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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook

So Cena beat the Shield all alone, eh?

I would be upset about this, but it's just so predictable at this point I just don't even care.

I pick and choose if I watch RAW now anyway since I'm at work. It's more fun to just read the reactions here. John Cema isn't going anywhere for at least another seven years.

Punk can't save us. Nobody can.

The Champ is here. :(


Man, it's been a whole month since I've watched any wrestling and after keeping tabs here....I think I'm glad. Feels good. No rage at Cena wins LOL!!!! or RKOOUTOFNOWHERE!!!!! or watching Cesaro job. I'm out and don't care about it! Never thought I'd get to this point, however I think when Punk returns I'll be back to actually watching again. Unless Maryse comes back.
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