The FGC already has a Cena-equivalent, and it contains things I actually enjoy. Wrestling - and the IWC - have helped to kill my enjoyment of wrestling as a whole.
Yeah marvel's real fun *eyeroll*
Still more fun than workrate discussions and indy bullshit.
No one cares anymore about the game, just money.
Still more fun than workrate discussions and indy bullshit.
So everyone is turning into Batista?
And so you've pledged allegiance to the IWC's greatest nemesis.The FGC already has a Cena-equivalent, and it contains things I actually enjoy. Wrestling - and the IWC - have helped to kill my enjoyment of wrestling as a whole.
I've always felt the hate the FGC gets is similar to how some people think all wrestling fans are redneck mouth-breathers. Yeah there are a lot of them, but I don't think they represent wrestling fans as a whole.Yeah marvel's real fun *eyeroll*
It's a code word for people sexually harassing female fighting game fans
not really, but there's some really disgusting shit I've distanced myself from in the past like, 5 years
And so you've pledged allegiance to the IWC's greatest nemesis.
I've always felt the hate the FGC gets is similar to how some people think all wrestling fans are redneck mouth-breathers. Yeah there are a lot of them, but I don't think they represent wrestling fans as a whole.
Party games are cool, can't wait for the next Smash Bros.
Fandango merch increasing - foam finger (double package):
Get that indyrofl well said sir.
Marvel is a terrible game as is AE.
AH3, TTT2, VF, and KoF are the only fighters that are actually worth playing from a gameplay perspective. The rest are boring filler.
ChrisG is trying to save the FGC.And so you've pledged allegiance to the IWC's greatest nemesis.
I've always felt the hate the FGC gets is similar to how some people think all wrestling fans are redneck mouth-breathers. Yeah there are a lot of them, but I don't think they represent wrestling fans as a whole.
Lemme put it like this though.
All wrestling fans aren't redneck mouthbreathers. But all redneck mouthbreathers are wrestling fans.
Fighting games are cool, can't wait for the next Smash Bros.
The actual indie wrestling style can be super off putting if you've been a life long WWE only kind of person. I was initially drawn to it, but started to hate it because shows would be so exhausting. That and the Young Bucks contributed to me bailing out on PWG. Most indie shows still have a "top this" mentality from the opener to the main event. That's not good for pacing. There are no breathers in indie wrestling. There need to be. You can have every match go 110% with strike battles and crazy bumps all night.
Saying shut up is rude. We say be quiet, please.everybody shaddup
everybody shaddup
Marvel is way more hype than wrestling.
But it's sad that it now has it's own John Cena, slowly killing the product.
FGC was best during the Dark Era.
Fighting games are shallow. One guy in an arena? Why fight one guy when I can fight 400 in Dynasty Warriors!
I don't play fighters anymore, but I was big into them competitively in 2000 and beyond. I tried playing AE and MvC but they just didn't do it for me. Like I said, people are more about being popular and making money (pot splitting) then they are about winning the tourney. I just find it annoying. I remember seeing a vid about Fanatiq (who is a fucking clown) talking about how Ifrit is trash because he doesn't have the more twitter followers than him. GTFO. Him, Triforce, and the rest of that crew is pathetic.
Fighting games are shallow. One guy in an arena? Why fight one guy when I can fight 400 in Dynasty Warriors!
Anybody who thinks that Dynasty Warriors games or their derivatives are any good should be checked in a mental institution already. (you're joking so I'm not counting you)
I can't believe that the FotNS game was made in that mold by Koei, fuck this world.
Injustice is cool it's like BlazBlue if they took out the anime and color then put in Batman and fun.
Fighting games stopped being interesting to me when I was 12. I'll play a new MK or Marvel vs Capcom, but only a few times and then never again. That genre stopped being fun to me a long time ago. I think Shaolin Monks is the best MK game and wished they had continued with that instead of continuing with a stale genre that hasn't been updated in 20 years. They actually reverted back to that style (although it was definitely for the best, as the last MK was the most enjoyable since the SNES days).
They just don't have a lot of replay value to me. No matter who you are playing as, it is still the same thing over and over. I can't imagine pro players of those games.
Combofiend is in my fav five
Injustice is cool it's like BlazBlue if they took out the anime and color then put in Batman and fun.
Fighting games stopped being interesting to me when I was 12. I'll play a new MK or Marvel vs Capcom, but only a few times and then never again. That genre stopped being fun to me a long time ago. I think Shaolin Monks is the best MK game and wished they had continued with that instead of continuing with a stale genre that hasn't been updated in 20 years. They actually reverted back to that style (although it was definitely for the best, as the last MK was the most enjoyable since the SNES days).
They just don't have a lot of replay value to me. No matter who you are playing as, it is still the same thing over and over. I can't imagine pro players of those games.
Sunflower got that Protein Rage on. Rolling his eyes at Marvel.
i love fighters. I will also be at evo! Its foing to be a busy summer for me
i love fighters. I will also be at evo! Its foing to be a busy summer for me
It is more about the competition than anything. I never understood that argument of fighters being "stale". Can't the same be said for shooters? RPGs? Sports games? In any case, if playing single player or alone, then yeah, I understand. But in an environment where you are trying to win? It is a blast.
I'll be at Evo this year to play VF and ST. Not good at them but I still enjoy my time with the games.