Breezedango rules
They missed a trick by not calling them Fabreeze.
Breezedango rules
Probably copyright issues.They missed a trick by not calling them Fabreeze.
"We're here to eliminate the stench from the WWE"They missed a trick by not calling them Fabreeze.
New Japan Pro Wrestling has the Bullet Club.
Without the TMDK logo their ring gear goes from cool to beyond generic.TM61 may be good in the ring, but damn A) that name sucks, B) that music sucks, and C) their look sucks. If they weren't indie darlings I would expect "Which one's Thorne, Which one's Miller" chants.
What is "X-Pac heat", and where does it stem from?
Wrasslenoob here.
JoJo's only left
Azzbiz fading away
You're nuts. Dana Brooke is amazing. Just needs a little more experience in the ring.God she is so gross.
i'm jcreeping don't even give a fuck
Enzo's return blowing past 1 million views
Dude is over as hell and you can't etc. etc.
I still can't believe WWE has gone a full month without doing any dumb shit with Enzo & Cass' booking. That's the longest period for any team since the Shield.Enzo's return blowing past 1 million views
Dude is over as hell and you can't etc. etc.
I still can't believe WWE has gone a full month without doing any dumb shit with Enzo & Cass' booking. That's the longest period for any team since the Shield.
Fucking hell, Ospreay vs Ricochet was a bit special.
Definitely give it a watch if you're not averse to the flips, or one of those strange fans who sees a match with two of the best high flyers in the world and expect's anything but a crazy spot-filled match.
They're a pretty hard act to screw up. Only three ways to do it... they never win, Enzo doesn't get mic time, or they break them up too early.
Enzo can talk, Cass is tall, they get big pops and sell merch, both from NYC area so Vince is prone to liking them, and Vince doesn't really micromanage the tag division. New Day want to work with them.
Any links to watch this? I like flippy shit.Fucking hell, Ospreay vs Ricochet was a bit special.
Definitely give it a watch if you're not averse to the flips, or one of those strange fans who sees a match with two of the best high flyers in the world and expect's anything but a crazy spot-filled match.
I don't care about their performance on the mic. Heck the Lucha ring announcer & Christie is worseEden and Jojo are pretty but fucking horrible
Enzo's return blowing past 1 million views
Dude is over as hell and you can't etc. etc.
Albert was nothing in WWE pretty much being in low to mid card teams, he leaves and goes to work for NJPW.
He has no restraints and thusly demonstrates his true ability while working with people willing and helping him shine. He is a force to be reckoned with and was having excellent matches and generated a great aura.
WWE hire him back after seeing all this only to treat him exactly the same as before and force him to either be a trainer or stop wrestling.
I understand that Albert wants to live and work in the states but how demoralising must it be that you know you have skills that can make yourself and others money but no one stateside is willing to try as hard.
Set for Korakuen Hall on 6/15:
- Zeus & Bodyguard vs Yuji Okabayashi & Daisuke Sekimoto
God she is so gross.
i'm jcreeping don't even give a fuck
Normally NJPW is good at announcing the entire card to a major event well in advance, usually as soon as the last PPV ends. But Dominion still just has the 3 singles title matches announced and nothing else. Wonder why that is.
It refers to a wrestler that the audience dislikes so much that they don't care about them at all. They don't care if he wins, loses, cheats or gets beaten up. They just want him to go away and as a result don't get invested in the wrestler's storylines. X-Pac was that wrestler in the early 2000s because he hadn't changed a thing about his entire persona since joining DX and became very stale. He still appeared regularly on TV at the time doing the same shtick he always did so the fans got sick of him. They didn't even care enough to boo him while he was a heel.
Heel Heat: "Boo! I hate you! You're gonna get your ass kicked!"
X-Pac Heat: "Ugh! Not this guy again! Boring!"
That's alright. She's so fucking awesome. God, those arms. Amazing majesty. She's fantastic. Love Dana's look.
Bunch of folks have been wondering what's going on with Sasha. Well...
So I guess I have Bayley heat then.
That's pretty fucking ridiculous, dumbass ref knees you in the head and it's your fault you got a concussion and thus you're "injury prone".
That's pretty fucking ridiculous, dumbass ref knees you in the head and it's your fault you got a concussion and thus you're "injury prone".
Not her first concussion, not her first injury, not her first injury this year, and not even her first injury in the past few months. "Injury prone" and Bryan comparisons from Vince are unfortunately deserving at this point. She needs to change something in-ring or she won't be around in 2020
Fucked up that I had to say those things about Bryan, fucked up that I have to say them again about someone else. This generation of wrestlers is getting out of hand