will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Good point. Have to say, I'm enjoying the prospect of the headlines following an Ed Balls visit to Bath.
How about this one?
"Balls in Yarmouth for Christmas".
Good point. Have to say, I'm enjoying the prospect of the headlines following an Ed Balls visit to Bath.
the SNP problem would be solved if we had an English parliament.
So, you at least get the option of arguing your case? Sounds preferable to companies being able to employ nothing but white, English men and not even having to justify it.
How about this one?
"Balls in Yarmouth for Christmas".
How about this one?
"Balls in Yarmouth for Christmas".
Some people are suggesting they must have evidence that this line works well, I'd argue this about all they have left. They've tried personal attacks and failed to move the polls, they've tried massive giveaways and failed to move the polls and this is pretty much all they have left.
The media would love Ed Balls to be elected Prime Minister. 5 years of headlines writing themselves.
"EU showdown has Britain by the Balls"
"Balls out for Britain's intervention in Syria"
"New statues for Labour prime ministers has big Balls"
"Britain's Balls busted in expenses scandal"
"New policies makes Balls bounce from right to left"
"Exit polls breaks Balls"
Etc, etc, ad nauseam.
I’m feeding that manifesto into a simulation of the UK economy and political scene, Democracy 3. (Read here for caveats about the simulation we’re using). At first, I implement it slowly, limited by the game’s points-based mechanics. It’s a constant struggle to find the cash to implement any policy changes, and there are several manifesto commitments that seem to be unfunded. I implement them by interpreting the new mansion tax to be more stringent and treating the reverse to the cut top rate of tax as a priority, so we frontload our income. With a bit of careful tweaking we’ve got balanced books, and a nice lump of surplus that is, yes, reducing the deficit and paying off the national debt. Balls, I think you’re a genius.
That said, it all goes out of the window nine months into my first term, when the world economy stumbles. Then it stops stumbling, finds the edge and just bungee jumps. I stick to the manifesto commitments and keep implementing expensive new policies for the next year, all the time watching aghast as it plummets and plummets. I don’t know what the underlying game engine is doing here, so I don’t know if this is guaranteed to happen with every party I load up from this starting seed. But it’s going to spell certain doom for the Labour party’s new government if I don’t get our budget in order – already the ratings agencies are talking about downgrading us to BBB because of my hesitancy.
A minister threatens to resign over my treatment of capitalists, so I fire him. I start getting worrying security reports about a terror group set up by wealthy industrialists called the Battenberg Group. Then my Lord Chancellor starts kicking up a fuss, so I let her go. And another minister bails the next quarter. I replace them with even more influential members, but the cabinet is extremely inexperienced now.
Ten years pass, and Great Browntain goes from strength to strength; a technocratic, authoritarian, egalitarian utopia. The few Labour party MPs not killed during the multi-faith terror campaign have sadly moved onto more fulfilling roles in the Falkland gulags, so are spared the sorrow of seeing our beloved leader shot down at the 12th attempt by extreme Anglicans. It is with great humility that I, Comrade Mandelson, have agreed to step into his brogues, proudly dragging this country forward into a bright, red future.
Ok ok so back to the "Where are they now?" Lib Dem voter stuff, check this shit out...
Edit: Really puts the "Where did the BNP voters go?" question to bed, too.
another leftist establishment crony sticking up for the failed experiment of multiculturalism , do you work for the bbc?As if there was ever any real doubt though...anyone voting for them should be embarrassed.
another leftist establishment crony sticking up for the failed experiment of multiculturalism , do you work for the bbc?
another leftist establishment crony sticking up for the failed experiment of multiculturalism , do you work for the bbc?
And proud of it!!!!
Joking aside, I do agree with some aspects of the argument that multiculturalism was a failure. I mean, it's cool if someone wants to retain heir heritage and customs but it's always struck me as something that should never be put ahead of integrating into the host country.
That's just asking for trouble...
Exactly, UKIP make the entire topic a joke really. At least Labour seem to be talking about what you just said without going full UKIP.I think people should at least learn to speak the language to a degree where they can get by once arriving, but saying the "failed experiment of multiculturalism" is fairly ridiculous in a country that's been based on immigration and multiculturalism for thousands of years.
I think people should at least learn to speak the language to a degree where they can get by once arriving, but saying the "failed experiment of multiculturalism" is fairly ridiculous in a country that's been based on immigration and multiculturalism for thousands of years.
I think people should at least learn to speak the language to a degree where they can get by once arriving, but saying the "failed experiment of multiculturalism" is fairly ridiculous in a country that's been based on immigration and multiculturalism for thousands of years.
This is a terrible, terrible interview.
He refuses to answer any questions, he's just repeatring slogans. in addition he just used the phrase "inside the beltway" - someone needs to tell Ed this is the UK and not the USA. That sums him and his political team up for me.
What channel is the interview on?
What channel is the interview on?
And proud of it!!!!
Joking aside, I do agree with some aspects of the argument that multiculturalism was a failure. I mean, it's cool if someone wants to retain heir heritage and customs but it's always struck me as something that should never be put ahead of integrating into the host country.
This is a terrible, terrible interview.
He refuses to answer any questions, he's just repeatring slogans. in addition he just used the phrase "inside the beltway" - someone needs to tell Ed this is the UK and not the USA. That sums him and his political team up for me.
Seems a bit of an odd way of looking at things.
Just take food for example.... I'm very very glad the Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi immigrants didn't just decide to integrate into the host country and set up thousands of greasy spoon cafes.
Law's, yes, there should be no bending on those if your a native of the country or an immigrant, but other than that I genuinely believe it's up to the person how much they integrate.
Just finished on BBC1 though if you go to the live broadcast on iplayer you can rewind it to the beginning
Seems a bit of an odd way of looking at things.
Just take food for example.... I'm very very glad the Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi immigrants didn't just decide to integrate into the host country and set up thousands of greasy spoon cafes.
Law's, yes, there should be no bending on those if your a native of the country or an immigrant, but other than that I genuinely believe it's up to the person how much they integrate.
whereas suspect attitudes towards women and homosexuals isn't.
Aie, must admit, didn't think too much about that.
Although those attitudes are held by plenty of native British people as well
UKIP: not racist, but number one with racists.
As if there was ever any real doubt though...anyone voting for them should be embarrassed.
I'm not sure I understand your logic. Are you saying people shouldn't vote for a party because of other people?
BNP voters have to vote for someone, chances are that they won't vote Green.
I understand the racists who used to vote for the BNP had to go somewhere, that they chose UKIP should be enough to inform anyone that there's something about the party and their image that naturally attracts a large percentage of that racist vote and any sensible and forward thinking person should be embarrassed for even entertaining the idea of voting for them.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread the UKIP manifesto is pretty much the least racist and discriminatory out of all of them. Most of the other big parties are promising less immigration, the difference between them and UKIP is that UKIP offer a worldwide points based system and the rest just have to block anyone who isn't from the EU to deliver their promises.
UKIP are numpties though, but they are not alone in that regard.
and that's why UKIP has so many racism scandals? Or are you going to pretend that other parties have just as many?
As Nigel Farage said, every party has a few bad eggs. He didn't go on to point out individual cases of racism in other parties, but there you go.
Did he go onto say that he chucks out the brown eggs?
As Nigel Farage said, every party has a few bad eggs. He didn't go on to point out individual cases of racism in other parties, but there you go.
ukip only has "a few"? That's denying reality.
and that's why UKIP has so many racism scandals? Or are you going to pretend that other parties have just as many?
He judges them like a god with an Australian style points system first, then chucks them out, I heard.
Would you say Australia is racist?