I think it was a bad call to make Ryback an actual heel in this feud. He should be a face and still a bad ass challenge to Cena. It makes him seem way more legit as a top face to be on the same level with Cena. But as a heel, he's just another in a long line to be fed to Cena. Even if he does win, it's hard to shake that stigma. But as a face, it would be something fresh and fairly unique for a Cena feud.
It's really dumb. He should at least be a bad ass heel. Makes no sense for him all of the sudden to be running away from fights and whatnot. I think it would be better off for Ryback and for the main events as a whole if he stayed a face. At worst, you have another face on Cena's level. Now you've got a guy who will be stuck in Mark Henry's roll of dominate mid cards, have a random match against Cena every few months when they have nothing else for him to do.
So does this mean Ziggler has a fake WHC?
I think it was a bad call to make Ryback an actual heel in this feud. He should be a face and still a bad ass challenge to Cena. It makes him seem way more legit as a top face to be on the same level with Cena. But as a heel, he's just another in a long line to be fed to Cena. Even if he does win, it's hard to shake that stigma. But as a face, it would be something fresh and fairly unique for a Cena feud.
So I heard throught the grapevine that I was apparently "buried" in Bob Holly's book. My thoughts on this are as follows - Bob Holly was a good worker who I always had solid matches with.
Personally, he was despised by all who ever met him for being an a**hole bully who sucked the air out of every room he ever came into. Every person I ever knew in WWE hated the guy, with good reason. He was always miserable and treated everyone like crap. From taking liberties on Matt Capottelli (and to this day , how anyone can condone what happened, is truly insane) to beating up his fellow-drug-addict-loser-travel partner Rene Dupree, Bob showed his true colors, unless of course, the victims name was Brock Lesner, and then we all know how that worked out.
He was also the biggest "stooge" in company history as he spent more time on the road and TV in Johnny's office than Johnny's suit coat did! If you blinked the wrong way or sneezed , good old Plug was off to the races to Johnny, Vince, Taker or JBL..didn't matter who...that was how he stirred up sh** constantly for no reason, hence the reason he was there for so long. I don't care about stating the obvious , due to the fact I'm not going back to WWE either, so I guess that makes me and Bob equal.....
In thinking about it, I don't actually hate Bob. I pity him. You know why? Because of his ruined legacy and how he went out. Is Bob working as an agent or trainer? No. Is he in TNA or any other company? No. Even the few indys that had him never wanted him back. His "wrestling industry christmas card list" is probably 5 people long and no one has ever had a good word to say about him. Every agent who ever had his matches hated dealing with him and his lousy attitude.
Finally, lets all take a look at how Robert was cast off from the gates of the WWE. Did creative have nothing for him? No. Did he refuse a new contract? No. Did he get injured. No. His dismisal came after he was basically found crawling around backstage STEALING drugs from his "brothers". This had been going on for a while, so finally someone (Ken Kennedy, and good for him) decided to tell the office that Sticky Fingers had to go. And that was that.......
In closing , this will be the only time I address this misfit. The guy who pumped my gas this morning meant more to me than Bob ever did. In fact, he probably meant more, due to the fact he had a smile on his face and was a pleasure to be around.....
Watched '84's Freebirds vs Von Erichs, a six minute messy brawl, then transitioned into '85's Tiger Mask II vs Kuniaki Kobayashi and these two matches were on different planets. Blows my mind that these were both the same sport, because they couldn't be more different. Really loved the Tiger Mask II match though.
Nova/Simon Dean verbally bitch slaps Bob Holly
That Freebirds vs Von Erichs one is the sort of match that runs on the emotion surrounding the build up, but without that frame of reference it's entirely underwhelming. And, yeah, that Tiger Mask vs Kuniaki Kobayashi match is a lot of fun. Jr Heavyweight Kobayashi was pretty awesome.
Classic Match of the Day:
Super Tiger vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara - (UWF 09/07/84)
Classic Match of the Day Playlist
Between 1984 and 1986 Super Tiger (Satoru Sayama, the original Tiger Mask) and Yoshiaki Fujiwara fought over 15 times for the newly-formed UWF, plus they did it again in 1997 and once more in 2009. Fujiwara was the first trainee of the New Japan dojo in 1972, trained by Karl Gotch & Antonio Inoki, while Tiger had emerged as New Japan's biggest star of the early 80's thanks to a series of innovative and impressive matches with the likes of Dynamite Kid & Tatsumi Fujinami. When they jumped ship to UWF it made waves in the Japanese wrestling scene, but also had a big effect on the style of wrestling presented by UWF, adding a focus on martial arts and submission wrestling to the ground-based, old school mat work that already predominated the young promotion. This style of wrestling would become known as 'shootsyle' and the rivalry between Super Tiger & Fujiwara was instrumental in its success. Here we have the 3rd match of the series. Super Tiger lost the first encounter, the veteran Fujiwara out-wrestling him and simply making it look easy. The second match started off much the same, but Tiger managed to hold his own and take advantage of Fujiwara's complacency to pull out a shock victory by the skin of his teeth. This time around, Super Tiger knows he can't fuck around. Fujiwara wants to avenge the loss he suffered and won't be giving Tiger the slightest of chances, so Tiger has only one option left to him; kick the absolute living shit out of Yoshiaki Fujiwara. Overall, this is a BRUTAL match. Well worth a watch, especially if you haven't seen much or any shootstyle before, because Fujiwara's mat work is amazing and the severity of Tiger's kicks will probably be quite a shock. Fujiwara's selling is just magnificent, as is the look of devious glee on his face when he regains control of the match and goes to work as only a true submissions master can. Likewise, Tiger sells the rear-naked choke perfectly and is totally on point with his reactions to everything Fujiwara does. Marvelous match.
lol, Punks the number 2 in the company. He has veto power you know. Besides it seems like he not coming back now till the build of Summerslam. Either that or they took away all those dates to make his comeback a suprise. He might show up at the Payback pay per view. Its in Chicago.
edit: Suprised there are no gifs yet of Davey Richards Stomping Londons face in.
Next time I'm in Cleveland we need BBQ ribs and salsa music.I missed Raw for the first time in years. I was to busy watching the news about the girls in cleveland that were found. Anything worth watching?
I missed Raw last night and instead went out to eat with the gf and buy a bluray. Did I make the right call or should I catch some of raw?
What BluRay?
Best of Raw 2012.
Date Night. Lol. It was cheap and the gf wanted me to see it. Steve Carell <3. So we watched that.What BluRay?
Date Night. Lol. It was cheap and the gf wanted me to see it. Steve Carell <3. So we watched that.
Yeah. Lol. But the movie was good too. I enjoyed it.That movie wasn't that bad.
Did you get laid?
Yeah. Lol. But the movie was good too. I enjoyed it.
Netflix.Best of Raw 2012 would have been the best decision.
But if I watch it on Netflix, how am I going to display it next to my copies of Best of Raw 2010 and 2011?
After his feud with Punk, he kind of lost some steam. Then he had a good Rumble lasting a long as he did, and uh... from January until Mania he basically was just a regular character. Little momentum, mainly featured in EC's six man tag against the Shield. Loses a very bad match at WM against Henry. Fast forward, he then turned heel and is after Cena for the title.They flipped him too quick. He should have had more time as a face.
Speaking of. Do they edit the crowds in those?
Someone can apply GifCam to this video for Davey Richards stomping London's face.
Good job good effort at professional wrestling, Davey Richards.
Someone can apply GifCam to this video for Davey Richards stomping London's face.
Good job good effort at professional wrestling, Davey Richards.
Well that was a waste of 3 hours I will never get back.![]()
You can tell how concerned Nigel was in that moment. He above everyone else in that building knows how damaging a blow to the head like that was.
Ryback RULES.
Ryback RULES.