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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


Couldnt take more than a minute of listening to that voice. Also thought the guy was being incredibly nit-picky over Max.

I thought the video was ok.
It made some very obvious and tired (but true) points (yeah, violence does not equal maturity etc) using Max Payne as a spring.
I don't think MP3 lacks humor, it's just in a more R* style and of course, not as prominent as in GTA, also, using GTA4 as a good example of blending serious and humor is bullshit, i think, as GTA4 is absolutely atrocious on the "serious" front (while Max Payne 3 is far better).

As for the rest, i don't really think a character without a positive/light side is necessarily boring, but i agree that Max's journey is borked and, at the end,
something that never comes was expected, i agree with that.


Had to drop mouse sensitivity in-game down when running no mouse acceleration. I couldn't hit shit lol (I run my mouse at 3200 DPI normally).


Had to drop mouse sensitivity in-game down when running no mouse acceleration. I couldn't hit shit lol (I run my mouse at 3200 DPI normally).

Yeah, same here. I had my sensitivity at 9 I think. When I jumped in after removing acceleration, I burst out laughing, it felt so fast. Think I'm on 3 or 4 now.


Zero Punctuation reviews Max Payne 3

He spoils a big part of the story so dont watch this if you havent finished the game. Well you can for a little bit he tells you when he goes into spoiler zone.

why would you say this..

are you on console?

on PC the aim bot mode will die lol

I'm on Ps3 and today there were 80!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people playing deathmatch on freeaim. What the fuck? I thought R* games people keep playing MP..


Zero Punctuation reviews Max Payne 3

He spoils a big part of the story so dont watch this if you havent finished the game. Well you can for a little bit he tells you when he goes into spoiler zone.

I'm on Ps3 and today there were 80!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people playing deathmatch on freeaim. What the fuck? I thought R* games people keep playing MP..

The single player takes a long time... maybe people are just focused on that? There are like five difficulties at a minimum to play if you care about achievements/trophies, and on top of that there's the score attack mode. I think I've sunk 100+ hours into Max Payne 3 and I'm only level 10 in multiplayer. I've just been focusing on the story mode (I haven't even touched score attack yet).


Max Payne's Hawaiian shirt available for purchase. Ha!

Well I suppose I was considering the whole shaved-head-with-beard look recently...


How to know when we are playing?

I'm going to preface this by announcing that I'm playing on Xbox. If you go to the crews page in the game you can see who in the crew is playing the game currently. Then you can check their gamer card and see whether they're playing single or multiplayer.
I just want to say that the stadium is such a great level. I finally started my hard playthrough, and this flows so well. Highlight so far is 2 dead enemies flipping and rolling down the bleacher stairs while I'm sliding down with them after a dive. Looked insanely good. Despite the harder difficulty, the game is even more fun and I'm shootdodging like crazy.
Patch addressed nothing, my gun issues persist (pistols work fine, shotguns do not fire and smgs do nothing but spam). I've verified and re-verified the local file cache. I've uninstalled, re-downloaded (30 fucking GBs) and reinstalled the game, problem persists. New patch comes out,download the patch, issue persists. Start over again thinking there's something corrupt in my save file, issue persists.

The only thing I can think of doing is seeing if I can update my mouse driver but I don't see how that could be the issue given that Max Payne 3 functioned just fine on the initial install and playthrough. Nothing changed on my end.

I've opened a support ticket with Rockstar but so far I've received a generic/automated response to test out the latest patch.

The game is functionally unplayable.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
holy shit. I was dying constantly. I turned off the mouse acceleration and quickly found I 'had' to turn it back up to Hard. I'm surprised it shipped like that. I don't see how it could slip through.

Anyway, I am ridiculously impressed with basically everything about this game. I'm up to bald-Max in the favela. More later, maybe.
Finally broke down and bought this today as a pick-me-up...am already starting to regret it. Although it my be my decision to play on Hard.

Last Man Standing may be the most obnoxious element ever added to a game. 50% of the time it activates while I'm in cover so the "dive" that initiates either puts me at an awkward angle so I can't shoot the person that shot me because there's a wall in my way, OR I end up prone in the middle of floor and get shot at by every other enemy in existence, activating it again. 30% of the time it activates, I'm nearly out of ammo so I just watch myself die in slow motion with no way to skip it. The remaining 20% of the time it's actually useful.

I've made it to Chapter 5. While I'm a veteran and a big fan of the first two MPs, something just feels off about the gunplay and combat in this game. There are too many enemies for cover to be useful, and the enemies move entirely too fast. If I'm in cover and see a guy approaching, I reflexively hit bullet dodge or bullet time. But by the time it activates the enemy has already managed to round the corner and fire enough shots into me to activate Last Man Standing on top of whatever I just did, which means I don't dodge in the direction I wanted to. On top of that, if a swarm comes at me when I'm in cover, it usually ends up going something like a grenade is thrown at me, a guy charges, and three other guys are shooting so no matter what I do (bullet time, bullet dodge, cower in fear in cover) I get fucked.

I'm slowly making my way through, but the game/gunfighting isn't particularly fun when it basically starts boiling down to memorizing where the enemies are going to come from and knowing ahead of time where to be and where to be aiming before the enemies even spawn. The point of Max Payne is to have fun with the bullet dodges and use them and bullet time to accentuate your strategy. When I get through combat areas by bullet dodging into a corner, then waiting for enemies to come around to me one by one just to get through an area...something's not right.

What boggles my mind is that this is just Hard...and there are supposedly harder modes than this? Bleh.


I don't understand people complaining about the difficulty.

No offense to anyone but I'm a pretty mediocre player. Halfway through my Harcore run and I died maybe..5 times so far?

There are definitely some tough areas, but this game is rather easy overall.

It's even easier on PC. So PC players complaining is even more confusing.
1 shot kill rifles, grenade and rocket launchers all make this a crappy end game for multiplayer. Those things will all kill the game faster than soft aim.


Whoever chooses to play on hard difficulty and then has the gall to complain about frustrating difficulty spikes is a massive DERP.


1 shot kill rifles, grenade and rocket launchers all make this a crappy end game for multiplayer. Those things will all kill the game faster than soft aim.

They don't really bother me
now that I have them.
The Mini-30 is the best mid to long distance weapon from the initial unlocks, but it doesn't hold a candle to the sniper rifles. Unless you run up on the sniper! At which point I switch to my dual Bull pistols and activate bullet time....
They don't really bother me
now that I have them.
The Mini-30 is the best mid to long distance weapon from the initial unlocks, but it doesn't hold a candle to the sniper rifles. Unless you run up on the sniper! At which point I switch to my dual Bull pistols and activate bullet time....

Sounds like you've become part of the problem ;)


I love the 'sneaky' perk so much. Last night my team had to assassinate one of their guys. I stealthed past their front lines and activated the perk when no-one was watching. Walked right up to the target and blew his brains out. They accused me of hacking, which is par for the course when you get utterly outplayed like that.


Yesterday while playing PC multiplayer, I ran into someone who couldn't be damaged. Sigh. No built in "report" function on Social Club, so I @-replied Rockstar on Twitter.


Finally broke down and bought this today as a pick-me-up...am already starting to regret it. Although it my be my decision to play on Hard.

Last Man Standing may be the most obnoxious element ever added to a game. 50% of the time it activates while I'm in cover so the "dive" that initiates either puts me at an awkward angle so I can't shoot the person that shot me because there's a wall in my way, OR I end up prone in the middle of floor and get shot at by every other enemy in existence, activating it again. 30% of the time it activates, I'm nearly out of ammo so I just watch myself die in slow motion with no way to skip it. The remaining 20% of the time it's actually useful.

I've made it to Chapter 5. While I'm a veteran and a big fan of the first two MPs, something just feels off about the gunplay and combat in this game. There are too many enemies for cover to be useful, and the enemies move entirely too fast. If I'm in cover and see a guy approaching, I reflexively hit bullet dodge or bullet time. But by the time it activates the enemy has already managed to round the corner and fire enough shots into me to activate Last Man Standing on top of whatever I just did, which means I don't dodge in the direction I wanted to. On top of that, if a swarm comes at me when I'm in cover, it usually ends up going something like a grenade is thrown at me, a guy charges, and three other guys are shooting so no matter what I do (bullet time, bullet dodge, cower in fear in cover) I get fucked.

I played through medium first, then hard and it is glorious. staying in cover is really NOT recommended on hard imo. I almost used bullettime and shootdodging exclusively, but hey I did that on medium too.

Last man standing is a shitty mechanic imo, I wish I had the option to turn it off on lower difficulty settings man. I'll play Old School when I'm done with easy.

I would say start over on medium, make the game fun, not frustrating. Once you play it again on hard you'll be so much better at the game. Don't use so much cover!

They don't really bother me
now that I have them.
The Mini-30 is the best mid to long distance weapon from the initial unlocks, but it doesn't hold a candle to the sniper rifles. Unless you run up on the sniper! At which point I switch to my dual Bull pistols and activate bullet time....

Ew fucking gross dude using 1 hit kill rifles? Where is the fun in that :/. You have indeed become a part of the problem.


The multiplayer matchmaking in this game is buggy as hell, but sometimes, something cool comes out of it.

I joined a server and I hear two little kids talking about how they can't respawn.. I thought to myself damn I've had that before and it's annoying so after I can't respawn I might as well quit. So I get into Bronco's office and the timer is at 124 minutes or something lol! Only about 5 people in there, including some lvl 46 guy named Stawberry. I thought that the hell I'll play and actually got myself up to first place.

As other people joined it got quite frantic, and I was racking up kills. In the end only me and Stawberry were left, and at 73:30 he quit and so I guess I won :p. In the end I had 142 kills and 85 deaths, pretty positive I say. I made a photo of it, I'll upload it tomorrow heh.

So many amazing kills too, I've been on a real hotstreak in this game, I really really love it and would hate to see people stop playing it. There are nagging issues for sure, but I have hope that R* will bother to patch some stuff on consoles like broken matchmaking, playing with friends and basic stuff like respawns.


The multiplayer matchmaking in this game is buggy as hell, but sometimes, something cool comes out of it.

I joined a server and I hear two little kids talking about how they can't respawn.. I thought to myself damn I've had that before and it's annoying so after I can't respawn I might as well quit. So I get into Bronco's office and the timer is at 124 minutes or something lol! Only about 5 people in there, including some lvl 46 guy named Stawberry. I thought that the hell I'll play and actually got myself up to first place.

As other people joined it got quite frantic, and I was racking up kills. In the end only me and Stawberry were left, and at 73:30 he quit and so I guess I won :p. In the end I had 142 kills and 85 deaths, pretty positive I say. I made a photo of it, I'll upload it tomorrow heh.

So many amazing kills too, I've been on a real hotstreak in this game, I really really love it and would hate to see people stop playing it. There are nagging issues for sure, but I have hope that R* will bother to patch some stuff on consoles like broken matchmaking, playing with friends and basic stuff like respawns.

The multiplayer would be amazing with a team that knows what it's doing. Example: as soon as you notice the other team is abusing the Paranoia burst, someone on the team should pick a loadout that has the ID Card gear item (distributes ID cards to all teammates so they they're not affected by such bursts, heh).


The leaderboards on PC seem to have been cheated to hell and back lol. Arcade mode is pretty cool but I can't stand the damned cutscenes by now...

No mouse acceleration is a great improvement though...


Just beat it. Absolutely badass ending to an absolutely badass game. Best Max Payne game yet. I hope it sells truckloads because I'll will take a Rockstar-developed Max Payne 4 in a heartbeat.

As of this point in time in 2012: GOTY.
Im playing it maxed out on the PC. Game looks stunning the majority of the time and the acting and writing are very good. Max is a pretty pitiful at times though, I wanna yell at him "pull it together" every time I see him chug liquor likes it's milk. Music is really great too, just outstanding production value all around.
Forgot to post my impressions in this thread when I finished it:

It's good, not great. 2012 game with 2003 gameplay. Still as fun as it ever was, but once you get past the improvements to the graphics, physics and animation there's not much that sets it aside from Max Payne 2. As I said, really fun game, but it needed more than just the gunplay, bullettime and shootdodge.

Way too many cutscenes as well. Some of them completely pointless.


Finally got around to renting this. I'm curious how sorry I'll be that I didn't buy it the further I get in, because right now, I'm having a blast. Currently on the rooftops near the beginning and the music pumping has me thinking about one of my all time favorite movies. Heat. Pretty bad ass.
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