The Clegg thing was unique, 'Cleggmania' was a phenomenon. Can't see people with 'I agree with Ed' t-shirts after tonight.
Some "Shut up and let them talk Kay Burley" ones might do okay though.
The Clegg thing was unique, 'Cleggmania' was a phenomenon. Can't see people with 'I agree with Ed' t-shirts after tonight.
On a side note, have the Conservatives not actually detailed where the additional 10 billion in welfare cuts will come? Do they plan to?
Actually, it can - opinion poll headlines are rounded to the nearest figure, if you look at the tables you can see the precise figures. Of course, they're totally useless because the margin of error is about six times as large as the degree of precision, but hey.
I'm having flashbacks to my college physics lessons where the teacher explained the difference between 'accuracy' and 'precision'.
I can't really remember what that difference is, merely that there is a difference ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I think I should update the rules today.
Finally had time to catch-up on last night's coverage and God damn I must say it annoyed me how personal Paxman's attacks were on Miliband, it was pretty outrageous I thought and it's probably better to ask about policy than just say 'people don't like you' 'a guy on the tube told me...' and 'I prefer your brother'.
I don't even mean beating the other side in terms of having a bigger percentage of the vote, I mean having enough seats to be able to get a successful Queen's Speech carried. At a push, whichever side is larger from Con/LD/UKIP/DUP or Labour/SNP/SDLP/Plaid/Greens/Alliance/Lady Hermon/George Galloway forms government. Potentially room for a few of those votes to go missing - the SDLP and Alliance might abstain from a VoNC - but they don't matter too much. When you remove the Irish seats and the independents, that's Con/LD/UKIP vs Labour/SNP/Plaid/Greens.
The SNP, Plaid, and the Greens don't take seats off the Conservatives - the SNP might take 1 off the Conservatives in Dumfriesshire, but that's about it. The SNP stand to gain a few more seats from the Liberal Democrats - about 10. Plaid and the Greens still no help here. However, to form a Labour government, Labour needs to get seats from the 'right' bloc into the 'left' bloc, and as it happens, they're basically going to have to do all the leg-work because the other 'left' bloc parties don't compete against the Conservatives/Lib Dems. So yeah, Ed Miliband causing a 0.5% boost in the opinion polls that nets him an extra 7 seats would incredibly valuable even at this stage and might make the difference.
Finally had time to catch-up on last night's coverage and God damn I must say it annoyed me how personal Paxman's attacks were on Miliband, it was pretty outrageous I thought and it's probably better to ask about policy than just say 'people don't like you' 'a guy on the tube told me...' and 'I prefer your brother'.
But this perception is fabricated by the media and perpetuated by incompetents, so j struggle to see how it's a problem?
Finally had time to catch-up on last night's coverage and God damn I must say it annoyed me how personal Paxman's attacks were on Miliband, it was pretty outrageous I thought and it's probably better to ask about policy than just say 'people don't like you' 'a guy on the tube told me...' and 'I prefer your brother'.
Just watching the Paxman debate now - this is excellent. He's on form.
Edit: Just got on to audience questions. Fuck me. You have an opportunity to put Cameron on the spot about anything, it could be public sector pay freeze despite MPs' pay rise or that ludicrous official secrets act bullshit and you ask him what he thinks Miliband's qualities are. This fucking country. People are cunts.
Is Ed Miliband tough enough to take questions after his speech this morning? HELL NO, we've just been told he won't be taking any
Paxman missed a couple of opportunities to turn flubs into full blown gaffes, a few at the start with Miliband where he was rocking and rolling with the policy questions, but the most egregious was Cameron's inability to recall the current deficit, Cameron could recall (I'm sure he knows) and made a joke about being sure Paxman was about to tell him. Paxman should have left him hanging instead of providing the number.
The hell yes thing is turning I to quite the meme
Opinions are a great thing arent they?
Really good to see conservatives like yourself completely rattled in recent days. You have all been hiding under the mental blanket of 'Oh Ed can't win because (weak leader/intellectual/foreign scene/putin/etc' for the past six months, and now that you're all being forced to face the reality of the general election it's clear to see that the already low party confidence with regards to gaining a majority has utterly collapsed.
You know what they say about assumptions, don't you?
If we had more of a two party system, then FPTP's strengths would be more useful. But we don't even have a three party system now. We've got a bunch of parties with a good level of support, and so we should reform the system to reflect people's choices better.
Really good to see conservatives like yourself completely rattled in recent days. You have all been hiding under the mental blanket of 'Oh Ed can't win because (weak leader/intellectual/foreign scene/putin/etc' for the past six months, and now that you're all being forced to face the reality of the general election it's clear to see that the already low party confidence with regards to gaining a majority has utterly collapsed.
Yes agreed, hence why I didn't assume that he wasn't a Conservative.
Must maintain eye contact at all times with Paxman:
Tory plans seem to be working.
The election choices are terrible.
Said no one who works for the NHS.
Sorry if already posted, interesting article this morning. NHS satisfaction at second highest ever and, by and large, Tory plans seem to be working.
The Telegraph in a pro Tory story? I'm positively stunned by this shocking development.
On a more serious note, where's the link to the actual survey?
Here's another quiz thing for the parties:
In other news, here's the predictions from a bunch of "leading academics" (Not sure how they're defining that). Quite a spread:
That may just be a current information thing, only ones to have it in their manifesto for example while other parties it's just individual MPs who support it. For the longer U.S. elections they tried to update and provide more choices as the campaign went on as issues came up and changed. So the exact % could change but the Party order was usually the same.Was surprised about the ukip one, turns out they're the only party who want to "prosecute people who avoid paying taxes by hiding money in foreign bank accounts"
Well I don't think the Telegraph polled themselves.
Here's the survey, anyway:
In other news, here's the predictions from a bunch of "leading academics" (Not sure how they're defining that). Quite a spread:
Labour and the Conservatives are just rude, giving the finger like that.
Labour and the Conservatives are just rude, giving the finger like that.
LD wanna rock.
That may just be a current information thing, only ones to have it in their manifesto for example while other parties it's just individual MPs who support it. For the longer U.S. elections they tried to update and provide more choices as the campaign went on as issues came up and changed. So the exact % could change but the Party order was usually the same.
No one takes you seriously without an infographic these days.
Incidentally, I took that quiz and got 86% UKIP followed by 80% Lib Dem.
87% Labour, 87% Greens, 86% Lib Dems, 32% Conservatives, 17% UKIP.
So uh... well, it's nice to see my options are left open.
87% Labour, 87% Greens, 86% Lib Dems, 32% Conservatives, 17% UKIP.
So uh... well, it's nice to see my options are left open.
Who Should I Vote For?
Pfft, we all know how you're going to vote Crab! And since you're in South Wales (if memory serves?) you're probably voting for a winner.
I'd like to vote for a winner, just one time ;_;
Oh I missed this part of your post. The other thing that INFURIATES me is Jim Murphy et al basically lying and saying that a vote for the SNP (or Greens or what have you) is a vote for the Tories.
Mansion Tax! Property charge! Big Hoose levy!
I'm from south Wales, but I'll be voting Labour in Oxford East as I'll be resident there at the time of the election and frankly it's a closer to marginal than my home-seat which is super safe, something like a 25% margin. I'd probably vote Green in my home-seat, though.