Nah, that's Abra's title and I'm not masking up for this show.Do you have WrASSlegaf signs? Is Mecha bringing his title?
Nah, that's Abra's title and I'm not masking up for this show.Do you have WrASSlegaf signs? Is Mecha bringing his title?
Nah, that's Abra's title and I'm not masking up for this show.
Deathmatch wrestling should be more ridiculous spots and spectacles than guys bleeding all over each other. BJW seems to get that.
You've been given the go-ahead to pitch a wrestling show idea to HBO who are in the market for one, but they want to see a product that is different from everything out there. Given a 2-hour timeslot once a week, what kind of show would you produce that would set it apart from "lots of dudes in masks" (CHIKARA) or "bloody deathmatches" or overproduced kiddie material (WWE) and sub-par aping of WWE (TNA)?
How could you reinvent a wrestling show to make it interesting and not like anything else out there?
You've been given the go-ahead to pitch a wrestling show idea to HBO who are in the market for one, but they want to see a product that is different from everything out there. Given a 2-hour timeslot once a week, what kind of show would you produce that would set it apart from "lots of dudes in masks" (CHIKARA) or "bloody deathmatches" or overproduced kiddie material (WWE) and sub-par aping of WWE (TNA)?
How could you reinvent a wrestling show to make it interesting and not like anything else out there?
You've been given the go-ahead to pitch a wrestling show idea to HBO who are in the market for one, but they want to see a product that is different from everything out there. Given a 2-hour timeslot once a week, what kind of show would you produce that would set it apart from "lots of dudes in masks" (CHIKARA) or "bloody deathmatches" or overproduced kiddie material (WWE) and sub-par aping of WWE (TNA)?
How could you reinvent a wrestling show to make it interesting and not like anything else out there?
Me personally I'd bring kayfabe back in a big way, make everything incredibly legitimate and reaching FAR beyond what kayfabe is now. You saw Jay Briscoe tweet about shooting a gay kid, or whatever that was? Make that be part of kayfabe. Make absolutely abhorrent things be part of their characters. Remember how people were legit hated from all those southern territories? Let's get people upset again.
That and a solid win-loss record that has gravitas on the title picture as well as having no road schedule and the ability to take very painful spots that LOOK entirely legit - bring it all back. Realism! People would be willing to take more potato shots if they only have to do it once a week.
Sunflower said:How could you reinvent a wrestling show to make it interesting and not like anything else out there?
How did deathmatch shit even start? Like who decided "hey, people like horror movies, we should do live action ones and see how many scars we can get"?
*applause* Bring kayfabe back.Me personally I'd bring kayfabe back in a big way, make everything incredibly legitimate and reaching FAR beyond what kayfabe is now. You saw Jay Briscoe tweet about shooting a gay kid, or whatever that was? Make that be part of kayfabe. Make absolutely abhorrent things be part of their characters. Remember how people were legit hated from all those southern territories? Let's get people upset again.
That and a solid win-loss record that has gravitas on the title picture as well as having no road schedule and the ability to take very painful spots that LOOK entirely legit - bring it all back. Realism! People would be willing to take more potato shots if they only have to do it once a week.
I don't think pro wrestling can be reinvented. All of the ideas have been done. Shoot style/faux MMA: Done. Reality TV style backstage and angle stuff: Done by TNA with Reaction and Tough Enough. Hard continuity: Dodgy, but done by various promotions at various times. Over arcing, company wide storylines: Done many times. Everything that can be done has been done in pro wrestling. The real issue is picking a style and look and doing it well, instead of trying to do something new. Trying something new just leads to ridiculous gimmick matches.
I don't think pro wrestling can be reinvented. All of the ideas have been done. Shoot style/faux MMA: Done. Reality TV style backstage and angle stuff: Done by TNA with Reaction and Tough Enough. Hard continuity: Dodgy, but done by various promotions at various times. Over arcing, company wide storylines: Done many times. Everything that can be done has been done in pro wrestling. The real issue is picking a style and look and doing it well, instead of trying to do something new. Trying something new just leads to ridiculous gimmick matches.
only thing left is legit fighting with adapting story-lines.
think UFC with worked angles that change depending on who actually wins, with pro...
oh wait, that UFC already.
I also feel that HBO would need to hire on a continuity expert to keep books on everything and stop an angle if it goes against someone's nature. WWE in particular is dogshit with continuity. A nice "no dropped angles" mandate and nothing meaningless. Nobody gets "jobbed out" as everything would have a purpose.
What would cutting out live shows do?
1. Less injury prone
2. Less money made (erk!)
3. Less perpetuation of feuds that should already be done
Here's another question for everyone who answered though - would you run a live show? I say absolutely for my idea - for a new age of kayfabe it's gotta be live.
The great thing about Kane is that he's great. Waking up extra early, when he likely just got in last night, to promote a show tonight, then he'll be off after the show to travel again.Photo from a friend of mine who is a DJ - man they get up early.
Conversations like this make me wonder what state WWE is going to be in by the time HHH and Stephanie get their hands on it.
Probably won't be a lot yet.
The great thing about Kane is that he's great. Waking up extra early, when he likely just got in last night, to promote a show tonight, then he'll be off after the show to travel again.
Oh yeah, Bryan too.
UFC is compelling to me because of the shooting, because anything CAN happen. Where it severely lacks to me is personality. If we can get some of both, and find a company not afraid to take some WILD chances, and show they can adapt to it...shit, then I'd be watching every week.
that why Lesnar vs Mir 2 was the high point for them. 2 guys who talked shit like no else in the company.
that why GSP highest PPVs were againt 2 shit talkers (Diaz and BJ).
that's why Anderson Silva's biggest PPV was vs Sonnen.
that's why Bones Jones highest PPVs were vs Sonnen and Rashad.
Yeah, but 46 years old.And every other wrestler worth anything to WWE.
Oh, and no dancing, no awful commentating, no fat jokes, no slut jokes, no heel runs off and gets counted out on purpose finishers. No faces acting as heels. And no pushing of people that can't get over (for instance: Miz).
Whatever happened to that wrestling "fed" that was being created by a writer and it would have seasons like a real show? I know this is incredibly vague but someone here has to know what I am talking about.
The Wrestling Retribution Project. The entire first season was shot and they kept fucking up distribution or production deals and as far as I know there hasn't been any news in over a year.
Which is really a shame because it had a pretty cool cast: Joey Ryan, Kenny Omega, MVP, Luke Gallows, Joey Ryan, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana, Karl Anderson, Sami Callihan, Brian Cage, and a whole bunch of other indy/former WWE guys, but no one got to keep their former names or gimmicks.
Thanks for your input man. It's nice to know it's not just me noticing all this stuff. I imagine this is sort of what a book club feels like only with more sweaty men in revealing tightsstuff
Glad you liked it good sir. It was fun to write.Xenoraven, loved reading your writeup. I really do.![]()
Thanks for your input man. It's nice to know it's not just me noticing all this stuff. I imagine this is sort of what a book club feels like only with more sweaty men in revealing tights
Glad you liked it good sir. It was fun to write.
Yeah once a month is good for me thanks.Try to avoid watching hundreds of hours in a few months and doing write ups for all of them. You'll hate wrestling and yourself.
Work twitter
Work the dirt sheets
Do fake shoot interviews to set up future feuds
Basically, turn the internet wrestling community on itself, but then most of that stuff would be lost on the vast majority of the viewing audience.
The Wrestling Retribution Project. The entire first season was shot and they kept fucking up distribution or production deals and as far as I know there hasn't been any news in over a year.
Which is really a shame because it had a pretty cool cast: Joey Ryan, Kenny Omega, MVP, Luke Gallows, Joey Ryan, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana, Karl Anderson, Sami Callihan, Brian Cage, and a whole bunch of other indy/former WWE guys, but no one got to keep their former names or gimmicks.
The guy ended up having some sort of personal crisis and losing a ton of money, but he promises that the show's still coming - it's currently in post-production, but no word on when it'll be done.
Sandman: Supports decapitations and gratuitous sex in pro wrestling.
Screw wrestling. Now is the perfect time to bring back Roller Jam!