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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title

So I'm playing this on PC and is running very well. But I prefer to use the x360 controller other that the mouse. So there's a group or something here on gaf for the multiplayer?


Finished it earlier today. This is the new benchmark for 3rd person shooters. Nothing out matches the spacing, level design, pace or gunplay in this game.
Gameplay and story-wise, this game is great. I had never played a Max Payne game before purchasing this one, and bought it solely because I'm a R* fanboy. Loving it so far, playing on hard on my first playthrough and I'm actually quite enjoying the difficulty.
My only gripe is the recurrence of that stupid max level/level 50 on multiplayer trophy R* seems to like putting in its games, and actually the trophies in general are kind of a bummer.
Again though, the game itself is excellent.


So uh, anyone know how to get past the copyright screen hang? It only works in safe mode. Using latest NV drivers with a PC well above min reqs


While I love the MP, I still believe the class balance is kinda fucked

I think being agile is almost the most important thing in the game, so I always end up using double uzis/pistols to be able to run around with no stamina limit.

I'd really like to try other weapons and whatnot, but the game is hardly a camping game, so I always end up getting killed by runners when I go with a "heavier" build.

I know the weight limit goes up at certain ranks, but I wonder if it'll get to the point where I can run while carrying an AK-47 or something. Be fast enough to still be able to try other build without being fucked with those limits.

I get the punish/reward system, but I think its a bit too extreme


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I finally got around to finishing this last night. There are a lot of things I loved about Max Payne 3: the visuals, the core gameplay, the soundtrack (loved it when this kicked in), the virtually unparalleled attention to detail, and, of course, the ability to shoot off half a man's face and other gratuitous displays of violence. (The narrative is more middling; for example, Max Payne being a stranger in a strange land was handled well and I enjoyed the uncompromising look into favela life, but characterisation -- particularly in regard to the protagonists -- left little to be desired and the time spent with Max Payne's post-Max Payne 2 history was too brief.) Where the game truly falters, however, is, well, being a game. Player agency takes a distant back seat to cutscenes, with cases of there being only mere seconds between one cutscene and the next (granted, they're brief), and oftentimes they only serve as a "cinematic" representation of something the player has done time and time again, such as opening a door to enter a room. The game clearly takes a lot of cues from the likes of Tony Scott (Man on Fire being the most obvious source of inspiration), and I feel that Dan Houser at some point forgot that he was writing/producing an action game rather than a film.

Edit: I haven't played the MP, and probably won't bother (I have a hard time getting into anything that isn't Quake or CS).
I posted this in the PC thread so I might as well post it here too in case some people read one or the other:

Okay so after using the cutscene skip "mod" I noticed that whenever I started a new game, the game would go completely black during the first gameplay moment; pressing ESC did nothing and the only solution was ALT-TAB and quitting. This is so far the only problem I encountered since swapping the movie files. But I think I found a solution so you can start a new game in peace.

Swap all the movie files except "s_fashion.bik". It seems this is the first cutscene in the game and you must keep it normal to start a new game properly.


Finally beat the game on hard today and man, that end sequence was a pain in the ass. I died about 5/6 times. Other than that I found the single player really enjoyable.


Just beat it. Absolutely badass ending to an absolutely badass game. Best Max Payne game yet. I hope it sells truckloads because I'll will take a Rockstar-developed Max Payne 4 in a heartbeat.

As of this point in time in 2012: GOTY.

So I guess I'd become what they wanted me to be. A killer. Some rent-a-clown with a gun who puts holes in other bad guys. Well that's what they had payed for so in the end that's what they got. Say what you want about Americans, but we understand capitalism. You buy yourself a product and you get what you paid for, and these chumps had paid for some angry gringo without the sensibilities to know right from wrong...


These weapons are the fucking bomb:


(Desert Eagle)



Too bad they come off as rare...


These weapons are the fucking bomb:

(Desert Eagle)



Too bad they come off as rare...[/QUOTE]
I mostly do one Uzi, one pistol (either 1911 or the other one) and every now and then pick up an assault rifle. Shotguns and the MP5 aren't all that great in this game, and that's perfect for me, because dual wielding is so much cooler and fun.

I so desperately want to play this game without cutscenes, I hope they patch that soon...


While I love the MP, I still believe the class balance is kinda fucked

I think being agile is almost the most important thing in the game, so I always end up using double uzis/pistols to be able to run around with no stamina limit.

I'd really like to try other weapons and whatnot, but the game is hardly a camping game, so I always end up getting killed by runners when I go with a "heavier" build.

I know the weight limit goes up at certain ranks, but I wonder if it'll get to the point where I can run while carrying an AK-47 or something. Be fast enough to still be able to try other build without being fucked with those limits.

Totally on the money. Everyone rocking the top of the leaderboard goes light with dual pistols, and when one tactic is clearly better than all the rest, it's officially OP.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
The multiplayer would be amazing with a team that knows what it's doing. Example: as soon as you notice the other team is abusing the Paranoia burst, someone on the team should pick a loadout that has the ID Card gear item (distributes ID cards to all teammates so they they're not affected by such bursts, heh).

I've had the ID Card perk on me since I got it unlocked. It's one of the few perks I've never changed.

Had my first really shit run today in 3 weeks, finishing with more deaths than kills in more than one game, but I am starting to find that time of day can be a factor too for me. Have had some epic rounds though, using the stealth perk and running into a room with 4 enemies and killing them all with only melee attack never felt so good. I think I died when they respawned but only because I was laughing so much. =D

MMaRsu, keep an eye on the R* leaderboards mate, me and you are battling for 2nd place now.


Totally on the money. Everyone rocking the top of the leaderboard goes light with dual pistols, and when one tactic is clearly better than all the rest, it's officially OP.

It's still a lot of fun since people ussually play that way.. just not a lot of variety

I also find the game to work much better with fewer people. I played a 1 on 1 match and it was amazing and super tense. 2 on 2 works really well as well.


It's still a lot of fun since people ussually play that way.. just not a lot of variety

I also find the game to work much better with fewer people. I played a 1 on 1 match and it was amazing and super tense. 2 on 2 works really well as well.

I love Gang Wars, but the NY map is a complete clusterfuck due to its size.


In the end I had 142 kills and 85 deaths, pretty positive I say. I made a photo of it, I'll upload it tomorrow heh.

So many amazing kills too, I've been on a real hotstreak in this game.

I hope you are playing Free Aim and not Soft Lock :D

Are you on 360 ?
Finished the campaign on normal yesterday. Loved the style, music, gunplay, naration - but there wasn't a lot of gameplay there. My play time was 7 hours 22 minutes according to SocialClub stats, and I guess that included the very frequent cutscenes?

Going to try the multiplayer. How do I join the PC GAF Crew?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I put the game down for a week or so right at the end and decided to finish it off. That last chapter was terrible to me, I finally gave in and set the game to medium instead of hard, some of the deaths I encountered were nuts.

The game has a great soundtrack, and at its best the shooting is amazingly satisfying. There's a lot I love about it, but there are a lot of niggling issues with the movement that get in the way far too much, and I felt like it got extremely repetitive near the end. You always know a room is done when you get the bulletcam, you always know you're about to get a cutscene when max starts walking near a door. Which then leads you to starting in cover to take on more enemies and repeat this 20 more times.

So...mixed feelings overall, I guess.
I'm up to Chapter IX. I have mixed feelings about the game, and it's not just difficulty. And honestly, the trouble I'm having with difficulty don't have much to do with the enemies and more to do with the controls and the setpiece set-ups.

The big drawing point to Max Payne over other third-person shooters to me, personally, is the bullet-time/bullet-dodge mechanics. And I feel like this game doesn't have the right environmental set-ups to maximize bullet dodge/bullet time. I'm spending 70% of the time behind cover, popping out for pot shots because if I move from cover, the enemies will hit me and drain my life. If I wanted to play a cover shooter, I'd play Uncharted. What I want to be doing is crazy bullet time stunts like leaping through windows while bullets fly everywhere, not hiding behind cover. And even when I use bullet time from cover, it doesn't seem that useful.

So far, Chapter VI is probably my favorite chapter, because
the office set-up was the best, open space set-up for bullet dodges and bullet time. I had a blast while I was escorting the techie to the server room.
Chapter VII started off well,
the favela lends itself to tight spaces and interesting choices for bullet dodging and the like.
However, in the same chapter I ran into a problem, namely the part where
you're stuck in a corner behind cover, and enemies are shooting at you and throwing molotovs at your location, and there's nowhere else to go. So you're literally stuck behind cover and if you don't hit the molotov guys right away, within three shots they'll light you on fire and kill you. And after that you still can't move because you have to take out all the other enemies.
There's just no fun for me if you're hiding behind the same block of cover until all the enemies in an area are dead.

So I have mixed feelings towards it. I'm having control issues, like I'll be up against a wall and try to bullet dodge off it, but it'll just make Max stand up and get shot instead. Also, I'll say it again, fuck Last Man Standing. It has caused more trouble than it's worth. I'm enjoying the story and when the game has good setpieces, it's good. But I'm feeling a lot more constrained than I remember being in the first two games.


Is Max Payne + Season Pass worth it? Kind of a lot of money to spend but I've been wanting to play this.

You will save money if you intend to get all of the DLC regardless of its quality, but be aware that all but one of the DLC packs contains new multiplayer content. That odd one out adds New York Minute co-op.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm up to what I believe is the second last chapter, if the chapter list is anything to go by.
The police station.

So far if I had to score it I'd give it a 7/10, no more or less. When the game is good it is very, very good. But it still has quite a few issues and plenty of dumb Rockstar shit.

It's funny when people say that Rockstar's version of Max Payne was always going to be at the forefront, versus Remedy's. That's fine. But it doesn't excuse the cliché, lazy writing that pollutes so much of Rockstar's work. It's the same characters from all their games, every time, varied only in different shades of scum and villainy. The writers boner for hardcore thug life and down and out characters ruins the entire cast.

There's also the problem of Max Payne himself being a useless loser, constantly failing, caught up in the events of other people, rarely doing anything of his own. That's pretty much Max Payne 3's narrative in a nut shell: everybody is telling Max what to do, constantly, and he rarely if ever questions it.

Compared to the stronger Max from the first two games, it's a downfall and a half, and not a likeable one at that.

TLDR: Dialogue good, narrative/story predictable and shitty like most Rockstar stuff. Gameplay good except when it's not.

I hear the final chapter is a chore of difficulty hell. I look forward to it.


I'm up to what I believe is the second last chapter, if the chapter list is anything to go by.
The police station.

So far if I had to score it I'd give it a 7/10, no more or less. When the game is good it is very, very good. But it still has quite a few issues and plenty of dumb Rockstar shit.

It's funny when people say that Rockstar's version of Max Payne was always going to be at the forefront, versus Remedy's. That's fine. But it doesn't excuse the cliché, lazy writing that pollutes so much of Rockstar's work. It's the same characters from all their games, every time, varied only in different shades of scum and villainy. The writers boner for hardcore thug life and down and out characters ruins the entire cast.

There's also the problem of Max Payne himself being a useless loser, constantly failing, caught up in the events of other people, rarely doing anything of his own. That's pretty much Max Payne 3's narrative in a nut shell: everybody is telling Max what to do, constantly, and he rarely if ever questions it.

Compared to the stronger Max from the first two games, it's a downfall and a half, and not a likeable one at that.

TLDR: Dialogue good, narrative/story predictable and shitty like most Rockstar stuff. Gameplay good except when it's not.

I hear the final chapter is a chore of difficulty hell. I look forward to it.

Pretty spot on. I'd add that personally, I'm over Rockstar's way of animating in cut scenes. The over usage of hand motion to try and convey certain emotions or just...silent moments needing to do something to appear lifelike really gets me. Might as well be the puppet hands of old for all the good it does. When are they gonna learn less is more sometimes. Not everyone in the world is a gesturing fool 24/7.


Forgot to post my impressions in this thread when I finished it:

It's good, not great. 2012 game with 2003 gameplay. Still as fun as it ever was, but once you get past the improvements to the graphics, physics and animation there's not much that sets it aside from Max Payne 2. As I said, really fun game, but it needed more than just the gunplay, bullettime and shootdodge.

Way too many cutscenes as well. Some of them completely pointless.

So what else did it need?

I think most Max Payne fans actually wanted MP2 style gameplay.


I'm up to Chapter IX. I have mixed feelings about the game, and it's not just difficulty. And honestly, the trouble I'm having with difficulty don't have much to do with the enemies and more to do with the controls and the setpiece set-ups.

The big drawing point to Max Payne over other third-person shooters to me, personally, is the bullet-time/bullet-dodge mechanics. And I feel like this game doesn't have the right environmental set-ups to maximize bullet dodge/bullet time. I'm spending 70% of the time behind cover, popping out for pot shots because if I move from cover, the enemies will hit me and drain my life. If I wanted to play a cover shooter, I'd play Uncharted. What I want to be doing is crazy bullet time stunts like leaping through windows while bullets fly everywhere, not hiding behind cover. And even when I use bullet time from cover, it doesn't seem that useful.

So far, Chapter VI is probably my favorite chapter, because
the office set-up was the best, open space set-up for bullet dodges and bullet time. I had a blast while I was escorting the techie to the server room.
Chapter VII started off well,
the favela lends itself to tight spaces and interesting choices for bullet dodging and the like.
However, in the same chapter I ran into a problem, namely the part where
you're stuck in a corner behind cover, and enemies are shooting at you and throwing molotovs at your location, and there's nowhere else to go. So you're literally stuck behind cover and if you don't hit the molotov guys right away, within three shots they'll light you on fire and kill you. And after that you still can't move because you have to take out all the other enemies.
There's just no fun for me if you're hiding behind the same block of cover until all the enemies in an area are dead.

So I have mixed feelings towards it. I'm having control issues, like I'll be up against a wall and try to bullet dodge off it, but it'll just make Max stand up and get shot instead. Also, I'll say it again, fuck Last Man Standing. It has caused more trouble than it's worth. I'm enjoying the story and when the game has good setpieces, it's good. But I'm feeling a lot more constrained than I remember being in the first two games.

You're playing on hard right? I gave you a comment in the last page too, I would NOT recommend playing on hard to start off with. That part that you are talking about in spoilers I never EVER hid behind that block even on my second playthrough on hard. You really don't have to take cover there.

I blame your wish to play this game on hard the first time.. you'll get wasted because you're not that great yet and you dont know the encounters. On hard most stuff is pretty damn easy once you've finished the game once on medium first.
So what else did it need?

I think most Max Payne fans actually wanted MP2 style gameplay.

Well I'm not a game designer so I don't know. But it needed to be more of an upgrade from a gameplay perspective. Yes, Max Payne 2 was great in that regard, and the gameplay still holds up very well today. I just expect a little better than almost exactly the same formula 9 years down the line. A few more elements and a little more variety would have been nice. I guess Rockstar wanted to stay true to Remedy's formula (and I know the fans wanted them to) but that doesn't mean they couldn't have added more to it. There's no progression either. You're playing the game the exact same way in Chapter 1 as you are in Chapter 14.

edit: I think progression is probably the wrong word. I don't mean as in RPG elements or anything like that. I think the gameplay should evolve as you progress. Evolution is probably a better term.


So I was watching the Brasilian movie "Tropa de Elite" yesterday and the developers MUST have seen this movie. There are so many references in the game to this movie, it's astonishing. If you liked the gritty and brutal style of MP in Brazil, watch the movie.

Another clip from the movie:


Great movie, and I actually like the sequel more but they're both really good. Great thing about the sequel is it feels like a proper sequel. The first one is kind of really gung ho about the whole paramilitary policing brazil's streets and the sequel kinda tackles the fallout of that. You get violent, they get more violent and it keeps ratcheting up until everyone is suffering massive casualties. Where do you draw the line? That sort of thing.
Well I'm not a game designer so I don't know. But it needed to be more of an upgrade from a gameplay perspective. Yes, Max Payne 2 was great in that regard, and the gameplay still holds up very well today. I just expect a little better than almost exactly the same formula 9 years down the line. A few more elements and a little more variety would have been nice. I guess Rockstar wanted to stay true to Remedy's formula (and I know the fans wanted them to) but that doesn't mean they couldn't have added more to it. There's no progression either. You're playing the game the exact same way in Chapter 1 as you are in Chapter 14.

edit: I think progression is probably the wrong word. I don't mean as in RPG elements or anything like that. I think the gameplay should evolve as you progress. Evolution is probably a better term.

There's nowhere to evolve to, and that's why the base mechanics had to be so good. It isn't sci-fi, there aren't puzzles, this isn't a military HOORAH bro fest, there's no platforming, etc. It's a pure shooter limited to the realism of the world it's placed in, and I guess you either like that or you don't. Personally, if not for the cutscenes which take and obscene amount of time to be skipped, this would be my favorite shooter of the gen. As it is, that loading knocks the package down a few pegs, but the mechanics are still my favorite.
Great movie, and I actually like the sequel more but they're both really good. Great thing about the sequel is it feels like a proper sequel. The first one is kind of really gung ho about the whole paramilitary policing brazil's streets and the sequel kinda tackles the fallout of that. You get violent, they get more violent and it keeps ratcheting up until everyone is suffering massive casualties. Where do you draw the line? That sort of thing.

Nice, I thought about ordering both from Amazon, but I only bought the first.
Now after watching it and reading the good reviews, I definitely get second one, too.
There's nowhere to evolve to, and that's why the base mechanics had to be so good. It isn't sci-fi, there aren't puzzles, this isn't a military HOORAH bro fest, there's no platforming, etc. It's a pure shooter limited to the realism of the world it's placed in, and I guess you either like that or you don't. Personally, if not for the cutscenes which take and obscene amount of time to be skipped, this would be my favorite shooter of the gen. As it is, that loading knocks the package down a few pegs, but the mechanics are still my favorite.

If you place those limitations on the game then you would have to remove bullettime and shootdodge. But they don't do that, so there is definitely somewhere for the gameplay to evolve to. But within your limitations, some obvious additions would be grenades in single player (especially smoke grenades and flashbangs) or taking enemies as human shields. The ability to take armour off of enemies might be cool. As I said I'm not a game designer, but I'm sure there are other ideas out there that could help diversify the combat situations a little more.


Strangely enough, I haven't found much in the way of version comparisons. I have all three platforms this game is on, and am curious as to the best or pros/cons of each. I only intend to play the single player and wouldn't mind getting it for one of the consoles...unless the PC version is a huge leap and/or has mod support. Thoughts?


Strangely enough, I haven't found much in the way of version comparisons. I have all three platforms this game is on, and am curious as to the best or pros/cons of each. I only intend to play the single player and wouldn't mind getting it for one of the consoles...unless the PC version is a huge leap and/or has mod support. Thoughts?

Pc looks much better and probably plays better too..depends on what you are used too. I played the first two on pc but the ps3 version is really good imo.
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