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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title

Skipping them on the first playthrough feels like criminal neglect of what the game has to offer in terms of story and character, but hey, that's just me. I think you're truly missing out to skip them the first time though. Its like watching Heat or Die Hard and fast forwarding through everything except the gun battles. You lose out on context and what makes the game special.

And thats why the game is not running into a boatload of flak. Because what Rockstar has done here is fantastic.

Seriously. There are issues here, but I think we need to keep things in perspective. Talk about Rockstar not getting flak, on the contrary, this game's being reviewed under some kind of weird microscope that no other big budget shooter has been with all sorts of complaints about narrative and "bullet sponges" and difficulty. Hell, Metacritic for this is sitting at an 87 and reception is mixed in this very thread. Let's talk about games not getting flak when Black Ops 2 and Halo 4 are sitting pretty with 94+ despite the same issues they've had for years. Or Uncharted 3 sitting at 92. Now THERE'S a game that barely got flak from critics, and even when it got 8's GAF started freaking out.
Ha. You've obviously not been here long, then. Have you even played the game? It is the very definition of "cutscene heavy". They are frequent, they are often boring and they are largely unskippable. You're right; nothing to complain about at all, dude. Don't get me wrong, I love the game in between all of these bits, but the ratio is so askew sometimes, it's disgusting. It's a video game; the option to skip EVERY cutscene RELATIVELY QUICKLY should be manda-fucking-tory.

And to be honest, the rest of the package is simply not good enough to look past this.

This doesn't cut it, though. The game is apparently "still loading" minutes into some cutscenes. You're telling me that you're happy with such load times, for the often tiny morsels of gameplay that you're rewarded with? Bollocks. Play the game again and make a mental note of how often the game relinquishes control from you and how unnecessary it is half of the time.

EDIT: As has been said, though, to each their own. Nothing about this game's story resonated with me enough to be able to shrug this off. I'm a Max Payne noob. Were I familiar with the series, maybe I'd be more inclined to dig what I'm watching, but as it stands, everything except the voice acting was very ho-hum.

I was thinking of replying to all this, but decided not to do it. I don't want to waste time arguing with you when it's obviously going to change absolutely nothing, so I'll just say this:

I completely disagree with your opinion of the game. The game is awesome. I love the gameplay, the story, the setting and the style. I like well made cutscenes. All these things come together in a way that makes me ignore all the flaws it has because they do not detract from the experience for me.

IMO you are way, way over-blowing the impact of the things you don't like and the small technical limitations it has due to the systems it was developed for, something you don't even take into account when complaining.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Tried soft aim for the first time since day 1.....went 34-11 on large team deathmatch.

I can see why some people roll with it.....stat whoring.

Yup, I agree. Could be a lot of trophy hunters in the game that just want that Platinum asap so they can move onto the next game.
So I'm up to Chapter 10, and I am loving this so far :D

I thought the cutscene frequency would irritate me, but I'm surprisingly invested in the narrative, and really can't wait to see what happens next. That, coupled with some of the most satisfying shooting I've played this gen?

Love it. I keep dying lots though :p
Skipping them on the first playthrough feels like criminal neglect of what the game has to offer in terms of story and character, but hey, that's just me. I think you're truly missing out to skip them the first time though. Its like watching Heat or Die Hard and fast forwarding through everything except the gun battles. You lose out on context and what makes the game special.

And thats why the game is not running into a boatload of flak. Because what Rockstar has done here is fantastic.

Oh, no doubt, but there are gamers that couldn't care less about narrative in their games and you really can't blame them for being like that, considering the medium and the plethora of shitty video game stories that have come and gone. The focus of MP3 is the gunplay; gamers should be able to skip to that instantly. It's almost akin to going to a Monster Truck show and being forced to sit through back-story of the drivers, just because the people at the helm would rather that you do.

Anyway, I think it's silly to argue whether it's more onerous for Rockstar to implement skippable cutscenes - you know, like every other game, story-driven or not - or to compel the player to focus and invest time into a story when they rightfully may not give two hoots.

Sure, they've made a fantastic game, but the same cannot be said for all of their design choices. And hardware limitation is not an excuse at all. Design within your constraints. Don't push the envelope at the cost of smart design.


IMO you are way, way over-blowing the impact of the things you don't like and the small technical limitations it has due to the systems it was developed for, something you don't even take into account when complaining.

Everything else you said basically hinges on my opinion of the game against yours, so I won't go there, but if you're going to rely on that above statement, you're an idiot. I can't help you there, so continue to sit back and ignore the MANY OTHER fantastic, story-driven, gameplay-rich and beautiful games that have come before and put MP3 to shame, simply because the developer knew their limitations. The old saying, "a bad workman blames his tools" could not be anymore perfect in debunking the notion that you've put forth.

And Net_Wrecker, I agree with you. MP3 is a better game than all of those, but hey, that's the gaming industry.
I see where you're coming from with this, it makes playing through the arcade modes, as well as replaying the game on higher difficulties more laborious than they should be, but IMO, the rest of the game more than makes up for it. To each his own.
I see where you're coming from with this, it makes playing through the arcade modes, as well as replaying the game on higher difficulties more laborious than they should be, but IMO, the rest of the game more than makes up for it. To each his own.

No arguments there. Of course, if you dig the shit out of this game, the qualms I have wouldn't even be on your radar.

Everything else you said basically hinges on my opinion of the game against yours, so I won't go there, but if you're going to rely on that above statement, you're an idiot. I can't help you there, so continue to sit back and ignore the MANY OTHER fantastic, story-driven, gameplay-rich and beautiful games that have come before and put MP3 to shame, simply because the developer knew their limitations. The old saying, "a bad workman blames his tools" could not be anymore perfect in debunking the notion that you've put forth.

And Net_Wrecker, I agree with you. MP3 is a better game than all of those, but hey, that's the gaming industry.

This entire diatribe just demonstrated why I should just ignore anything that comes out of your brain from now on. And old sayings and generalizations are not dogmas, but I guess you are too far up your own ass to realize that.
This entire diatribe just demonstrated why I should just ignore anything that comes out of your brain from now on. And old sayings and generalizations are not dogmas, but I guess you are too far up your own ass to realize that.

Ha! Diatribe or not, something tells me that you can't quite discredit the sheer logic and strength in precedent of my argument...


Seriously. There are issues here, but I think we need to keep things in perspective. Talk about Rockstar not getting flak, on the contrary, this game's being reviewed under some kind of weird microscope that no other big budget shooter has been with all sorts of complaints about narrative and "bullet sponges" and difficulty. Hell, Metacritic for this is sitting at an 87 and reception is mixed in this very thread. Let's talk about games not getting flak when Black Ops 2 and Halo 4 are sitting pretty with 94+ despite the same issues they've had for years. Or Uncharted 3 sitting at 92. Now THERE'S a game that barely got flak from critics, and even when it got 8's GAF started freaking out.
I don't think its being reviewed under a weird microscope at all. I think it's just that the problems it has that are problems in those other games are just that much worse here.

Take your Uncharted 3 example. Almost every criticism I've heard levied against that game - too cinematic, poor pacing, tedious/repetitive gun-fights, difficulty spikes, non-tight shooting/aiming - could be levied against this game x 10.

Also, to go on record, the cut-scenes are indeed awful in their frequency and length and almost no amount of complaining could over-blow it. It is just impossible to get any kind of 'flow' when you have to watch a cut-scene literally after each gun-fight. And the "you'd be waiting either way through a cut-scene or loading screen" view doesn't provide any consolation because a loading screen might actually have been better - because at least then maybe the game wouldn't switch my equipped weapon to a pistol when I enter a new room.


I think the reviews should be higher. I wasn't expecting much, but Max Payne 3 is a big-budget blockbuster that rocked my balls off from beginning to end, with set-pieces and production values that simply embarrass most other games.

For someone like me who's been gaming for more than 30 years, it's a stunning example of how far games have come, and a jaw-dropping preview of where games are going.

Sure, it has some niggling problems. But they pale next to the towering triumph that is the game as a whole. MP3 is just an epic, epic, epic game, and one that every self-respecting shooter fan should play.

I'm looking forward to more multi-player, and I can't wait to go through the whole game again with the girlfriend, for whom the frequent cutscenes made it like the best damn action movie she's seen recently.


I disagree about the replayability, I've already played it through twice now and I still want to play more. The cutscenes are a little too frequent, but for the most part they are pretty entertaining, I don't feel too bad about not being able to skip them. If you're not a fan of the story though, I can see how it would start getting tedious quick.

Also, the multiplayer is an absolute blast.
I had a weird crash (360) at the beginning of Chapter 6 right as the transition from cinematic to gameplay took place — the screen just went black and I got booted back to the dashboard. I wasn't able to get it to happen again after re-loading a couple of times, though. Weird. Did that happen to anyone else at that point?
This happened to me last night. My Kinect sensor had shut down as well.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I encountered a strange bug last night as well. During one of the favela segments (right before you join up with one of the women) you're supposed to see a cutscene when you move into a small building. After triggering that scene, Max will be hiding behind cover while trying to avoid being caught.

The first time I made it to this point, however, the cutscene did not trigger. I entered the building and nothing happened. At this point, nothing appeared to be out of place, so I continued outside. When I made it outside I noticed that I could follow the street in two directions, which was not something commonly encountered in this game. I ended up walking around empty, quiet streets until Max fell through the world geometry and the game ultimately crashed. I could still access the menu, but it did nothing and would simply return to Max falling through nothingness.

Those areas were clearly not designed to be explored by the player so, after a point, collision data ceased to exist. I'm impressed at how detailed all of these areas were, though, considering that you barely have the chance to see them in the cutscene that was supposed to play.
My god

this game


I literally gasped when
you go through the window with the gangmember in the club and keep firing
, and that's just at the beginning



My god

this game


I literally gasped when
you go through the window with the gangmember in the club and keep firing
, and that's just at the beginning


That aint shit yet!
goddamn it.
mr fuckin' armored guy and his fucking gun hurt. i'm not even sure what i'm supposed to be doing there, he has too much life and is destroying me.

Dodge behind the cover, put in some few blindfire shots to fill up your bullettime bar and after that just keep shooting in his head


I think I'm almost finished at Chapter 14. I am loving it overall. It has been a meaty adventure with a lot of different environments. I'll say this though: when Max Payne is running n' gunning with the bullet time the game is bliss, even through some of the harder parts. There are some chapters however that seem to want you to take cover more and those aren't as great. There are better cover shooters out there. I hope that Rockstar makes another and takes this into account.

The game has definately replayability what with the clue hunting and the golden gun parts. Just the variety of levels alone makes them worth seeing twice. It's funny but I got a real Resident Evil 5 vibe going through certain areas, especially the favela. That's another game that have very detailed and well thought out environments.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Digital Foundry Face off is finally up:


Giving the slight advantage to the 360 version for a more stable framerate, better foliage, and more lighting effects during cutscenes.

If the PC version runs like like shit on my PC (i7/460 GT) I may end up getting the PS3 version and trade in my 360 version since the disc swapping bugs the shit outta me.
Actually, their comments on the 360 framerate would have me believe that it looks smoother on PS3. An unlocked framerate is a terrible thing when it fails to synchronize with the refresh rate.

They noted this:

The results are rather mixed, but the good news is that Max Payne 3 is an overall solid performer on both formats. In most cases we find the 360 holds the higher frame-rate by virtue of simply being unlocked, meaning it can hit peak values of 35FPS when there's little action, while the PS3 nestles in at the standard 30FPS in likewise scenarios.
35 fps simply doesn't appear as consistent as 30 fps as it does not sync up with the refresh rate of a 60 Hz display. I've played a number of games which used this technique and it just doesn't look as smooth as 30 fps in comparison. It adds motion judder to the image.

I can't imagine why they decided to unlock the framerate. Seems like a silly move as it just interferes with image consistency.


Neo Member
The MP is fun, fast, and overall gunplay is solid. The cover system on the other hand is super sluggish. You can't do any cover specific moves like swat turn or cover slip. You are either in cover or not. That's it.

Besides that frustration, I'm digging it.
Another thing I'm really liking about the game is that we get to play as a frail middle-aged man. IMO it's a refreshing change from the usual annoying teenager in Japanese games and cocky late-twenties to early-thirties dude in western games.
Another thing I'm really liking about the game is that we get to play as a frail middle-aged man. IMO it's a refreshing change from the usual annoying teenager in Japanese games and cocky late-twenties to early-thirties dude in western games.

It is Max Payne, papi. He can even stay cool when he is 60.
The pace of the encounters feels perfect to me. There's always enough time to try a new way everytime. Sometimes the Uncharted-ish ranged shooting works great while continuous shoot dodging is great for tighter spaces.


Damn the thread became very negative towards the cutscenes last night. I love the cutscenes, and I don't even mind them in my second playthrough. I'm going to watch them again for my third playthrough to soak up the storyline another time.

My only issue is that I hate not knowing when it's finally time to push A to skip a cutscene, in those instances when you just want to skip and get right down to the game play (for me, in multiple playthroughs, that's not very often, but I still get annoyed).

I think people are getting really annoyed because they are in utter disbelief that a game could take this long to load... Like I said before, sometimes I think there's no way this game is actually "still loading" a couple of minutes into a cutscene. There needs to be a load progress bar with every cutscene!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, considering the fact that I wasn't born yesterday and that I can read, when "still loading" continues to pop up on the screen 4 minutes into a 5 minute cutscene, I can deduce that this idiot game is - you guessed it - still loading.

Rockstar have just bitten off more than they can chew here. That's all it is. It's a disgrace. And if it were just a static loading screen, I'd have even more ammunition to tear Rockstar apart for their shitty development choices, which kind of seems unfathomable to me right now.

Don't. Make. Your. Game. That. Goddamn. Intensive. That. It. Needs. Two. Minutes. To. Load. After. Every. One. Minute.

I feel this game is getting a severely unwarranted "free pass" on a lot of issues.
Honestly, I'd imagine that some of the loading is increased by the fact that they are playing a video clip simultaneously. Unlike a lot of games, they actually used a reasonable bitrate in order to eliminate artifacts. This could place a greater demand on the system, however, as it streams the video while loading the next segment.

Honestly, as far as how the game is designed to be played, I just can't take real issue with it. Faster loading would be great, but I do appreciate that it was designed to be experienced without any actual loading screens appearing. So, despite the amount of time required to load in the background, it still manages to feel completely seamless.

If you're into replaying and want to skip cutscenes, however, I could see how it would become an issue.

I think the game would load a lot faster if they gave us static loading screens instead of streaming video + loading in the background. That's what they should have done for Arcade mode.
I don't think it would have made a huge difference. Each multiplayer map requires upwards of 1 minute to load with a static loading screen.

I also have a feeling the PC version is going to suffer from lengthy load times as well. Just a hunch...
Strange, I just went to chapter select, and chose chapter 2, and it loaded the cutscene instantly, without an annoyingly long load screen. Very weird.


Strange, I just went to chapter select, and chose chapter 2, and it loaded the cutscene instantly, without an annoyingly long load screen. Very weird.

That's one of the videos; it doesn't switch to realtime until just before the dive through the glass. It's really easy to tell since that part has the framerate dive until you're actually through the glass.
But normally, there's a load screen when I select a chapter, just like in the arcade modes, with the screens of what's happened so far. Here, it bypassed that.


this should be good

Didn't really mind the cut scenes, epsecially not if they're used to mask loading. But besides the fact that they were pretty decent cut-scenes, it allowed me to blow off some steam after the rather intense shootouts on Hard. Gunplay is great.


hopefully the pc version on a good ssd will minimise the loading times

mp loading can be ridiculous sometimes, dont know if an ssd will help with that


Minor Spoiler to describe a later mission:

I'm at the rooftop of "the building" at the moment, and I thought I'd chime in with some opinions.

Does anyone else think the gunplay is somewhat weak? Most, if not all guns don't feel powerful at all.

And somehow slow mo wasn't that interesting in this game -- previous Max games allowed for far more interesting stuff, if I remember correctly, but in this game you just enter a stage, do the same standard animation for slow mo and/or sit behind cover, then when it's clear, you move to the next stage; rinse repeat. This is true for the most part. There's very little gameplay to speak of..

I'm a bit surprised that Rockstar made a game like this. It's not a bad game so far, but I expected the mechanics of the previous titles and perhaps more. I'm not a fan of Uncharted at all, cause of the lack of gameplay -- but they are very polished games of course. Just like MP3.

And the transitions from gameplay to cutscene/cutscene to gameplay are very annoying and is constantly ruining the pace. Occasionally, it's tolerable.

Binary Domain also did something similar, and it was awful; gameplay was pretty much broken up into 5 minute segments with 5-10 minute long cutscenes CONSTANTLY interrupting. It wasn't fun. At all.


Also, why do some of you suggest turning target tracking off? How would that help with playing in free aim on higher difficulties? From my point of view, any little assist the game wants to give me is fine by me. Either way I'm gonna put up my sensitivity sliders.

Double D

I haven't played this game since my first sitting with it. I was really liking it at first. Started out great, and totally felt like this was truly the sequel to Max Payne 2. I got stuck on (I think) chapter 3 and kept dying and when I loaded my last save I don't have any pills and I have pretty much no life left. It pissed me off and I just haven't had the push I needed to pick it up again.
Minor Spoiler to describe a later mission:

I'm at the rooftop of "the building" at the moment, and I thought I'd chime in with some opinions.

Does anyone else think the gunplay is somewhat weak? Most, if not all guns don't feel powerful at all.

And somehow slow mo wasn't that interesting in this game -- previous Max games allowed for far more interesting stuff, if I remember correctly, but in this game you just enter a stage, do the same standard animation for slow mo and/or sit behind cover, then when it's clear, you move to the next stage; rinse repeat. This is true for the most part. There's very littl gameplay to speak of..

And the transitions from gameplay to cutscene/cutscene to gameplay are very annoying and is constantly ruining the pace. Occasionally, it's tolerable.

Binary Domain also did something similar, and it was awful; gameplay was pretty much broken up into 5 minute segments with 5-10 minute long cutscenes CONSTANTLY interrupting. It wasn't fun. At all.

My issues in a nutshell, really. If you're after the same evaluation, only unnecessarily drawn-out, laborious and somewhat repetitious - you know, like the game - refer to my previous posts.

I am on fire tonight, guys. I'll leave on a high note, Costanza style.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The loading didn't bother me. I played through the single-player once, and that's the one time that everything matters the most. I understand it can be a pain on subsequent replays, but I'd rather not sacrifice the visual fidelity or environments the first time around, as that's the playthrough that matters MOST.

All criticisms are valid, but your mileage may vary. Great game. Maybe the best I played all year...

EDIT: Mickcenary...you shoulda left like 5 posts ago if you wanted that high note :p
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