Mat Piscatella "The rate of decline in US physical video game software spending accelerated in 2024"

Less games are available in the physical form than ever before. And most physical games dont even have the full game on disc. And of course new games digitally are usually cheaper if even for the fact that we don't pay additional tax on a digital purchase.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
It's literally just a graph of how much people spent on physical media. And its heading south.

Also keep in mind that publishers increased the price of games recently too.
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Sucks to see, especially for console game pricing because clearanced or sale price retail games can often be cheaper than the console digital storefronts.

However, physical kinda died for me back in the PS4 gen, when some games started to release where the disc didn't have all the needed files to run the game to an adequate degree, and you're reliant on a server for day one updates.

Limited run games after launch with needed updates included on the disc/game cart, along with no-drm digital are the only things that make sense for preservation to me.
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Once consoles are all digital like pc. The rate of hacking/jailbreaking/modding them will increase exponentially as a big fu to the console manufacturers.


Sucks to see, especially for console game pricing because clearanced or sale price games can often be cheaper than the console digital storefronts.

However, physical kinda died for me back in the PS4 gen, when some games started to release where the disc didn't have all the needed files to run the game to an adequate degree, and you're reliant on a server for day one updates.

Limited run games after launch with needed updates included on the disc/game cart, along with no-drm digital are the only things that make sense for preservation to me.
Yeah wtf is physical good for if only like 10 of the 100gb is on the disc or if the game forced you to install a day 1 patch to play them.


Yeah wtf is physical good for if only like 10 of the 100gb is on the disc or if the game forced you to install a day 1 patch to play them.
Yeah, the value of physical has gotten nerfed along with less convenience vs digital.

Just want to see digital license agreements get better if I'm not gonna own anything, or games after so many years go no-drm.


Gold Member
These forever libraries will not last. Optical media deteriorates over time. There are plenty of digital sales. This only hurts players who impulsively buy lots of titles on day one. You don't need to buy every single player games day one because of FOMO.

Physical media can be scratched or destroyed as well (accidentally). The argument against digital doesn't stack up. The only valid argument is the walled garden one (which I agree with fwiw), but that's a different issue. Digital is growing and quickly eclipsing physical even with that issue.

And if the switch was a modern device with a reasonable amount of storage and an eShop that isn't older and more out of date than their hardware, you'd see a similar uptick as well.

For all the cutting edge tech gaming brings us, we have a large chunk of luddites.
A big drawback of physical is you need the hardware to run it. Thats means keeping an old system hooked up (instead of selling it or going through the hassle getting it out of the closet to play some cartridges or discs). Only the most hardcore gamer or family collecting games is going to have a TV stand with 5 generations of consoles sitting there ready to go.

If they are simply a collector, then I get it. Sometimes having a nice wall of media content is cool. I still got my 200+ CDs on a CD shelf. Havent used any CDs in probably 10 years, but I like the look of it.

Maybe me, my friends and fam are all just casual gamers the whole time. I dont know one person who plays anything older than the Xbox One/PS4 generation. Everyone kind of moves on. Then again, maybe some really core gamers out there will power up their N64 or PS1 here and there.
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Hard to buy physical when so few places actually have physical copies to sell. Oh well, my days of console gaming will soon be over I suppose.
Why would stores continue to sell physical when most people dont give a fuck? The gaming world is just catching up to what PC gamers have been doing for decades.


Gold Member
Why would stores continue to sell physical when most people dont give a fuck? The gaming world is just catching up to what PC gamers have been doing for decades.
Consoles have been a laggard since they didnt have e-stores like Steam which started in the early 2000s. And when they did add them, it was relegated to indie games. Full downloads I think came to Xbox of PS3 till later in the 360/PS3 generation. And because consoles have gimped HDD compared to a PC user, it makes it even harder to go full digital.

But since consoles got pretty good at digital and bigger storage it turns out console users arent any different than PC gamers. Most have gone digital.

Another reason why physical console sales have stuck around is because it's aimed at kids more and Xmas gifting. So not really surprised Nintendo has the worst digital sales out of all platforms. So there's always the urge to give a new game in disc form as it's more presentable. I dont get a feeling PC gaming has ever had the same sentiment where PC gamers are getting Xmas boxed copies like people getting amped up on new consoles and boxed games as gifts.
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Good how? To be locked into a digital marketplace where they have full control over pricing without the added pressures of competitive inventory and stock management?

A lot of costs are involved in producing and shipping physical games though, and the cut the retailers take is no joke either. I doubt the outcome is positive compared to fully digital distribution.
Yes, how are those savings going for you? Oh, what's that? The digital versions are the same price?
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I walked into some cool store that had used games all the way back to the NES. I can still play my N64 games just fine. I have my doubts that you will be able to play your digital only games in 20 years. PC seems fine for digital only, but PS and XBOX?


Gold Member
PC seems fine for digital only, but PS and XBOX?
Good thing they're all ending up on PC.
Steve Harvey Wow GIF by NBC


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
As long as a disc-drive remains an option for those that want it, I don't see a problem with this approach.

Sure, a disc-drive could be overpriced, but ultimately it will safe you a lot of money long-term as you can get physical games for much, much cheaper than digital versions.
In that regard it's a similar principle to PC gaming.

It's all about how these companies handle support for physical copies.

Exactly this!
As long as a disc-drive remains an option for those that want it, I don't see a problem with this approach.

Sure, a disc-drive could be overpriced, but ultimately it will safe you a lot of money long-term as you can get physical games for much, much cheaper than digital versions.
In that regard it's a similar principle to PC gaming.

It's all about how these companies handle support for physical copies.
It sounds good to always have the option, but by restricting it to "just an option" on the periphery, it will inherently discourage publishers from releasing physical titles. It's a compounding effect - rest assured the optional disc drive won't be long to go after primary consoles are digital only.


Gold Member
Walked into a Best Buy the other day.. the game secion for PS, Xbox and Switch are extremely barebone.. sad to see

It was written in the stars. Tech will find ways for us to not use physical media for games anymore.

I am curious to see what next generation does for physical.


At least on PC I get to handle the game files. If I have to buy digital it may as well be there. Consoles are demanding too much for the convenience factor.

Switch 2 will ensure I will keep buying a few games a year, it has pretty much everything PC doesn't. Most of all, physical games which I know will not ever appear on PC later and are complete day one. So there is no reason to talk down my hype or convince myself not to buy it right away.


Gold Member
Well yeah there was $1.7 billion spent on physical, it's just that it is a fraction of what it used to be.
The point is the market is still alive and profitable so no need to remove physical especially in the future ps6. And hopefully release a ps5 pro with disc drive. Give people a choice just like removing on the mandate on obligatory ev cars for example ( off topic: I dont believe on blaming carbon on climate change. Its more of lack of reforestation and proper forest management and lack of proper anti pollution device )
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It suck that we don’t own things anymore, but the convenience factor is just too hard it pass up for most people.
Just download it right from the console. No lines, no leaving the house, no games being “sold out”, preload is a thing, etc.
No borrowing, no returning if you change your mind, no selling the games when you're finished or if the game sucked, no price competitions between different stores to drive down prices, no buying cheap used games...

Yeah to me there's no convenience.
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No borrowing, no returning if you change your mind, no selling the games when you're finished or if the game sucked, no price competitions between different stores to drive down prices, no buying cheap used games...

Yeah to me there's no convenience.
Ya I feel you, but the masses have spoken. The convenience factor is enough that the vast majority of people are ok with those downsides.
I’m not saying it’s right, but this is the world we live in now.
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Ya I feel you, but the masses have spoken. The convenience factor is enough that the vast majority of people are ok with those downsides.
I’m not saying it’s right, but this is the world we live in now.
Of course, I realize that I'm in a minority. It is what it is, I'll keep buying physical games for as long as they're available and after that we'll see. There's absolutely no way in hell I'm buying a new game full price without the possibility of reselling it later.
Of course, I realize that I'm in a minority. It is what it is, I'll keep buying physical games for as long as they're available and after that we'll see. There's absolutely no way in hell I'm buying a new game full price without the possibility of reselling it later.
I agree with you, I almost always wait for a sale. There’s some exceptions for games I really want and know I’ll play like Monster Hunter, but for the most part I always wait a year or so and find a good deal. My backlog is huge any way lol I definitely don’t *need* any more games.
It suck that we don’t own things anymore, but the convenience factor is just too hard it pass up for most people.
Just download it right from the console. No lines, no leaving the house, no games being “sold out”, preload is a thing, etc.

I get it sucks if you’re a collector but outside of that, I’ve never felt something is missing when I buy digital versus physical. I’ve been gaming for more than thirty years and I can’t think of a single time when owning a physical copy of a game has saved me from some terrible thing had I owned digital.

Racing games get delisted all the time but if it’s a game I care about I’ve always had my fill long before then and there’s usually a sequel out anyway. Owning a physical copy of a dead always online game means you just have a coaster.


Good how? To be locked into a digital marketplace where they have full control over pricing without the added pressures of competitive inventory and stock management?
One of the reasons why physical games are not sustainable.
Yes, how are those savings going for you? Oh, what's that? The digital versions are the same price?
I bought 80+% of my games for €20 or less.
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Currency predates computer banking. Not that paper is much better but money still comes in more forms than ones and zeros.
He's saying that paper/coin currency is physical and your bank account/bitcoin/whatever is the digital. Money is either ones and zeros or physical currency. So if people have no concerns having their life savings on servers instead of physical why not games. The difference between games and money is though

1) With money the bank cannot decide to ban you and cut off access to your money based on unrelated reasons.
2) A gaming company has a right to just shut down the service and you have no rights because it's not YOUR games.
3) Money you can transfer to other people both physically and digitally. You cannot legally transfer your games to another person digitally. You can physical games.
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Nintendo is safe for another 7-8 years. Not so sure about Microsoft and Sony. If Microsoft goes out of console business or all digital/stream, chances are high there won't be a disc drive from Sony. Or they sell it separately for one more gen, but "can't" produce sufficient numbers again. No matter what:
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I don't care about owning the actual disc. What I do care about is buying games for half the price of what they are on those rip off digital stores and having more choices. Of course physical will completely go away though because that's exactly what these greedy corporations want. More money and control for them. Less options for us. Some of you guys even seem happy about this? Bend over a little further why dont ya? No problem if your 100% digital but why would you want less options?
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Alan Wake

Well, the average consumer is an idiot. Digital only means walled gardens and no competition among retailers making the digital storefronts monopolies effectively, which therefore have no incentive to lower prices or offer sales. Licenses can be revoked. Games can be altered post release. Games can be delisted for any reason. Fuck an all digital future.
Yup. There is no ownership in digital game distribution. You basically lease the game. I'm going to keep buying physical as long as I can, and that probably means migrating from Xbox to PlayStation more than I already have. I am absolutely confident Xbox will never offer a disc drive ever again.


Once consoles are all digital like pc. The rate of hacking/jailbreaking/modding them will increase exponentially as a big fu to the console manufacturers.
People have and will always try to get a free ride, I don't see it ramping up simply because physical software copies might not exist in some misguided moral outrage middle finger.

Having said that, if there really is an xbox with other os/multiple store fronts, to me that just looks like the potential to open up multiple vectors to attack is inherent, and the more the merrier for these things. The freer MS are on the reins with OEMs it's not difficult to imagine the more there might be to exploit. But really, at that point, it's just a PC anyway and people can just do their usual scrotey warez thing they always have.
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