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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook


Savage/HBK was pretty awesome during Macho's 1992 title run. I bet heel Savage vs face HBK would have been the tits. I really wish Randy had never come back after destroying his knees. The 1999 run and feud with Kevin Nash was depressing and awful as could be.
Raw wasn't awful at all.

Raw was pretty good actually. The pacing was great, two great matches and a bunch of decent ones. Segments were short and to the point and Heyman and Jericho together is pure gold.

Even The Miz was tolerable.

Yeah, best Raw they've had for what feels like months. Still would've been a hell of a lot better if it were just 2 hours though. And had put the Bret Hart Appreciation part on the actual show.

Oh and happy birthday to Sunny and slightconfuse.
seemed like a really cheap way for WWE to have their cake and eat it too. now you won't stop watching because Punk is confirmed coming back, but he still has the same amount of time off (as if he wasn't going to wrestle in Chicago...). he should have been coming back out of nowhere to a crazy big pop and into an exciting new angle to REFRESH the horrible stale product, not just gradually slotting back in to the upper midcard to have a match we've seen before (it will still be good) for no particular reason.

I think the fact that they needed him back so soon and that they're using his return on a random, nothing of a feud with Jericho speaks volumes about how unstable WWE is at the moment. They seem to make crazy, knee-jerk reactions while being perpetually afraid to shake things up, try something new and sacrifice short term gains for what's, ultimately, good for the product in the long run.

In an ideal world, Punk would take as much time off as he needs and come back fresh, it'd be a big surprise and kick-start a meaningful angle and open a new chapter in his career - but very little about WWE's product is ideal, these days.

Shelton Benjamin replacing Zema Ion at the PCW event I'm at on Friday


Nice! That's a pretty good upgrade, real shame about Ion though.


During a confrontation outside a diner, Memphis Wrestling’s Superstar Bill Dundee pulled a gun on the Macho Man. Savage grappled it away and pistol-whipped him.

The mental image of Randy in his hillbilly straw hat pistol whipping the 4 feet tall Bill Dundee is hilarious.


Watching RAW now, just finished the Hell No vs Shield match. Pretty awesome match, and I love Daniel Bryan more than ever! Dean Ambrose was pretty good too

That was the first match in a while I watched fully. Usually skip through most of the show, awesome match. You almost forget sometimes that Bryan Danielson existed.. showed a bit of him there.
Taichi is killing it in the Super Jr's this year!
3 victories so far, over Romero, Shelley & Liger
, plus, he defeated
by locking him out of the building, lol.

Here's the standings so far after 3 days;

Block A:
Prince Devitt [6]
Taichi [6]
Rocky Romero [4]
Jushin Thunder Liger [2]
Ricochet [2]
Titan [2]
Baretta [2]
Alex Shelley [0]
Hiromu Takahashi [0]

Block B:
TAKA Michonoku [4]
Jado [4]
Alex Koslov [4]
Tiger Mask [2]
Brian Kendrick [2]
Kenny Omega [0]
Ryusuke Taguchi [0]

Hopefully it won't be too long of a wait for these shows to appear.
Taichi is killing it in the Super Jr's this year!
3 victories so far, over Romero, Shelley & Liger
, plus, he defeated
by locking him out of the building, lol.

Holy shit.

So did Brian Kendrick drop out of the tournament or something? I'm sure he was on the lineup originally.
Ah, man, Beautiful Bobby's back in hospital - from the Observer;

"Details are sketchy, but Bobby Eaton of the Midnight Express tag team, one of the greatest tag teams in pro wrestling history, is currently hospitalized and on a breathing tube."

Get well soon Sir Robert, Earl of Eaton :(


Bobby Eaton was SO good from 1980-1995ish. From Memphis all the way up to Blue Bloods era. He's every bit in the Rude/Perfect/Owen/DiBiase group of guys who should have been a champion. Despite a terrible look and terrible promo skills, the crowd lost their fucking minds when he pinned Flair clean in a 2/3 falls match.
Is Richie Steamboat still injured? I would think he'd come back by now.

Also, wanna do some fantasy booking for the Wyatt Family? I got 2 scenarios in my head.

1. Harper and Rowan start jumping face champions with Wyatt winning singles matches, eventually getting the IC title and possibly feuding with guys like Sheamus/Orton and whoever's the face from Bryan/Kane.

2. A much more unlikely scenario is a slow face/tweener turn for the Shield as they can start targeting heels instead of faces (they're starting to get cheers anyway). Then have Shield feud with the Wyatt Family in a series of amazing matches as we preach more people to watch NXT
Man, booking Minoru Suzuki in Ice Ribbon just seems unnecessarily cruel, lol;



Generico debut promo. I don't even know how to feel. It's so weird seeing him without the mask and talking like a normal dude while macking on the interviewer.


Generico debut promo. I don't even know how to feel. It's so weird seeing him without the mask and talking like a normal dude while macking on the interviewer.

At least he's not awkward on the mic like I thought he might be. That could have been all for the Generico character though.
Taichi is killing it in the Super Jr's this year!


Hey Boots, I forgot to ask you when I posted the picture of Jessica James in her Power Ranger bikini...is there any way to see the Pro Wrestling Diana shows from Japan? Jessica is over there right now, and I'd love to see her matches sometime.
Ugh, please don't tell me you pronounce it 'jif'? For shame, old bean.

Nope. I say it like 'gift' minus the 't'. I've seen people here change the spelling out of spite because of all the news after the inventor made that speech. Like, "ok assholes you want to say it like that, let's go all the way then".

It also works tonally to convey that my post is simply in jest. It sounds so ridiculous pronouncing it that way that you can't help but feel the person is simply taking the piss.


Bray Wyatt reminds me of Mankind a bit with his mask.
I liked the butcher's apron he wore before a couple of those matches. I guess his nose is better now, because he didn't wear the mask at all during the last taping, although he did still claim to be the "eater of worlds(?)."

I'm not sure how I feel about Erick Rowan being called up. He doesn't seem near the caliber of Bray or Luke Harper.
Hey Boots, I forgot to ask you when I poster the picture of Jessica James in her Power Ranger bikini...is there any way to see the Pro Wrestling Diana shows from Japan? Jessica is over there right now, and I'd love to see her matches sometime.

They should show up eventually, but it may be quite a while, unfortunately - joshi isn't on TV much any more, outside of STARDOM, JWP and the occasional OZ Academy, but some of the shows usually trickle through to western traders a few months down the line. Especially those with gaijin talent, as they know western fans will be more interested. Failing that, there's the bi-monthly 'Occupation of Joshi' digest program that has clip round-ups for most of the recent joshi action. Either way, hopefully we'll get to see Jessica's work over there soon enough.

bean breath said:
Nope. I say it like 'gift' minus the 't'.

Phew, then we have no quarrel. Good day.
They should show up eventually, but it may be quite a while, unfortunately - joshi isn't on TV much any more, outside of STARDOM, JWP and the occasional OZ Academy, but some of the shows usually trickle through to western traders a few months down the line. Especially those with gaijin talent, as they know western fans will be more interested. Failing that, there's the bi-monthly 'Occupation of Joshi' digest program that has clip round-ups for most of the recent joshi action. Either way, hopefully we'll get to see Jessica's work over there soon enough.

Yeah. That's what I figured. I guess the next time I'll see her in action will be live in Austin for the American Joshi Queen of Queens show on June 24.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
My excitement level for WWE programming is increasing, thanks to the news that shortly CM Punk AND the Wyatt Family will be appearing. I guess time IS on my side...


My excitement level for WWE programming is increasing, thanks to the news that shortly CM Punk AND the Wyatt Family will be appearing. I guess time IS on my side...

Punk should be involved with the Wyatt Family. As long as he doesn't do the gimmick busting pipe bomb stuff, I think it could be great for him and Bray Wyatt.

Also, I'm not into Emma. I don't get her. She's not awkward, she's just dumb and does TERRIBLE prat falls. I can't accept someone doing terrible prat falls, especially someone who is trained to fall for a living.
My excitement level for WWE programming is increasing, thanks to the news that shortly CM Punk AND the Wyatt Family will be appearing. I guess time IS on my side...

I think subconsciously, it's simply the fact that Curtis Axel has main evented Raw for two weeks straight. You just don't realize it.
First two matches announced for AIW - Absolution VIII live, worldwide, via iPPV on June 30th;



Love both those match-ups, Elgin vs Alexander should be all kinds of awesome in AIW.

Yeah. That's what I figured. I guess the next time I'll see her in action will be live in Austin for the American Joshi Queen of Queens show on June 24.

Oh, nice, always look forward to hearing about the Queen of Queens shows - I see ACW finally are catching up with the MP4 releases at SMV. Gonna have to pick a few up come pay-day, probably the shows from October & November. I remember hearing that Vega vs ACH match was pretty great.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Punk should be involved with the Wyatt Family. As long as he doesn't do the gimmick busting pipe bomb stuff, I think it could be great for him and Bray Wyatt.

No. Not at all. The Wyatt family needs to be isolated from everyone else. It's what makes that kind of gimmick work. No one wanted to see Waylon Mercy team up with Shawn Michaels. They wanted to believe he was such a crazy person that he could kick the face and heel's teeth out
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