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May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?

What if Kevin Dunn directed Saved By The Bell?


This is what happens when you refused to put someone over back in the day. Just replace them with Bret and Shawn. Vince is Mr. Belding of course.


How can you make that argument when Balor's feud before Joe (with Owens) was good, and Nakamura's feud after Joe (with Roode) was also good? Both of those were in NXT too.

Sometimes it feels like things get rushed to fit around the touring/taping/Takeover specials. Finn/Owens and Nakamura/Roode's builds felt more natural.

Nakamura/Joe had their first match in August and then 3 title matches between November 19th and December 8th to work with the Japan/Australia tour.

Finn/Joe also had that house show title change in the middle of it though I can't remember if that was due to Finn being injured.
Lmao, do you really believe they'd have enough interest, money and available spots to sign all those gaijins? 😂😂😂

Can't tell which is funnier, this or the "of course Disney would buy WWE" marks

Legit regularly see people comparing it to Star Wars in terms of money and audience. Think of the ratings!!!!! lmfao
Meltzer is mostly right about how the NJPW fighting spirit BS has permeated the sport. The difference for me with Rollins is that the knee injury has taken over his character; he can't have a match that doesn't end up about that fucking knee now.

Good Thing:

For those that enjoy Miz shooting, check out his ringside commentary spot from last night. One of the few good things about RAW last night.

Bad Thing:

My depression just took a massive dive tonight and the fucking ridiculous thing that set it off was Michael Cole's commentary for the Roman Reigns segment.

Obviously a bunch of other stuff is more pressing and to blame, but that was just the final straw of frustration that tipped me over for today.
I hope you feel better, friend.


Brock would be a legitimate draw with or without the title.
He doesn't elevate it by having it.
He takes away a tool they have - probably the ONLY tool they have - to get viewers invested into thinking any of the 3 hours they waste each and every Monday actually matters.
And I say only tool because they sure as fuck don't build and develop midcard storylines any more. It's all 50/50 garbage where nobody comes out looking good or being built up for anything.
All they have left is Owen voices and Cole reiterating ad nauseum how much we should cheer for some loser.
This Laura Vs Alex Windsor match from the last PROGRESS show is much better on tape than I thought live. I think the dead crowd hurt it live.
Raw viewership - 2.69 million viewers

Lowest non-holiday number in over two decades.

That third hour is fucking rough.

Umm... It was the NBA Playoffs fault and because Raw was taped! TAPED I SAY! NBA NBA NBA!

I honestly can't wait to see what excuses they have when viewership drops below two million on a live Raw.


Both Kota and ZSJ turned down WWE contracts right?

Between them, the Young Bucks, and maybe Omega, we might be seeing the start of people declining WWE for better careers.
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