I've mentioned this before in, I guess, UKPoligaf, but since we're discussing it...
I heard an idea for a system which, at first, sounds ridiculous but the more I think about it, the less problems there are.
You have individual candidates standing for election in the same constituencies as now. Everyone casts one vote. So far, the same. BUT then instead of counting them up, you have a person pick one vote out of the (presumably very large) hat and the vote chosen is the winner. This way you get the benefits of a) small constituencies with local represenatives in parliament but b) it should be roughly - not totally, but roughly - proportional around the country. If UKIP get 10% of a voteshare in any given constiuency, they have a 1/10 chance of representing the seat. Spread out across the country, this'll give a relatively PR result.
There'll be the odd funny result like an MRLP candidate getting in somewhere, but hey, that's a price I'm willing to pay.
That sounds mental.
I would want something like devolved constituent country parliaments, PR voting system within each with population split dictating how many seats each country has. With placement of MP representation being based on voter mapping (heat maps, whatever), we have technology for remote presence and communication so don't need to actually live there, just be able to listed. Should cut down on expenses claims anyway, I would devolve more powers to local councils anyway.
I'd also go further with other things like having experts in the field required for certain roles, you have to have been a doctor/nurse to be a Health Secretary. Served in the military for defence etc.. Which should hopefully cut down on career politicians and force parties to seek experts with experience into joining the party.
Cleggmania happened in 2010 and the Lib Dems net lost five seats.
The Alliance formed and stood in 1983, got extremely close to beating Labour in the popular vote and ended up with circa 30 seats, iirc at least a fifth (a seventh maybe) of Labour's share. John Cleese did a PPB on it which is the greatest illustration of how broken the system is that exists.
If Scotland had voted for independence last year, under FPTP it would become nearly impossible for the Tories to not be in government.
About a quarter of the voting populace... probably more in England? ... vote away from the two party system, which has only done one thing in recent memory - get the LDs into goverment as a junior partner, get slaughtered in the polls and plunge Britain back into the old Lab/Con reality, except with now the third most popular party by poll in England consisting of the racist rich.
There is a very real and terrifying chance that the UKIP train doesn't stop and they replace the LDs as the third party, if not at this election then at the next.
Not that it matters, because no matter what - and the English voting public has made this very clear - there must only ever be a choice between Red and Blue, the current government or the other guys.
Saying all of UKIP are racist rich seems to conflict with the thread rules to me...
"- Do not attack a poster because of their party affiliation. We are above party partisan politics. Policies should, logically, dictate a poster's party affiliation
- If you are claiming something in an argument, use poll data, ONS/OBR statistics to support your argument"
Their core voters are middle-class or the white van man, which people from labour attacked in a 'racist' manner and got rightly scolded for it. They won 27.5% of the vote for the country already, I don't think there are
that many rich racists in the country.
What annoys me is that clearly the party has these problems with its members, but they are pretty damn efficient in chucking those people out compared to tories/labour. Ad hominems are the debating practice of the lazy and inept, and it seems that dismissing all debate on the issues and summing them up as this or that isn't productive. Or you can just say Tories/Labour are the paedophile parties and don't deserve legitimacy.
I find it funny they terrify you for at worst having ignorant views, compared to people who literally murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people, cover up stealing from taxpayers and at least protect child molesters. I mean two major parties 'want' to murder thousands of foreigners with 'war' and UKIP do not but they are worse because a few people said ignorant shit and got thrown out of the party for it. Amazes me how a media spin will influence people's perception. You could go on forever on the shit these people have done, tried doing and continue to attempt to do like spying on us or the forced ID card shit. Making protests require approval from local police. Protecting bankers and tax dodging multinational companies while putting people in prison for not paying a few hundred quid in taxes. Hell, it is almost daily the kind of crappy things done by those in power.
The English voting public didn't want AV, that doesn't mean they want FPTP or the cons/labs. There is appetite for change but the current governments are giving very little forms of expression, which is dangerous.