all bayley shirts must come in xxl and small and absolutely nothing inbetween
Brony conventions and Toys'R'Us exclusive.
all bayley shirts must come in xxl and small and absolutely nothing inbetween
Oh, please, I have dignity, Groovy. Right now I'm rocking the super safe Bayley T.
I'm curious about SDl tonight.
In the end they kinda fucked up with their planning. I mean they had to finish the Jericho story late cause they wanted to keep him a little more (Vince wanted it seems), but the result is.. Backlash is in 5 days and the AJ/Owens feud never really started, story wise.
So they have one SD to give it more flesh now.
I also wonder if it's going to be chicken Owens or killer Owens tonight. That'll be pretty telling of the quality of the feud.
Backlash is the 21st
Any positive heath updates on shibata?
I'm curious about SDl tonight.
In the end they kinda fucked up with their planning. I mean they had to finish the Jericho story late cause they wanted to keep him a little more (Vince wanted it seems), but the result is.. Backlash is in 5 days and the AJ/Owens feud never really started, story wise.
So they have one SD to give it more flesh now.
I also wonder if it's going to be chicken Owens or killer Owens tonight. That'll be pretty telling of the quality of the feud.
He's not dead.
His penis is still intact, so he can return to the chappin' chappin' eventually.
The only thing I know about the Backlash card is that Ziggler and Nakamura are the main event.
That's like the third most important match on the card after nakamura and us title match.Jinder vs Orton for WWE title.
Backlash is in 12 days
They also have been building AJ Owens for a few weeks already
Jinder vs Orton for WWE title.
No wonder nakamura is the artist now, the new King of strong style was crowned.
This is how you kill belts.Jinder vs Orton for WWE title.
This is how you kill belts.
Really ? i thought there was 2 weeks between RAW and SDL ppvs
I like this Edge shirt
Stardom officials on Reddit are claiming that Mayu Iwatani is in fact not retiring at the end of the year.
Wonder what changed.
'please don't retire, have all this money'
This is how you kill belts.
You would think if it were purely money related she would sooner go after one of those WWE Tournament spots.
Those are a one time thing and they already signed a bunch of people vs being the defacto ace of this promotion after they all leave
She has tons of leverage because they have nobody else really
You would think if it were purely money related she would sooner go after one of those WWE Tournament spots.
even if she was in the tournament, there's nothing certain about those spots. even tyler bates works indie shows still. no reason for mayu to jump ship when everyone else is when she knows the second top dog left, the top dog is probably leaving and the two wrestlers they're trying to build up are still very green and ones not even signed to the promotion
its pretty much mayu and hiroyo at this point.
I like this Edge shirt
Rusev on Twitter says he'll be at SD next week.
What would stop her from going and then returning if it doesn't work out? She would still be able to increase her brand massively, and they aren't in a position to shun her away if she tries to come back later.
We're about to be in the days when Jinder's the only defending world champ
She's not a big enough name for them to beg her to come back. She could increase her brand by staying and being the face of the company rather than someone who lost some matches in the WWE.
You don't see Clemen Petiot showing up in BOLA or PROGRESS just because he did a match for the CWC
Braun needs a new finisher.![]()
This was the best thing from Raw last night, right?
Braun needs a new finisher.
Or at the very least a name for the powerslam.
I agree that the Bayley-to-Belly is a great finisher.