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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


could never
How cruel, Oliver a solid worker with an OK look comes back after a nasty knee injury only to get crushed by Camacho of all fucking people and released. Harsh


Why would they keep him? Is JTG an actual superstar or is he a trainer?

Because they think he has the potential to be a main event star, feel he has a great deal of charisma and a strong work ethic? Sure, he sucks in the ring, but that's from inexperience. Hard to get experience when you're fired.
What If WWE wanted to do a "One Night Only" ppv for WCW, who would you have book it and what matches would you see with surviving talent?
Not very many people worth a shit that still wrestle. Psicosis vs. Lenny Lane? Raven, Lodi, and Sickboy vs. Super Crazy, LA Park, and Konnan? Rey vs. Jericho?
Knux new Stable:

You call that a clown?
Apparently RVD & Ric Flair are going to be on the NXT Takeover live special.
Mason Ryan, Oliver Grey, Danny Burch and most surprisingly Raquel Diaz were released from NXT today.



That entrance cost WCW $700,000 in pyro. More false finishes than a PWG show.


A Monday Night Wars themed WWE 2k15 could potentially include a built in better version of the invasion angle.

In my mind, I would have booked the WCW invasion of WWE decently similar to how it played out in real life. Except more WCW talent would be involved that way so many WWE talents wouldn't have to defect. Then it would lead to the Invasion PPV, everyone would be brawling, and then the lights go out, the lights come on, the nWo shows up, and it becomes WCW/WWE vs nWo.

All they had to do was include something like that in Universe mode and it'd be sorted. Can't wait to hear what bullshit improvements they've put in that mode this year.
A Monday Night Wars themed WWE 2k15 could potentially include a built in better version of the invasion angle.

In my mind, I would have booked the WCW invasion of WWE decently similar to how it played out in real life. Except more WCW talent would be involved that way so many WWE talents wouldn't have to defect. Then it would lead to the Invasion PPV, everyone would be brawling, and then the lights go out, the lights come on, the nWo shows up, and it becomes WCW/WWE vs nWo.
Man, the invasion angle should have been so much cooler than it turned out to be. They did it twice and they still ended up bungling it.
Saw a guy wearing the dirtiest Magnus victory shirt ever with a rolling backpack on campus just seconds ago.

This guy right here. Knows how to live.


Wade Barrett on the creation of Bad News Barrett:

At the time when I came up with it, I wasn't really doing anything too much on the show, I was on the low, cold matches and I wasn't really involved in any program or anything, so I felt like I wanted to do something different. The guy at WWE.com suggested that they use me in some way on the JBL and Cole show, so I had to think about it and Cody Rhodes came up with the idea originally where I would just keep giving bad news to everyone in somewhat of a reflection of my personality in the locker room.
How does he go from generic biker to that?

The story is that his family owns a small carnival that he used to work at until he decided he wanted to follow his dream and become a prowrestler. A flood ruined the business and he gets a call from his old friend/girlfriend asking for help. After they reconnect She decides that she wants to come with him to wrestling to help him.

I have no idea whats with the other dudes.

Jamie OD

The last 2 WWE games have been heavily nostalgia oriented. Given that trend and Yukes desire to recycle assets, I wouldn't be surprised if WWE 2k15 is some kind of Monday Night Wars theme.

WWE Network Mode. Recreate all the famous moments that are not related to the Attitude Era or WrestleMania. Opens up the chance to do WCW and ECW stuff too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's a shame that Invasion was booked so weird. Ignore the idea of burying WCW starts, the whole set of teams was so messed up. They should have accepted they'd need to rally behind one VERY significant WCW star instead of putting Stone Cold over there just for the fuck of it.
It's a shame that Invasion was booked so weird. Ignore the idea of burying WCW starts, the whole set of teams was so messed up. They should have accepted they'd need to rally behind one VERY significant WCW star instead of putting Stone Cold over there just for the fuck of it.
I think I'm the only one who enjoyed every minute of the invasion angle


He was, he was saying in the show that he was ready to kill him as a switch just filipped after his nose was gone. HHH calmed him down and let him know he'll be all over the news now.

Just looked at the finish, I think Floyd caught him solid with the brass knucks too. Looks like he only slightly pulled it, but still solid connection.

That sounds like kayfabe. On a Round Table episode, JR said that Big Show told Floyd to "make it count".


It's a shame that Invasion was booked so weird. Ignore the idea of burying WCW starts, the whole set of teams was so messed up. They should have accepted they'd need to rally behind one VERY significant WCW star instead of putting Stone Cold over there just for the fuck of it.

This is kind of why I think the angle should have morphed into WWE/WCW versus the nWo. I know it's cliche and comic book-ish, but the "two foes uniting to fight a common enemy" thing would have worked perfectly in this scenario since it would avoid having either WWE or WCW win the feud.

Plus instead of talent jumping from WWE to WCW, they could have went nWo since the nWo in its original state was pretty much ex WWE stars. I could really write a detailed ultimate dream version of how I think the angle should have went down, but I don't want to post a wall of text here for everyone to have to scroll past.
It's a shame that Invasion was booked so weird. Ignore the idea of burying WCW starts, the whole set of teams was so messed up. They should have accepted they'd need to rally behind one VERY significant WCW star instead of putting Stone Cold over there just for the fuck of it.

Not one Stunning Steve mention, it made totla sense why he would go to WCW, they gave him his first big break.

Invasion runied Kurt Angle as well. But he was the Big hero!
"Waitaminute...who the hell is that?"

"I don't know, Tazz, but it looks like...yes! It is! The Welsh Animal Ryan Mason is here in the Impact Zone!"


Not one Stunning Steve mention, it made totla sense why he would go to WCW, they gave him his first big break.

Invasion runied Kurt Angle as well. But he was the Big hero!

Austin going to WCW makes zero sense. They were the ones who let him go because they never thought he would amount to anything, despite how much his character hated Vince McMahon it was WWF/WWE that actually turned him into a star. And the WCW people wouldn't accept him because he was a huge reason they went under.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright Laserfrog, I'm gonna parade that around on gaming-side.

If something happens to me...well who am I kidding, nobody's gonna take issue with that jiff.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Strobogo's knife is sharper than expected on thinner skin than we expected. Gotta get Aiii over to America to toughen him up, that lily-white complexion needs weathering.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I actually can't use this right now

because there's no positive Sony news happening right now. Driveclub got fucked. Multiple levels.


I think I'm the only one who enjoyed every minute of the invasion angle

The Invasion is fun to watch now, with the years of extreme disappointment and bewilderment behind me. The framing of it made no sense.

At the start

Vince: Heel
Shane: Face
Stephanie: Heel
WWF: Face
WCW: Face

Then it became

Vince: Heel
Shane: Heel
Stephanie: Heel
WWF: Face
WCW: Heel
ECW: Heel

But there were still guys in WWF that were heels, and still WCW/ECW guys that were kind of faces. And then they started having guys defect when it really made no sense (like Austin going BACK to WCW makes zero sense) because they didn't have any of the actual WCW stars besides Booker and DDP, who were immediately made into jokes. ECW guys got way better treatment than WCW guys during the Invasion.

There is also the issue of WWF spending so long shitting on WCW (even after they bought the company) that it made it impossible to take it as any kind of threat, especially when the ranks were filled with mid carders.
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