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Master of None Season 2 |OT| Aziz Ansari's Show Finally Returns (May 12th - Netflix)



that shit is one of the best moments in a television show period

if you are of semitic descent that shit was just so good



Oh, and Thanksgiving was my favorite episode. I laughed out loud so much. Dev repeating the Instagram account name for grandma had me rolling.


Episode 6 was really good. Reminded me of the Atlanta episode with the talk show, where the main story doesn't move forward, but the creators try to experiment what they can do in their world and show their perception of it (in this case, New York).


Just got done with episode 6. Best one so far, really love the way this show is handled and scripted overall. Fantastic stuff.
I honestly didn't think he could top Season 1.

And then he, Alan Yang, and co. did.

That pork episode has echoed large parts of my life, vegetarianism included. The heartbreak and the pain he feels with Francesca was also so well done, and there was just so much great stuff involving the cinematography and framing that I was just bowled over.

Aziz and Alan created something fucking beautiful and I hope he gets more critical recognition for it. I also hope he films an episode in India for the next season, like that conversation with Jeff was potentially hinting at.


9 down, really fucking great.

New York, I Love You is brilliant TV.

Thanksgiving was alright, but I don't care enough about that particular character to spend 30 minutes with them.

Love the story with Francesca...


YOOOOO I just finished it and that junk is phenomenal. Couple thoughts:
1. I think Dev and Francesca are incredibly cute together, but making Dev the kind of guy to convince a woman to cheat felt out of character for me. It made him seem scummy to me, but maybe I'm being too conservative, considering nobody else has said anything.
2. Arnold continues to be incredible. The second episode in particular had me dying. His abbreviations are always on point.
3. Only one scene of Rachel?! Are you kidding me? I was really hoping when she said "how are you?" and he hesitated, that he was going to say something like "terrible, actually" and go off. Unfortunately, they resisted the urge.
4. Was Ravi such a douche in the first season? Found him intolerable.
5. The thought of another extended wait for a season 3 is killer. Don't do it.


Just finished. What a fantastic season of TV. One of my favorites of 2017 so far. My favorite moment was probably the end of Episode 5, but there were so many great ones. I will probably write up a bit more when I'm less tired. I had planned to try and spread watching it out over the course of a week, but I just kept watching.


1. I think Dev and Francesca are incredibly cute together, but making Dev the kind of guy to convince a woman to cheat felt out of character for me. It made him seem scummy to me, but maybe I'm being too conservative, considering nobody else has said anything.

Don't think you're being conservative at all. My GF and I finished the show today and thought the exact same thing. That whole 'you were using me' dialogue was so manipulative, I found it extremely hard to root for Dev. If I know someone in real life is willfully pursuing someone in a relationship, it's scummy.


Honestly thought this was the weakest episode so far. And I typically love stories with that narrative concept.

Loved that moment. The series isn't really a "laugh out loud" comedy to me but that episode had a few genuine lol moments, including that one.
Son of Scatman caught me by surprise too
Second episode was the weakest.

Another excellent season


Finished the season.

Just wow. It's 4 am so maybe later I'll write with more detail, but this has become easily one of my favorite seasons of a series ever.


Just watched the whole season in one sitting, excellent.
I thought the experimentation with filmmaking throughout each episode was really well done. The New York episode was just awesome, it was great how they showed the humanity of people that in most shows or movies would just have throwaway lines and often are the only parts that POC or minorities can get. The door man, corner store cashier and taxi driver here where shown to be real people with full lives that exist outside of just bit parts and the way that they all ended up in the same movie theater felt so right and so New York. The Thanksgiving episode was excellent as well, so much nostalgia for me and how I grew up.

It's been a long time since watching the first season but the nonactors' novice acting skills seemed more noticeable to me this time, but was still charming in a way.

I've been up all night and I'm rambling while typing on a phone so my post may not make sense, but I can not wait for Season 3.


Man, I love this show, the nuances of being a second generation immigrant/minority, but at the same time, really no different as a person. Makes me so happy for a real representation of life.


What other shows are like this? I guess this, Louie and Atlanta are the big three.. but is there any other shows I'm missing?

Also, Is there any way of stopping Netflix from auto playing the next episode? This is one of those shows where I love listening to the end credits track. Soft Cell playing at the end of the dinner episode was so good.


Hol up Hol up Hol up

This woman who watches wrestling in the dating episode...


total GAFer. pretty sure she's the one who talked about an 8 hour Overwatch sesh as well.

Man, I love this show, the nuances of being a second generation immigrant/minority, but at the same time, really no different as a person. Makes me so happy for a real representation of life.

yeah I'm a first generation citizen, totally agreed


Just watched the first episode (not binging it, as I watch it with my wife and we like to spread series out over some evenings).

I loved season one, but this seems like a new level of great alltogether. I absolutely loved the first episode. It was funny, heartfelt, beautyfully shot and I loved how it mirrored itself to a classic Italian movie. I giggled my way trough it for most of the runtime.
I really like how due to the lack of an overarching plot for a lot of episodes (minus the latter ones), you can jump back in and rewatch them. It was almost depressing when the episode I decided to replay from the first season was the one where
Dev and Rachel move in together

A lot of the episodes are self-contained and follow some irreverant concept. Really great stuff so far.

Also, Francesca <3 I told my woman, two days before our anniversary no less, that I need an Italian woman with that accent. Not a smooth idea but you know. It is what it is.



didnt realize that Fran was wearing different clothes and had no ring. Glad to see that she goes to Dev. Makes the ending and the wait for season 3 a little less sad


My favorite thing about this show is that none of the characters are unreasonable, over the top, assholes, they're just regular people.


What other shows are like this? I guess this, Louie and Atlanta are the big three.. but is there any other shows I'm missing?

Also, Is there any way of stopping Netflix from auto playing the next episode? This is one of those shows where I love listening to the end credits track. Soft Cell playing at the end of the dinner episode was so good.
On mobile if you it gives you the option to watch credits. When it pops up just click the screen or watch credits.


Binge watched it. Loved it. Nothing new to add, New York, Thanksgiving and Ep9 the last. Ep5 ending great. Chef Jeff character and reactions well done.


there is joy in sucking dick
The use of New Edition in the Thanksgiving episode. All the feels. This show definitely hits unique emotional highs you dont typically get from other shows.


chef jeff
I really thought he was a cool guy. I may never trust again.

YOOOOO I just finished it and that junk is phenomenal. Couple thoughts:
1. I think Dev and Francesca are incredibly cute together, but making Dev the kind of guy to convince a woman to cheat felt out of character for me. It made him seem scummy to me, but maybe I'm being too conservative, considering nobody else has said anything.

Don't think you're being conservative at all. My GF and I finished the show today and thought the exact same thing. That whole 'you were using me' dialogue was so manipulative, I found it extremely hard to root for Dev. If I know someone in real life is willfully pursuing someone in a relationship, it's scummy.
He didn't try to convince her to do anything, though. It was clear from the first episode that there was something between them and that her relationship with Pino wasn't the best. She was an active participant in the whole thing and while Dev didn't do a great job of having empathy for how hard it was for her to leave her fiancé and family, she didn't stop and think about how he felt about the whole thing.
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