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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook





I don't know why the gifs are so jerky. That's how the videos came out when I captured them.

At Sunflower's request:

World Wrestling Peace Festival: Harmony for Peace 6/1/96

The show opens with the heads of the major companies being announced to the crowd. Bischoff's name got booed heavily, and then "Bischoff sucks" chants started up after the announcements. This ring announcer is so awkward. Under 6K for a show like this seems like a bomb. The WCW related matches are cut from this release.

Bobby Bradley vs Jim Neidhart

I don't know who Bobby is and neither does the crowd. Anvil gets a pop, but then the "We want Bret chants" start up. They do some wrestling school 101 stuff until Bradley takes a big back body drop to the floor. The actual opener was Craig Pittman vs KGB (AAA). Anvil hits a power bomb. A second one is countered into a terrible frankensteiner. Crowd is dead for this. Probably as they should be. It's an Anvil singles match. Anvil hits the powerslam for the win as the camera zooms in on Bobby Bradley's bald bean.

Akira Hokuto/Lady Apache vs Bull Nakano/Neftali

Akira and Bull are going to fuck each other up. Starts out right away with the bigger women being bullies. Bull does some gnarly hair tosses. Akira and Apache try to double team her, but she runs right through them. Neftali goes to work on Akira before tagging back out. Bull does that ridiculous Sharpshooter/camel clutch thing that was so awesome. She then does a high angle reverse single crab. Think Beth Phoenix vs Melina. Akira is getting her ass kicked. Bull has mother fucking nunchucks and is using them. Powerbomb. Bull misses a top rope leg drop. Both girls try to suplex her, but she reverses them both. Neftali is tagged in, but accidentally dropkicks Bull. Apache does a suicide dive and Akira does a dive from the top. It heads back in the ring where Akira hits the Northern Lights Bomb for the win.

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Ultimo Dragon/Rey Mysterio Jr vs Heavy Metal/Hypnosis

Rey and Hypnosis start it out. Rey kicks Hypnosis to the top and hits a rana. And land on his feet. Rope hanging legdrop from Hypnosis. Dragon and Metal get into a slap fight. Rey does some cartwheels and back flips and head scissors. Then hits a rana of the apron. His mask was weird. Dragon and Metal come in. Kick combo from Dragon, but Metal does a knee bar. Ultimo does some lucha bullshit. Dragon and Hypnosis do a wacky spot in the corner with Hypnosis missing kicks. He then goes flying out of the ring. Clotheslines all around. Then everyone misses top rope moves. I don't even know what the fuck Heavy Metal was trying to do. Camera work sucks here, missing dives or just catching the ending. Rey and Dragon both hit dives. There is a smoke machine for entrances that seems to go off at random. Dragon hits a super rana. More shitty camera work. These guys were definitely not used to lucha spots. Rey hits twisting corkscrew Asai moonsault. Dragon hits an Asai moonsault in the ring and pins Heavy Metal with a Dragon Suplex.

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Negro Casas vs El Hijo del Santo

This has a weird start to a lucha match: Amateur wrestling and stiff strikes. Santo does a nifty head scissors thingy. I hope it stays like this, because I don't really care for lucha. Of course, it right away goes into running into each other and arm drags. Negro then gets mad and they beat the shit out of each other for a minute. I think Santo is bleeding through his mask. Negro looks like he has some blood on his head, so maybe it is his. Negro does the weird lucha bump of getting kicked into the ropes and powerbombing yoruself. Santo follows up with a dive. Negro wins with a magistral cradle. I thought both father and son Santos never lost?

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Atlantis/Dos Caras/Hector Garza vs Silver King/Dr. Wagner/Gran Marcus Jr

Gran Marcus looks like he is probably related to Super Porky. Or Bastian Booger. But in a mask and with a cape. I don't actually know who is who besides Garza and Silver King. Where is El Dandy? Silver King and I think Atlantis start out. They go for about 30 seconds and Wagner/Caras come in. Indie stand off! There is some old white guy as the ref, which seems kind of odd. This was in LA. You'd think EMLL would bring their own ref. Another stand off. Hector and Marcus in now. Atlantis does a tiltawhirl backbreakr on the fat luchador in underwear. Lots of those and head scissors. There is no flow or story going on here. I just don't get lucha. At least 5 tiltawhirl back breakers in this match. Dos Caras pins Bastian Booger with a top rope cross body.

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Tatsumi Fujinami vs Black Cat

Black Cat seems terrible. So awkward. Even his walking is weird. Nothing happened in this. Black Cat gets to the ropes while in the scorpion death lock. He taps out to an arm bar maybe a minute later. Super short, nothing happened.

Perro Aguayo/La Parka vs Pierroth Jr/Cibernetico

La Parka is dressed as BATMAN. Parka and Pierroth start out. No dancing to start the match? Fuck. But then Parka does a bad spinarooni and hilarious/weird ways to dodge some punches. He hits a whisper in the wind and then they tag out. Nothing happens and it is back to Parka and Pierroth. I don't know what's going on, so I'll just give you La Parka gifs. Perro pins Pierroth with a senton.

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Chris Jericho vs Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Konnan

Pretty random match up. And a weird mesh of styles. It starts with Bam Bam getting double teamed and fighting them off. Jericho gets knocked to the floor and it breaks down to a Konnan Bam Bam match. Gross. Jericho did a missile drop kick that was completely missed since the camera was on Bam Bam just hanging out on the floor. Konnan hits a powerbomb, Bam Bam hits a German suplex. Jericho kicks out of both. Konnan does the rolling clothesline...in reverse. Another powerbomb from Konnan. Then another one, this time high angled and dangerous looking. That was enough to finish Jericho. I don't know where Bam Bam went in the middle of the match. It's possible he got pinned and the cameras missed it.


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Jushin Liger vs The Great Sasuke

I hope someone gets hit in the face really hard, because I this show has been meh at best. It starts with some ground work for a few minutes, culiminating in a surfboard/Romero special kind of combo. Tiltawhirl backbreaker. All over this show. Liger hits a rolling kick in the corner and then a huge German suplex. Then a brainbustaah. He misses a diving headbutt and Sasuke takes advantage by trying a moonsault, which is countered. Huge tope from Sasuke. They fight over a suplex on the apron and it ends up in Liger hitting a superplex for a two count. Sasuke gets back into with a kick while Liger is on the ropes. It knocks him to the floor where he hits his flying karate kick. Fisherman Buster from Liger. Liger Bomb for the win.

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Antonio Inoki/Dan Severn vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara/Oleg Taktarov

I always thought it was weird that Severn would always wipe his pits and then his face with his shirt. Dan an Oleg start things off. They do some shoot style work. This bleeds into Fuji vs Inoki. Get that fighting spirit ready. Fujiwara kicks the shit out of him in the corner. Antonio kicks out and The Beast locks on a guillotine. Fujiwara stands up with Severn on him and tags out. This is a weird mesh of shoot style and pro wrestling. The Best comes in and hits basically a SHOOT Kryptonite Krunch and then pins Fujiwara with a kimura.

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This show was...interesting. Nothing particularly good since it was a showcase show, so nothing really got time to be anything special. Most of the matches were right around 5 minutes.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for taking the time and effort to review and gif that event, Strobogo. It sounds like a great card bogged down with some pretty bad combinations. Pretty much "how to ruin a good card" so to speak. Didn't know you were that averse to Lucha. Hey, la parka gifs mean everyone wins!

I was particularly interested in this show due to Oleg Taktarov. I really loved him for the brief MMA time he spent in UFC and besides a worked boxing match with Dolph Lundgren, I haven't been able to see much else. He was also in the movie 15 Minutes with DeNiro.
Finally home from an OK Raw, but damn if that wasn't the markiest of mark crowds. Here's a few of my thoughts:

I am NEVER going to another Raw. 4 hours of sitting in those horrific seats while waiting through commercial after commercial and backstage segment after video package is just way too fucking much. Smackdown tapings have a much better flow

HHH was a god to this crowd, by far the most over guy

The never ending trend continues, nobody gave a shit about Del Rio

Crowd really got into Fandangoing for about five to ten seconds after his music hit, then it just DIED. It felt like the crowd was doing what they thought they were supposed to do, but then realized it was stupid.

It was nice to see Cesaro with the new twist on his character and the win, but the Cesaro/Ryder match received the least reaction of the night.

Next up for no crowd reaction was the Diva's match, but everyone expects this

Surprisingly, the third least reaction went to the main event of Ryback/Kane. Several boring chants as the crowd got tired of Ryback's plodding offense. I don't think the crowd was happy with this being the "main event". It's probably not a good sign when Ryback isn't over in front of a super mark crowd.

Dark main event was Hell No and Cena vs. The Shield. Short match (about 5 minutes) that ended with the Shield getting DQ'd by hitting Cena with a chair. The crowd ate up Cena's shtick.

Best segment of the night was Heyman/Brock at the WWE headquarters which kinda sucks since it's a pre-taped segment.


Thanks for taking the time and effort to review and gif that event, Strobogo. It sounds like a great card bogged down with some pretty bad combinations. Pretty much "how to ruin a good card" so to speak. Didn't know you were that averse to Lucha. Hey, la parka gifs mean everyone wins!

I was particularly interested in this show due to Oleg Taktarov. I really loved him for the brief MMA time he spent in UFC and besides a worked boxing match with Dolph Lundgren, I haven't been able to see much else. He was also in the movie 15 Minutes with DeNiro.

It's just weird to me. I'm generalizing because I know this isn't true, but it feels like there are no stories in lucha matches. They all feel like highly coreographed exhibitions. Not that a lot of US wrestling doesn't feel that way, but lucha does it almost in a dance routine style. Plus a lot of the normal conventions of lucha (lightly bumping into each other, lots of chest slapping, arm drags everywhere, everyone rolling through everything) seem silly to me. I loved the Americanized lucha that WCW did, but actual lucha just isn't for me.

Officerrob said:
I am NEVER going to another Raw. 4 hours of sitting in those horrific seats while waiting through commercial after commercial and backstage segment after video package is just way too fucking much. Smackdown tapings have a much better flow

It really is terrible, isn't it? Absolutely brutal to sit through. I'm still mad I wasted $30 to go to Raw in March.


So not worth it
*Turns on Raw.*

*Cena's music hits*


Wait, what, where are the boos? There are no Make-a-wish kids here... What in the blue hell is going on? There should be a Bizzaro World comment from King right?


Please tell me this Raw is going to get better.



Negro Casas vs El Hijo del Santo

This has a weird start to a lucha match: Amateur wrestling and stiff strikes. Santo does a nifty head scissors thingy. I hope it stays like this, because I don't really care for lucha. Of course, it right away goes into running into each other and arm drags. Negro then gets mad and they beat the shit out of each other for a minute. I think Santo is bleeding through his mask. Negro looks like he has some blood on his head, so maybe it is his. Negro does the weird lucha bump of getting kicked into the ropes and powerbombing yoruself. Santo follows up with a dive. Negro wins with a magistral cradle. I thought both father and son Santos never lost?

Casas vs Santo matches are always about the two beating the shit out of one another with occasional lucha. They're mask vs hair match is so awesome because its a fucking brawl. And the father and son lose all the time, just never masks matches.
*Turns on Raw.*

*Cena's music hits*


Wait, what, where are the boos? There are no Make-a-wish kids here... What in the blue hell is going on? There should be a Bizzaro World comment from King right?


Please tell me this Raw is going to get better.

Why are you shocked that Cena gets cheers? He's liked by the people who matter.


So not worth it
where was Raw tonite? Im curious if my theory holds true that the further south you go, the more Cena gets cheered.

They actually didn't say it on TV so must be one of those hick towns Vince is embarassed to host shows in.

My sources tell me it was Roanoke, Virginia


So not worth it
So after watching this secret admirer stuff by Kaitlyn. I'm beginning to suspect the twist is it's going to be AJ screwing with Kaitlyn.

But that would be too inventive for this creative team.

(I have managed to watch 60% of Raw in 20 minutes, well done WWE)
So after watching this secret admirer stuff by Kaitlyn. I'm beginning to suspect the twist is it's going to be AJ screwing with Kaitlyn.

But that would be too inventive for this creative team.

(I have managed to watch 60% of Raw in 20 minutes, well done WWE)

Didn't they do that like 8 months ago? :\
Line-up so far for Pro-Wrestling Guerrilla on June 15th;

. 60 Minute Iron Man Match: Adam Cole vs Sami Callihan
. Johnny Gargano & Chuck Taylor vs DojoBros (Roderick Strong & Eddie Edwards)
. Davey Richards vs Kyle O'Reilly
. The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) vs AR Fox & Samuray Del Sol
. The Unbreakable F'n Machines (Michael Elgin & Brian Cage) vs RockNES Monsters (Johnny Goodtime & Jonny Yuma)

Wow, first Iron Man match in PWG since Super Dragon vs Joey Ryan in 2004! This could either be totally awesome or totally over the top - structure is so important in an Iron Man match. All three tag matches look super fun and Davey/O'Reilly could be a cool hybrid-style match if they keep it compact.


Couple random thoughts on last night's Raw and WWE in general.

-Ryback sucks. Horrible on the mic, new catch phrase is somehow worse then the old, has breathing problems, and when you gotta look at the script layign at your feet 60secs into your promo, like he did tonight during the daniel/kane/ryback skit...that's just sad and lazy.

-Damien Sandow is severly underused. By far the funniest schtick going atm.

-I think WSM stands for World's Saddest Man, poor Mark always looks depressed.

-They need to make Summer Rae Fandagos permanent valet. So much more they could do with her then just some girl dancing and looking pretty.

-Sheamus and Orton are 2 of most boring wrestlers I've ever seen, don't understand the pop they get.

My 1st wrassle-gaf post. Been lurking here for a bit now. Just started watchign wreslting again a couple months ago after a 12year hiatus(thought I outgrew it, but the CM Punk doc on netflix pulled me back in lol), so you'll probaly see me again.


June 15th is after finals! Yay!

First part of my PWG All Star Weekend Night 1 review! Click the links for more gifs! Must limit gifs!

Kevin Steen vs Paul London

Match starts off with loud cheers on both sides before they both tie up. Steen gets the better of the tie ups and pinches London’s cheeks and tussles his hair. This disturbs London since Steen hasn’t washed his hands all day. London takes a quick break to the restroom (they’re nice restrooms) to wash his hair and resume their antics. London tries to shouldertackle Steen to little avail, only to get killed by Steen. During this, Sami has the best line of the evening: It’s not gay if it’s Owen Hart. London finds a pair of black gloves and challenges Steen to a duel by slapping him. Steen tries to slap back, but London is one step ahead and dodges and takes him down.The match is then on, London using his speed against Steen’s fat and power. London nails a sweet pop up dropkick and nearly kills himself in the process before landing an Asai Moonsault to Steen and being in control. Steen regains control by just abusing London on the outside only for London to nearly kick his head off and nails a doublestomp on the apron. Steen regains control by catching London into a deep sea diverticulitis and getting a 2.9. Sami and Excalibur are also now reminiscing about Ducktales. Steen goes up top only to get nailed by a sweet dropsault into a death valley bomb that gets his own 2.9. London tries for the SSP, only to get crotched and leads into a sleep suplex from Steen for 2.9. Tries for the senton from up top, only to get kneed. They go back up top, only for London to nail a sunset powerbomb into the SSP on Steen for the win. Fun opening match.




The Young Bucks vs Chuck Taylor/Johnny Gargano

Sami makes room for Rick Knox on commentary. Gargano is making his PWG debut. The Young Bucks are wearing some awful floral purple and pink gear. Basic back and forth tag action that sees Chuckie T bite Nick’s ponytail and eventually Gargano establishes control via a sweet springboard ddt and a Manhattan Drop. YBs regain control on a blind tag and a brutal spinning heel kick by Nick that leads to the YBs dominating Gargano for the next few minutes until Nick hits Matt with a kick into a Gargano DDT/Flatliner combo for the hot tag. Chuck T hits a sweet tope and hands out hugs. Both teams trade double teams until FIST gets an enziguri into a tag team cutter for 2.9. YBs take advantage on an Irish Whips exchange. 13 minutes in and no superkicks btw. Xfactor by Nick onto Gargano leads into a Sole Food by Taylor into a ddt on the apron by Matt into a spear to the outside by Gargano. Everyone is down. Chuckie T and Nick are the first up and exchance punches until Matt comes in and we have our first superkick of the evening at the 14 minute mark. They then kill Gargano with a superkick on the attempted spear. More Bang for Your Buck is interrupted by Taylor on the outside and it allows Gargano to throw Matt dart style at Nick’s knees. FIST gets a double stomp ace crusher for a nearfall. FIST tries for another double team before Chuck gets low blowed and is out of action. Gargano gets caught for More Bang For Your Buck and YBs pick up the win. Only 3 superkicks spots in the match! YBs are showing restraint.





While this isn't the complete set of Dragon's title defenses I was hoping for, this is a good start.

Thirty-eight is a number that may stand forever in the Ring of Honor history books. It is a number that represents a class of excellence seldom seen in the professional wrestling, it is a number that set the bar for all ROH World Champions to come. What is thirty-eight? It is the number of successful World Title defenses accomplished by Bryan Danielson in his reign as champion and it is a number only one other man has matched.

The list of the competitors who attempted to wrestle the belt from the possession of Danielson reads like a who's who of the top talent in the wrestling world: Roderick Strong, Lance Storm, Austin Aries, Samoa Joe, and KENTA, just to name a handful. For 462 days one wrestler after another made it their mission dethrone Danielson and for 462 days each of them failed. This 2-Disc DVD set collects 12 of those epic clashes as Bryan Danielson defines just what it means to be called World Champion...

Disc 1
1. Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries...Enter The Dragon 10/14/05
2. Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Sabin...Showdown In Motown 11/4/05
3. Bryan Danielson vs. Rocky Romero...Steel Cage Warfare 12/3/05
4. Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles...Dissension 1/28/06
5. Bryan Danielson vs. Jimmy Rave...4th Anniversary Show 2/25/06
6. Bryan Danielson vs. Alex Shelley...Arena Warfare 3/11/06
7. Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Storm...Better Than Our Best 4/1/06

Disc 2
8. Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana...Chi-Town Struggle 6/24/06
9. Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe...Fight of the Century 8/5/06
10. Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong...Anarchy In the UK 8/13/06
11. ROH Video Recap 9/13/06 with clip of injury and Danielson promo from the office
12. Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA...Glory By Honor V Night 2 9/16/06
13. Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe (No DQ, Must Be A Winner, Non Title Match)...Irresistible Forces 10/28/06
14. Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide...Final Battle 2006 12/23/06

These are easily the highlights of the title reign, but this isn't even half of the matches Dragon had as champ, and every match he had as champ was amazing.

Combine this with the other Danielson DVDs though and you've got a nice career overlook of Bryan Danielson in ROH.


Didn't they do that like 8 months ago? :\
It was suppose to be Cody Rhodes, if I recall. Could work if they wanted to make Cody an eventual face.

-Ryback sucks. Horrible on the mic, new catch phrase is somehow worse then the old, has breathing problems, and when you gotta look at the script layign at your feet 60secs into your promo, like he did tonight during the daniel/kane/ryback skit...that's just sad and lazy.
Mark Henry in this spot would greatly improve the feud, but meh. They wanted somebody new and somebody John hasn't beaten yet, but it is inevitable. I'm curious how long he lasts in this slot, to be honest. He can't go back to fighting guys like Miz or Cesaro.
Partial line-up for the 06/22 New Japan iPPV DOMINION 2013;

. IWGP Heavyweight Tag Titles: TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) (c) vs K.E.S. (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr) vs CHAOS (Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka)
. Stardust Genius Return Match: Tetsuya Naito vs Yujiro Takahashi
. Special Singles Match: Hirooki Goto vs Katsuyori Shibata
. IWGP Heavyweight Title Match: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Hirooki Goto

Also, the blocks have been announced for the 2013 Best of the Super Jr's tournament, running from 05/26 to 06/09;

BLOCK A: Jushin 'Thunder Liger | Alex Shelley | Hiromu Takahashi | Titan | Trent Barreta | Ricochet | Rocky Romero | Taichi | Prince Devitt

BLOCK B: Tiger Mask | Ryusuke Taguchi | Kushida | BUSHI | Alex Koslov | Jado | TAKA Michinoku | Brian Kendrick | Kenny Omega

Some interesting matches;

05/24; Alex Shelley vs Prince Devitt
05/25; Alex Shelley vs Taichi, Ryusuke Taguchi vs Brian Kendrick
05/28; Ricochet vs Rocky Romero
05/30; Ricochet vs Prince Devitt, Ryusuke Taguchi vs Kenny Omega, Jushin Liger vs Titan
06/01; Titan vs Taichi, Alex Shelley vs Trent Barreta
06/02; Ricochet vs Titan, Jushin Liger vs Alex Shelley, Kenny Omega vs TAKA Michinoku
06/03; Kenny Omega vs Brian Kendrick, Alex Shelley vs Titan
06/04; Jushin Liger vs Ricochet
06/06; Alex Shelley vs Ricochet, Jushin Liger vs Prince Devitt
06/09; FINALS

Looks like a good line-up this year, shame about no Ibushi, though.


-I'm liking this Del Rio, Ziggler, Swagger feud. I think this could be a great match at Extreme rules.

-Where is Summer Rae? Legs fail.

-Despite all the hate, Sheamus has pretty good feuds with big men. Matches with Show were way better than expected and I think battle with Henry could be sleeper hit.

-HHH is thankful for Lesnar. Now Vince will have to upgrade his office with a LED TV, Ultrabook, and 16:9 monitor.
Paying them dues.

-Time to remix Ryback music.
"Ryback..RULEZ."music hits*

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Partial line-up for the 06/22 New Japan iPPV DOMINION 2013;

. IWGP Heavyweight Tag Titles: TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) (c) vs K.E.S. (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr) vs CHAOS (Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka)
. Stardust Genius Return Match: Tetsuya Naito vs Yujiro Takahashi
. Special Singles Match: Hirooki Goto vs Katsuyori Shibata
. IWGP Heavyweight Title Match: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Hirooki Goto

Not particularly impressed with the lineup. How many times has TenKoji fought KES? Feels like a zillion. It's never bad, I just...want something different, something more.

The only match I really want to see is the Naito vs Takahashi match.
I love this, nice little escape by Keith Hayward from UWF in 1984 - someone needs to rip this off;


It's sad that there's a bunch of British guys on the WWE roster and not one of them is versed in traditional British wrestling.

Not particularly impressed with the lineup. How many times has TenKoji fought KES? Feels like a zillion. It's never bad, I just...want something different, something more.

The only match I really want to see is the Naito vs Takahashi match.

I'm not too bothered by Naito/Yujiro, because you know Naito's getting his win back - and yeah, both tag title divisions are a bit stale at the moment. They need to either bring in more gaijins or start forming new teams from their current roster. Also, TAKA & Taichi need to win the Jr. tag titles.

Shibata/Goto is the match I'm mostly looking forward to, though - also, I'm hoping that we get Nagata vs Ishii after their exchanges in the dark match at Dontaku.
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