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May The 4th Be With You


Now go and enjoy your Star Wars movies and video games.

Star Trek Idea GIF by Goldmaster
Is Empire worth watching on D+ or is it painful with all the edits?
Empire is the least terrible version, so I'd say go for it.

Most of the edits are QoL improvements, but notable edits include a changed line from Darth Vader, Cloud City updates, Boba Fett's voice change and an extended Wampa scene. Fett's voice is the only one that pisses me off the rest are just whatever.


I don't know what I was thinking, but I was looking forward to Tales of the Empire as I thought Tales of the Jedi was pretty good. But oh boy was this like watching paint dry. I gave up halfway through the third episode and I still felt like I had wasted my time.

Disney shouldn't have put this out today, feels like a mockery.


Gold Member
There was a theater projection of ESB tonight in Milan, with the entire movie’s music performed by a live orchestra. It was incredible. The orchestra didn’t miss a beat, performing everything in perfect synch.


ChatGPT 0.1
Star Wars is as strong as ever big movies aren’t done and Rey is the heart of the franchise and the next big thing come at me bro
The Last Jedi Training GIF by Star Wars
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