trying to get the word out myself. Hopefully I won't get banned for it. I just figure there are a lot of people here who could win this.


Basically, you play a (Nintendo) trivia game, and the winner gets a trip to LA next weekend for the Nintendo DS launch, including airfare for two, hotel, restaurant reservations, VIP tours of a few places, a free DS system, $200 spending money, etc. It's an awesome prize pack but we have to have a winner by Wednesday, thus the scrambling for registrants. I hope some of you guys will check it out.


insert blank space here
Jonnyboy117 said:
Sorry, there's nothing I can do about that. I wish it weren't the case.

That's ok, I've gotten used to it (I'm also under 18 anyway). Sounds like an awesome contest though... good luck with it :D.


A word of warning: Doing this in IRC is just asking for trouble. Between ping time-outs, lag affecting how quickly someone's answer might come up, and all kinds of other fun stuff.

I'm not terribly sure how I'd personally organize it, to be honest with you. (And I'm not being sarcastic at all). Maybe do something along the lines of a standings tree (or whatever they're called) and do it all by e-mail, with different questions going to different people. (And require all answers be in under 24 hours.)

I'm just sayin', that's all...


As someone who's run a contest before, it's understandable that they want to keep it within the United States --- especially given that they are a small enthusiast website.

Case in point our contest at VyW. The winner got this big-ass heavy metal PC-case. We didn't exclude foreigners and the winner ended up being in Germany. Shipping cost us close to $100 (about half the price of the case!) and we got an email back from the guy saying he couldn't get the case from his postal service cause he had to pay some odd mail-tax for it of $60 some-odd dollars.

It's just a headache sometimes.


True enough, but just make it North America damnit.. (minus Quebec just cuz).

EDIT: For the record, I'd lose horribly anyway. I just hate when we get excluded. :/
Well, you can use any of the Dorksnet servers. We've been on a couple others in the past, but they always get brought down by DOS attacks or whatever.

The reason it's restricted to the U.S. has to do with legal and travel issues.
Cyan said:
The trivia questions haven't been as good recently. The questions require too much prior knowledge to even know what they're asking. For example, there was a question about a certain mode in Kirby Air Ride, but the game itself wasn't mentioned, just the mode. It took me over a minute just to figure out what the question was even about. Argh. There were a few more like that, and that's about when I gave up on trivia for a while.

Those happen sometimes, but we are going to be extra careful with the questions this time, and there will be several staff members present to help judge answers. We don't want anyone to feel robbed. We're planning to make this the best trivia ever (and we've been doing this for over five years). We even have the original trivia host back to host this one.
*tips hat to Jonny*

I'll give it a shot, though I'm horrible at these Nintendo trivias. I don't know if I've ever scored a single point in any trivia you guys have done. It was all about the radio trivia for me. D: But anywho, someone else had a DS prize last night, as you probably know, and I got a couple of points, so my hope is restored. :p Actually, it seems like fun. So thanks for the heads up.


I get off work at 9 on Tuesday, takes about 25 minutes to get home. I'll be speeding home on the freeway Tuesday now.


(more a nerd than a geek)
EVERYONE uses the Dorksnet servers. Heheh...

I saw that our buddy Kobun is donating a book as a special contest prize -- now I feel like TMK should add something to the contest pile.
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