Sell their principals? The SNP follow labour principles, they just kept to them.
Yeah, like spending loads of money they don't have guffaw guffaw guffaw
Sell their principals? The SNP follow labour principles, they just kept to them.
This is the first election in which I won't be voting as I have become too accustomed to having no voice in political matters. I blame it (in part) on being registered in a constituency that has been in the tory's pocket for many years.
In other words: The system is shit and there is no one worth voting for.
About 40% of the electorate have the same attitude as you. This propagates the status quo even further. At least get yourself registered and spoil your vote if you have to so you're part of the turnout.
Labour support the Union. SNP want to break it up. That's a pretty big difference in principles.
This is the first election in which I won't be voting as I have become too accustomed to having no voice in political matters. I blame it (in part) on being registered in a constituency that has been in the tory's pocket for many years.
In other words: The system is shit and there is no one worth voting for.
i'm in the same boat
my constituency is one of the safest Tory seats in the entire country, since my constituency was set up in 1945 we've never had a non-conservative mp for this constituency. So unless you vote Tory you're wasting your time.
Got to meet our local Conservative candidate when he called at the house. I was initially surprised at how MASSIVELY OVERWEIGHT he was. On looking later I noticed that in all of his literature he's only ever photographed from the chest up. Clever boy.Only had a quick chat, but if I'm honest he came off as a bit of a public school toff... which probably suits the area quite well.
Still, I guess the good part about living in an insanely tight constituency is actually getting to meet the candidates.
Griffin got kicked out and no one cares about them cause the pragmatic racist vote is going for UKIP this time.
People call UKIP racist because they are racist, not because they want to implement a points based systemIt could be argued that our current immigration system is racist and discriminatory and the reason for that is because it is.
I'm not a fan of Ukips by any stretch but it amuses me how people call them racist for wanting a worldwide points based system and they can't see how our current system is much much worse.
People call UKIP racist because they are racist, not because they want to implement a points based system
Nope, can't see any racist connotations in their manifesto, only proposals for less worldwide discrimination and racism.
The fact that they haven't got the gumption to argue this point speaks volumes though.
There will be closet racists with extreme views in pretty much every party it's just how some people think.
JESUS CHRIST come on man
How long until the Tories really begin to implode?
I can't see them holding their nerve another week.
How long until the Tories really begin to implode?
I can't see them holding their nerve another week.
What do you mean? They aren't doing well, but they're ahead (slightly) in the poll of polls and it's not like they're making a load of gaffes.
As things stand they cannot form a government. They're hemorrhaging votes to UKIP, the majority of the country detests them and they've started a war against Scotland.
The leader has already said that he's not standing next time round, it doesn't look like he has much chance of winning this election, the 'useless' Miliband is bookies' favourite to be next PM. They've trashed their angle of economic competence by proposing blank cheque giveaways and Miliband's personal ratings are increasing week on week.
Unless they pull clear very shortly, the knives will be out. They're already being sharpened.
If I were a Tory I'd be distraught at how useless they've been in this campaign. It's a microcosm of their entire time in Government.
I dropped ketchup down my shirt from my bacon bagel today. I'm not fit to lead the country anymore.
probably never even posed for a photo outside a greggs
I forgot about the great cornish pasty scandal.
cam's westland
As things stand they cannot form a government. They're hemorrhaging votes to UKIP, the majority of the country detests them and they've started a war against Scotland.
The leader has already said that he's not standing next time round, it doesn't look like he has much chance of winning this election, the 'useless' Miliband is bookies' favourite to be next PM. They've trashed their angle of economic competence by proposing blank cheque giveaways and Miliband's personal ratings are increasing week on week. The latest desperate lurch is to paint the SNP as evil, at a time when the people of Britain are getting a look at Nicola Sturgeon and deciding that they actually prefer her to Cameron. It is a disaster of a campaign for them.
Unless they pull clear very shortly, the knives will be out. They're already being sharpened. Think of all the money that has been put behind this Tory machine. What is it being spent on? SNP publicity? Do you think those donors and their lobby groups and the backbenchers tied to them are sitting pleased with how it's going?
If I were a Tory I'd be distraught at how useless they've been in this campaign. It's a microcosm of their entire time in Government.
I just want May 7th to be here already, don't think I can take much more of the current arguments. I don't understand why when people bring up the SNP wanting independence no one mentions that it doesn't matter if 50 MPs want independence just like it doesn't matter if 50 MPs don't want Trident, why does no one ask the Tory spokesperson if they would vote against the Trident replacement in opposition?
The whole "I'm fighting for an overall majority" line needs to die after our second coalition/minority government.
Heh, I think this is a particularly unsympathetic view. Like I said, they're running a bad campaign but to take your points one by one...
- There's no evidence to suggest they're hemorrhaging votes to UKIP. Basically everyone is staying static, which - if anything - UKIP falling back somewhat.
- The "war against Scotland" - eh? You mention that their "latest desperate lurch" is about the SNP but a) their first poster of the Campaign was the Salmond-miliband-pocket one, and that's entirely intentional. They're basically advertising on the SNP's behalf because they want them to wipe out Labour in Scotland. Constitutionally it's a dangerous tactic, but there are a lot of English Labour MP's who are aghast at the idea of working with the SNP. From a "forming a government" point of view, it doesn't actually matter if Labour win a seat or the SNP win a seat, but the more the SNP win, the less likely they'll actually be able to form a working majority.
- Go look at the polls on economic competence and tell me they've "trashed their angle".
- All that money? Thy have a lot of money but there's not much evidence to suggest they're actually spending it (rather than keeping it for a second election) - they don't have more posters and adverts or flyers or or or.
As for the rest, it's certainly true that Miliband's personal opinion ratings are going up, and that a lot of people are disappointed by how the campaign's been going. But that's a different thing to your hyperbole machine.
The Tories may have the Cornish Pasty Scandal, but I will never forget that Labour did nothing to stop the great Space Raiders price hike of 2007
Their policy announcement of a Scottish Report card for the people in England to see exactly what those dirty scrounging Scots are getting this morning is essentially a war on the union. Gawd bless them.
The Tories may have the Cornish Pasty Scandal, but I will never forget that Labour did nothing to stop the great Space Raiders price hike of 2007
Strange, got a link? I can't find anything out about it.
Is there any indication yet on what the turnout will be?
It's a logical play for the conservatives though. I don't think they are doing this stupidly - I think this is being done deliberately to deliver on two goals.
1) bolster support from their base. My father is standing as a tory councillor (again), and I sactive in the party. They loathe the SNP to a ridiculous level - the right wing press has been slamming them for *years*.
2) bolster support for the SNP. This sort of offensive, anti-scotland rubbish will drive up the SNP vote even more, as they are now seen as the only party that can take on the Tories. Bolstering the SNP weakens labour, and all that matters to them is the balance of power in Westminster.
It's a perfect example of the Cameron government in one place - tactics over strategy, short term politics over long term statesmanship, and a subtle nod to the inbuilt racism of his party.
To go around saying that they're bad for democracy is in effect a war of words with the Scots.
The C Man said:To be absolutely clear, this is not about a UK government stopping the Scottish government from using its powers as it sees fit or to do things differently.
I don't get why the Labour supporters hate the SNP. Are they jealous?