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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook

It looked like it started with two guys that had previously gotten into it with the Zeb Coulter-looking security guard, because the guard had shoved them to their seats to get them to sit down and clear the aisle (they were 3rd row or so, right on the aisle where the SHIELD came down).

The two guys keep jawing with the guard, and them some dude and his girlfriend or whatever started jawing with the guard too, and then all of a sudden they all rushed the guard (i think he was about to throw them out), and then a bunch of security arrived quickly and beat them down (because the idiots were refusing to go down without a fight). It looked like one of the perpetrator's arms got broken, and one of the idiots actually ended up hitting a little kid as well. I saw the GF attempt a Sheamus brogue-kick to a security guard. It was insane.

Finally police were on the scene as well, and escorted the idiots away, to the cheers and catcall of "losers" from the crowd.

Damn Hart family.
Didn't catch raw but I just caught te Wyatt family promo. In very excited that this is a world we're living in.
One that has this-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLK5qOupUrg


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
It looked like it started with two guys that had previously gotten into it with the Zeb Coulter-looking security guard, because the guard had shoved them to their seats to get them to sit down and clear the aisle (they were 3rd row or so, right on the aisle where the SHIELD came down).

The two guys keep jawing with the guard, and them some dude and his girlfriend or whatever started jawing with the guard too, and then all of a sudden they all rushed the guard (i think he was about to throw them out), and then a bunch of security arrived quickly and beat them down (because the idiots were refusing to go down without a fight). It looked like one of the perpetrator's arms got broken, and one of the idiots actually ended up hitting a little kid as well. I saw the GF attempt a Sheamus brogue-kick to a security guard. It was insane.

Finally police were on the scene as well, and escorted the idiots away, to the cheers and catcall of "losers" from the crowd.

Damn. The fans that were able to watch this were lucky to have such an entertaining diversion while TV viewers was stuck watching John Cena up close calling out his maneuvers against Axel.
It looked like it started with two guys that had previously gotten into it with the Zeb Coulter-looking security guard, because the guard had shoved them to their seats to get them to sit down and clear the aisle (they were 3rd row or so, right on the aisle where the SHIELD came down).

The two guys keep jawing with the guard, and them some dude and his girlfriend or whatever started jawing with the guard too, and then all of a sudden they all rushed the guard (i think he was about to throw them out), and then a bunch of security arrived quickly and beat them down (because the idiots were refusing to go down without a fight). It looked like one of the perpetrator's arms got broken, and one of the idiots actually ended up hitting a little kid as well. I saw the GF attempt a Sheamus brogue-kick to a security guard. It was insane.

Finally police were on the scene as well, and escorted the idiots away, to the cheers and catcall of "losers" from the crowd.

And people wonder why Vince doesn't want to go to Canada.


It looked like it started with two guys that had previously gotten into it with the Zeb Coulter-looking security guard, because the guard had shoved them to their seats to get them to sit down and clear the aisle (they were 3rd row or so, right on the aisle where the SHIELD came down).

The two guys keep jawing with the guard, and them some dude and his girlfriend or whatever started jawing with the guard too, and then all of a sudden they all rushed the guard (i think he was about to throw them out), and then a bunch of security arrived quickly and beat them down (because the idiots were refusing to go down without a fight). It looked like one of the perpetrator's arms got broken, and one of the idiots actually ended up hitting a little kid as well. I saw the GF attempt a Sheamus brogue-kick to a security guard. It was insane.

Finally police were on the scene as well, and escorted the idiots away, to the cheers and catcall of "losers" from the crowd.

Go Bizarro world.


Watched raw for the first time in years for the Shield. Watched John Cena match and remembered why I stopped watching. John Cena is the Ultimate Warrior character with a gimmick similar to guys that didn't look super human, ex. Triple H, The Rock, Austin, Hart. He is really terrible. And shows how WWE is missing what made them good when they were gunning to kill WCW. WWE used to have a group of main eventers that could all get wins off of each other and a few guys that straddled the line of main eventer and mid-carder who could win against guys at both levels and lose to guys at either level.
That was the best RAW I've seen in a while. Yeah, there was plenty of bullshit at the top of the card, but I'll fight through that every week if we get great stuff like Big-E vs ADR (the big man's bump for ADR's backstabber was SWANK, and so was his catch of ADR's Top-rope Crossbody into the Triple Backbreaker combo) Dean Ambrose carrying Kofi to a match that kept me awake, and that long and glorious SHEILD v Hell No tag match with all those awesome bumps and the super fiery D-Bry spots.

And I'm soooooo pumped to the the Wyatt Family gimmick not only intact, but apparently running full-force.


I miss Milano Collection...

I've been looking for this video for a while and can never find it


So not worth it
I could watch Seth Rollins and Daniel Bryan wrestle forever and ever and not get bored.

Not to say Kane and Roman don't deserve their due, but those two man, pure magic.


Missed RAW but just watched the Bray Wyatt promo. Holy shit. I haven't been creeped out like that in a long time.

Does anyone know the song that was playing during the promo?


Missed RAW but just watched the Bray Wyatt promo. Holy shit. I haven't been creeped out like that in a long time.

Does anyone know the song that was playing during the promo?

It's the theme he uses on NXT. Glad they didn't change it like they did for Big E.


WWE is churning out some good themes/paying someone else for them for their new guys. Yet Barret keeps getting shafted


So not worth it
Why can't the WWE bookers understand that if you give the new guy you want to build up two consective fluke wins against top guys it actually makes him look bad instead of good?

Either they don't want Joe Hennig to go over and are just using him to keep Heyman on TV so he can dump him in two weeks. Or they're just too fucking stupid to understand what they're doing.

It's like when Fandango's Theme Song got over and instead of having Fandago wrestle a bunch of good matches they put him in dance-off segments and what not, effectively murdering any chance he had of getting over along with his theme song. Winning wrestling matches gets your guys over. Actually winning. Wrestling. Winning. Wrestling. Winning.

That's all, how can they not understand such basic storytelling?
They definitely think they are pushing Curtis Axel by giving him those 2 "wins". HHH probably thought he just made a guy by doing that shiet last week and pretty much that's the closest he's gonna get to beating John Cena, CM Punk still hasn't gotten a clean win. On Fandango they sort of did the right thing by not having him in matches since he's pretty boring in the ring, so they probably thought they were protecting him by not having him in many matches.


So not worth it
They have got to give Bryan a WWE Title run and quickly. The guy is so hot right now it's insane.

Also kudos to WWE for realising they needed to book him to look more strong.

There's the Wyatt promo for those who missed it.

Guess I skipped this while watching. Oops. Great promo.

The problem is that it's likely going to be the best thing Wyatt will ever do on Raw. They have no idea how to carry the video package imagery and atmosphere into the ring, except for The Undertaker and The Shield recently. And since The Shield is a fluke, I won't even count that.


So not worth it
Guess I skipped this while watching. Oops. Great promo.

The problem is that it's likely going to be the best thing Wyatt will ever do on Raw. They have no idea how to carry the video package imagery and atmosphere into the ring, except for The Undertaker and The Shield recently. And since The Shield is a fluke, I won't even count that.

Vintage Net_Wrecker!


Why can't the WWE bookers understand that if you give the new guy you want to build up two consective fluke wins against top guys it actually makes him look bad instead of good?

Either they don't want Joe Hennig to go over and are just using him to keep Heyman on TV so he can dump him in two weeks. Or they're just too fucking stupid to understand what they're doing.
I have no idea what they're attempting to do. Make it so he can go head to head with the big names?

He had a nice match with Sin Cara on Smackdown, and those are the types of matches I like seeing. Not uncontested, crappy booked matches against Cener or H's. I had thought about potential face matchups he can have at Payback, or down the road at SummerSlam. I liked the idea of Jericho, but then they stupidly slapped him again with Punk (why?). Put Jericho with guys like Axel, Ziggler, or perhaps Ambrose. Why somebody who is already cemented in the top spot? No one else to have Punk go against -- why even rush him back with no potential big storyline?

I have the same concerns for the Wyatt family. Really liked the promo, but I am skeptical on who they place them against. This company badly needs more credible faces.

P.S. I liked the PerfectPlex. Probably won't be as over today because of the fascination with everybody spamming finishers left and right and still kicking out.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Facebook says it's Sunflower's birthday. Happy birthday buddy!
Found this for you.

Thank you! You know the key to my heart.

Below is the GWF reveal from last night. That Beef said didn't happen BUT IT HAPPENED.

GWF Reveal #3, with finisher - looks like Soulplaya has a big target painted on him.

http://youtu.be/sI2u8YkD1aI (Processing, should be up aaaany second now.)

GWF reveal #1 was Frankman/Heel
GWF reveal #2 was the return of the skinned and undead Professor Beef

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I plan on spending some of my day playing Planescape: Torment because I fell in love with the game all over again yesterday. And then eat with family. Simple things. Oh, and the gym. Again. Always.
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