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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title

So I reported a cheater last night with a screenshot attached and today I got confirmation from Rockstar that they were added to the cheaters list. Could be the most satisfying e-mail I have ever received.

How do you report? I came across an asshole cheater the other day but didn't know how to report. Luckily a bunch of the other players said they would so either way he'll get busted.
I'm in the final chapter of the game and I fear that it's still not going to click with me in the way I was hoping it would. I was one of the people who staunchly criticized those who criticized Rockstar for going in a different direction with this game. And on some level, I'm still happy they did. But there are aspects of the game that I find bothersome and that inevitably have led me to regard it as a lesser entry in the series.

I think for me, a big one is the characters. While MP 1 & 2 spiraled into a larger narrative, it all went back to the roots of him trying to avenge his wife and child. This helped keep the focus even after new characters (that I was about as equally uninterested in) got introduced and the larger narrative web got expanded. I'm going to spoiler the following because I don't know what is general knowledge and what isn't.

With MP3 I find the characters he's trying to help just uninteresting, unmemorable and unsympathetic. I keep thinking, "Why is he going through all of this for them?" Why is he going through all of this to save some rich, spoiled heiress? I know part of it is obligation as her bodyguard and also wanting to atone for not being able to save his wife, but I just can't help but get bored at it all. I don't care if she lives or dies and i find the repeated "The princess is in another castle!"-ing that defined much of the plot dull. I also don't care about his partner whatsoever. Unlike Mona, he's not interesting, intriguing or memorable. He's just some wise-cracking guy who keeps criticizing Max's sense of interior decoration.

But I also take issue with Max. Instead of simply shedding his perspective on the immediate situation around him it feels as if he's eager to talk about everything. He also comes across as too affable and jocular at times. It feels like he talks so much more in this than he did in previous games and that I spent an inordinate amount of time watching cutscenes instead of having those scenes play out naturally through the course of the gameplay. The whole Tony Scott "Man on Fire" effect that the cutscenes over-use is also incredibly annoying. They don't have to go back to using the comic-book format, but at least find a way to present the noirish elements in a way that don't feel ostentatious at best and copycat at worst.

The environments are very well realized, but I can't help but miss the somber melancholy of the first two games. And I don't think it has to do with it being in Brazil and not NY because even the NY segments feel unatmospheric. It feels like there aren't enough slow, depressing moments akin to moments in the earlier games when you'd find yourself walking down dilapidated hallways only surrounded by hopeless junkies. Here, the environments can't shine because the soundtrack is too busy, internal monologue too present and the big action scenes too plentiful.

Ultimately, I just never feel alone. I never feel the isolation that I think Max is supposed to be feeling because it feels as if it's trying too hard to be a big-budget action game. I just feel kinda bored at this point by it. I'm not even going to go in-depth with the issues I have with the gameplay (inconsistent difficulty, "Last Stand" option that doesn't work if you're low on ammo or Max can't turn around fast enough to face the enemy, no grenades, sticky cover system, super-smart AI, etc). I'd like to play MP1 & 2 with this engine though.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Been chipping away at this the past few nights, reached the conclusion tonight. As with most people, I was quite impressed with the gunplay. The weapons (shotguns aside, which were kind of useless in comparison to handguns / assault rifles) all packed punch, recoil felt right, and most notably, the impact was beautiful. Headshots especially, they never got old. Shot a guy in the foot earlier, he fell back against a wall, shot him in the left eyesocket and yes. Simultaneously gross and gratifying. The way Max handled his arsenal was great as well. Reloading, carrying a rifle with his left hand while firing a deagle with his right hand, etc. Very well done.

Wasn't too big a fan of a lot of other stuff though. The cutscenes were just rapidfire editing with rainbow blur plastered everywhere. It didn't bother me as much as the game went on, but it also never ceased to be excessive and plain silly. Dialogue didn't do a whole lot for me either. A couple juicy lines, but not enough, and there wasn't anything here that made me laugh. Worse though was the enemy encounters. MP3 easily has the least amount of variety in any shooter I've played in quite some time. There is no real variety in enemy types and the enemy encounters have the same exact structure far too often. Yes, blasting a guy in the dome is exciting and all, but these gunfights became a samey haze.

Then last stand. I'd rather just accept the 3 - 2 - 1 DEAD screen then watch Max contort over one way, unable to hit his shooter. Max can die surprisingly quickly, so while I'd usually pop pills if he was at 50% health, LS would still happen, and not being able to retaliate often would too. Lastly, the cover system was awkward. Moving around wasn't very fluid, and enemies only make half-assed attempts at prying you out, making it super strong for, like, everything. Every now and then there's a random meathead with a shotgun who will charge, and sometimes there's a guy who will run off to the side and kinda shoot you at an angle, but that's it. Hunker down at the first cover and grind it out. It's too powerful and they don't discourage it. I don't know, it's hardly the only cover-based shooter with this issue, but it doesn't feel like they even tried to balance that out.

Anyway, just my two centavos. Not bad, big fan of the gunplay and the Euphoria system was put to excellent use. I just wish they did as much for some of these other critical areas as they did the gunplay itself. Shooting is fantastic, but shootouts require more than just that to really excel.

e: Oh, I can't believe I forgot to mention it, but HEALTH knocked this shit out of the park. Definitely a highlight.


Neo Member
I'm really interested in this game. How is the multiplayer? Many people playing online? If I get this game, it'll be for my ps3. And this looks really fun online. Are there any clan matches?


Finally beat the game. I put it aside after it got repetitive. For some reason when I picked it back up I enjoyed it a lot more. It wasn't nearly as hard as people were trying to say - with bullet time headshotting 3 or 4 people at once is super easy - but it was really enjoyable. At least the spectacle of killing people as brutally as this in slow mo was, anyhow. I did it in hard and I am considering playing through it again now in the harder difficulty modes, to see if the game ever really gets hard.

Overall I'd give it a 8/10.


Finally beat the game. I put it aside after it got repetitive. For some reason when I picked it back up I enjoyed it a lot more. It wasn't nearly as hard as people were trying to say - with bullet time headshotting 3 or 4 people at once is super easy - but it was really enjoyable. At least the spectacle of killing people as brutally as this in slow mo was, anyhow. I did it in hard and I am considering playing through it again now in the harder difficulty modes, to see if the game ever really gets hard.

Overall I'd give it a 8/10.


What platform are you playing on Ami?

The game isn't that hard but it depends how good you are as a player and what kind of style of play you are using.

I'm really interested in this game. How is the multiplayer? Many people playing online? If I get this game, it'll be for my ps3. And this looks really fun online. Are there any clan matches?

You can set up clan matches BUT the matchmaking is pretty shitty imo. Sometimes I just get booted out of the game, there's plenty of glitches etc.. BUT when you get into a game and everything goes like it should the multi is really amazing. Sure you'll get clowns who run around with sniper which can do a 1 hit kill. And clowns with RPG's. But you can waste them if you're good. I mostly come in first and it's one of my favorite MP games in a long while. It reminds me of Action Half Life. Very damn cool :). All your kills make you feel like a genuine badass because you can do so much awesome stuff.

Don't know if buying it for MP for Ps3 is a good idea though, community is dying out. Less than 100 players in DM playlist? The fuck.. Dont know how the free aim community is on 360 though, and for PC you can't see how many people are in each playlist.



What platform are you playing on Ami?

The game isn't that hard but it depends how good you are as a player and what kind of style of play you are using.

360. it wasn't out on PC when it came out, so I couldn't wait. I was a big fan of Max Payne years ago, so I was sort of excited for it.

I was playing on Hard with Free AIM, and I didn't find it hard. Bullet time is extremely exploitable and you can head pop 3-4 guys in it with relative ease. I was genuinely surprised actually that people in the topic felt it was hard.

I wonder how the other higher difficulty modes are going to prove to be, I'm going to test it out tonight.


- The aforementioned flickery film and floating text were overused to the point of satire. Less is more, Rockstar.
Thank you.

Looked at the first two chapters with a film student and he was basically shaking his head the entire time during cutscenes. It's like someone in editing just found out about the flickery effect button and spammed it like mad.


Thank you.

Looked at the first two chapters with a film student and he was basically shaking his head the entire time during cutscenes. It's like someone in editing just found out about the flickery effect button and spammed it like mad.

Well he is a film student so he's still learning
Beat it last night. Loved the game a lot. The cut scenes are a bit much but I don't mind that much. Only when I die and come back is it a hassle. Other than that I adore it, looks great on PC and the gunplay is just fantastic.

Already started a new playthough on hard.


Thank you.

Looked at the first two chapters with a film student and he was basically shaking his head the entire time during cutscenes. It's like someone in editing just found out about the flickery effect button and spammed it like mad.

yeah that shit was just fucking awful, the entire time. But it's emblematic of how terrible people are at telling stories in games altogether.

Rockstar is so unsubtle in Max payne 3 that they felt that the only way to show how fucked up Max Payne was with his substance abuse was to do that acid camera shuffle shit. It's painful to watch and awful as a method of storytelling all the way around.

Rockstar manages to write some engaging dialogue, unlike most of the industry, but boy are they over-the-top sometimes.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Looked at the first two chapters with a film student and he was basically shaking his head the entire time during cutscenes. It's like someone in editing just found out about the flickery effect button and spammed it like mad.

You don't have to be a film student to realize it looks like shit with all the "screen" effects. Anyone with good visual taste can tell.


360. it wasn't out on PC when it came out, so I couldn't wait. I was a big fan of Max Payne years ago, so I was sort of excited for it.

I was playing on Hard with Free AIM, and I didn't find it hard. Bullet time is extremely exploitable and you can head pop 3-4 guys in it with relative ease. I was genuinely surprised actually that people in the topic felt it was hard.

I wonder how the other higher difficulty modes are going to prove to be, I'm going to test it out tonight.

I always felt that the game had a very high difficulty curve, and that if you didn't know what you were doing (i.e. tried to stay in cover too much, didn't realize you could shootdodge without bullet time, didn't use left&right on d-pad to move your reticule, etc...) you'd get your ass kicked even on medium. Which is what happened to me. I got destroyed on medium. But then a couple of playthroughs later, I worked through the hardest story mode difficulty (Hardcore) and I barely died.

Also, re: the cinematic effects, 0_0. I fucking loved them. The flashiness was good imo. I loved seeing the screen chopped up, moving around, with the environment flickering in and out. It wasn't subtle. My only answer is, so? But then again I'm one of those guys who is always puzzled when people bitch about shaky cam.
For the PC max payne 3 gamers....HOLY SHIT...i finally got the damn game working after kept crashing over and over and I got the graphics all the way up to the highest settings and DAMN THIS game is beautiful. The cutscenes seemed Ok and i was like...meh...(not as good as pictures I seen online) but then all of sudden it went to gameplay with dat 60FPS and holy shit its so beautiful.

my question is, does anyone know if people will be able to mod this game like the other 2 maxpaynes? or are they preventing that option thus the DLC stuff? cause if so that's some OL BULLSHIT!
Playing it through again and having been forced to watch the cutscenes again, I'm seeing a lot of parallels with how comics actually 'move', if that makes sense? The panel usage does evoke the feeling of logical movement that comics incorporate, even when it takes place during the cutscenes. Rockstar seem to use a lot of tricks that comics artists have been doing for years. Off the top of my head, there's some bleeding, and some good use of lingering panels, subtle hints etc. but it's all done in while the narrative is being pulled along by the cutscenes, which is pretty cool.

I don't think it's entirely successful, but to say Max Payne 3 doesn't respect its predecessor's comics sensibilities is, IMO, untrue.

Don't get me started on this fucking 'noirish' movement in the Pachter thread, either.


Thank you.

Looked at the first two chapters with a film student and he was basically shaking his head the entire time during cutscenes. It's like someone in editing just found out about the flickery effect button and spammed it like mad.

The word to highlight there is student;p

I liked the effect. I think it was to imitate the fact that Max is always a bit fucked either on booze, or medication over use. Sometimes he doesn't exactly think or see clearly:)


After completing MP3 a while back I went back to replay MP2 for probably the 20th time and.. well, Rockstar fell even more short than I first thought. MP2 is so completely superior in every way it's not even funny.
Especially storytelling and atmosphere but the mechanics feel way better as well thanks to quick tight control and better weapon balance and the level layout felt way more varied and less narrow corriders after narrow corridors even if MP3 has a wider variety of different locations.

The only thing that makes MP2 feel bit dated now is that quicksave/reload thing but still.. I'd take that over the badly placed checkpoints Rockstar did.

Also, Rockstar seems completely unable to make even remotely likeable characters. In MP2 even characters like Vinny and Vlad were somewhat funny/likeable with plenty of fun dialogue. There wasn't a single character I cared for in MP3.. even Max was kinda ruined.

Maybe that's bit harsh considering I did enjoy playing through MP3 but it didn't come even close to being a worthy sequel.


After completing MP3 a while back I went back to replay MP2 for probably the 20th time and.. well, Rockstar fell even more short than I first thought. MP2 is so completely superior in every way it's not even funny.
Especially storytelling and atmosphere but the mechanics feel way better as well thanks to quick tight control and better weapon balance and the level layout felt way more varied and less narrow corriders after narrow corridors even if MP3 has a wider variety of different locations.

The only thing that makes MP2 feel bit dated now is that quicksave/reload thing but still.. I'd take that over the badly placed checkpoints Rockstar did.

Also, Rockstar seems completely unable to make even remotely likeable characters. In MP2 even characters like Vinny and Vlad were somewhat funny/likeable with plenty of fun dialogue. There wasn't a single character I cared for in MP3.. even Max was kinda ruined.

Maybe that's bit harsh considering I did enjoy playing through MP3 but it didn't come even close to being a worthy sequel.
I did the same thing, and mostly felt the same way. Aside from the obvious jumps in technology, 2 is a better presented, written, and designed game. Good level design is like a lost art-form.
While I love Max Payne 2 I don't miss the terrible platforming sections and the nightmare levels which were only interesting the first time.


After completing MP3 a while back I went back to replay MP2 for probably the 20th time and.. well, Rockstar fell even more short than I first thought. MP2 is so completely superior in every way it's not even funny.
Especially storytelling and atmosphere but the mechanics feel way better as well thanks to quick tight control and better weapon balance and the level layout felt way more varied and less narrow corriders after narrow corridors even if MP3 has a wider variety of different locations.

The only thing that makes MP2 feel bit dated now is that quicksave/reload thing but still.. I'd take that over the badly placed checkpoints Rockstar did.

Also, Rockstar seems completely unable to make even remotely likeable characters. In MP2 even characters like Vinny and Vlad were somewhat funny/likeable with plenty of fun dialogue. There wasn't a single character I cared for in MP3.. even Max was kinda ruined.

Maybe that's bit harsh considering I did enjoy playing through MP3 but it didn't come even close to being a worthy sequel.
Totally agreed.


Man seeing all the PC screen makes me want to double dip. I have a 6870 so I don't know if I'll be able to run it close to maxed out. As long as I can stay above 30 fps I'm happy.

Card Boy

Man seeing all the PC screen makes me want to double dip. I have a 6870 so I don't know if I'll be able to run it close to maxed out. As long as I can stay above 30 fps I'm happy.

It will I got a 5870 and I get like 40 to 50fps with everything maxed out on DX11 settings and the 5870 is lower than the 6870.


I have three questions:

1)I beat the game on Old School, but I started from checkpoint 2 on the first chapter; the achievement didn't unlock. Was I supposed to start a new game in order to get it or do I need to replay the checkpoint that I missed to get it?

2) What chapter/checkpoint is the best place to get the fire works grind? It's the only grind that I'm missing.

3) Which MP mode yields the most XP?


Anyone had the issue where you'd only get music and ambient noises playing but actual sound effects and dialogue is missing? Its on the ps3 version, usually I would have to restart the level and go through the cutscenes all over without being able to skip them(such a hassle)

But other than that, the game plays well(slight stutters here and there but generally ok)


I have three questions:

1)I beat the game on Old School, but I started from checkpoint 2 on the first chapter; the achievement didn't unlock. Was I supposed to start a new game in order to get it or do I need to replay the checkpoint that I missed to get it?

2) What chapter/checkpoint is the best place to get the fire works grind? It's the only grind that I'm missing.

3) Which MP mode yields the most XP?

1) You fucked up (or put more correctly, Rockstar fucked up). To get credit for any of the story mode difficulty achievements (medium/hard/hardcore/old school) you have to choose "New Game" from the story mode menu. Also, if at any point in the middle of your story mode run you decide to enter chapter select, you'll invalidate the difficulty achievement you were chasing after. Unfortunately, you'll have to play through the game again on old school. And lastly, you must ensure that you are selecting the correct aim setting to earn the story mode difficulty achievements. Medium can be unlocked using either free aim or soft lock. Hard/Hardcore/Old School can only be unlocked with free aim. None of them (not even medium) can be unlocked with hard lock.

2) Credit to WLC93 from TA: Chapter 8 Checkpoint 4. The guy with the grenade launcher will shoot grenades forever as long as you just stay in cover and don't kill him. There might be two thugs on the stairs who try to approach you. Kill them so you can focus exclusively on the grenade launcher. Position your cursor such that you'll be able to shoot the grenade in the middle of its trajectory without the blast radius killing the guy holding the grenade launcher. He shoots grenades about once every 3 or 4 seconds. The grind will come easy with this method.

3) Don't know, sorry. You just have to be good to get exp, hah (which I'm not). There is a score attack exploit you can use to get experience though. If you play Chapter 4 Part 1 in score attack mode and score above 7000 (a platinum-level score) then you get 1000 experience points. It's short enough that you could keep doing that level over and over for big experience. It's too repetitive though.


The only two things I wish they had done was put an option to disable the golden skins but keep the large clip models and bonuses. I think the models are different enough to add something to the experience.

Also, have Max say the clues again on a second playthrough. I actually like hearing his comments.

Other than those two I absolutely loved the game and beat it three times so far. I'll probably take a break and do it again in the upcoming weeks.


Got this for $1.96 today.

$20 off coupon via Best Buy Rewards zone.
$15 in Rewards coupons.
$25-ish in trades.

Stoked to supplement Dragon's Dogma with this. Multiplayer has me curious.


1) You fucked up (or put more correctly, Rockstar fucked up). To get credit for any of the story mode difficulty achievements (medium/hard/hardcore/old school) you have to choose "New Game" from the story mode menu. Also, if at any point in the middle of your story mode run you decide to enter chapter select, you'll invalidate the difficulty achievement you were chasing after. Unfortunately, you'll have to play through the game again on old school. And lastly, you must ensure that you are selecting the correct aim setting to earn the story mode difficulty achievements. Medium can be unlocked using either free aim or soft lock. Hard/Hardcore/Old School can only be unlocked with free aim. None of them (not even medium) can be unlocked with hard lock.

2) Credit to WLC93 from TA: Chapter 8 Checkpoint 4. The guy with the grenade launcher will shoot grenades forever as long as you just stay in cover and don't kill him. There might be two thugs on the stairs who try to approach you. Kill them so you can focus exclusively on the grenade launcher. Position your cursor such that you'll be able to shoot the grenade in the middle of its trajectory without the blast radius killing the guy holding the grenade launcher. He shoots grenades about once every 3 or 4 seconds. The grind will come easy with this method.

3) Don't know, sorry. You just have to be good to get exp, hah (which I'm not). There is a score attack exploit you can use to get experience though. If you play Chapter 4 Part 1 in score attack mode and score above 7000 (a platinum-level score) then you get 1000 experience points. It's short enough that you could keep doing that level over and over for big experience. It's too repetitive though.
Thank you so much, I appreciate it. I can't believe I have to replay the entire damn thing from scratch! I seriously wished that Rockstar had put in a cut scene skipping option; those cut scenes masked as load times are so tedious to watch after the umpteenth time. I suppose I'm just gonna have to man up and invite some Gaffers next time I hop into the MP to play Gang Wars but I will play some more Arcade mode (again, screw the unskippable cut scenes in this game).


Thank you so much, I appreciate it. I can't believe I have to replay the entire damn thing from scratch! I seriously wished that Rockstar had put in a cut scene skipping option; those cut scenes masked as load times are so tedious to watch after the umpteenth time. I suppose I'm just gonna have to man up and invite some Gaffers next time I hop into the MP to play Gang Wars but I will play some more Arcade mode (again, screw the unskippable cut scenes in this game).

No problem. And yeah it's a shame about the unskippable cutscenes.

Also, according to rewards.xbox.com, I've put in 132 hours into Max Payne 3, and 119 hours into Deus Ex HR. It's a short game, sure, but dat replay value. For reference, I did two playthroughs of Deus Ex's main story and two playthroughs of its Missing Link DLC.

edit: The numbers might be a little inflated from pause time though.


It will I got a 5870 and I get like 40 to 50fps with everything maxed out on DX11 settings and the 5870 is lower than the 6870.

Shit, that is awesome. I'll probably pick it up when it goes on sale. I feel like I want it physical just because it's such a large download.




Just installed the game and have played through the first level. I'm having a problem with the MSAA not working. I've tried restarting the game twice, but it's very clear that it's not working.

Anyone else that have had this problem that can help me out ?


Just installed the game and have played through the first level. I'm having a problem with the MSAA not working. I've tried restarting the game twice, but it's very clear that it's not working.

Anyone else that have had this problem that can help me out ?

i dont think anyone play with msaa on, at least not me and my 3 friends.
Yeah, on average, I see about 5 or 6 people in the hardcore lobbies. Having an auto-aim option in a Max Payne game was a stupid decision.

But then again, if it didn't have that, you'd have a bunch of people calling the game crap because they're too shit to actually aim themselves. Probably the same people who hate the game because the trophies are "too hard" to get.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
So I've played through the game twice and I still don't understand a lick of the story. Anyone care to give me the cliff notes version? Shieet even the movie "Primer" wasn't as convoluted as the storyline in this game.


So I've played through the game twice and I still don't understand a lick of the story. Anyone care to give me the cliff notes version? Shieet even the movie "Primer" wasn't as convoluted as the storyline in this game.

I don't think it was that convulted were you playing with subs on I find that makes it a bit easier to follow things.

The plot from the Wiki page

Nine years after killing Vladimir Lem and the death of Mona Sax, Max Payne has retired from his job in the NYPD, moved to Hoboken, New Jersey and has developed an addiction to alcohol and painkillers. Max gets into a confrontation at a bar with Anthony DeMarco Jr., the son of a local mob boss, and Raul Passos interjects, hoping to recruit Max for a private security job in South America. Max initially resists, but when he becomes a target for mob hitmen after he kills Anthony Jr. in a bar fight, he agrees to accompany Passos to Brazil.

Max and Passos work for the wealthy Branco family in São Paulo, made up of three brothers: the businessman Rodrigo, the politician Victor, and the partying Marcelo. During a party held in Rodrigo's penthouse, Rodrigo and his wife Fabiana are kidnapped by a street gang called the Comando Sombra, but Max saves them. Fabiana, her sister (and Passos' lover) Giovanna, and Marcelo are later again targeted at a nightclub by the same gang, who successfully kidnap Fabiana. Max and Passos bring ransom money to the gang at a soccer stadium, but the deal is ambushed by an outlaw right-wing paramilitary group known as Crachá Preto, who steal the money. Max and Passos decide to raid a Comando Sombra base to save Fabiana, but the gang escapes with her.
As Max and Passos discuss the situation with Rodrigo, Victor and Armando Becker, the local battalion commander of a special police unit Unidade de Forças Especiais (UFE), Crachá Preto raid the Branco offices. An unknown assassin breaks into Rodrigo's secured office and assassinates him. A bomb then explodes in the building, but Max escapes, learning that Fabiana is in one of São Paulo's favelas and that Max was the true target of the raid.
Blaming himself for everything that happened to the Brancos, Max chooses to abstain from alcohol and shave his head to disguise himself for another rescue attempt of Fabiana. Local detective Wilson Da Silva informs him that Crachá Preto had nefarious links with Rodrigo, who hired them to clear out villages on a piece of land he wished to turn into a retail development. Da Silva explains he thinks the UFE and Victor are all connected to Max's predicament.

Max finds Fabiana with Marcelo and Giovanna, who were also kidnapped when trying to pay the ransom for Fabiana themselves. Comando Sombra's leader Serrano executes Fabiana and escapes with Giovanna and Marcelo. As Max gives chase, the UFE raid the favela; he witnesses the Crachá Preto and the UFE exchanging money for those who were arrested in the raids for an unknown reason.

Max finds Marcelo and Giovanna in the hands of the Crachá Preto's second-in-command Milo Rego. Marcelo is burned to death in a gang-like ritual manner so the UFE can have an excuse to raid. Max kills Milo and saves Giovanna. Passos later arrives to pick them up by helicopter, but flees with Giovanna and leaves Max behind, who is saved by Da Silva.

A flashback shows Max and Passos in the Panama Canal protecting Marcelo at a yacht party that is raided by guerrilla pirates. Max finds them trying to gain access to a hidden stash within the boat. Max is unsure what the contents were, but it is clear that it is no longer there; Max later found Marcelo and Passos trying to drive away with the unknown cargo. It hits Max that he was recruited by Passos to be the "fall guy" for whatever illicit activity the Brancos were involved in.
Da Silva informs Max about a rundown hotel where the Crachá Preto and the UFE are seen entering with prisoners, yet very few leave.

Max discovers it is the base for a black market organ theft ring and corrupt UFE officers were being paid to transport arrested individuals for organ harvesting. Max finds Serrano as one of the victims and spares him, allowing him to take revenge on the surgeon performing the harvesting. Max sets explosives to destroy the entire complex, and Passos manages to kill the Crachá Preto leader Álvaro Neves before he shoots Max. Max discovers Passos was unaware of the plan to set up Max. He forgives Passos, who leaves Brazil with a pregnant Giovanna, asking Max to get over his past and move on.

Da Silva concludes that Becker and Victor are behind everything and asks Max to handle it, as there is too much corruption for Da Silva to stop them legally. Max battles his way through the UFE building, discovering that Becker's UFE unit are the perpetrators for Rodrigo's assassination. Victor explains to Max that he wanted more money from his brother for his political campaign: he told the Crachá Preto to ambush the money exchange at the stadium, which went toward funding the organ harvesting ring, the profits of which helped fund his campaign.

Victor and Becker escape to the airport with Max in pursuit. After an intense shootout, Max arrives at the hangar where Becker and Victor are preparing to board a jet. Becker tries to use a grenade launcher to kill Max, but ends up burning himself with his left arm severed when Max shoots at one of the fired grenades. Eventually, the player can choose to kill Becker or let him die from his wounds. Max then grabs the grenade launcher and, with Da Silva's help, uses it to disable Victor's plane. Da Silva persuades Max to spare Victor so he can live in shame. Victor taunts Max, who responds with breaking Victor's leg. A week later, Max watches the news on a beach in Bahia. It reports that Becker's UFE battalion have been disbanded indefinitely due to their ties to the organ harvesting ring, while Victor is found hanged in his cell. The last shot of the game is Max walking along the beach, enjoying his vacation and ready to move on with his life.
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